But Sasuke doesn't believe that the world is really like this, because before meeting the strange doctor, he just encountered a man-eating evil ghost.

Sasuke came to the conclusion that the whole world was hiding from ordinary people that there were creatures like ghosts in the world.

Sasuke didn't know why, but the whole world seemed to be doing it now.

So Sasuke never encountered a few ghosts when he traveled the world.But it's different now, Sasuke has made up his mind to see the real face of this world, that is to say, there are ghosts in this world.

Yokohama, Japan.

"So, are ghosts really a unique and unique culture in this world? They are obviously transformed by humans, but they are born enemies with humans.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't even imagine that there is such a thing in the world.But ghouls are just as strange and incomprehensible, right?Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, we ninjas are also weird and mysterious existences?

However, compared to the number of people in the world, will ghosts appear too frequently?And the reproductive ability of ghosts is a bit too weird.

Although it is said that human schools can be transformed from humans into ghosts with the blood of ghosts, but even if the blood of the ghost king is drained, there will not be so many ghosts, right? "

Since Sasuke came to this country, he has seriously searched for traces of ogre ghosts here, and found that there are indeed many traces of ghosts in the dark places of this country, but Sasuke compared the traces of ghosts with human beings. After the traces of life, it was discovered that the appearance of ghosts does not belong to the normal phenomenon of the biosphere.

A normally functioning biosphere theoretically has more than one food chain, because of the existence of ghosts.The human head that went to the top of the repair chain last time had another different rail on it.It's just that it's estimated that existence doesn't seem to conform to the principles of biology.It should be known that according to the principles of biology, the less energy obtained at the top of the food chain, that is to say, the greater the demand for food.

This is not a problem in theory, but it doesn't mean that he really has no problem.We know that the relationship of the food chain is far more than that, representing the relationship between the predator and the prey.In fact, it is secretly controlling the quantity information of all species in the world.

In the biological chain, it is not the number of victims, basically if there are no particularly big problems.Then the number of predators in this food chain should be far lower than the number of prey.

But the biological chain in this world was obviously broken by creatures like ghosts.Devils are proficient in career or role. Although the number is far less than that of prey humans, the number is much larger than the number of predators in general.

In some relatively remote places, there are even ghosts fighting with other human ghosts in order to prey on humans.Such a situation does not conform to the common sense of the biological chain.

Although the existence of a creature like bitterness does not conform to common sense, if the food chain is broken, it means that this kind of common sense does not conform to creatures like ghosts.

In general.It is impossible for the world to allow creatures that do not conform to common sense to learn, unless such creatures are special creatures consciously promoted by the world consciousness.

Under such circumstances, it is possible to explain why ghosts take humans as teachers.However, the number of shortages is not limited by the number of human beings. It is important to know that this is not a reduction in the number, and it often means that this does not mean a reduction in the number.But the ghosts in this world are not like this. Although there are not many people in small villages in remote places, the number of ghosts has not decreased.

In such a situation, it seems that ghosts will not die due to lack of food. Even though ghosts will die if they are exposed to sunlight, the weather in this world is rarely sunny.All of this made Sasuke wonder if ghosts were consciously cast creatures in this world.

Even if you say it, you don't understand why creatures like ghosts are created in this world. This is not in line with the process of a world's peaceful development.


Chapter 93 Secrets

Sasuke closed his eyes to rest, and opened his own eyes after a while.

"It turns out that this world has already had its own goals. Is my world lord actually a temporary cooperative relationship?"

Sasuke was a little dumbfounded.

To be honest, Sasuke is very ignorant of the world consciousness in this world, he just knows that the world consciousness needs something from himself, but he didn't expect the world consciousness in this world to be so bold.

As I said before, if the world wants to become more powerful, then the world needs to obtain natural materials and earth treasures that can make the world grow.Or take other worlds as their own goals, and evolve by devouring their own kind.

Of course, there are other methods besides these possibilities, and that is to absorb the basic components of the world from the entire universe of the world so that the world can continuously evolve.

Each of the three methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, as if they are natural resources that help the world grow.

Although Tiancaidibao can make the world grow further, but the quality of Tiancaidibao makes the world have to succumb, slowly becoming the most suitable world for Tiancaidibao.

