
After the leader of Fengling left, Wendini worriedly asked, "Master, will we be attacked?"

"Don't worry, they can't hurt the island."

Xu Chengfeng comforted with a smile.

He came to the front of the island and found the spirit of the island.

"Are you going to Qiyun Island?"

"It's almost there!" said the Spirit of the Island. "According to the coordinates, we will arrive in the afternoon."

"can buy!"

Even if there is a danger of being attacked by the abyss, the business that should be done must be done.

The crystal nucleus that should be earned, still has to be earned!

It is impossible for Xu Chengfeng to mess up because of these threats.

Chapter 337 Xu Chengfeng's Island Guest!Official Expedition Team!

Just before arriving at Qiyun Island, Xu Chengfeng received a message from Tong Mu.

Longguo executives entrusted the Island Owners Association to send three island owners and five members of the strategy department to visit Xu Chengfeng's island.

They wanted to get in touch with the divinity of Gemil, the god of water elements and goddess of the sea.

Last time, the rough plan drawn up by Chu Bozhong, Fu Qingze, Feng Yu, and Xu Chengfeng moved the hearts of Longguo executives.

Xu Chengfeng calculated the time and decided to deal with the members of the delegation first.

If it can pass the inspection, the Ocean Church will also receive official support.

This is of great benefit to Xu Chengfeng, to Gemil, and to the officials.

Officials need to see the goddess of the sea Gemil with their own eyes. It is impossible for Xu Chengfeng to say whatever he wants.

Xu Chengfeng can also understand their caution, after all, the matter is of great importance!

Xu Chengfeng told Gemil to get ready, and ordered the spirit of the island to temporarily stop the island.

It is impossible for the island owner who entered Xu Chengfeng's island to obtain Xu Chengfeng's coordinates.

But if Xu Chengfeng's sea is moving, people with gold and silver levels can sense it!

After opening the portal, Xu Chengfeng appeared in the island owner association building.

757 is where he disappeared last time.

Back in the method room, Xu Chengfeng saw Tong Mu and the other seven members of the investigation team.

The two island owners are Deng Sheng and Di Jianmin.

The remaining five are not island owners, and two of them are capable, but they are not strong.

With a strength beyond the gold level, Xu Chengfeng, a rookie island owner, cannot be brought into the island.

Officials and associations, it is impossible not to take it into consideration.

Tong Mu gave a brief introduction to Xu Chengfeng. Deng Sheng and Di Jianmin are both direct descendants of the Island Owners Association, but they are all members of the previous sessions.

Deng Sheng's gold-level strength has entered the island world for three years.

Di Jianmin has a silver-level strength and has been in the island world for two years.

It's Senior Xu Chengfeng!

In addition, on the Strategic Bureau side, Gu Xuan is leading the team.

Gu Xuan is a gold-level ability user. He became the owner of the island for a short time and was eliminated later. He is currently working in the Strategy Bureau.

But these seven people are very respectful to Xu Chengfeng.

Xu Chengfeng is also called "President Xu", including Deng Sheng and Di Jianmin.

There is no way, who made Xu Chengfeng have a high status now!

After Xu Chengfeng announced that he would sell the emperor-level magic notes and the precious magic metal of the island owner of the Dragon Kingdom at a discounted price, Xu Chengfeng's influence in the association began to increase dramatically.

Wait for a while, and wait for Xu Chengfeng to sell more precious strategic materials.

His influence in the association can even exceed that of Feng Yu and Fu Qingze, two veteran island owners who have served as vice presidents for many years.

With the potential he has shown, it is not impossible to surpass Chu Bozhong in the future.

Strictly speaking, Deng Sheng and Di Jianmin are his nominal subordinates.

As for the five members of the other strategy bureaus, it was impossible to ignore Xu Chengfeng's influence and potential.

The Dragon Country Island Owners Association governs all the island owners in the Dragon Country.

The owner of Longguo Island has a strong combat power, holds a large amount of food resources, and has a pivotal influence in the country.

Whether it is status, real power, or influence, it definitely surpasses the Strategic Bureau.

It's hard for them not to bow their heads!

"Tong Mu, is there one missing?"

