"Depending on your charm?"

Feng Yu urged the sex.

Now, Xu Chengfeng couldn't answer the conversation anymore.

He doesn't want to appear too self-absorbed.

Chu Bozhong asked: "That is to say, the island owner of our association can also build an ocean church to worship Gemil?"


"Why didn't you say it earlier!" Chu Bozhong complained, "I still lost my temper at the meeting today."

Xu Chengfeng: "You didn't notify me of this matter in advance!"

"Okay! Alright! Actually, I think it's good for President Chu to get angry!" Feng Yu stood up at this time, "This matter is very beneficial to us at present."

Chu Bozhong: "How to say?"

Feng Yu asked: "President Xu, Yoshida doesn't know about this, right?"

Xu Chengfeng: "Of course I don't know, I didn't tell anyone."

"That's good!" Feng Yu said with a smile, "In this way, we can actually calculate the Sakura Kingdom."

Chu Bozhong nodded: "Tell me about it."

"The island owners of the Sakura Country are much less than ours. In order to expand the scale of Gemil's belief, Yoshida is actively spreading his beliefs to the islands of the island owners of other countries. We, the island owners of the Dragon Country, are their main goal. Zhang Wenhao , Zhao Yibin, and many island owners were drawn in just like this."

"The president is angry. This is a normal reaction. When we send a warning letter to the Sakura Country Island Owners Association, they will probably come to negotiate with us!"

"Sakura Kingdom is full of ambitions, they are absolutely unwilling to give up this opportunity to rise!"

"And the Goddess of the Sea is what they rely on to rise up!"

Feng Yu said with a smirk: "We can definitely put forward an extremely serious request, and then release Gemil's beliefs and enter the Dragon Kingdom!"

"As long as President Xu can really make the Goddess of the Ocean favor our Dragon Kingdom, it will definitely be a matter of no harm."

Fu Qingze said in a low voice: "If we can really gain the support of the Ocean Goddess, and wait for the Ocean Goddess' belief to spread throughout the islands of the island owner of the Sakura Kingdom and develop... It is not impossible for the Dragon Kingdom to annex the Sakura Kingdom!"

Chu Bozhong picked up the teacup, took a sip of the tea, swallowed the bitter tea leaves, and nodded, "So our first step is to enter the main island of Longguo Island with the belief of Gaimil. As a bargaining chip, I demand that the Kingdom of Cherry Blossoms break with the Kingdom of Beauty, and form an alliance with our Dragon Kingdom!"

"In the second step, the Dragon Kingdom and the Cherry Blossom Kingdom reached an alliance, and then forced the Bangzi Kingdom to enter our system, and completely cut off the minions that the Beautiful Kingdom has arranged around us. In this area, other countries will definitely follow the example of our three-nation system and further form interests. Group community!"

"The third step is to let the beliefs of the goddess of the night and the goddess of the sea completely occupy the islands of the island owners of the nearby countries."

"The fourth step..." Chu Bozhong looked at Xu Chengfeng, "President Xu, it's up to you. If you can make the sea goddess nod, wait for the sea goddess to ignite the divine fire, regain her position, and quickly increase the church's strength. When the opportunity arises, we can merge all the island owners of Sakura Country."

"If you can make the Goddess of the Night and the Goddess of the Sea form an alliance, our Dragon Kingdom forces will once again dominate the world!"

Xu Chengfeng's scalp tingled when he heard it.

Chu Bozhong, Feng Yu, and Fu Qingze are all gods.

He clearly only wanted to take advantage of the Sakura Country and let the Sakura Country help him train Gaimil.

After such a discussion between the three presidents, it became the annexation of Sakura Country and Bangzi Country, dominating the world!

However, Xu Chengfeng also found the matter quite interesting.

Anyway, he was not the one to do the most complicated work.

In the end, it was in his best interest.

"The fourth step, no problem!" Xu Chengfeng laughed. "As for the alliance between the Goddess of the Night and the Goddess of the Sea, it's not a big problem. In their current state, an alliance is indeed the most beneficial."

Angel said: "If the island owner came forward, it should indeed be successful."

When An Qier said this, Chu Bozhong, Fu Qingze, and Feng Yu all saw hope.

Angel is the saint of the Evernight Church, and she herself represents the attitude of the Evernight Goddess.

Chapter 333 They Must Form an Alliance!Not enough flower fields!

"I will report this matter to the higher authorities!" Chu Bozhong said in a deep voice, "President Xu, you have to prepare. I think if we can win the attitude of the sea goddess, this matter will be more secure."

"All right!"

Xu Chengfeng also agreed.

Among them, many complex tasks are involved.

He can't do it alone.

If there is full support from official forces, he can lie down and win.

Chu Bozhong: "When the time comes, maybe someone will be sent to your island to meet His Royal Highness the Ocean Goddess."

"No problem, I'll arrange it!"

Chu Bozhong smiled and said, "President Xu, I feel that recommending you to be the vice president is the wisest decision I've ever made in my life."

Xu Chengfeng shrugged and smiled.

At the end of the meeting, Feng Yu left the meeting room with a stack of books.

Xu Chengfeng also followed her out, it was his own business after all.

