The Xu Chengfeng Artillery Regiment has already shot twice.

One was to deal with the mad shark family, and the other was to deal with the abyss demonized beast sent by the gate of the abyss.

Xu Chengfeng was very satisfied with the performance of the artillery regiment.

Beyond the shooting range, powerful explosion, and all the advantages of cannon fire washing the ground, Xu Chengfeng couldn't stop.

Where is the most powerful beast in the abyss?

Not only their strong ones, but also their almost endless number!

This is the most terrifying!

Abyssal pirates can summon abyssal monsters, so there's no reason other abyssal minions can't!

As long as there are enough demonized beasts in the abyss, even if they use grinding, they can grind Xu Chengfeng's subordinates on the island to death!

If you can take the semi-technical route and have an energy cannon with the talent of "fast charging", this problem does not exist!

As long as they have enough energy, they can continue to bomb!

As long as they have enough energy, they are definitely the ordinary arms with the strongest continuous combat capability in Xu Chengfeng's hands.

The price/performance ratio is excellent!

At that time, with the support of the Venom Corps and the Energy Cannon Corps, Xu Chengfeng's island will be even safer!

"Master, is there any pressure?"

Janna asked with some concern.

"There is still pressure!" Xu Chengfeng smiled, "However, I feel like things are more interesting!"

"That's good!" Janna said, "I will always follow Master!"

The island was slightly bumped, and many experts on Xu Chengfeng's island discovered that the island had changed its direction.

Only those ordinary residents did not feel the slightest.

They have long been used to the shaking of the island!

On Xu Chengfeng's island, he found the Fire Demon Crystal made by the Fire Demon Crystal!

In one breath, he consumed nearly [-] million energy points, and reactivated [-] Xingyao high-grade fire demon crystal spirits, allowing them to increase the fire magic crystal reserve on the island.

Looking at the large number of fire magic crystals spread on the ground, Xu Chengfeng felt a little regretful.

Xu Chengfeng couldn't absorb the fire magic power in the fire magic crystal.

Xu Chengfeng's life activation technique can only use the energy of demonic beasts or crystal nuclei of magical beasts.

He doesn't know the reason, it may be that there is some kind of active energy in the crystal nucleus.

The next day, Chen Xinping brought Xu Chengfeng two tons of ice magic spar, and told Xu Chengfeng that she had already contacted Ning Yongming's deputy island owner, Xu You.

Hearing that Xu Chengfeng needed it urgently, Xu You also promised that he would reject other orders and give priority to producing gold-level goblin technology energy cannons for Xu Chengfeng.

This is a great deal of face for Xu Chengfeng.

On the third day, Xu Chengfeng's island was followed by a group of whale sharks.

Not long after, a brave whale shark swam towards Xu Chengfeng's island.

The water spirits quickly surrounded him.

"I want to ask to see your island owner. The elder sent me to ask, what is the purpose of your island owner coming to our territory of the whale shark clan!"

The fact that Xu Chengfeng defeated the Black Shark Legion and the Tiger Shark Legion last time and captured the Elder Black Shark and the Elder Tiger Shark alive is not a secret at all among the mad shark clan.

At that time, 6000 people participated in the attack on the island.

More than 5000 people escaped with their lives.

In addition, in order to pay the ransom, the Black Shark clan went bankrupt completely.

It's strange that other members of the Shark Clan don't know about it!

Almost everyone in the Shark Clan now knows that there is a powerful force coming from other sea areas.

This faction also has a kind of moving island.

The features are too obvious, the moment the whale shark patrol found the island, I thought of it.

The Whale Sharks also don't want to fight against the mysterious forces.

None of the races that escaped to the Southern Star Sea and survived were reckless.

Shui Lingtou replied: "Our island owner wants to make some deals with your crazy sharks, trading resources!"

"make a deal?"

"Yes, we came with good intentions!"

The whale shark asked in a low voice: "Then can you wait a bit, I'll go back and report to the elders?"

"I'll ask!"

Not long after, the island slowly stopped.

The leader of Shui Ling found the whale shark: "Our island owner agrees!"

"That's good!"

"To show sincerity, here is the list of goods!" The leader of Shui Ling handed a document in a waterproof bag to the whale shark, "You give it to your elders. If he is interested, he will send someone over to discuss Gong!"


Chapter 317 Whale Shark, Tiger Shark, Black Shark, Tooth Shark, and White Shark Families Gather!

In the territory of the whale shark, the elder whale shark paced back and forth anxiously.

After hearing that the island had entered the territory of the Whale Shark Clan, the Elder Whale Shark immediately sent someone to notify the White Shark, Tiger Shark, Black Shark, and Tooth Shark Clans, fearing that Xu Chengfeng would make trouble for him.

Elder Whale Shark knew very well that it was impossible for them alone to resist Xu Chengfeng.

The Black Sharks and Tiger Sharks are examples from the past.

He was slightly relieved when the whale sharks sent to the island returned.

The envoy is back, and the mysterious island force may not have any malice towards their whale shark clan.

Maybe... just passing by!

"What did the island owner say?"

"He said he came to make a deal with us!"

"make a deal?"

