Every day, the superiors inquire about the communication progress between Feng Yu and Xu Chengfeng!

Association, there can be no Phoenix language.

But not without Xu Chengfeng!

This is the most intuitive feeling of Feng Yu!

While Feng Yu was waiting for Chen Xinping to arrive, her office was pushed away.

Chu Bozhong and Fu Qingze both pushed the door out with gloomy faces.

Chu Bozhong said in a low voice: "Feng Yu, you really shouldn't do it this time!"

There was anger in his tone.

Even Fu Qingze didn't give Feng Yu any good looks!

In order to invite Xu Chengfeng back, Feng Yu had no choice but to send someone to notify Chu Bozhong and Fu Qingze to come back.

Because she knew that Chu Bozhong, Fu Qingze and Xu Chengfeng had a good relationship.

Having them join will increase the probability of successfully persuading Xu Chengfeng back!

"I'm sorry, President, I did make a mistake!"

Chu Bozhong asked: "Why did you ask Tong Mu to convey such words? Didn't you consider that Xu Chengfeng would be angry?"

Feng Yu: "I was just a little angry at the time. President Xu knew that I needed the water of life... I didn't expect President Xu to react so much!"

She also has an honest attitude of admitting her mistakes!

"Now, you don't even want the water of life!" Fu Qingze sneered, "You should honestly be on the island and plant trees that are tens of thousands of years old!"


Fu Qingze's words hurt my heart!

Where can she wait for tens of thousands of years?

Chu Bozhong said in a low voice: "You should ask Xu Chengfeng to forgive you! If he doesn't forgive you, we can consider changing to a calmer vice president!"

"President Chu, you..."

Feng Yu opened her eyes wide and looked at Chu Bozhong.

She didn't expect that Chu Bozhong would say such a thing.

They have been together and worked together for several years!

Even if she has no credit, she still has hard work!

It was the first time she discovered that Chu Bozhong was so... cold!

In his mind, Xu Chengfeng was originally much more important than her.

Fu Qingze stood on the side calmly, as if he didn't find it strange that Chu Bozhong said this sentence.

Fu Qingze knew very well that Chu Bozhong would definitely ask Xu Chengfeng for him in the future!

In order to become a god, it is absolutely impossible for him to offend Xu Chengfeng!

Chu Bozhong will probably need Xu Chengfeng's help!

Feng Yu is indeed beautiful, but she really can't take her looks for food!

Given their current status, how could they be short of women?

Feng Yu took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and asked in a low voice, "What about... Senior Ning? Why didn't he come? He has a good relationship with President Xu, so maybe he can convince Xu Hui long!"

Chu Bozhong: "I asked, and Ning Yongming said he wouldn't come, that you asked for it!"

Fu Qingze said in a low voice: "I have also persuaded. Senior Ning said that it is normal for President Xu to be angry, and he does not want to persuade him!"

Feng Yu: "How can this be? Doesn't he really want to make a deal with Chairman Xu?"

Chu Bozhong raised his eyelids and glanced at Feng Yu: "Ning Yongming said, if Xu Chengfeng really seals off the island and cuts off the deal, he will flatten your island and help Xu Chengfeng vent his anger!"

Chapter 348 If you don't succeed, you will become Ren's vice president, Feng Yu!

A layer of cold sweat dripped from Feng Yu's back.

Dare to have a more ruthless one who didn't come!

She didn't think that Ning Yongming was joking.

Ning Yongming never jokes!

He said he would fight, and he would definitely fight, and he would never show mercy to anyone!

Chu Bozhong warned with a serious tone: "If Ning Yongming gets angry, I can't stop him!"

"At that time, you won't even have to plant trees!"

Fu Qingze said in a low voice.

Feng Yu felt her heart was about to stop!

Chu Bozhong took a look at Fu Qingze: "Feng Yu, you have to take this matter seriously, otherwise no one will be able to help you."

"I understand!"

Chu Bozhong, Fu Qingze, Feng Yu, and Tong Mu waited for more than an hour. When the sun was about to set, Chen Xinping finally appeared in the corridor of the association.

As soon as she appeared, a group of emperor-level island owners and representatives of other forces surrounded her.

The royal island owners want to make a final deal.

In addition, they also wanted to persuade Xu Chengfeng to give up the idea of ​​​​blocking the island.

At least you can't cut off the deal!

"Vice Island Master Chen, that Ji Jincheng has already been imprisoned, and Ji's family has collapsed, why don't you persuade Chairman Xu to come back!"

