How did she find out?

She must be guessing!

But soon, he knew that the spirit of the island was not just guessing!

"The master said that those strange creatures are not allowed to go to the island, and they will kill each one they meet, but your abilities are very interesting, maybe the master will like you!"

The spirit of the island opened its hand slightly, and the five little spiders were blown by the wind and fell into the hands of the spirit of the island.

Lukez was stunned!

His little spider was really found?

"No! I must have been careless this time!" Lukez was unwilling to accept his failure to sneak into the island, "I can still turn things around, I still have a little spider, I still have a chance, they probably won't recognize my little spider .”

Lukez has always maintained a shared vision with the little spider, and even if he is discovered, he still wants to continue to investigate the situation on the island.

After a while of darkness, he appeared in a luxurious room.

Before he had time to observe his surroundings, his vision sharing was cut off!

The spirit of the island put five little spiders into the coffin of the abyss!

In the villa, there are very few utensils that can hold small animals.

The spirit of the island felt that these little spiders were powerful, so they simply put them in the coffin of the abyss.

Lukez took a deep breath, shared his vision with the little spiders near the island again, and directed the little spiders to approach Xu Chengfeng's island.

He couldn't believe it, he couldn't even invade an island!

Chapter 341 Caught a little spider all night!Activate the abyssal spider!

But Lukez did not expect that the entire island is the body of the island spirit.

His little spiders have all run to the spirit of the island, how could the spirit of the island not sense it!

When Xu Chengfeng woke up the next day, he saw the spirit of the island holding the coffin of the abyss in a daze.

"what happened?"

"Master, look, I seem to have caught something good!"

Xu Chengfeng looked at the coffin of the abyss, and there was nothing in the coffin of the abyss.

But he didn't think that the spirit of the island was lying to him.

"I can't seem to see anything."

The spirit of the island held the coffin of the abyss and shook it vigorously, and patches of black sand gradually appeared in the coffin of the abyss.


Xu Chengfeng took a closer look and saw many tiny creatures crawling.

In the coffin of the abyss, all the black sand is alive!

[Abyssal Spider: The child spider born of the Abyssal Spider has the blood of the Abyssal Spider, but has been deprived of wisdom and growth and development ability. It has extremely powerful lurking ability and hidden talent. 】

"Hiss abyssal spider!"

This is the first time Xu Chengfeng has heard of this abyssal creature.

If this kind of little spider invades the island, the information on the island will probably be discovered by the minions of the abyss!

Because, if he couldn't see the abyssal spiders and didn't notice them, the world of Kane wouldn't remind him.

"Master, are these little guys interesting?"

"Interesting! Very interesting!" Xu Chengfeng nodded again and again, "Have you finished catching them?"

"I'm done catching them all. I've been catching them all night, and the coffin of the abyss is full!"

The spirit of the island looked at Xu Chengfeng with anticipation.

"Very good, you did a good job in this matter, catch as many as you want in the future!"

Xu Chengfeng praised.

"Okay, master, I'll catch them all!"

At this time, the spirit of the island began to look forward to it again.

Looking forward to more little spiders coming to the island.

Three hundred kilometers away, the red-eyed giant eagle looked at the giant spider lying weakly on the sea, with half of its body buried in the sea, and asked suspiciously: "Lukez, what did you do last night?"

Lukez said angrily: "That stinky woman caught all my spiders!"

His body will be hollowed out!

"Legendary powerhouse?"

"It's not legendary, it's imperial, I'm sure!" Lukez gritted his teeth and said, "But her sensory ability is exaggerated to the point of perversion. No matter if I invade the island from any direction, she will find her. It's so fucking disgusting!"

The red-eyed giant eagle looked in the direction of Qi Yundao and said, "It's okay, your contribution is still valuable, at least we know that there are emperor-level powerhouses on the island, it seems that we must also find a way to summon a few emperor-level abyss demonized beasts come over!"

Lukez said: "But, there aren't many emperor-level abyss demonized beasts in the Southern Star Sea?"

"Yeah!" The red-eyed giant eagle nodded, "There are not enough strong ones, so we have to gather them together. In addition to summoning the emperor-level abyss demonized beasts, we also need a large number of miscellaneous soldiers. Even the emperor-level powerhouses, we can drag them to death!"

"Miscellaneous soldiers are too simple!" Lukez said fiercely, "When we invade the island, I will tear that woman to pieces!"

"No problem!" the red-eyed giant eagle said, "I'm going to inform Philip now and ask him to bring in more sea monsters, regardless of their level. I'm more and more suspicious that there may be clues to the gods on that island!"

"it is good!"

Of course Xu Chengfeng didn't know that the spirit of the island made Lukez so angry!

