He was worried that these damaged emerald jade coral seeds were bought by some owed island owner!

Only he can cultivate these emerald jade coral seeds to the emperor level, emperor level!

Picking up eight seeds of the tree of life and five seeds of emerald jade coral, Xu Chengfeng was very happy.

It's not easy to pick up the world of Kane, the leak of the world's will!

Xu Chengfeng, who was addicted to picking up leaks, entered the word "broken" again.

See if something interesting can come up.

When Xu Chengfeng saw the first item found in the search, Xu Chengfeng was stunned again.

[Shattered Ares Shield Fragment (sss+) (50 billion): After the god of war Ares' shield was broken, this is one of the 380 fragments. 】

[Hint: This fragment is the strongest alloy in Kane World, and it is almost impossible to melt. 】

[Reminder: The Shield of Ares has the ability to automatically repair, collect all 380 fragments, and the Shield of Ares will automatically repair. 】

He didn't expect that the meritorious service store also sold fragments of the Ares shield.

380 is a fragment, and Xu Chengfeng has two fragments in his hand, both of which were melted by the Holy Shield.

163 There is another piece in Ning Yongming's hands.

Xu Chengfeng didn't know how many pieces were left in the merit store.

He never thought about repairing the Ares Shield at all.

It's a very practical question. Xu Chengfeng heard that the artifact is conscious.

If the shield of the God of War Ares is repaired and the God of War Ares appears, does the shield come from Xu Chengfeng or from Ares?

Don't think too much, most of them are listening to Ares, unless Xu Chengfeng has stronger strength!

Therefore, Xu Chengfeng is more inclined to feed the fragments to the Holy Shield one by one!

It is best for the Holy Shield to swallow all the remaining 300 fragments!

Xu Chengfeng hesitated between the black dragon eggs recommended by the meritorious service store and the inheritance of the emperor-level black dragon, and finally chose the inheritance of the emperor-level black dragon blood.

He is still somewhat interested in black dragon eggs.

But it doesn't have to be.

He has no shortage of training objects.

It takes at least a hundred years for a black dragon to grow up.

Xu Chengfeng didn't have that long patience, waiting for a hundred years!

Next time, if the merit points are too generous, he may think about it.

There are tens of millions of merit points left, and tens of millions of merit points can be spent as [-] million merit points.

Xu Chengfeng picked and picked again, and bought two blood spirit bee queens, two flower spirit bee queens, and a soul bee queen with king-level bloodline potential.

Chapter 326 Newcomer status is protection for others, but restraint for Xu Chengfeng!

Two blood spirit bees and two flower spirit bees have gold-level bloodline potentials, which are not expensive at all.

The most expensive one is the Queen of Soul Bee Peak!

The lowest-level soul queens are all king-level potentials.

It may be because the Queen of the Soul Bee is a spiritual monster, it can reproduce a large number of spiritual monsters, and it can also produce soul honey that nourishes the spirit and soul. Egg pricing!

Xu Chengfeng had heard of soul bees before, and a small number of Blue Star island owners were raising them.

This time, he exchanged for a soul bee queen, intending to increase the special products of the island.

Xu Chengfeng exchanged the other two flower spirit bee queens and two blood spirit bees to increase the production of flower spirit honey and blood spirit honey.

However, Xu Chengfeng felt that the pressure came to the flower elf's side.

I just don't know if the flower fields of the flower elves are enough!

Xu Chengfeng planned to find time to ask Lilith.

So far, Xu Chengfeng's 13 billion merit points have been completely spent.

Exiting the meritorious service store, Xu Chengfeng took out a black crystal.

Inside the black crystal is the inheritance of the emperor-level black dragon bloodline.

Xu Chengfeng basically prompted the system to stick the black crystal on his forehead, and countless information entered his mind in an instant, making his brain explode.

[Hint: You have learned the bloodline inheritance skill - Black Dragon Flame from the inheritance of the emperor-level black dragon bloodline! 】

[Black Dragon Flame (skill): A compound skill of the dark and flame systems, with powerful burning and corrosive abilities, it is one of the iconic large-scale skills of the Black Dragon Clan! 】

[Hint: You have learned the bloodline inheritance skill from the emperor-level black dragon bloodline inheritance - Black Dragon Roar! 】

[Black Dragon Roar (skill): A roar full of dragon power, which can produce a strong bloodline suppression force. It has a powerful intimidating effect on low-level bloodline creatures. It can reduce the combat effectiveness of low-level bloodline creatures depending on the level difference. Fear Run Crash! 】

[Hint: You have learned the bloodline inheritance skill from the emperor-level black dragon bloodline inheritance—armor hardening! 】

[Armor hardening (skill): Instantly greatly enhances the defense ability of body scales! 】

[Hint: You have reversely comprehended the bloodline inheritance skill from the emperor-level black dragon bloodline inheritance - Black Dragon Transformation! 】

[Black Dragon Transformation (skill): Transform into a black dragon form in a short period of time, greatly enhance physical attributes, and gain the ability to fly! 】

[Hint: You have learned the bloodline inheritance skill from the emperor-level black dragon bloodline inheritance-dark death light! 】

[Dark Death Light (skill): Ultra-long-range attack skill, consumes a lot! 】

[Hint: You have learned the bloodline inheritance skill from the inheritance of the emperor-level black dragon bloodline - the wrath of the black dragon! 】

[Black Dragon's Wrath (skill): Consume a lot of physical strength and strengthen the black dragon's body in all directions. The greater the physical strength consumption, the stronger the explosive power! 】


A series of black dragon blood skills filled Xu Chengfeng's brain to the point of explosion.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Xu Chengfeng finally recovered.

