Moreover, the energy value of 256 points does not have the slightest pressure on Xu Chengfeng now.

His current energy point is not as tight as it was five months ago!

In one breath, more than 300 special plants in more than 300 flower fields in the territory of the flower elves were activated, and they were allowed to live in harmony with the creatures on the island, so as to manage their own species in the flower fields, Xu Chengfeng stopped.

Mature plants should manage themselves!

Chapter 334 The abyss demonized herd that did not attack the Naga clan!

Xu Chengfeng called out Lilith and took her around in front of these activated plants.

"From now on, these flower fields will be taken care of by themselves!"

"Huh? What are you doing to us?"

"Open up a new flower field!"

"My lord, how did you do it?"

Lilith is very clear about the situation of these special plants.

She flies over these flower fields every day.

Whether these plants are monsters, she still doesn't know?


Xu Chengfeng laughed.

"Okay!" Lilith flew around Xu Chengfeng, and finally sat on his shoulder, "If these flower fields have their own managers, we flower elves can indeed expand the flower fields."

"Then let's work hard!" Xu Chengfeng encouraged, "There is not enough land, tell me, I will help you expand the territory, and you can plant flowers with all your strength."

Lilith: "We will definitely work hard, Master Island Master!"

After Xu Chengfeng took out the soul bee, he found a big oak tree, and planned to consume more than 6000 million energy points to upgrade it to the top grade of the emperor!

But when he input energy points, he found that he couldn't activate the soul bee queen.

The Queen of the Soul Bee is not an item, nor is it very low in IQ like the Queen of the Flower Spirit Bee.

The soul bee queen with king-level potential is a highly intelligent creature.

"Depend on!"

Xu Chengfeng pursed his lips, looking at the palm-sized queen bee covered in milky white, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"That's fine!"

Xu Chengfeng figured it out quickly.

It can't be activated directly, but he can also let the Queen of the Soul Bee develop slowly.

Big deal, he spent more time and resources on the Queen Soul Bee.

Xu Chengfeng summoned twenty flower spirit bee helpers for the soul bee queen through the flower spirit bee queen, and began to help the soul bee queen build a nest.

After letting the flower spirit bee queen take care of the soul bee, he left the flower elf territory.

Afterwards, Xu Chengfeng rushed to the pit of the Earth Demon Earthworm, greeted the Queen Blood Spirit Bee Queen, and consumed more than 6000 million energy points to raise the Little Blood Spirit Queen Bee to the top rank of the Emperor Rank.

Xu Chengfeng also borrowed manpower from the former royal blood spirit bee queen, and asked her to help the new queen bee build a nest.

If it was in the wild, the two blood spirit bee queens would definitely fight to the death.

But with Xu Chengfeng's greeting in advance, they can coexist peacefully.

After Xu Chengfeng finished handling the affairs on the island temporarily, Tong Mu sent Xu Chengfeng a bunch of demonized beast crystal cores through the trading system.

Probably the energy of five emperor-level middle-grade demonized beast crystal nuclei.

Among them, there are three imperial-level middle-grade crystal nuclei, others have imperial-level low-grade crystal nuclei, and there are also king-level, star-level, and diamond-level crystal nuclei.

Many royal-level island owners cannot produce a mid-grade imperial-level crystal nucleus.

They can only trade the crystal nuclei of various levels accumulated in normal times to Fengyu according to the total energy value.

After Xu Chengfeng absorbed these crystal nuclei, he increased his reserve of [-] million energy points.

When these association island owners buy the magic notes, they will buy magic metals to build the mage tower, and when they finish building the mage tower, they should need imperial flower spirit honey, blood spirit honey, water of life, emerald jade Coral, Tianxin tea...

Or, at that time, Xu Chengfeng will have more other types of resources to satisfy this group of cuties in different ways.

As long as they have enough crystal nuclei!

"Jana, is Qiyun Island coming?"

Qiyun Island is Xu Chengfeng's next island stop!

"Tomorrow, tomorrow will arrive!"

"Send someone to inform, and bring a gift by the way."


After Xu Chengfeng arranged the tasks, he devoted himself to training again.

After receiving the inheritance of the emperor-level black dragon bloodline, Xu Chengfeng found that he was getting closer and closer to breaking through to the top-grade gold.

The Naga territory, the king of the Naga, Bedo, who has the blood of the eight-armed Naga, suddenly received an urgent report.

"My lord, there are seven emperor-level abyssal monsters, and dozens of king-level abyssal monsters are about to arrive in our territory, about 10 minutes away!"

"What?" Beck was surprised, "Are you sure?"

"Subordinates confirm!"

The emperor-level middle-grade Naga replied.

"Then what are you waiting for, assemble the legion and inform the elders that we are ready to fight!"

With seven emperor-level abyssal demonized beasts and dozens of king-level abyssal demonized beasts, Bedo still had a lot of pressure.

It's not that they can't win, but that Beck doesn't want to lose too many people!

The Naga branch of Bedo was not favored by the high-level officials of the Naga Kingdom ten thousand years ago.

They are sent to be stationed in the remotest seas

As a result, after the abyss invaded, they were the safest one.

