Xu Chengfeng thought about whether he should tell about Gemil.

At least, you can tell Chu Bozhong that he has a very good relationship with Gemil.

Chu Bozhong said: "This time, I want everyone here to prepare to build the Church of the Night on the island. The saint Angel has promised that she will not interfere with your island affairs!"

"If there is any inconvenience on the island, and there are island owners who are extremely against the race of the Goddess of the Night, you can apply to the association, and the association will respect your interests!"

"If some of you have built the Church of the Water God or other churches on the island, I hope you can dismantle it as soon as possible, and the association will not pursue it!"

"Over there at Yoshida, our Longguo Island Owners Association will send an official warning letter to ask them to stop such petty actions!"

Chapter 330 Xu Chengfeng, Blue Star's number one mine owner!Long live President Xu!

"Do you have any opinions?"

Chu Bozhong asked.

At this time, no one dared to make any comments.

Chu Bozhong has said that either the Church of the Evernight will be built, or it will not be built.

"Since this is the case, we have decided!" Chu Bozhong said, "As for the result of Zhang Wenhao's handling, we will notify the members of the association, and Zhao Yibin will warn you once, let's not make an example!"

Zhao Yibin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Chu Bozhong's words.

After Chu Bozhong finished speaking, he turned to Fu Qingze, Feng Yu, Xu Chengfeng, and An Qier: "Do you have anything else to say?"

Seeing that no one was talking, Feng Yu smiled and put a stack of books on the summit platform.

When Xu Chengfeng saw the stack of books, he understood what Feng Yu wanted to do.

Feng Yu turned on the microphone and said: "President Xu recently got a magic notebook of the emperor-level magician of the Xila family in the Cathay Empire. The experience of the other seventeen senior magicians of the La family, as well as a large amount of water magic, are of great reference value for mages who are interested in learning water magic by themselves!"

"President Xu means that you can share it with everyone. You only need one imperial-level middle-grade core to buy a copy!"

"This should be the only inheritance magic notebook of an emperor-level magician in the world on 21. There are also structural diagrams of three water-type mage towers on it, which is very suitable for us island owners!"

"If you need it, you can buy it from me after the world of Kane notarizes the knowledge gained from the notes without permission!"

As soon as Feng Yu said this, one-third of the Longguo island owners in the audience became short of breath.

The magic notes of the emperor-level water magician, this is definitely a big temptation for them!

Blue Star island owners, when choosing a profession, if you choose a magician.

Most of them will try to choose water system or wind system.

Especially the water system, which can get a pretty good increase in the island environment!

"I want to buy a copy!"

"I want to buy one too!"

"President Feng, I want a copy too!"

"Give me a copy!"


His island owners present were almost all emperor-level strengths.

They still have the strength to get the imperial middle-grade crystal nucleus.

Seeing so many island owners responding, Feng Yu was also very happy: "Everyone, sit down first and don't move. After the meeting is over, you can contact me when you return to Kane World. We will notarize and then trade!"

"Leave me one too!"

Chu Bozhong said.

Feng Yu asked: "Isn't the president of the fire department?"

Chu Bozhong replied: "By analogy, the magic notes of emperor-level magicians should still be of great research value. There is only such a book of emperor-level magic notes in the world."

"Do you have anything else to say?"

Feng Yu looked at Xu Chengfeng, she mainly asked Xu Chengfeng and An Qier.

Xu Chengfeng looked towards the audience, and his eyes were still fixed on the elite island owners who copied the magic notebook.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these directors of the Island Owners Association are all big figures who can turn their hands into clouds and rain in the Dragon Kingdom!

But in Xu Chengfeng's eyes, they are like slices of green and tender leeks!

Seeing them, Xu Chengfeng couldn't help but want to sacrifice his sickle!

He thought for a moment, turned on the microphone, and cleared his throat.

A group of Dragon Kingdom elite island owners also fell silent.

They might not have been very convinced of Xu Chengfeng before, thinking that Xu Chengfeng was just lucky.

But recently it was revealed in the media that after Xu Chengfeng's meritorious service surpassed Ning Yongming's, the elite island owners of Longguo didn't dare to underestimate Xu Chengfeng.

The stronger Xu Chengfeng showed, the more respect he could gain from them.

"The thing is like this. Didn't I say last time that my fine gold ore is almost exhausted? Recently, I was lucky and found a large number of fine gold ore, mithril ore, iron concentrate, copper concentrate, ethereal stone ore, deep sea ghost iron ore, forbidden magic iron ore, yuan magnetite, fire magic spar mine..."

