Gemil was so disciplined that Xu Chengfeng's anger disappeared.

"Okay!" Xu Chengfeng said, "Forget it this time, if there is a next time, I will teach you a lesson."

"Thank you, Master Island Master!"

Hearing Xu Chengfeng's words, Gemil also breathed a sigh of relief.

She dared not underestimate Xu Chengfeng.

Even Paradis, who signed the alliance contract with him, suffered a lot from Xu Chengfeng.

She is still Xu Chengfeng's servant, so she can't resist him at all!

Then I can't offend him even more.

"Gamil, work hard!" Xu Chengfeng encouraged, "Strive to ignite the divine fire as soon as possible, and become the goddess of the sea again."

"My lord, I will work hard."


If Xu Chengfeng is not mistaken, Gemil's strength has reached the top-grade gold!

She should be able to break through to the platinum level faster than Xu Chengfeng.

To be honest, the talents of these gods made Xu Chengfeng a little envious.

As long as there are enough believers, their strength will naturally increase.

Of course, the gods in Kane World can be described as believers in success and believers in failure!

Once the number of their believers decreases, the strength of the gods will also decrease.

After the will of the abyss invaded the world of Kane, the gods lost a large number of believers, and it was extremely difficult to restore their gods.

It is almost impossible to restore the combat power of the heyday!

Just look at the current status of the Goddess of the Sea Gemil, the Goddess of Storms Stia, the Goddess of the Night, Paradis, the God of Light and the God of Fire, and you will know the overall situation of the gods in the Kane world!

In the heyday, the goddess of the sea, the goddess of the night, and the god of light should belong to the top of the gods, that is, the main god.

Even these main gods can only survive under the pressure of the will of the abyss.

Other high-level gods, middle-level gods, low-level gods, and even weak gods... I don't know how many have completely disappeared!

The reason for their complete disappearance is probably that the believers disappeared!

After ten thousand years, it has been completely forgotten!

Even if there is divinity left, it will be very difficult to wake up.

The gods of the Kane world are only the gods of the Kane world.

This is also an important reason why Xu Chengfeng did not devour Paradis and charged towards the God of Darkness.

He suspects that Kane World deliberately digs holes for him!

At that time, the will of the world in Kane's world was obviously guiding him, leading him to become the new God of Darkness.

In other words, they were recruiting him!

But Xu Chengfeng planned to think about it seriously.

Don't think that the will of the world in Kane's world is mechanical.

It is clearly biased!

One of the reasons why Xu Chengfeng chose the Black Dragon Warrior career template is also because the dragon race in the Kane world is a rare and powerful race that does not rely on beliefs, but can also obtain the strength comparable to the gods

Xu Chengfeng's ambition was born when he obtained the life activation technique and became the rookie king.

In the evening, the residents and professionals of Qiyun Island finally saw what their island owner was waiting for.

A huge and beautiful island sailed into Qiyun Harbor in the dim sunset.

The ice girl with an indifferent expression stood on the edge of the island, picked up a piece of ice flower, and threw it on the calm sea...

In an instant, the entire port was frozen.

The angel of tears came to the island owner of Qiyun Island, the emperor-level warrior Willie: "Island owner Willie, I kept you waiting for a long time, our master invites you to come to the island as guests!"


They have indeed been waiting for a long time, waiting for a whole day.

But Willie didn't dare to complain!

Yesterday Janna suddenly appeared in front of Willy. Facing the mighty Janna, Willie, a royal warrior, almost knelt down for her!

I can't even think of rebelling.

Of course Willie knew what that meant!

Even in the face of Sarah, the number one powerhouse in the Seven Star City-State Alliance, he didn't have such a sense of powerlessness!

Looking at the port frozen by an ice flower, Willie took a light breath and exhaled a white mist.

That cold woman...was so strong, too strong!

He led his subordinates, stepped on the road of ice crystals, and under the leadership of the Angel of Tears, he landed on Xu Chengfeng's island!

Xu Chengfeng hosted a banquet for Willie and others, which made Willie a little excited.

The transaction agreement after 0.4 is even more smooth.

Willie only has the low-level strength of the emperor, whether it is the blood spirit bee or the water of life, they are all treasures that he dreams of!

In this terrible world, everyone is pursuing greater strength.

Just like in Blue Star, everyone is chasing money!

For the next thing, Xu Chengfeng completely let go and asked Chen Xinping, Yuzhu, Hailing, and Paradis to talk to the forces headed by Qi Yundao Willie.

When Willie was a guest on the island, all the forces on Qiyun Island were alarmed by Xu Chengfeng's island.

They all guessed which side Xu Chengfeng belonged to.

How can there be such a beautiful island.

"It would be great if I had such a beautiful island!"

