Buy as much as you can now.

"Okay, that's it for now!"

Xu Chengfeng said with a smile.

"Thank you President Xu, President Xu is really our savior!"

"This old man wants a mage tower in his dreams!"

"If I can build a mage tower on the island, my island can rest easy!"

"I've always wanted to make armor with forbidden magic iron, but I didn't expect President Xu to have it's really great!"

"Xu Chengfeng, I will prepare all my belongings tomorrow. I will buy some magic metal materials first!"

"Buy the magic note first, there are blueprints for the construction of the mage tower in the magic note!"

"I want to buy it too!"

"Save some for me!"


Xu Chengfeng secretly laughed in his heart!

These leeks can't wait!

Rushing to be harvested by him!

It seems that this group of veteran island owners is no different from that group of newcomer island owners!

At the end of the meeting, Xu Chengfeng asked the three presidents to stay for a while.

Chu Bozhong, Feng Yu, and Fu Qingze all nodded.

It just so happened that they also wanted to talk to Xu Chengfeng about something.

After all the people in the conference room had left, Chu Bozhong said with a smile: "President Xu, I never thought that you would spend such a large amount of money to support our association. Wait for a while, and your prestige might surpass mine!"

The island owner can also be bought.

Those Longguo island owners who got a [-]% discount or a [-]% discount from Xu Chengfeng will definitely be grateful to Xu Chengfeng from the bottom of their hearts.

Even the gloomy island owner, the island owner who scolded Xu Chengfeng for being stupid and rich in his heart, would support Xu Chengfeng!

For no other reason, Xu Chengfeng can bring them benefits!

There is nothing more reliable than profit.

"I don't care about prestige or anything. To me, money is nothing more than floating clouds!" Xu Chengfeng said in a low voice, "I just hope that I can do my best to make our Longguo Island Master stronger. !"

Xu Chengfeng's tone of concern for the country and the people made the three presidents, Chu Bozhong, Feng Yu, and Fu Qingze, all moved!

Even Angel, who didn't know Xu Chengfeng's true face, admired Xu Chengfeng even more.

Xu Chengfeng loves the Dragon Kingdom deeply, and she also misses the Glorious Empire very much!

They are the same kind of people.

Chu Bozhong also sighed: "Many media commented on President Xu, saying that President Xu is greedy for money and stingy, but in my opinion, they all misunderstood you!"

Fu Qingze also said: "I am not as high-level as Chairman Xu. If I had obtained so many precious magic metal mines, I would never be able to sell them so cheaply!"

Feng Yu: "I'm not as good as President Xu!"

Chu Bozhong said in a low voice: "However, I still think that giving us a [-]% discount is already very good, and a [-]% discount is a bit of a loss for you!"


It is impossible to lose money!

Xu Chengfeng was doing business without money.

There is only a question of earning more and earning less, and there is no question of losing or losing.

"Three presidents, I can give you a [-]% discount!"


Chu Bozhong, Feng Yu, and Fu Qingze gasped!

This is breaking a bone!

"The three presidents are the pillars of our Longguo Island Owners Association!" Xu Chengfeng said in a low voice, "I will give you a [-]% discount, and I hope you will be stronger!"

Chu Bozhong swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "I can't refuse, the resources in your hand were cut off by Feng Yu last time, I have been heartbroken for a long time!"

Feng Yu: "Can I buy some more? I want to build the mage tower bigger and more luxurious!"

Fu Qingze: "I want a set of armor..."

"No problem!" Xu Chengfeng assured, "I will reserve enough resources for the three presidents!"

Fu Qingze said: "President Xu, if you need anything in the future, just tell us!"

Feng Yu: "Me too!"

Chu Bozhong: "I can help you mobilize the power of the association, those veteran island owners will surely not refuse."

"Good talk, good talk!"

Xu Chengfeng realized that he seemed to be buying the entire Longguo Island Owners Association!

This feeling is so good!

He was not afraid that he would not be able to satisfy the appetite of these island owners.

Even if they have built the mage tower and built the equipment.

But they always have to practice and improve their strength, right?

Xu Chengfeng also has Water of Life, Tianxin Tea, Flower Spirit Bee, Blood Spirit Bee, Soul Bee, and Emerald Jade Coral.

Just waiting to harvest them!

