After Xu Chengfeng left, a beautiful female elf whispered to her companions: "Our island master seems to be a bit attentive to that President Xu!"

"Yes!" The female elf companion said, "This is the first outsider brought into the elf forest by our island lord Feng himself?"

Chapter 315 The island targeted by the minions of the abyss!

"Perhaps Feng Island Master is too old!" said the female elf, "She is not our elf, she is already an adult in her 30s."

"That man is quite handsome, Master Feng has a good eye!"

A male elf interrupted suddenly.

"Huh!" the female elf was surprised, "Dell, didn't you say that human men are ugly?"

The male elf smiled and said, "The people brought by Feng Island Master must be an exception among human beings!"


Fengyu's island is very beautiful, full of singing birds and fragrant flowers, harmonious and peaceful, it is almost worse than Xu Chengfeng's island!

In terms of biodiversity, Fengyu is better than Xu Chengfeng's island.

After a while, elf tree houses start appearing.

More and more elves appeared.

Many little elves, playing among the trees, would take the initiative to salute Feng Yu when they saw Feng Yu.

Xu Chengfeng could tell that Feng Yu was very popular with elves on the island.

Not long after, Feng Yu brought Xu Chengfeng to an empty area in the forest.

Xu Chengfeng saw a small villa in front of him.

The small villa has an all-wooden structure, and Xu Chengfeng feels that it seems to be alive.

On the wooden pillars of the small villa, on the door... are all dotted with gorgeous flowers.

There are also large patches of purple on the roof, and they hang down along the eaves.

"is it beautiful?"

"Very beautiful!" Xu Chengfeng praised sincerely, "Very beautiful villa!"

Flower elves can't do this.

This must belong to the high-level plant-based magic, and Feng Yu must have put a lot of thought into it.

"Come on!" Feng Yu walked ahead, "You are the first guest here!"


When passing by the garden, Xu Chengfeng saw the imperial Tianxin tree and a tree of life as tall as a person.

Feng Yu introduced: "That's the Emperor Tianxin Tree, the tallest is only more than ten meters!"

"You also planted the tree of life?"

"Yes!" Feng Yu looked at a tree of life and smiled, "I spent a lot of money to plant it from the emperor-level tree of life seeds that I bought from the meritorious service store. After taking care of it for several years, it will grow To more than one meter high!"

Emperor level tree of life seed?

Xu Chengfeng discovered that Feng Yu was really a rich woman.

An emperor-level tree of life seed, measured by merit points, must be countless times better than a damaged platinum-level tree of life seed!

On the tree of life seeds, Xu Chengfeng picked up a big bargain.

"It's only been one meter high for several years, it's really slow!"

"No way, the tree of life is like this!" Feng Yu said a little helplessly, "But the tree of life is good for the elves, and it is also good for me. No matter how slow it grows, it must be cultivated slowly."


Xu Chengfeng nodded and stopped talking.

He can understand Feng Yu's idea of ​​cultivating the tree of life.

But now, it is impossible for him to help her.

Sitting in Fengyu's Rose Hall, Xu Chengfeng ate cakes and fruits cultivated by the elves, and asked curiously, "Do these elves believe in gods?"

"They still maintain their belief in the goddess of elves!" Feng Yu said, "The elves don't like the goddess of the night, you have to understand that."


Xu Chengfeng took out the magic notes of the Sira family.

"This is... the magic note of an emperor-level magician?"

Feng Yu also saw the hint.

Xu Chengfeng nodded: "That's right, it's just for a water magician!"

"Who says I'm just a plant magician?" Feng Yu said with a smile, "I'm a three-level magician of water, wind, and plant magic!"

Xu Chengfeng looked at Feng Yu in surprise.

It is still very rare for a magician of three departments to practice together.

But Xu Chengfeng quickly remembered the identity of Feng Yu's newcomer king.

She can get the s-level career template.

"The magic notes of the emperor-level water magician are very important to me!"

Xu Chengfeng handed the magic note to Feng Yu: "It needs to be notarized by Kane World, and you can't spread the content learned on the magic pen in any way!"


Feng Yu nodded.

"This is the original version. You need to give me a loan fee for a low-grade emperor-level crystal core for one month!"

"No problem!" Feng Yu asked Xu Chengfeng in a low voice after agreeing to Xu Chengfeng's request, "Do you still have a copy?"

"A copy of the emperor-level middle-grade crystal nucleus, which also needs to be notarized by Kane World, and no rumors are allowed!" Xu Chengfeng asked with a smile, "I plan to sell it in the association, do you think it can be sold?"

"It can definitely be sold, it's already very cheap...Of course, the only ones who can afford it should be the emperor-level island owners, and a few king-level island owners!" Feng Yu said, "If the total energy is worth more than the emperor-level Low-grade crystal nuclei should be sold better."