A professional sighed.

"You are just daydreaming. Without strength, you can't defend that kind of island at all!"

Chapter 340 The little spiders who sneaked into the island!Scary island spirit!

"That island is full of trees, and it sails in the sea, and all the abyss demonized beasts along the way will frantically rush up!" A senior professional said, "You are facing the tide of demonized beasts all the time, you can understand Is that what it feels like?"

"Isn't that island amazing?"

"The strength on the island is absolutely outrageous!"


When Willie waited for the others to leave the island with his stomach full, darkness enveloped Xu Chengfeng's island and Qiyun City.

The tide was rising and falling, hitting Xu Chengfeng's side of the island.

Some black dots were also washed onto Xu Chengfeng's island dam by the tide.

These little black dots are extremely tiny.

Even senior professionals are unlikely to notice them.

As soon as these little black creatures attached to the outside of the dam, their bodies gradually became transparent, completely invisible.

Then they dodge the waves and climb up the dike at great speed.

Three hundred kilometers away, the red-eyed giant eagle stood quietly on the sea.

Beside it, there is also a big black spider.

This big black spider with 22 eyes closed is about 20 meters long and [-] meters wide.

The body is covered with blood-red strange markings.

At this time, the abdominal cavity of the big spider was opened, and countless black sand poured out from its abdominal cavity.

If you look carefully with a magnifying glass, you will find that these are not black sand at all, but tiny spiders.

Suddenly, the big black spider closed its abdominal cavity and opened its eight gray eyes.

"I found the island!"

"Have you found it?" The red-eyed giant eagle asked curiously, "Where did they go now?"

In order not to startle the snake, the red-eyed giant eagle couldn't send people to track Xu Chengfeng's island, so he found the big spider.

"More than 300 kilometers away!" The big spider pointed in the direction of Qi Yundao with one pincer, "It's in that direction. If I remember correctly, it's the location of Qi Yun Island."

"Did you run to Qiyun Island?"

"Yes!" The big spider nodded.

"Then you should be careful to monitor them. It is best to find out how many professionals there are on the island, what strength they are, whether there are any mermaids, whether there are other believers, or traces of divinity!" The red-eyed giant eagle said, "We wait In a few days, Philip should be back, and then we will launch a general attack."

The big spider wondered, "Don't you have a divine power detection crystal?"

"Not long ago, I handed back the divine power detection crystal!" The red-eyed giant eagle said helplessly, "It seems that the messenger arranged for other people to enter the southern part of Kane's world, where there is a group of humans from other worlds."

"So it is!"

The big spider nodded.

"By the way, you have to be careful!" The red-eyed giant eagle said, "We can't do anything until Fili comes back."

"Don't worry!" the big spider sneered, "Although my little spiders don't have the ability to attack, they have the same vision as me. They have tenacious vitality, and their innate concealment ability is unique. Even legendary powerhouses may not be able to find them They, the believers who swept across the Southern Star Sea, they have never been discovered!"

"The work of collecting intelligence is entrusted to you, I am very relieved!"

The red-eyed giant eagle completely believed in the ability of the blood-stained spider.

The detection ability of the blood-stained spider has never disappointed it!

"Hey!" the big spider laughed, "Don't worry! In this world, there is no information that Lukez can't detect!"

As soon as the big spider said this, it suddenly jumped up from the sea.

Its actions also scared the red-eyed giant eagle.

The red-eyed giant eagle looked around vigilantly, but found nothing.

"Lukez, what's the matter? Have you found the enemy?"

"No! No!" the big spider Lukez cursed, "Just now I shared the vision with my little spiders, and the island was quiet and quiet, but a human head popped out from under my eyelids, just TM Like a ghost, it scares me!"

"That's good, that's good, I thought something was wrong!" The red-eyed giant eagle said again, "She won't find your little spider, right?"

"Impossible! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

More than 300 kilometers away, the spirit of the island who didn't know that he accidentally frightened the big spider Lukez poked his head out.

She looked around curiously, but found nothing.

She murmured softly, "No way! I clearly sensed that something landed on the island. I couldn't be wrong!"

Strictly speaking, the body of the spirit of the island is the island.

Any disturbance on the island cannot escape her senses.

The spirit of the island tilted her head and muttered, and the five little spiders near her who had just stepped onto the embankment began to crawl towards the grass.

"No, it might be invisible!"

The spirit of the island suddenly figured it out!

She gently closed her eyes, her lower body connected to the island.

Her perception spread around her.

In less than a second, she sensed five little spiders smaller than dust again.

"Oh, it turns out that you little cuties have come to the island!"

The spirit of the island slowly approached the five little spiders, and the Lukez people who shared the vision with the little spiders were dumbfounded!

That is not true, is it?

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