The elder whale shark said in surprise.

He really hadn't thought about this possibility.

"Master Elder, their island has stopped, and it seems that they have no malice against us!" The whale shark messenger handed over the document and said, "This is the list of goods that the people on that island asked me to hand over to the elder, saying that if The elders are interested and may make a deal with them."

Elder Whale Shark glanced at the document. The cover of the document was written in the language of the 450 Seven-Star City-State Alliance.

Elder Whale Shark naturally knew him.

Allie from Star Leaf Island, as well as the residents of Night City, can help Xu Chengfeng translate!

After tearing open the package and opening the first page of the cargo list, the whale shark lost his voice:

"Water of life? Emerald jade coral? How is this possible?"

The whale shark glanced at the first page. In addition to the water of life and emerald jade coral, there is also a holy spring that can improve talent, as well as the emperor's top-grade Tianxin tea, the emperor's top-grade flower spirit honey, and the emperor's top-grade blood spirit honey... …

Waiting for resources, the elder whale shark was shocked.

Greed suddenly rose in his heart!

But soon, his reason suppressed his greed.

He doesn't want to follow in the footsteps of black sharks and tiger sharks!

He is very clear that if the other party is not sure about dealing with their mad sharks, it should be impossible to take out these treasures and precious cultivation resources.

The mysterious island forces must also be afraid of robbery!

He began to think about whether these items really existed on that mysterious island.

Does that mysterious island force really have the sincerity to trade goods?

However, when he glanced at the other party's price, he suddenly felt that the other party should be sincere - because the price is too high!

Not long after, Elder Tiger Shark, Elder Black Shark, Elder Toothed Shark, and Elder White Shark arrived.

Among the crazy sharks in the Southern Star Sea Territory, only five of them fled here together.

"I heard that the mysterious island came to you?" Elder Tooth Shark said angrily, "Is he bullying our crazy sharks? If we really push us, we can blow up that little broken island!"

"Wait!" Elder Tiger Shark said, "What's going on, Elder Whale Shark, have you found out clearly?"

"Check it out, the people from that mysterious island said that they are here to make a deal!"

Elder Whale Shark handed over the cargo list to Elder Tiger Shark.

The other three elders also leaned over to take a look.

Some were shocked by the treasures owned by the mysterious island forces.

"Water of life? Isn't this the legendary holy object of the elves?"

"Emerald Jade Coral? No way? This should be a treasure unique to the Mermaid King's Court, right?"

"Imperial-grade top-grade blood spirit honey? Are you kidding me? I once exchanged some honey with Sara, but she only has platinum-grade honey!"


Elder Tiger Shark said in a low voice: "I think the other party might not lie to us!"

"Is there any basis for it?"

"They have no ill intentions towards us!" Elder Tiger Shark said, "If it wasn't for Black Shark last time, I wouldn't have provoked them. They do have royal blood spirit honey on their island, and I received a bottle of it!"

Elder Tiger Shark became more and more angry as he thought about it.

If he hadn't been caught last time and paid a large amount of ransom, he could have bought some of the items on the transaction list!

Elder Hei Sha also said angrily: "Among us, you are the most spineless, and you surrendered before the official start of the fight?"

Elder Hei Sha's heart is bleeding when he thinks of the white dragon egg!

Elder Tiger Shark said contemptuously, "Didn't you surrender too?"

"Okay! Alright!" Elder Bai Sha said, "Stop arguing, you two!"

Elder White Shark is very interested in emerald jade coral, water of life, imperial blood spirit honey, and holy spring.

He looked at the prices, and they were all priced in terms of crystal nuclei.

If the mysterious island forces are willing to accept the demonized beast crystal core, their white shark clan must participate in the transaction!

After the demonized beast crystal nucleus is purified, it can indeed assist them in their cultivation.

But after so many years, they still have a lot of crystal cores of demonized beasts!

In their hands, there are not many resources, but there are many crystal cores of water-type demonized beasts!

Hearing Elder White Shark's words, Elder Black Shark and Elder Tiger Shark shut up.

"Well, if there is really water of life on that island, there is a high probability that there is a tree of life. There should be emerald jade corals, emperor-level blood spirit bees, flower spirit bees, and emperor-level Tianxin tea trees..." The elder Shark gritted his fangs and said, "I mean, can we grab it?"

Elder White Shark and Elder Whale Shark were a little moved, and they looked at Elder Black Shark and Elder Tiger Shark at the same time.

After their two clans were defeated last time, Elder Black Shark and Elder Tiger Shark kept silent about the details of the defeat that day.

Elder White Shark, Elder Whale Shark, and Elder Tooth Shark only knew that they had failed miserably!

But they have no idea how strong that mysterious island is.

If it is said, the two of them may be the ones who know the power of the mysterious island best.

Elder Black Shark: "Although I really want to snatch them all and tear that island owner into pieces...but I suggest you don't do that!"

Elder Tiger Shark: "We were surrounded by a group of emperor-level elemental powerhouses, but we were forced to surrender!"

Elder Black Shark added: "There are no less than five of their imperial top-rank powerhouses, and they are almost catching up with our Shark Clan!"

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