"Hmm!" Sara nodded, "That's all I can guess."

"Master Sarah, I apply to investigate this matter!"

Dill stood up and said.

Everyone looked at Dill in surprise.

None of them expected that Dill would stand up at this time.

A large number of imperial-level abyssal demonized beasts, as well as those of the flying type, are involved. It is very dangerous to investigate this matter.

"Dill, this is too dangerous!"

"If I insist!"

Dill said in a deep voice.

Sarah looked at Dill and asked in a low voice, "Can't you let go?"

Dill looked at her: "I'm not with you, Sara!"

"It's been 100 years!"

"Ten thousand will not!"

Dill strode out of Sarah's mage tower, and Sarah looked at Dill's back, her face uncertain.

Dill went back to his lodgings.In the dark basement, he knelt in front of a small statue, praying devoutly.

"God! Please forgive those who have lost their way!"

"They have no idea what they're doing!"

Tears flowed from the corners of Master Dill's eyes.

"They...need the guidance of the storm!"

Didn't feel any response, and Dill didn't care.

He was just repeating what the priests of ten thousand years were doing.

Like those generations of priests, he is still looking forward to it!

Soon, Dill organized his mind and brought the magic props, magic potions, and various materials needed for the trip.

Dill walked out of the basement and just ran into his disciple Jeb.

"Teacher, I heard that you are leaving to investigate the movements of the abyss demonized beasts?"

"Hmm!" Dill said with lowered eyes, "This time, the abyss demonized beast with wisdom is dispatched. It may be related to gods and believers. I must go and see!"

"Isn't that dangerous?"

"Go even if it's dangerous!" Dill looked around and ordered in a low voice, "When I'm not around 910, temporarily suspend the rally."

"Understood!" Jeb said, "Teacher, be careful!"


Dill took out a dagger from the space ring and swung it fiercely into the air.

"Storm technique!"

In an instant, there was a strong wind.

Dill rushed into the sky with the strong wind, and shot south like a cannonball.

At the same time, thousands of miles away, in the shallow sea area of ​​a remote island, an old and ugly woman surfaced.

This ugly woman is wearing clothes made of seaweed.

His white hair was more than ten meters long, and most of it was still in the water, covered with algae.

Her face was disfigured and she was missing an eye.

She has no hands, but relies on magic to stand on the surface of the sea.

She quietly watched a king-level ocean monster swim past her.

"Have you been commanded again?" the old woman gritted her teeth and said, "It's just like a hundred years ago!"

her body, dived into the water.

Magic power surrounded her, condensing into a water elemental shark.

She was even more sure when she followed the king-level abyss demonized beast and found that the other party was not attacking her.

"Could it be that there are still believers in the Southern Star Sea Region?"

"The Church of Stormwind, or the Church of the Sea... Those who can maintain their faith must be followers of the Goddess of the Sea!"

Chapter 336 The number of demonized beasts has greatly decreased!Feel threatened!

The armless woman followed the king-level abyssal beast from afar. Along the way, the king-level abyssal beast joined the team of other abyssal beasts, and the team became bigger and bigger.

However, none of them launched an attack on the nearby islands or the territory of the crazy sharks.

The armless woman became more and more sure of her guess.

This group of abyss demonized beasts, just like a hundred years ago, is commanded by someone behind them.

Abyss Demonic Beasts are generally scattered throughout the Southern Star Sea, they will be attracted by life energy and attack the territories of various races.

However, because they do not have a unified command, such attacks can still be resisted in most cases.

Once they are assembled, they may have the strength to wipe out all the tribes in the Southern Star Sea Region.

Xu Chengfeng didn't know about the change of the demonized beast in the abyss of the Southern Star Sea.

Feng Ling's detection range has always been only the area around the island.

His island was moving, and it was impossible for the wind spirits to conduct long-distance scouting.

If Feng Ling went out for ten days and half a month, he might not even be able to find a home when he came back.

Holding the sword of the Holy Shield, he conducted actual combat training with the abyssal demonized beasts on the five-square-kilometer training ground.

Xu Chengfeng only has middle-grade gold now, but his strength is already enough to defeat the platinum-level abyss demonized beast.

After obtaining the bloodline inheritance of the emperor-level black dragon, he can even slash the platinum top-grade abyss demonized beast under the sword!

The sword of the holy shield flew out, piercing a severely wounded mid-grade platinum abyss demonized heart. When the enemy fell, the dark power on Xu Chengfeng's body surged rapidly.

