"Hello President Xu!"

"President, are you back?"

"President Xu, long time no see!"


Many people warmly greeted Xu Chengfeng.

Angel was wearing a black robe and a hood, covering herself tightly.

Many staff noticed her, but none of them could recognize her.

After all, her spider body disappeared and the change was too great.

"President Xu!"

Just when Xu Chengfeng was about to take An Qier to Fu Qingze's office, Tong Mu came from a distance.

"President, the other three presidents are already in the conference room, I'll take you there!" Tong Mu said as he put his eyes on Angel, "This is..."


Angel raised her head and smiled at her: "Tong Mu, hello!"

"His Royal Highness Angel!"

Tong Mu said in surprise.


"Your leg……"

Angel smiled and said, "The legs are all recovered!"

"Great!" Tong Mu said after being happy, "Let's go! The meeting is about to begin!"

Xu Chengfeng, An Qi'er, and Tong Mu came to the conference room. This conference room was much smaller than the previous auditorium conference room, and there were no reporters.

In the conference room, there were probably twenty or thirty island owners.

Feng Yu waved at him and pointed to the empty seat beside him.

Xu Chengfeng took An Qier and sat beside Feng Yu.

After sitting down, Xu Chengfeng asked, "Am I late?"

Feng Yu said with a smile: "No, everyone hasn't arrived yet!"

Chu Bozhong asked in a low voice: "President Xu, I heard that your meritorious service value was 13 billion last month?"


Chu Bozhong scratched his hair: "You... are a bit exaggerated!"

Fu Qingze: "More than me!"

Feng Yu: "Much more than me!"

Chu Bozhong said helplessly: "Fortunately, my qualifications are older than yours, otherwise you would have to be the middleman!"

Xu Chengfeng smiled and said: "President Chu is joking, I don't have this ability yet!"

This is of course Xu Chengfeng's humble words, even if he is capable, he will not be the president!

Just being an honorary vice president is enough!

Soon, the meeting officially began.

Ning Yongming didn't show up, he asked for leave.

Tong Mu was sitting alone in a corner, with a kettle next to him... probably for pouring water for the seniors.

There are a total of more than 30 people in the conference room, almost all of whom are at the imperial level.

They are either the island owners of the Tianbang, or they are veteran elite island owners who are ranked outside the top [-] and can hit the Tianbang at any time!

Gathering these island owners almost proved to be a big deal to discuss.

Chu Bozhong cleared his throat and was ready to speak.

At this time, his face gradually became gloomy.

Many people could tell that Chu Bozhong was not in a good mood!

"We gathered everyone today to discuss a very serious issue!" Chu Bozhong said in a serious tone, "Our Island Owners Association has always been free, and we don't want to care about what you do in the Kane world, as long as you don't treason , as long as you don't attack your compatriots, we won't care!"

At this time, Chu Bozhong suddenly raised his voice and said angrily: "But recently, we have discovered that some people have contacted Yoshida of the Sakura Country without permission to establish a water god church on the island and spread the belief of the water god church. This is strictly prohibited by us. Everyone They voted unanimously!"

Chu Bozhong slapped the summit: "But there are still people who don't abide by the agreement!"

As soon as Chu Bozhong said this, the entire conference room fell silent.

Xu Chengfeng was also taken aback when he heard this.

It turned out to be for this matter!

When the Longguo Island Owners Association decided to support the Church of the Evernight in Cairn World, it did require the island owners of the Dragon Kingdom not to build any churches other than the Church of the Evernight on the island, and not to spread beliefs other than the Church of the Night.

Of course, the efforts of the Longguo Island Owners Association hope to be rewarded.

Let's all support the Goddess of the Night. When the Goddess of the Night ascends to the throne again, she must at least be able to stand on the side of the island owner of the Dragon Kingdom and protect the interests of the island owner of the Dragon Kingdom.

Chapter 329 Twenty-five boy Zhang Wenhao!Followers of Xu Chengfeng's maid!

This is the reality!

For the senior members of the Longguo Island Owners Association, believing in the Goddess of the Night is also an exchange of interests.

Even the gods of Kane World acquiesce to this exchange of benefits.

The kingdom fully supports the belief of a certain god, the scale of believers expands, the divine power of the god increases, and the strength of the church of the god also begins to increase.

The church fully supports this country, continues to expand, and continues to expand the spread of faith...

The Empire of Glory, the Empire of Cathay, and the Empire of the Night... are all expansion models of this kind!

Thousands of years ago, the will of the abyss almost completely destroyed the Kane world, and the world will of the Kane world pulled the blue star humans into the world of Kane for development.

While Blue Star humans have obtained a large amount of resources, some sober humans also have a deep sense of urgency.

Since Kane World can pull them over, can't the will of the abyss affect Blue Star?

The gods are the nuclear weapons of Kane World!

