"Are you feeling better?"

"Much better!" Xu Chengfeng smiled, "Thank you!"

He also felt that he was a little too much just now.

He is a gentleman!

At this moment, he heard Wendini whispering: "Master Island Master, our elves are considered adults at 30 years old!"

If it wasn't for the fact that there was no one in the living room of the villa, Xu Chengfeng wouldn't even be able to hear Wendini's words.

He asked in a low voice, "How much longer?"

Like a rabbit, Wendini looked around and found no one, so she jumped up and said, "There are still 14 years!"

After Wendini finished speaking, she covered her face and rushed out of the gate of the villa.

Seeing her vigorous back disappearing quickly, Xu Chengfeng lost his mind!

Adulthood at the age of 30 is outrageous!

emmm... 14 years later, he has become an uncle!

That being said, it seems quite exciting!

Xu Chengfeng smiled, walked out of the villa, looked at the stars in the sky, and felt comfortable with the sea breeze.

He took off his shirt and pants, leaving only a pair of pants, and jumped into the artificial lake, splashing a splash of water.

"Master Island Master!"

Gemil's voice came from Xu Chengfeng's ear.

He turned his head and saw Gemil and the Spirit of the Holy Spring coming out of the water.

There are layers of ripples in the calm lake water.

Gaimil's thick blue long hair was wet on his shoulders, and the blue dress spread naturally in the artificial lake, like a spreading water lotus.

Elegant, noble, with divine!

"Are you in the lake too?"

The Spirit of the Holy Spring chuckled and said, "His Royal Highness Gemil is playing with me!"


Xu Chengfeng nodded.

He knew that the spirit of the holy spring liked Gemil.

When Thea just entered the artificial lake, the spirit of the holy spring said that she liked the smell of Thea.

This smell is actually the smell of Gemil.

The spirit of the holy spring asked, "Is the master going to swim?"


"Then let's compete in swimming. Whoever swims around the artificial lake ten times first will agree to a condition. How about master?"

"not so good?"

Swimming with the spirit of the emperor's top-grade holy spring.

How could he possibly win?

Seeing Xu Chengfeng ignoring him and wandering away on his own, the spirit of the holy spring entangled him again: "Master, how about I let you go?"

"do not want!"

The Spirit of the Holy Spring: "I don't use hands or feet, should you agree?"

Xu Chengfeng felt despised!

Obviously he was the one who raised the spirit of the holy spring to the top grade of the emperor, but she actually pretended to be aggressive in front of her!

Xu Chengfeng couldn't bear it!

Seeing the spirit of the holy spring catching up again, he stretched out his hands and pinched her face, kneading her vigorously.


"You are amazing!"

"Your wings have grown hard, you are about to fly!"

"You're freaking out!"


"Oh master, no!"

"I dare not!"

"I know I was wrong!"


After bullying the spirit of the holy spring for a while, Xu Chengfeng was in a good mood!

The body of the spirit of the holy spring is like jelly, and it is quite decompressive when pinched.

It wasn't until Xu Chengfeng climbed ashore that he noticed that Tong Mu had sent him a message.

Tong Mu: "President Xu, the association wants to hold an important meeting about the church in the next two days. If there is no urgent matter for the association directors, they must attend!"

Tong Mu: "You can't be absent, but the time of the meeting is up to you to decide. It's best to hold it within the last two days, and you must also bring the angel saint to attend."


Thinking of the meeting, Xu Chengfeng felt a headache.

He doesn't like meetings very much.

But seeing that it was about the church, he knew he couldn't run away.

The headquarters of the Evernight Church is on his island.

Xu Chengfeng: "Nine o'clock tomorrow morning, is that okay?"

Tong Mu: "Yes, President Fu said that as long as it is two days after tomorrow, you can have a meeting in the middle of the night if you want... I will send someone to notify President Fu immediately!"

Tong Mu said with some grievances: "President Xu, I'm about to become your dedicated secretary in the association, and I'm just like a megaphone all day long!"


It's okay for the secretary to do something

Xu Chengfeng: "What do you want?"

Tong Mu: "I'm just complaining!"