Strengthen the defense of the island for them, and increase the strength of these island owners, and they can earn more crystal cores for Xu Chengfeng.

This cycle is repeated, harvesting one crop after another!

The island owners of the Longguo Island Owners Association are different from Angus and Syrah!

The island owners within the association can be harvested and cultivated repeatedly.

As long as they work hard enough, Xu Chengfeng can drive a Ferrari!

No, Xu Chengfeng can expand the army!

He wants an army of ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million!

Most importantly, the island owners of Longguo will still be grateful to him, and will always remember Xu Chengfeng's kindness in their hearts.

It's kind of a win-win!

After all, Xu Chengfeng is still from Long Country.

He is also willing to give up some benefits so that those island owners will be more active in hunting crystal nuclei for him.

Of course, Xu Chengfeng himself has won!

"By the way, there is something I need to tell you!"

Xu Chengfeng said.

"what's up?"

Xu Chengfeng: "It's about the goddess of the water element and the goddess of the ocean, Gemil!"

"what happened?"

Chu Bozhong, Fu Qingze, and Feng Yu all became serious.

After all, it is about the gods.

"That, the divinity of the sea goddess Gemil, is on my island!"


"No way?"

"how is this possible?"

The three presidents were stunned.

They didn't expect that Xu Chengfeng would have a relationship with Gemil.

Chu Bozhong said seriously: "You mean, the divinity of the sea goddess is also on your island?"

"Yeah straight!"

"How could she be on your island?"

"Maybe it's because of your high charisma, so you're attracted to me!"

Xu Chengfeng straightened his collar and said humorously.

Chapter 332 I just want to pick up a bargain!How did you start discussing world domination?

"President Xu, be serious!"

"Anyway, I have a good relationship with Gemil, and I promise to help her cultivate believers of the Ocean Church..."

Xu Chengfeng felt that he could now reveal some secrets to the three presidents of the association.

Anyway, the Longguo Island Owners Association shouldn't have turned to the abyss.

Everyone has the same enemy.

This is also because of Xu Chengfeng's strength on the island, and his status has increased too much.

In the past, he must have been cautious, and would never have revealed too much information about fine gold, mithril, and metamagnet.

But now, he is not afraid that the Blue Star Island Master will rob him.

Everyone knows that he is now number one in the world on the merit list.

Anyone who wants to trouble him must carefully weigh his own strength.

"Saint Angel, do you know about this?"

Chu Bozhong obviously didn't believe Xu Chengfeng.

As the president, he needs to confirm the authenticity of this matter.

An Qier glanced at Xu Chengfeng, and said helplessly, "His Royal Highness Gemil is indeed on the Island Owner's island... She has a very good relationship with the Island Owner."

Angel also knew about Gemil becoming Xu Chengfeng's servant.

After 950 Paradis calculated Gemil, he was proud for a long time.

However, since Xu Chengfeng said that the relationship between the two parties was very good and he didn't want to reveal his relationship with Gaimil, An Qier didn't dare to expose it.

Even their goddesses depended on Xu Chengfeng's face, so she naturally had to stand on Xu Chengfeng's side.

After hearing Angel's answer, Chu Bozhong, Fu Qingze, and Feng Yu completely believed in Xu Chengfeng.

As the saint of the Church of Evernight, Angel has a conflict of interest with the Church of the Ocean.

She said that the divinity of the sea goddess is on Xu Chengfeng's island, so that should be true.

Feng Yu asked curiously, "Is that because you have the greatest influence on the Ocean Goddess, or Yoshida has the greatest influence on the Ocean Goddess?"

Needless to say?

The goddess of the ocean is now Xu Chengfeng's little maid.

Strictly speaking, Master Yoshida of the Sakura Country is just a servant of the Ocean Goddess!

Counting, Xu Chengfeng is two generations older than Yoshida.

But Xu Chengfeng would definitely not say this.

Can't affect the reputation of his little maid.

"President Xu has a great influence on the sea goddess!" Chu Bozhong sighed, "Yoshida only got a holy place dedicated to Gemil!"

"So..." Feng Yu said pleasantly, "We may also get the support of the goddess of the sea."

"That's right." Xu Chengfeng nodded, "I'm sure that the Goddess of the Sea will stand on our Long Kingdom's side."

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