"It's ok, the total energy points can be equal to the low-grade crystal nucleus of the emperor!" Xu Guofeng nodded, and took out another [-] copies of the magic notebook and asked: "Can President Feng help me? If you want to buy a copy version, you can buy it from you, and by the way, help me supervise the buyer's notarization oath, and I can lend you the original magic note for free for one month!"

Only a veteran island owner can produce a low-grade emperor-level crystal nucleus.

And Xu Chengfeng can't make a deal with the veteran island owner now.

Because the notarization of the island world needs to be supervised, it is more appropriate for the veteran island owner to come forward.

There are only a few veteran island owners that Xu Chengfeng is familiar with...

Besides Ning Yongming, there are three presidents of the Island Owners Association.

"make a deal!"

Feng Yu immediately agreed.

The low-grade imperial crystal nucleus is still very precious.

Island owners like them, if they want low-grade emperor-level crystal cores, they can only take the risk of hunting abyssal demonized beasts in foreign lands, staying away from their own islands, and taking great risks.

Feng Yu asked again: "Do you want to sell it to island owners from other countries?"

"Let's sell 107 to our Longguo island owners first!" Xu Chengfeng thought for a while and said, "If the island owners from other countries can pay three times the price, we can consider selling it to them."

Feng Yu understood what Xu Chengfeng meant.

After drinking afternoon tea in Feng Yu's villa, Xu Chengfeng returned to his island.

Feng Yu also invited him to dinner, but Xu Chengfeng still refused.

Being alone with Feng Yu made him a little nervous.

Feng Yu Huang level strength, Xu Chengfeng only has gold level, a little pressure!

As soon as he returned to the island, Xu Chengfeng saw Janna.

"Is there a problem?"

"A member of the Venom Legion came across an infected deep-sea giant just now!" Janna replied in a low voice, "I guess it should be the deep-sea giant that attacked the mermaid."


"It ran away!"

"That's a little troublesome!"

Xu Chengfeng talked to Gemil and Thea.

The messengers of the abyss also suffered serious injuries back then, but their condition is much better than that of the gods.

In order to deal with the gods, the messengers of the abyss continue to develop and train minions, so that these minions will target the beliefs of the gods, attack believers, and capture the divinity of the gods.

Xu Chengfeng's island is now being targeted!

Now, Xu Chengfeng just doesn't know whether the giant deep-sea seal knows that Gemil, Janna, and Paradis are all on his island.

Chapter 316 Entering the Territory of the Crazy Shark Clan!One Thousand Fire Demon Crystal Spirits!

In the past, Xu Chengfeng relied on the life activation technique to continuously accumulate strength.

After leaving the main area of ​​the rookie island, he was completely smooth sailing.

Keep harvesting abyssal demonized beasts, keep making deals with original famous names, and making deals with veteran island owners and associations, and the power of the island is improving rapidly!

There are no abyss demonized beasts that can break through the defense line of his island.

But that was based on the premise that he was not targeted by the minions of the abyss.

He knows very well that the abyss is terrifying!

Of course, he didn't blame Gemil or the mermaids.

When accepting them, Xu Chengfeng was already mentally prepared.

Once a decision is made, Xu Chengfeng will not regret it.

With the expansion speed of his strength, it is only a matter of time before he is targeted by the abyss.

"Have all the crystal nuclei been collected?"


"it is good!"

Xu Chengfeng came to the warehouse, greeted the ice girl, and found the crystal nucleus contributed by the five abyss gates.

There are not many crystal nuclei, but all of them are fine products.

At least they are king level!

Xu Chengfeng absorbed all the crystal nuclei in one breath, and he harvested almost 15 billion energy points.

The energy points stored on his body officially reached 25 billion.

25 billion energy points is still a drop in the bucket for Xu Chengfeng's troops.

Xu Chengfeng pondered for a moment, then asked Janna: "Qiyun Island, how long will it take to arrive?"

Janna replied: "At the current speed, it will take four days!"

"Where is the territory of the mad shark family?"

"It only takes one day!" Janna said, "The territory of the mad shark family is extremely vast, which is completely different from that of the human island owners. We only need to drive westward for one day, and we can almost reach the mad shark territory."

"Tell the spirit of the island to turn around and let's go find the crazy sharks!"

As the most powerful race in the Southern Star Sea, the Wild Sharks are the real local tyrants!

The crystal nuclei in their hands are much more than the humans trapped on the island!

Although the demonized beasts of the sea and the abyss can isolate the communication between the seven-star city-states, they cannot isolate the transactions between the various groups of the mad shark clan.

In a short period of time, if Xu Chengfeng needs a large number of demonized beast crystal cores, the fastest way is to find the Shark Clan and make a deal with them.


"Also, send someone to inform Chen Xinping to ask her to apply for two tons of ice magic spar from the association, and use Yuan magnetite to order [-] gold-level goblin technology energy cannons from Ning Yongming, the kind with suspension devices!"


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