"That's right, persuade President Xu to come back!"

"We can't live without him!"

"Our island owner is hunting demonized beasts in the outer domain. Please, deputy island owner Chen, talk to Chairman Xu! Don't cut off the trade!"

"That's right, deputy island owner Chen, I'm the representative of the Bai family consortium. We've vented our anger on Chairman Xu. We've taken back all of Ji's stores and risked paying liquidated damages. We've also given away all the goods in their stores Throw it out!"

"We are members of Zhang's consortium, and we have all cut off business contacts with Ji's family!"

"The warehouse of Ji's family was accidentally ordered by one of our employees. We are Liu's family in Shucheng. Please, deputy island owner Chen, leave us a drop of water of life. The price is negotiable!"

"The Patriarch of the Ji family was angered and sent to the hospital. Our hospital directly rejected it. I am from the Cao family. Deputy Master Chen, we also want the water of life!"


Everyone in Chen Xinping is stupid!

She stayed on the island for three days, busy doing business with Qi Yuncheng.

He didn't notice what happened to Blue Star at all.

She was puzzled and asked, "Who is Ji Jincheng? Does the Ji family have anything to do with our island owner?"

A group of people looked at each other.

Good guy!

It turned out that Chen Xinping didn't even know who made their island owner angry.

Those who heard Chen Xinping's words on the outskirts of the crowd couldn't help sighing: "This Ji's house is really..."

At this time, some enthusiastic people explained to Chen Xinping that Ji Jincheng asked Xu Chengfeng to offer the water of life.

"So it was him!" Chen Xinping said angrily, "It deserves it!"

"Yes, Deputy Island Master Chen is right, Ji Jincheng deserves it, and Ji's family deserves it!"

A group of people agreed with Chen Xinping.

At this moment, the crowd dispersed automatically, and Chu Bozhong brought Fu Qingze and Feng Yu to Chen Xinping.

Chu Bozhong forced a kind smile from his face:

"Vice Island Master Chen, let's talk in another place!"

"I want to place an order!"

Chen Xinping was a little scared, but she still didn't want to embarrass Xu Chengfeng.

"Vice Island Master Chen, we can wait, you can talk to President Chu first!"

"Yes, business matters!"

"Yes, we can wait!"


Those island owners, as well as representatives of various forces, said very wittily.

They all knew Chu Bozhong's intentions.

They didn't have any friendship with Xu Chengfeng, but Chu Bozhong and Fu Qingze did!

"All right!"

It was impossible for Chen Xinping not to give Chu Bozhong face.

The mastermind behind this incident has already been dealt with.

Even their families were involved.

She was a little dissatisfied with Feng Yu, but it didn't mean she was dissatisfied with Chu Bozhong, Fu Qingze and others.

Chu Bozhong, Fu Qingze, Feng Yu, and Tong Mu all persuaded Chen Xinping for a while, and Feng Yu even put himself in a rather low position, so he almost didn't ask Chen Xinping.

Chen Xinping softened his heart a little.

In fact, she also knew that Xu Chengfeng needed the crystal nucleus very much!

The matter is over, and there is no need to hold on to it.

"I can only promise to tell Island Master Xu what happened. I can't promise you anything else!"

Chen Xinping couldn't guarantee it either.

"Yes!" Chu Bozhong said, "Let Tong Mu go with you!"

Chen Xinping glanced at Tong Mu, hesitated for a moment, and nodded.

When Chen Xinping was delivering orders with other island owners, Feng Yu held Tong Mu's hand: "Girl Tong Mu, you have to help me this time, you must succeed!"


"I try my best!"

Tong Mu couldn't guarantee it either.

"If I don't succeed, I may not even be able to be the island owner. I really need you to do your best this time!"

"Isn't it?"

Tong Mu said in surprise.

After all, Feng Yu is the vice president of the association, an emperor-level powerhouse.

Who can make her unable to even be the island owner?

"Senior Ning said that if Xu Chengfeng cuts off the deal, he will flatten my island..."


Under the expectant eyes of everyone, Chen Xinping took Tong Mu out of the Island Owners Association.

"President Chu, can you succeed?"

An official senior secretary asked in a serious tone.

Uncle Chu said, "I hope it will come true!"

Many people looked at Feng Yu.

It seems that someone is already trying to touch her...

Feng Yu lowered her head and exhaled lightly.

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