Because of this person, she was surrounded by this group of people today and endured great pressure.

If the matter is not resolved, she will not be able to take the position of the island owner!

In the end, the other party's tone was still so rude!

Thinking of this, Feng Yu made up his mind.

There's no reason for her to shoulder this matter!

Since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

Feng Yu sealed the phone's microphone with magic power, and said to everyone in the office: "Aren't you curious why Chairman Xu wants to seal off the island for 50 years, why did he cut off the deal? Don't talk, just listen!"

In the office, everyone fell silent.

Including several leading secretaries!

Everyone has come to ask for the water of life.

Hearing that Xu Chengfeng is going to block the island, he probably won't trade with Blue Star anymore.

They are all in a hurry.

Among them, some people need the water of life to save their lives!

At this moment, the phone's hands-free was turned on.

On the other end of the phone, a male voice continued to be displeased:

"What's wrong? President Fengyu, why don't you speak?"

"Does that Xu Chengfeng really want me to buy it?"

"Isn't my face enough?"

"He sent the water of life, and I can guarantee him to be the vice president with real power in the future, instead of an honorary vice president without real power!"

"Or did you not take my words with you?"


In the office, many people frowned.

They are all elites of the Dragon Kingdom, relying on these few words, they can probably guess what happened!

"This voice... so familiar!"

someone whispered.

"The tone is not small!"

"I seem to know who it is..."


Feng Yu smiled coldly, but said in a very aggrieved tone: "I did take your words with you, but President Xu is angry!"

"Angry? Why is he angry? Isn't the tree of life able to produce a lot of water of life?"

"Feng Yu, did you tell him my identity?"

Feng Yu: "Not yet!"

"Then tell him, he should be a smart man, give me some water of life, and I will definitely benefit him in the future!"

Feng Yu: "But..."

"No, but I just want the water of life. Hurry up and ask him to send the water of life quickly. The news seems to have spread. I'm waiting for your water of life in the office!"

Fenghuang still wanted to talk, but the busy tone of "beep beep" came from the phone!

"It's probably like this, you should understand it!"

Feng Yu turned off the phone and said to everyone in the office.

"Is it Ji Jincheng?"

The male secretary standing in front of Feng Yu asked in a cold voice.

"It's him, after all, it belongs to our association!" Feng Yu said aggrievedly, "After I conveyed his words to President Xu, Xu Huicheng became angry..."

Feng Yu helped Xu Chengfeng again and said: "Actually, President Xu is not interested in the position of vice president. He only took the honorary vice president because of President Chu's face."

Everyone was furious when they heard Feng Yu's words!

"So it's really Ji Jincheng!"

"Damn Ji Jincheng, he doesn't want to live anymore!"

"If my old man has a health problem, Ji's and I will never stop!"


When Feng Yu made the decision to confess Ji Jincheng, she guessed everyone's reaction.

Ji Jincheng is indeed her superior.

But she is not afraid of offending him!

Moreover, after today, Ji Jincheng can still live, it is God's blessing.

Everyone in the office may not have a higher position than Ji Jincheng.

But none of them have worse background than Ji Jincheng!

The power they gather can turn the sky upside down!

Whoever makes power is still in the hands of the elders.

They were all waiting for Xu Chengfeng's water of life!

Feng Yu said helplessly in a low voice: "President Xu is very young, and he is also the strongest genius island owner in the history of Blue Star. With the back of the Goddess of the Night, it is normal for him to be young and energetic, and have a proud temperament. I want to persuade him to come back... Difficult!"

Everyone in the office is a genius.

After making eye contact for a while, they probably knew how to get Xu Chengfeng back.

They don't care whether Xu Chengfeng is young and vigorous, they only want the water of life.

As long as Xu Chengfeng can be called back, as long as the water of life can be traded, then it will be fine!

They can only come soft!

After all, Xu Chengfeng stayed in the world of Kane, and they were out of reach!

Not to mention 50 years, they couldn't bear the closure of the island for five years.

"We got it!"

"Report everything!"

"I have to give Chairman Xu an explanation for this matter!"

"This Ji Jincheng is too much!"

"I also ask President Feng Yu to communicate with President Xu more, and persuade him not to be impulsive. Ji Jincheng is just a pest. We will deal with him immediately!"

"Yes! We are all willing to trade fairly!"

Chapter 347 Fengyu, Ning Yongming said, he might want to flatten your island!

Seeing the people in the office and those standing in the corridor, they all started to leave.

As they walked, they also took out their mobile phones and called to report the situation.

Feng Yu knew that Ji Jincheng was in big trouble!

But at this time, she couldn't be happy either.

Find the secretary and ask her to call Tong Mu back.

Not long after, Tong Mu appeared in her office again.

"Tong Mu, you run really fast!"

Tong Mu smiled awkwardly.

Feng Yu said directly: "Those people will take care of Ji Jincheng's matter. The problem now is how to appease President Xu!"


"I know, you have a good relationship!"

"I can only say it's okay!"

Now, Tong Mu didn't dare to take care of everything.

"You girl!" Feng Yu sighed softly, "President Xu invited you to his island."

Tong Mu retorted: "President Xu has only been on your island before!"

"This..." Feng Yu said helplessly, "Then wait, wait until Ji Jincheng's handling results come out, and then contact President Xu."

Soon after, almost all the forces and families of the Dragon Kingdom began to mobilize.

Even, there are many veteran emperor-level and king-level island owners who also moved.

The water of life is not only effective for ordinary people.

For their island owners, it is also very important.

Moreover, these island owners don't want Xu Chengfeng to seal off the island!


If Xu Chengfeng seals off the island, wouldn't their [-]% discount on magic metal be gone?

Among them, many island owners don't have many demonized beast crystal cores, and they haven't gathered the materials to build the mage tower yet!

When Ji Jincheng blocked Xu Chengfeng's island in anger, he was ruining their future and destiny!

Feng Yu knew that members of the association were involved, but she turned a blind eye and acquiesced.

"President Feng Yu, your phone is ringing!"

While eating lunch at the Island Owners Association, Tong Mu reminded.

Feng Yu glanced at it and hung up the phone directly.

It was Ji Jincheng calling him.

"It's okay! Someone is desperate!"


In the afternoon, Feng Yu received a call and learned that Ji Jincheng was in jail, and he probably would never get out in this life!

Not only Ji Jincheng, but even Ji's family were implicated.

In less than three days, the Ji family suffered heavy losses in both political and business circles!

Originally, the Ji family had made a lot of enemies. This time, most of the power of the Dragon Kingdom was directed against the Ji family.

As long as there is a problem, it will definitely be checked.

Those who have no problem will also start to be excluded and transferred away!

And in the business world, the Ji family was subjected to all-round and devastating suppression by a group of elite island owners from the Island Owners Association, as well as ten top domestic consortiums!

The Ji family, of course, has no ability to resist!

What a big family, they fell into it in a daze.

The old owner of the Ji family went to the Island Owners Association to intercede, but he couldn't even enter the gate of the association.

The old head of the Ji family was so angry that he fell down at the gate of the association.

After Feng Yu heard the news, she only glanced at the office window, and said nothing.

As the owner of the island, Feng Yu has been struggling in the world of Kane for more than ten years, and it is impossible for Feng Yu to be a soft-hearted woman.

But at this time, the pressure came to Feng Yu again.

She had to invite Xu Chengfeng back!

Otherwise, she would have to be like Xu Chengfeng, ready to step down and seal the island!

Every day, there are royal island owners asking about Xu Chengfeng's news.

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