In other words, the future of the entire world has been doomed, and there is no possibility of breaking free from the shackles of heaven, material and earth treasures.

The evolution of devouring other worlds also has very big flaws, and a world devouring another world does not mean that it will drive the devoured world to extinction.

In fact, the creatures in the devoured world basically won't suffer any casualties, it's just a different living world.

However, the creatures living in the devoured world will basically have a very long time to adapt to the changes in the world, otherwise they will not adapt to the changes in the world.

The degree of evolution of devouring other worlds is the best for all worlds, but it is also the one with the greatest risk.

You must know that the creatures of the devoured world will not die, basically no one will die except the world lord and the son of destiny chosen by the world.

It sounds very beautiful, but in fact things can't be that simple.Cultural beliefs and living habits basically have major differences between creatures that devour the world and creatures that devour the world.

If these things are not handled properly, war will be triggered, not to mention that the creatures living in the devoured world and the creatures living in the devouring world may not be the same kind of creatures.

Can you imagine how troublesome it is to devour the world?

This is a biological war that will undoubtedly affect the state of the world. The more serious the war, the less optimistic the state of the world will be.The more well-integrated the biological relationship with each other, the better the state of the world.

Therefore, when a world devours another world, it is often determined whether the creatures, habits, and beliefs of the other world are similar to their own biological beliefs.

They reduce as much as possible before acting, devouring the world causing a weakened state.Even in order to ensure the success of devouring the world, they will prepare in advance the way to attack another world, for example, let the world lord become the strongest of their own goals.

The relationship between the world lord and the world is not a cooperative relationship. In theory, the relationship between the two is a relationship in which one prospers and the other loses.

The reason why Sister Chen Xue wanted to kill the world lord and the Son of Destiny who had been washed away in the world was to prevent the rise of the Son of Destiny and improve the fighting power of the swallowed world.

Making your world lord the strongest in your target world is also a way to improve your combat effectiveness.

The world lord will feel the power of belonging to another world when another world experiences belonging to another world, which will give the world the opportunity to discover the possibility of defeating the target world from the world lord.

After all, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in all battles. Before you swallow the world and gain the power of another world, you will definitely let your own world adapt to the unique power of the world you swallow in advance, and at the same time, you will also consciously improve your ability to target the power of the world. resistance.

Only in this way can we maintain the stability of the organisms in our body. After all, if any of the special powers of one side cannot be used, then it will all end in catastrophe in the future.

For the world, blind war and conquest are never the best choice. Only balanced development and fighting without breaking is the most ideal state of the world.

However, adopting this method of world evolution will have great flaws. The structure of the world will be very unstable. Once there is any unexpected situation, it is likely to cause the world to self-destruct as if it has cancer.

As for the last option, new worlds will be continuously regenerated in the world universe, and at the same time, the organizational parts that constitute the world will also be continuously born.

As long as the world is willing, it can continue to obtain energy from these organizations to continuously grow itself.

Because it is the most basic constituent organization that constitutes the world, when the world absorbs these organizations, it will not bring any burden to the world.

Theoretically, as long as the world has existed for a long time, then you can turn yourself into a world like a super giant by continuously absorbing the organization formed by the world.

It's just that compared to the previous methods, the speed of this world's promotion method is really too slow.

The world of Demon Slayer: Blade where Sasuke is located has chosen the promotion method to swallow other worlds for promotion, but the world of Demon Slayer: Blade has not successfully swallowed the world, and it is still in the preparation stage.

The reason why Sasuke was able to travel to the world of Demon Slayer: Blade just now is because Sasuke has a greater possibility. Said that Sasuke, an outsider, is obviously able to make the world of Demon Slayer: Blade World have a greater success rate.

In other words, if the level of this world is two, then he found in Sasuke the possibility of raising the level by three or even four.

And when Sasuke became the lord of the world, the world of Demon Slayer: Blade successfully found the imprint of Sharingan on Sasuke.

The imprint of Sharingan does not refer to the blood of the Uchiha clan on Sasuke, but refers to the imprint left by the world on Sasuke that belongs to the power of Sharingan.

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