Holding the coffin of the abyss, he came to the artificial lake.

Then, under the monitoring of the spirit of the island, he stretched out two fingers and picked up a handful of small abyssal diving spiders.

Many abyssal spiders wanted to escape, but they were all captured by the spirit of the island.

Xu Chengfeng stared at the dozens of small abyss divers in his hands, and slowly injected activation energy.

The world of Kane reminded that these little spiders were deprived of the ability to grow and develop, but they also inherited the blood of the abyssal spider.

So, they might be able to be activated!

Used by Xu Chengfeng!

White light enveloped Xu Chengfeng's fingers, and dozens of abyssal spiders began to grow.

Xu Chengfeng felt the swelling between his fingers, and put them on the table.

After a while, dozens of palm-sized abyssal spiders crawled all over the table.

"It's really a success!"

Xu Chengfeng laughed.

He counted a total of 130 silver-ranked top-grade abyssal spiders.

Just now he wanted to catch as few as possible, but he didn't expect to catch more than 100 in one go.

The spirit of the island caught an abyssal spider from the coffin of the abyss yesterday... I don't know how many there are!

Xu Chengfeng grabbed an abyss diving spider.

The abyssal luman is furry, with beautiful blood-red markings on its back.

After being caught, it lay obediently in Xu Chengfeng's hands.

Xu Chengfeng glanced at its attributes, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Not bad, quite excellent, and has a promising future in training!"

[Name]: Abyssal spider

[Talent]: 1. Lurking interest rate reduction (sss), 2. Existence reduction (sss), 3. Shadow power of the abyss (ss), 4. Poison of darkness (s), 5. Spider reproduction (s).

【Loyalty】: 100

[Attributes]: Abyss, Darkness, Shadow, Poison

[Grade]: Silver Top Grade


1. Stealth and lurking, 2. Concentrating breath, 3. Poisonous fangs, 4. Jumping.

Xu Chengfeng looked at the existence of the abyssal spider to reduce his talent.

[Reduced Existence (Talent) (sss): The natural presence is extremely low, and it is easy to be ignored! 】

Lurking breath, reduced existence, the power of the shadow of the abyss!

Adding up the three talents, Abyssal Potential is indeed a natural talent for spying on intelligence and assassinating enemies!

Thinking that he had obtained 5 million energy points recently, and he still had more than [-] million energy points in his hand, he couldn't help but inject a large amount of energy into the abyssal spider.

The white beam of light shot up into the sky, which not only alarmed the island residents, but also alarmed the entire Qiyun Island.

Island residents have long been familiar with this.

But the people on Qiyun Island are different!

But Xu Chengfeng didn't care about them either.

Shrouded in white light, the size of the abyssal spider began to swell wildly.

[Hint: Your pet abyssal submerged spider comprehends the shadow-type skill - escape into the shadows! 】

[Hint: Your pet abyssal submerged spider comprehends the poison-type skill-spray venom!rush】

[Hint: Your pet abyssal submerged spider comprehends the racial skill-sub-spider reproduction! 】

[Hint: Your pet abyssal submerged spider comprehends the race-type skill-shared vision! 】

[Hint: Your pet abyssal submerged spider comprehends the dark skill - Dark Arrow! 】


Chapter 342 Controlling Abyssal Creatures!Undercover plan!raise!

The white light dissipated, and the abyssal spider appeared in front of Xu Chengfeng.

"I have seen the master!"

"Not bad!"

Looking at the huge spider in front of him, which was bigger than a tank and over 20 meters long, Xu Chengfeng nodded in satisfaction.

Consume 6000 million energy points to upgrade the abyssal spider to the top grade of the emperor.

The skills learned by the abyssal spider did not disappoint Xu Chengfeng either.

Both sub spider reproduction and vision sharing have been realized.

To be honest, there are not many subordinates with special abilities on Xu Chengfeng's island.

There are no assassins like the abyssal spider, and there are no subordinates of the intelligence and investigation department.

Wind spirits and water spirits can indeed act as scouts.

But they are not well concealed.

It is far less talented than the abyssal spider.

Most importantly, abyssal spiders are still creatures of the abyss!

Abyssal creatures!

Don't be afraid of the attack of the abyss demonized beast!

Thinking of this, Xu Chengfeng smiled sinisterly!

How fun!

He can control the creatures of the abyss!

"Let's call you Little Spider for now!" Xu Chengfeng said, "I want to make child spiders, spread them out, and monitor the movements of the demonic beasts in the abyss, is that okay?"

"Guaranteed to complete the task, master!" said the abyssal spider, "but I need to consume a lot of energy to make the sub-spider."

"The corpse of an abyss demonized beast, is it okay?"

"Yes, 703!"

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