After recovering, Xu Chengfeng took the warm wet towel from Wendini's hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Up to now, he still feels a little dizzy and a little unstable.

Wen Dini found that something was wrong with Xu Chengfeng, and quickly supported him. With Wen Dini's support, Xu Chengfeng leaned into her arms.

Wen Dini blushed, but she still sat down on the sofa in the living room, put Xu Chengfeng's head on her lap, and gently pressed his temples to relieve his dizziness.

Under Wendini's pinch, Xu Chengfeng also felt a little more comfortable.

"My lord, are you alright?"

"It's okay, I just received too much information in an instant!" Xu Chengfeng said with his eyes closed, "My brain is a bit blown."

Inherited by the bloodline of the emperor-level black dragon, it is still a bit of pressure for him, a small golden middle-grade black dragon warrior, to take over all of them in a short time.

However, Xu Chengfeng got a lot of benefits.

At least, he doesn't have to search for advanced dark magic and melee skills that suit him anymore.

The bloodline inheritance of the emperor-level black dragon contains many dark magic and melee skills suitable for him, which are very suitable for him to use.

Most importantly, Xu Chengfeng also comprehended the Black Dragon Transformation.

It can be transformed into a black dragon in a short time, gaining the flying ability and fighting skills of a black dragon.

The improvement in his strength is still quite large.

The only thing that makes Xu Chengfeng a little regretful is that he did not find other ways to help him quickly improve his strength from the blood inheritance.

Or, he did find it, but it was useless.

Because the way the black dragon improves its strength is too simple.

It can be summed up in four words - eat well and sleep well!

The black dragon is born with a powerful bloodline talent, as long as it grows to an adult, it can almost have emperor-level, emperor-level, and legendary-level strength, and there is no need to practice at all!

Of course, with the 50 billion, Xu Chengfeng bought a bunch of emperor-level black dragon skills, so it's not a loss!

Xu Chengfeng glanced at his attribute panel:

【Name】: Xu Chengfeng

[Identity]: Official island owner

[Talent]: 1. Life activation technique (unknown), 2. sss+ (17) heart of darkness talent, 3. ss full attribute magic resistance, 5. ss level strength talent, 6. ss level constitution talent, 7.s Level 8 speed talent, 9.s level charm talent, 10.s level luck talent, 11.s level poison resistance talent, [-].s level curse resistance talent.

[Occupation]: Black Dragon Warrior (ss)

【Grade】: Gold Middle Grade

[Skills]: 1. Dragon Might, 2. Power Burst, 3. Explosive Step, 4. Dragonscale Armor, 5. Dark Ball, 5. Dark Sky, 6. Dark Touch, 7. Dark Arrow, 8. Black Dragon Flame, 9. Black Dragon Roar, 10. Armor Hardening, 11. Black Dragon Transformation, 12. Dark Death Light, 13. Black Dragon Wrath, 14. Dark Tide...


[Storage Energy]: [-] million

[Island area]: 127.3 square kilometers

【Life energy】: 8881, 374 points/day

[Number of Aboriginal People]: 45, 6896

[Merit points]: 15, 7584, 8478/9327

Today, his skill bar is filled with a large number of advanced dark dragon skills.

At least before reaching the legendary level, Xu Chengfeng did not lack skills.

As for other attributes, Xu Chengfeng is still very satisfied.

Gorgeous talent list!

An island area of ​​more than one hundred square kilometers!

Enough to support the life energy output of an island area of ​​[-] square kilometers!

There are still 45 aboriginal people, absolutely crushing the level.

Putting it on the Tianbang island owner's side, Xu Chengfeng felt that his comprehensive strength evaluation, conservatively estimated, should be able to squeeze into the top ten.

He didn't make it into the top ten list, just because he's still a rookie island owner!

He is just a small island, not as good as those veteran island owners who have been developing for four or 50 years.

For other new island owners, the new island owner status is a kind of protection.

But for Xu Chengfeng, the identity of the rookie island owner is a kind of bondage!

What else can I say?

It can only be said that the world consciousness of Kane's world is a little rigid!

Chapter 327 The Despised Xu Chengfeng!The eight long legs are gone!

Of course, the 2.5% discount price in the newcomer island owner's meritorious service store is quite delicious.

He felt that if he was given a while, he would be able to bald the wool of Kane's World Merit Store!

Lying in Wendini's arms, a pleasant fragrance was drilled into his nose.

This is Wendini's body fragrance, which Xu Chengfeng is all too familiar with.

But this time, he felt hot, and couldn't help moving his head towards Wendini's stomach.

Just as he was about to get close to Wendini's belly, he gently pressed his head with both hands.

"My lord, don't move!"

"All right!"

As soon as Xu Chengfeng's body froze, he woke up.

He took a breath, sat up from Wendini's arms, and leaned on the sofa.

"Master Island Master?"

Undine whispered.


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