His whole body was wrapped in dark elements, it was still daytime, and the sun was shining brightly.

But around him, it was like night.

He is wrapped in a cocoon of dark elements.

Inside the cocoon of darkness, Xu Chengfeng's low roar came.

After the thick dark elements dissipated, Xu Chengfeng was reminded by Kane World, and he successfully broke through to the top-grade gold.

For more than five months, the gold was top-grade. Ten thousand years ago, Xu Chengfeng was also called the proud son of heaven.

Even in the more than 50 years that the Blue Star Island Lord has opened up the Kane world, his speed of strength improvement is unique!

But Xu Chengfeng's heart was peaceful, without the slightest complacency.

After all, even his maid is an emperor-level top-rank powerhouse!

He couldn't be more proud!

This is really a happy trouble.

"Master Island Master, congratulations, you have made another breakthrough!" Wen Dini handed Xu Chengfeng a warm wet towel, "Master Island Master, wipe off your sweat."


Angel of Tears and Angel of Light have recently followed Paradis to practice.

Xu Chengfeng had asked them, and they had indeed gained a lot of benefits.

They used to have no strength, but lacked practical experience and skills.

They have benefited a lot from Paradis' experience and guidance.

Their level has not improved, but their combat effectiveness has definitely improved a lot.

So, without the two angel maids, Wendini came over to take care of Xu Chengfeng after taking care of the caterpillar.

Xu Chengfeng actually didn't need to take care of him.

But he still couldn't bear to reject his Wendini.

Xu Chengfeng summoned the wind spirit in the sky, and told him to tell Shui Ling that there is no need to let the abyss demonized beast ashore for the time being.

Sensing the threat from the minions of the abyss, Xu Chengfeng planned to inspect the island again.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a sharp island disaster siren.

He looked at Feng Ling who was walking in the sky: "Has the disaster drill started?"

"Yeah!" Wendini nodded, "Island Master, didn't you order it?"

"It was me, but I didn't tell them the time!"

Wendini complained: "The disaster alarm was sounded in the middle of the night the day before yesterday, and it scared me!"

"This is for the sake of the island residents!"

Fifteen minutes later, the leader of Fengling came to Xu Chengfeng.

"How did they perform in this exercise?"

Xu Chengfeng asked.

The head of Feng Ling replied: "Master, they all performed very well. They could all enter the refuge within 7 minutes and fix themselves... The Night City has made great progress!"

"Ah That's good!"

Xu Chengfeng nodded in satisfaction.

Disaster drills must be done well.

There are still ordinary people and low-level professionals on Xu Chengfeng's island.

In the event of a big battle, when the spirit of the island needs to move quickly, if ordinary people and low-level professionals cannot fix themselves in time, they may be thrown out of the island directly.

This is what Xu Chengfeng doesn't want to see.

Recently, Xu Chengfeng asked the wind spirits to train and observe the emergency response capabilities of the island residents from time to time, and the results were not bad.

"By the way, master, there is something, the venom leader asked me to report it to you!"

"what's up?"

"Recently, the number of high-level abyssal demonic beasts has been decreasing!" Fengling leader said, "Even the number of diamond-level and platinum-level abyssal demonic beasts has decreased a lot... Star-level, king-level, and king-level abyssal monsters Transformation beasts, we haven't seen a single one!"


Emperor-level abyss demonized beasts are also relatively rare in the Southern Star Sea.

King-level abyss demonized beasts are also relatively rare.

Star-level abyssal demonized beasts are also relatively rare.

Even though Xu Chengfeng's island is very attractive to abyss demonized beasts, they are still rarely seen.

However, there are still a large number of diamond-level and platinum-level abyss demonized beasts in the Southern Star Sea.

Xu Chengfeng asked Angus and Sila about the situation in the southern star sea area.

The answers of the two were the same as what Xu Chengfeng saw.

In other words, the sharp drop in the number of Diamond and Platinum grades this time is definitely an abnormal situation.

Xu Chengfeng knew that there were creatures that could command the abyss demonized beasts.

There are two abyssal conchs on his island, but he doesn't have the power of the abyss, so he can't use them.

"Go and inform the leaders of the various tribes on the island to prepare them for battle. If I guess correctly, we are their target."

In the entire Southern Star Sea Territory, Xu Chengfeng couldn't think of a target more resembling a target than him!

"Okay, master!"

"Let Janna and Venom leader send out wind spirits and water spirits to expand the scope of investigation!"

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