"There may be various reasons for this. I don't know much about it, but I don't know much about it. It seems to be related to something we don't know."

In Sasuke's heart, he doesn't really understand the idea of ​​world consciousness, but facing Nara Shikamaru's question, he doesn't really want to lie.

Nara Shikamaru didn't intend to continue asking. He already knew that the secret of his friend was not as simple as it appeared, but he didn't have the idea to get to the bottom of it. Although friends say they can trust each other, but It doesn't mean that they can't keep any secrets from each other.

Although Nara Shikamaru has a high desire for power, he has not reached the point of unscrupulous.

Nara Shikamaru values ​​Sasuke's friendship far more than his desire for power, especially now that Nara Shikamaru has just obtained an ability that satisfies Nara Shikamaru.

"Okay, let's not discuss this, what should we do next, you, the world lord, should be regarded as a high-ranking figure in this world, right?

In other words, we have nothing to desire in this world. No matter what I want to do, as long as you think about it, my dream can come true. This kind of world seems a bit too boring. "

Sasuke shook his head, if that was the case, he would have already burst into laughter.

If he could really do whatever he wanted in this world, then through the power of "biography", he would have already superimposed his own strength to a very terrifying level.

However, the reality is that he can't do it to the same extent as the phenomenon.The synchronization rate between him and this world has not reached the point where he can say that he can do anything, be omnipotent, omniscient and omnipotent.

Still, small changes to what Sasuke sees can indeed be done.

It's like the operating room they are in now. If Sasuke is willing, he can completely turn this operating room into the same as when Sasuke and the others first arrived, but the strange doctor who brought them here cannot be resurrected.

But now Sasuke really wants to improve the synchronization rate between himself and the world. This is a way to improve Sasuke's strength faster than practicing.

"Although we have come to this world for two or three days, we still don't seem to know the real secret of who is the most real. Why don't we find out what we want. See what we want. , but before that, we need to go back. It has been two or three days since we have not shown up, even if the two of us may rest together, the reason is still not sufficient.

You know, although I said that we are not too old, our identities are enough to make the ninjas in Muye Village feel tricky. "

Nara Shikamaru nodded, knowing that leaving Konoha for three or two days as the two of them was the limit for the two of them to leave, so he didn't continue to insist.

It's just that when the two of them hadn't left, Sasuke suddenly stopped his footsteps.

"what happened?"

Nara Shikamaru looked at Sasuke puzzled.

"Maybe our journey in this world can continue. This world has given me some very interesting skills. Don't be surprised, and watch my performance next."

Sasuke looked at Nara Shikamaru with a smile, and then the whole person began to split.

Sasuke is a real split, not an adjective.

Sasuke took Nara Shikamaru's face, and slowly split from the head to the feet, and then the two halves of Sasuke slowly began to heal.

Slowly, only for Nara Shikamaru.In terms of feeling, Sasuke actually healed himself very fast, even.It didn't take a few breaths to complete the self-recovery.

"Are you okay? This looks a little too unbelievable. You have become two. Isn't this caused by shadow clones or some strange ninjutsu?

To be honest, your ability really confuses me a bit.It's totally unscientific and not ninja at all. "

Nara Shikamaru looked at the two Sasukes in disbelief, what he saw really challenged his cognition.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. In fact, my current state is better than you imagined. Now we are not like the relationship between the shadow clone and the main body. Our thinking can communicate completely, but when we don't need it , our thoughts on each other cannot affect each other.

In other words, the current me has successfully split into another me.We are not inextricably linked by anything to each other, however.That must be the same person.

I just need to maintain this state, so that Uchiha Sasuke can appear in two worlds at the same time.

How about it?Did you feel moved?Then come with me.I try to teach you this ability.

To be honest, even I can't believe this ability.

This is a gift from this world to me.It is the sacrifice I made to allow me to put more energy into this world.I have to admit he impresses me.In fact, I already have Tetsu's intention to stay here temporarily.

But, Shikamaru, are you going to go back first?The world tells me that the same body you have now has the potential to develop this ability.It's just that for a while, you definitely can't develop it.

So for you, going back to the world we came from has become an indispensable process.I hope you can learn to use this power as quickly as possible, without your help, to be honest, I really don't have much confidence in it.

Rest assured that you are here with me!Shikamaru.This skill is entrusted to you, and you must learn it quickly.Come on, I'm alone in this world, I don't have much confidence. "

Sasuke then told Nara Shikamaru the ability to give his world consciousness to him. After the operation by the strange doctor, the two can completely split themselves.

Both Sasuke and Sasuke have the imprint of the world shuttle in their heads, and they can go back with just one tap.

In other words, in the cognition of the world shuttle, both Sasukes are real Sasukes.There isn't anything that one can do with a world shuttle that the other can't.

"Don't worry, with my wisdom, I can learn this skill in a short time. The World Phone is still in your bedroom, right? Don't worry! I will be back as soon as possible.

You alone, to be honest, I am also very worried. "


Chapter 92 What I saw and heard

After Sasuke bid farewell to Nara Shikamaru, he planned to take a good turn in this world alone.Really understand what the world looks like, so as to improve the synchronization rate between yourself and the world.

If the synchronization rate is not high enough, then Sasuke, the world lord, is just a false name.

Only when he keeps himself and the world at a very high level, is the left hand really a world lord, not a guy with no name.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to increase the synchronization rate of the world lord. Sasuke only needs to experience the unique features of this world in this world to increase the synchronization rate a lot.

But even if it is the simplest, Sasuke needs to experience it personally, otherwise the synchronization rate will not increase by 01:30.

Fortunately, after becoming the lord of the world, Sasuke no longer needs to worry about carrying the coins of this world.

Otherwise, it is really not a simple matter for Sasuke to travel the world thoroughly.

Now when Sasuke is short of coins in this world, he only needs to think about it, and he can pick up countless coins under his feet.

In this way, Sasuke traveled the whole world effortlessly.

All in all, this world is no different from the world that Curse lived in before, of course, it is only limited to a country like Japan.

As for other countries, the style of the world in which Sasuke lives is actually different.If he didn't say that he was sure that this was the same world, he would even suspect that he had traveled to another world again.

It was hard for Sasuke to imagine that the living habits, beliefs and life aspects of people in the same world would be so different.

Sasuke also has a taste of the unique technology in this world. Although Sasuke has long known that the principles and capabilities of the technologies in this world are completely different from those in his own world, he is still deeply impressed by the technology style here. attract.

At the same time, the synchronization rate between Sasuke and this world has also risen from zero to over 50.00%. Sasuke feels that his strength in this world has completely exceeded his imagination.

Sasuke himself doesn't know what kind of power he has in this world now, but Sasuke can basically be sure that as long as he doesn't meet a strange doctor or Ji Guoyuan, who is similar to a "god", Sasuke can completely Run amok in this world.

Sasuke is now confident that even the boss Onimai Tsuji in this world will never be his opponent.

However, Sasuke discovered something was wrong in the process of traveling the world.

No matter which country it is, it seems that there are no mysterious events. It seems that only the power of technology exists in this world.

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