The Dragon Kingdom needs the support of a god, and the stronger the god, the better.

And the large number of island owners in the Dragon Kingdom, as well as the intelligent creatures on the island, are resources!

It is impossible for an intelligent creature to believe in two gods at the same time.

If the Church of the Water God landed on the island of the Lord of the Dragon Kingdom, it would inevitably occupy the "resources" of the Evernight Church, which would weaken the power of the Evernight Goddess!

With Chu Bozhong as the leader, the elite of the island masters of the Dragon Kingdom would absolutely not allow this to happen.

Weakening the Goddess of the Night supported by one's own side, and strengthening the Goddess of Water Elements supported by the Cherry Blossom Kingdom, in the eyes of Chu Bozhong and others, it is completely an act of supporting the enemy!

Besides, if the Water God Church is on the island of the owner of Longguo Island and develops to affect the power of the island, which side will Longguo Island mainly stand on?

Is it Sakura Country?

Or Dragon Kingdom?

These are all potential threats!

For any powerful country, these hidden dangers and acts of supporting the enemy cannot be tolerated!

That's why Chu Bozhong was so furious!

The Church of the Water God founded by Sakura Country Yoshida, naturally believes in the powerful god of the Kane world thousands of years ago, the great goddess of water elements and the goddess of the ocean, His Royal Highness Gemil!

That is Xu Chengfeng's loving little maid!

Thinking of this, Xu Chengfeng felt very happy.

Of course, he could also understand Chu Bozhong's anger.

Chu Bozhong is safeguarding the interests of the Dragon Kingdom, the interests of the island owner of the Dragon Kingdom, and his interests!

The whole world knows that the headquarters of the Evernight Church is on Xu Chengfeng's island.

The divinity of the goddess of the night was saved by Xu Chengfeng.

Xu Chengfeng supports the Church of Evernight.

"Zhang Wenhao, Zhao Yibin!" Chu Bozhong lowered his voice and asked, "What do you think?"

In the conference room, everyone looked at Zhang Wenhao and Zhao Yibin.

Since Chu Bozhong named the two of them, it proves that there is probably a Water God Church on their island!

Many Longguo island owners did not expect that someone in this conference room violated the original agreement.

Neither Zhang Wenhao nor Zhao Yibin looked very good-looking.

Zhang Wenhao stood up directly and said: "President Chu, it is our freedom to build any church on the island. I think the Church of the Water God is more suitable for my island!"

No one expected that Zhang Wenhao would dare to talk back to Chu Bozhong!

What courage!

Chu Bozhong looked at Zhao Yibin again: "Zhao Yibin, what do you say?"

"President Chu, it was my fault. When I returned to the island, I immediately demolished the Church of the Water God, and then sent the members of the Church of the Water God back!" Zhao Yibin said hastily, "I didn't want to build the Church of the Water God, but Yoshida Give too much..."

Chu Bozhong rubbed his forehead, feeling tired all over his body.

"Zhang Wenhao, I'll give you a chance to tear down the Church of the Water God and promise not to contact the Church of the Water God again, or... to withdraw from the association?"

Zhang Wenhao gritted his teeth: "I quit, what kind of shit association, I won't wait!"

"Zhang Wenhao, the original agreement was approved by a show of hands, and you violated the agreement first!" Feng Yu frowned: "You can quit the association, that is your freedom, but please keep your mouth clean a little!"

"I can say whatever I want, I want you to care?" Zhang Wenhao said indifferently, "I tell you, Yoshida Island Master has promised that as long as I go to Sakura Country, he will help me improve my water talent... Shit Association, I am not rare!"

Zhang Wenhao dropped these words and disappeared into the conference room.

He is not an idiot, and he knows that this is not a place to stay for a long time.

In the meeting room, there was a dead silence, and there were not many people panting loudly!

Xu Chengfeng took a sip of tea.

Belief in the Church of the Water God and his little maid is not unforgivable. He originally wanted to help Zhang Wenhao say a few good words to Chu Bozhong after the meeting... but now he doesn't have to.

They're all fucking twenty-five!

Chu Bozhong looked indifferent, Feng Yu's face turned blue!

They were all pissed off by Zhang Wenhao!

Ordinary members of the Longguo Island Owners Association can withdraw from the association.

There is basically no penalty for withdrawing from the association.

It's just that you won't be able to enjoy the association's internal benefits, information, and more tax incentives.

Even the island owners supported by the consortium will join the association!

But within the association, members serving as directors are different.

They hold positions themselves, get a salary, and enjoy a lot of association benefits.


It is not allowed!

It's a felony!

"Do you have Zhang Wenhao's coordinates?"

Chu Bozhong looked at Fu Qingze beside him.

"No!" Fu Qingze shook his head, "He is still an independent island owner, and he has never purchased coordinate information."

"Release 3.2 reward!"


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