"President Feng, when I start selling magic minerals, I need you to help me deliver a notarization so that those island owners can't resell the mineral resources."

It's not easy for him to supervise this matter, and the veteran island owner is still required to come forward.

Feng Yu blinked: "What about the benefits?"

"I know you don't have enough emperor-level crystal cores, and you want to build a luxurious mage tower. I can lend you credit, how about it?"

Not only is Feng Yu's emperor-level crystal nucleus not enough, but the crystal nucleus of other elite island masters should not be many.

But Feng Yu should have been hollowed out by him.


Just as Feng Yu and Xu Chengfeng left the conference room, a group of royal island owners surrounded them.

"If you want to buy magic notes, go to President Feng!"

"If you want magic minerals, find my deputy island owner tomorrow. I still have a lot of things to do on the island, so I will excuse you first!"

After Xu Chengfeng said those words, he led An Qier away.

Back on the island, Xu Chengfeng asked Wen Wendini to find Gemil.

Neither the Angel of Tears nor the Angel of Light is there, so they should be receiving training from Paradis. It is easy to guess where Gemil is.

Either in the Ocean Church, or in the artificial lake, or chatting with Janna in the Temple of the Wind.

Gamil is a chatterbox who can chatter Janna to the point where she wants to run away!

After Gemil came back, Xu Chengfeng simply told Gemil the "conspiracy" discussed by the presidents of the Island Owners Association.

Gemil was a little embarrassed: "Is this really good?"

"What's wrong?" Xu Chengfeng smiled, "Isn't it good to let the believers form a unified power? Don't feel that you owe Yoshida, it's a big deal, let him be the Holy Spirit."

Anyway, the holy spirit is just a big minion of the gods.

He, Xu Chengfeng, has always been Gemil's boss.

"It seems to make sense!" Gemil wondered again, "Allying with the Evernight Goddess, this..."

"No problem, anyway, you can't fight now."

Gemil looked at Xu Chengfeng, knowing that Xu Chengfeng had already made up his mind.

Thinking that she couldn't disobey Xu Chengfeng's order, she could only say: "Then I can't suffer!"

"It's okay, you won't suffer, you are mine!"

"Then I agree!"

Therefore, the task that Chu Bozhong entrusted to Xu Chengfeng was completed.

For Paradis, Xu Chengfeng only needs to inform.

She has no reason to object!

Xu Chengfeng called Chen Xinping again and asked her to go to the Longguo Island Owners Association every one or two days to sell the fine gold and mithril through Fengyu.

Xu Chengfeng still attaches great importance to his own safety.

Places other than the Longguo Island Owners Association have never been removed.

When his strength increases, he will be even less afraid.

When he came to the territory of the flower elves, Xu Chengfeng met Lilith and the queen of the flower spirit bee.

"Master Island Master, you haven't come to see us for a long time!"

When Lilith saw Xu Chengfeng, she said aggrievedly.

What do you say that flower elves are the cutest, cutest, and most beautiful race in the world...

As a result, I didn't come here for so long.

If Lilith had stayed in Blue Star, she would definitely shout: Men are big pigs!

"recently, I am busy!"

"All right!"

"By the way, how many members do you flower elves have?"

"One hundred and nine!" Lilith said with a smile, "Recently, we have cultivated a lot of new members. I will call them over and say hello to the island owner."

"All right!"

After seeing the new flower elves, Xu Chengfeng discussed with Lilith and the flower spirit bee queen for a while, and he finally decided to activate a bee queen and a blood spirit bee queen first.

There are two flower spirit bee queens and one blood spirit bee queen left, and they will be activated after the flower spirit flower field expands.

This is also impossible.

Whether it is flower spirit bees, blood spirit bees, or soul bees, they all need nectar.

If there are not enough flowers, Xu Chengfeng will get less honey.

Because the extra bees also need to consume honey.

Xu Chengfeng can't let the honey born by the queen bees starve to death!

After all, the number of flower elves is still not enough.

In other words, there are not enough florists growing flowers.

It cannot meet the needs of flower spirit bees, blood spirit bees, and soul bees.

In this case, either cultivate more flower elves, or search for flower elves and elves from the outside world, or activate a large number of flower plants and let them manage and reproduce their own kind.

It is relatively difficult to search for flower elves and elves from the outside world.

Buy it from the island owner of the association, they probably won't be willing to part with it.

Xu Chengfeng still felt that the activation of flowers and plants was more practical.

In this way, the pressure on the flower elves can be greatly reduced.

Xu Chengfeng looked at the flower fields. In most flower fields, there was only one kind of special flower plant, which was more convenient for him.

"Lilith, gather your people and return to the tree hole temporarily."

"What's the matter, Lord Master?"

"Yes, but it's not convenient for me to let you see."

"All right!"

Although Lilith was full of doubts, she followed his order and rang the assembly bell to call her clansmen back.

After the flower elves left, Xu Chengfeng began to enter the flower field to activate this special plant.

Xu Chengfeng only activates one of each special flower plant planted by the flower elf on a large scale.

And only consume 256 energy points to activate them to silver top grade.

Baiyin Shangpin already has enough ability to manage a field of flowers.

Xu Chengfeng didn't expect them to fight either!

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