When Xu Chengfeng said the latter, not only the island owners in the audience were dumbfounded, but even Feng Yu, Fu Qingze, and Chu Bozhong were dumbfounded.

In the art of cross talk, there is a joke called "reporting the name of the dish".

Xu Chengfeng seemed to be reporting the name of the mine.

The names of most of the precious magical metal mines in Kane World seemed to come out of his mouth.

Xu Chengfeng smiled and said: "If you need these precious magic metal materials, you can contact my deputy island owner Chen Xinping!"


"No way?"

"President Xu, are you joking? Are there any mines?"


Even the three presidents, Chu Bozhong, Feng Yu, and Fu Qingze, looked at Xu Chengfeng with expressions of disbelief!

Xu Chengfeng said in the microphone: "The mines I mentioned have all. We can pay for it and deliver the goods. I will not renege on my debt!"

"Is it too exaggerated?"

"There are so many mines? It feels like a dream!"

"President Xu is trying to get rich!"

"I feel like I'm hallucinating..."

"What kind of metal is deep-sea ghost iron? Why haven't I heard of it!"

"Deep sea ghost iron is suitable for making advanced water attribute props, the metal most needed by our water mages!"

"What is the forbidden iron?"

"do not know!"


"As the honorary vice president of the Island Owners Association, I usually don't make any contribution to the association. I, Xu Chengfeng, am really ashamed!"

Having said that, Xu Chengfeng's tone changed, as if he had made up his mind, he said:

"How about this! In the future, all members of the association who buy magic metal from me, all the director elite island owners, can enjoy a [-]% discount on the market price, and ordinary association members can enjoy a [-]% discount. As long as you are notarized in Kane World, no Resell these precious resources!"

"This promise will be valid forever until my metal mines are exhausted... I will give priority to selling these magical metals to our Dragon Kingdom island owner!"

"Long live President Xu!"

"President Xu, you are too kind!"

"President Xu is full of air!"

"President Xu is amazing!"

"President Xu, I love you!"

"..." 497

More than 30 royal-level island owners completely boiled over.

They were ignited by Xu Chengfeng's [-]% discount price!

This group of emperor-level island owners has reached the emperor-level strength!

Royal warriors, want to have a set of tailor-made armor, want to have a weapon at hand!

Royal-level mages are even more in demand!

They not only want all kinds of magic props, but also want to build a mage tower!

These are big consumables!

The precious magic metal is what they dream of.

Magical metals like mithril and fine gold are too rare and expensive!

In order to buy magic metal for Ning Yongming, Xu You traveled all over the world!

Feng Yu paid a huge price to buy some pure gold to make a staff.

In the entire Longguo Island Owners Association, there are more than 30 emperor-level powerhouses. Before Xu Chengfeng appeared, no mage had a mage tower...

Even now, only Fengyu's mage tower is under construction.

It's so shabby!

Xu Chengfeng gave a [-]% or [-]% discount!

Members of the Priority Supply Association!

Such a great deal!

Looking around the world, only the Dragon Country Island Owners Association can do it!

Only Xu Chengfeng dared to shout out!

Even Chu Bozhong, Feng Yu, and Fu Qingze were jealous!

Only Xu Chengfeng, a big mine owner, can do it!

A gray-haired old island owner shouted: "President Xu, President Xu, how many mines do you have? Will we buy them all?"

Chapter 331 Buying the Island Owners Association!New leeks that can be cultivated and harvested repeatedly!

"If it is a suspended mage tower, it should be no problem to build ten towers!"

Xu Chengfeng said a little less.

It is impossible for him to tell these people that his magic metal is endless, and he can have as much as he wants.

In that case, how can he sell it for money?

He wants to give these people a certain sense of urgency!

"Hiss so much?"

The old mage was surprised.


Is it too much?

not much?

Xu Chengfeng coughed and reminded: "Half of you here should be magicians, right?"

As soon as Xu Chengfeng said this, all the imperial magicians were stunned.

In other words, only half of them can buy enough materials to build the mage tower from Xu Chengfeng!

No, even less.

Everyone buys a little, and the soldiers buy some more.

It would be nice to have five mages build their own mage tower!

Everyone's heart became tense.

If you really want to build a mage tower, it is better to save more magic metal.

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