Xu Chengfeng smiled: "I'll give you some honey tomorrow as a reward!"

Tong Mu: "Thank you, Boss Xu, I will hang out with you from now on!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Comrade Tong Mu, please work hard, I am very optimistic about you!"

Tong Mu: "Yes! President! (Salute jap.)"

Seeing Tong Mu's naughty response, Xu Chengfeng couldn't help laughing.

He is a nostalgic person.

Before leaving the rookie area, Tong Mu helped him a lot.

He is now staying in Kane World, and Tong Mu is the only friend who can chat with him for a few words.

He couldn't contact other veteran island owners.

Friends of the new island owner, either dare not contact him, or he doesn't want to talk to the other party, the two sides are no longer at the same level... It's quite helpless.

Tong Mu has a carefree personality, and doesn't care about Xu Chengfeng's identity and strength. We are all old friends, and there is no sense of distance when talking.

Xu Chengfeng doesn't have many friends, but Tong Mu is one of them!

Xu Chengfeng didn't take out the Queen Flower Spirit Bee, Queen Blood Spirit Bee, and Queen Soul Bee for the time being, but decided to sleep first.

Let's talk about these trivial matters after tomorrow's meeting.

Something important must have happened to the association!

If it was just a trivial matter, the Island Owners Association would never notify him.

Before going to bed, Xu Chengfeng also sent a wind spirit to inform the Evernight Goddess in advance, asking An Qier to go back to the Island Owners Association meeting with him tomorrow.

The next morning, after Xu Chengfeng finished his breakfast, Angel came to his villa at about eight o'clock.

The first time he saw Angel, Xu Chengfeng was stunned.

Angel's eight long legs... are gone!

Chapter 328 Invasion of the Church of the Water God!Chu Bozhong's anger!

Angel wore a black robe worn by members of the Church of Evernight, which completely covered her body, with only her feet exposed.

There are still eight dark spots on her face, but the dark spots are already very light!

"You recovered?"

Xu Chengfeng said in surprise.

"Under the guidance of Her Majesty the Goddess, I fused part of the spider queen's power and recovered a lot!" Angel smiled and pulled off the black robe belt, showing her straight, slender, almost perfect legs in front of Xu Chengfeng, " Island owner, how is it, does it look good?"


Hearing Xu Chengfeng's answer, An Qier smiled happily.

All along, that ugly lower body and those ugly spider legs made her feel sick and disgusted!

Recently, she has practiced very desperately, just to restore her appearance!

After recovering her legs, the person she most wanted to see was Xu Chengfeng.

She wanted Xu Chengfeng to see her legs!

Before coming, Angel even put on Xu Chengfeng's favorite black stockings.

She wanted Xu Chengfeng to know that she was not ugly, she was very beautiful!

There are no pretty women who don't care about their looks!

Saying that they don't care about their own beauty, and complaining about all kinds of troubles that their beautiful appearance brings them is just talking.

If outsiders really believed it, they would be stupid.

"sit down!"

Xu Chengfeng greeted with a smile.


"Wendini, make Angel a cup of Tianxin tea and celebrate!"

"Okay, my lord!"

Wen Dini felt a little sour in her heart, but she followed Xu Chengfeng's instructions and made tea for Angel.

"I drank Tianxin tea once before, and it was on my 16th birthday." Angel carefully picked up the teacup, and gently sniffed the tea. We humans don't have a good relationship, and only occasionally shed a few tea leaves."

"I just happen to have one!"

Xu Chengfeng laughed.

"Your Majesty, the Island Master is very powerful. Even His Royal Highness praised you!" Angel said very seriously, "I still remember that when I first came to the island, the island was far from being so powerful. Only a few In a month's time... the island is already so prosperous."

Xu Chengfeng was delighted in his heart, but said quietly and modestly on his face: "I still have to work hard!"

"By the way, Lord Island Master, is there any important thing to go to Blue Star for a meeting this time?"

"About the church, you will find out after visiting with me."

In fact, he doesn't know either!

At [-]:[-], Xu Chengfeng took Angel and left the island, and the two appeared in the office directly.

Pushing away from the office, Xu Chengfeng saw the busy staff coming and going.

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