Xu Chengfeng looked at the seven people, and looked at Tong Mu suspiciously.

"No, isn't it eight?"

"Okay, everyone come with me!"

Only then did Xu Chengfeng realize that the other one should be Tong Mu.

As soon as the eight people entered Xu Chengfeng's island, a shimmering artificial lake appeared in front of them.

Platinum-grade thousand silk lotus blooms brightly, gracefully and gracefully, like a beautiful girl in the rich mist of water elements.

Surrounding them is a Chinese-style villa leaning against the lake, surrounded by large areas, competing for beauty.

The eight of them took a deep breath together, and then enjoyed it.

Deng Sheng sighed: "President Xu, the air on your island is really good!"


Xu Chengfeng said with a smile: "I'll take you to Gaimil first, or visit my island first."

"Let's go to His Royal Highness Ocean Goddess first!" Gu Xuan said calmly, "Work comes first!"

"it is good!"


Tong Mu greeted the elf who had just come out at the entrance of the villa.

"Island Master Tong, you are here!"


Xu Chengfeng smiled and said, "Come with me!"

Leading the crowd along the stone steps by the artificial lake to the beach.

The seven people who boarded Xu Chengfeng's island were all attracted by the surrounding trees and the occasional outcrops in the artificial lake, who were curiously watching them.

"President Xu, are these tree people?"

Deng Sheng asked curiously.

"That's right!"

"President Xu, there are many water elemental spirits on your island!"

"Good Feng Shui!"

After perfunctorying everyone, they walked to the end of the artificial lake and came to the territory of the clam and mermaid clan.

The territories of the clams and mermaids have been expanded a lot by Xu Chengfeng recently.

Their saltwater lake territory is full of special marine plants.

There are also some marine plants such as kelp and seaweed.

But relatively small, the plants on Xu Chengfeng's island grow very fast, and only a small area needs to be planted, which is enough to feed them.

"There are so many mermaids!"

Tong Mu said in surprise.


Deng Sheng also exclaimed: "It's the first time I've seen so many mermaids... There isn't a single mermaid on my island!"

Tong Mu asked: "Master Xu, can I take a photo?"

"It can be photographed, but remember not to photograph the church!"

"I see!"

Tong Mu picked up the phone and took a few pictures of the crowd of mermaids.

At this time, Thea swam over.

"What a beautiful mermaid!"

Tong Mu exclaimed again.

The rest of the inspection team members also set their sights on Thea.

Thea has noble blood, imperial strength, and outstanding talent.

She was also appointed as a saint by Gemil and obtained the profession of deep sea priest.

Regardless of appearance and temperament, she is also among the top in the world of Kane, which is full of beauties.

Everyone is very clear and can distinguish her from all the mermaids.

Thea came to the shore and jumped onto the shore lightly. Her golden fish tail turned into a pair of long legs and stood in front of everyone.

"Master Island Master, you are here!"

Thea bowed in greeting.

"En!" Xu Chengfeng nodded, "These are the guests from the government, and they need to meet His Highness Gemil."

"Okay, you guys come with me!"

The crowd was still in shock.

A mermaid with legs!

Kane is a world-class powerhouse!

Most importantly, she was so respectful to Xu Chengfeng!

Chapter 338 The shock of the inspectors of the Island Owners Association!Come on you two!

They did know that Xu Chengfeng's island probably had more than one emperor-level powerhouse.

But they thought that the best situation would be that those emperor-level powerhouses were on an equal footing with Xu Chengfeng.

Maybe, Xu Chengfeng will even lower his face and plead with these emperor-level powerhouses!

But what do they see now?

An imperial powerhouse called Xu Chengfeng "Master Island Master"!

They saw the emperor-level powerhouse "respecting" Xu Chengfeng!

An emperor-level powerhouse, a respectful respect to a gold-level professional!

At this moment, in the eyes of the two island owners and five observers, Xu Chengfeng's status suddenly rose.

They knew very well that Xu Chengfeng was far from being as simple as he saw!

At this time, Xu Chengfeng reminded: "Thea, clean up the sea water, it will wet your clothes."

"Okay, my lord!"

Thea waved her hand lightly, and the sea water was separated by an invisible force.

She cleared a clean path for everyone.

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