Later, they couldn't resist the Abyss Demonic Beast, and fled to the vicinity of the Southern Star Sea, barely gaining a foothold.

When he came to Nanxing Huanyu, Bekdo's ancestor established himself as the king of Naga, and then passed it down to his generation.

In the Southern Star Sea Region, they and the Shark Clan occupy the East and West Sea Regions.

The Naga clan and the Shark clan have never dealt with each other.

But they didn't clash too much either.

It's not that they don't want to fight, it's not that they don't want to fight for territory.

But there is no need to fight!

There are abyss demonized beasts everywhere. The two sea clans, Naga and Mad Shark, are both huddled in the territorial area. Except for occasional impulses due to competition for important resources, the two of them are more restrained.

Everyone knows that if they really fight to the death, there is a high probability that they will be broken by the abyss demonized beast in the end.

In this world like the end of the world, it is really important to preserve the vitality and elite strength.

But just when Bedo notified the four Naga elders to assemble the legion and lead the troops to the front line of the territory, preparing to resist the massive attack of the demonization of the abyss, he saw a black shadow rubbing against the Naga's territory, left……

"King, those abyss demonized beasts... have left!"

A low-grade imperial Naga came to report.

Beck was at a loss: "Leaving? Is this 5.9 playing with me?"

"My lord, it's a good thing that the group of abyss demonized beasts have left!"

"That's right! They can leave on their own. It's only good for us, not bad."


The four elders of the Naga clan said in a hurry.

It's not that they are afraid of fighting, it's just that no one wants to let their compatriots die.

After nearly ten thousand years of fighting, the Naga clan is very clear that it is impossible to completely wipe out the abyss demonized beasts!

What they should think about is how to bring this group of people to live.

"How far are those abyss demonized beasts from our line of defense before they left?"

Baker asked.

"About thirty kilometers!" The lower-rank Naga who came to report the news replied.

Beck took a deep breath and said, "This is not right, very wrong, there is definitely a problem, and it is still a big problem!"

Chapter 335 Shaking the Three Clans!Sarah and Dill and the old woman!

"Yeah! Something must have happened!"

A Naga elder also reacted.

Within hundreds of kilometers, the emperor-level abyss demonized beasts can sense the breath of life.

Thirty kilometers away, those abyss demonized beasts must have discovered them.

But even so, the abyss demonized beasts did not attack them.

They must have other goals!

And they either have wisdom or command.

No matter what kind of possibility it is, it is a sign of something big.

A Naga elder smiled wryly: "I remember, the last time we encountered this situation, was it to force us to give up our belief in the Naga God?"

Whether it was Bedo or the other Naga, they were all silent.

They have never experienced the escape from thousands of years ago.

But the shame of a hundred years ago is still fresh in their memory.

Bedo whispered: "Send people to follow, we need to know if their target is the Seven-Star City-State Alliance... or the mad shark!"

Seven Star Island, Seven Star City.

Master Sara, leader of the Seven-Star City-State Alliance, also received news of the change of the emperor-level abyss demonized beast.

Several island owners near the 22 Seven Star City have successively sent news that they found flying demonized beasts of the Emperor, King, and Xingyao levels passing over the city.

However, none of these sporadic flying monsters had any intention of attacking the island.

Instead, it passed the inhabited island and continued to fly south.

The information was collected in Seven Star City, and Mage Sarah and the think tank of Seven Star City discovered that the high-level flying-type demonized beasts observed recently were all in the same situation.

Don't attack the island, just fly south!

They seem to have received some kind of mysterious call!

In addition to the flying monsters, some islands also noticed the changes of the ocean monsters, but they were not as clear as the Naga clan.

Mage Sarah and the think tanks were worried because they couldn't figure out what the demonized beast wanted to do.

"There are creatures from the abyss directing them, just like a hundred years ago!" Mage Sarah asked in a low voice, "What power is there in the south? It's worth the abyss to fight so much?"

An old man wearing presbyopic glasses looked at the map and said: "The south... the south has our islands, as well as the spheres of influence of the mad sharks and Naga. The slightly more powerful one is the Kelban that has risen in recent decades. There's a mermaid!"

"I think it's probably the Kerban mermaid!"

A thin and handsome middle-aged man in a wind magic robe said suddenly while staring at the map.

Master Sarah whispered: "Master Dill, tell me why!"

Master Dill analyzed: "The last time the abyss demonized beast was commanded was to destroy all the churches of the Church of the Sea and the Church of Storms. Those intelligent abyssal creatures who have wisdom and can command other abyss demonized beasts are extremely rare. , are targeting the church and the faith!"

"As for the Keerban mermaid family, they migrated to the South China Sea after that cleansing. It is said that most of the mermaid family are loyal believers of the god of water elements and the goddess of the sea!"

"Those mermaids probably still have faith!"

Sara frowned slightly: "But to deal with the Keerban mermaids, do we need to gather so many abyssal demonic beasts? Didn't the information say that among the mermaids, only the patriarch Thea is more powerful, is he a royal mage?"

Dill said in a low voice: "I don't know, maybe the group of mermaids are hiding their strength!"

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