"This is all the evidence of the deputy commander of the guards."

"Can't you store it somewhere else?" "When did you collect these?"

The justice guard and Joshua asked almost at the same time.

"It's safer to put it in those places. As for when to get it, it is naturally during the banquet and the riot. Otherwise, why do you think I wear women's clothing to the banquet?"

Chris explained with a pitying look of "You can't even figure this out?"

The justice guard and Joshua glanced at each other, and they had a tacit understanding without asking questions like "Isn't it out of hobby?"

"Well, anyway, well done, Chris. Here's the information you want."

After clearing away the delicate atmosphere with a light cough, the justice guard took another document on the table, and carefully put away the document provided by Chris.

And Chris, with one hand, picked up the document that intercepted some letters, conversation records, rumors and other things, and stretched out his index finger with the other hand to play with a strand of his side hair,

"Things seem to be getting more interesting. At that time, the headache should be the Witch Council."

Sweeping away the previous loneliness, Chris's eyes gradually revealed a bright light,

"Mr. Joshua, you probably don't need to pretend to be a new adventurer. Miss Justice and I will complete the tasks assigned by the 'church'."



In the middle of the night, the three people from the "Shard" organization who walked out of the small bar together were located at the three-way intersection.

"What are Mr. Joshua's future plans?"

It was Chris who asked the question.

"Me? Let me think about it... Before, I pretended to be a waiter to join in the fun. However, the way those bugs instructed me really made me very unhappy."

There was not much sullenness on Joshua's face, more carelessness,

"So, I'm going to suck them dry."

"Be careful, Joshua. You are not allowed to touch my man!"

The justice guard who had already put down his masked helmet said in a low voice.

"That's right... it's you who intends to report on that deputy commander overnight?"

Joshua asked the justice guard curiously.

"How is it possible? Report now, and when the deputy commander is overthrown, I will be on that island. Who will appoint a guard who is on vacation to fill the vacancy? So, wait until the mission is over."

The justice guard said as if it should be taken for granted, then turned to Chris.

"What about you? What are you going to do?"


Chris tilted his head and thought for a while,

"Well... go back to your residence and make some clothes? Since you are going to a new stage, you will naturally wear new clothes. Some clothes cannot be bought in stores, so you can only sew them yourself, like This evening dress."

"..." "..."

under the moonlight.

The three members of "Shards" slandered each other in their hearts. After being the only normal person in the organization, they parted ways.

They all have, bright futures.



The old royal capital, Ascart City.

Five days have passed since the incident known as the "Princess Riot".

Originally, Riber felt that Charlotte had made such a big commotion and caused such serious damage that the work of finishing and rebuilding would be very troublesome.

However, everything unexpectedly went smoothly.

On that day, when Riber and others were entrusted in the unnamed restaurant, the remnants of the Campret family and the True King Church quickly took control of the overall situation of the old king's capital.

With these two forces, the prestige established in the old capital for a long time.In addition, the high-level executives who might have voiced their objections were also killed by Charlotte.

Therefore, almost no resistance was encountered, and the two forces controlled the situation.

In addition, the two parties have widely stated that they are only temporarily maintaining the order in the old capital.Moreover, the first heir of Prince Charles has been invited, and Duke Adam returns to the old king to take over everything.

As a result, there are few voices of opposition among the people.

Different from that kind of high-level struggle for power, what the old capital encountered was a recognized "natural disaster" named Princess Charlotte.

Another big force in the old royal capital, the Four Corners Society is a salty fish as always, and is working hard in other places.

For example, take over the restoration work around the palace.

Another example is to let the unnamed restaurant cooperate with the Herman Theater Company to perform "exciting" performances under various names and so on.

To put it simply, it is acting around the word "money".

Although Riber felt that the matter of the old capital would probably take a long time to wrangle, but he was about to set off again, and he did not have much interest in the struggle for these rights.

Therefore, what concerned him the most should be the fact that the "Sage Mystery Society" founded by Charlotte was not completely wiped out.

According to surveys, at least a quarter of the members of the Conclave have disappeared.

It's okay to hide only one or two people, but it's okay to hide so many people...

Riber always felt that the mysterious organization established by Charlotte might still be operating in other ways.



Cemetery in Askat.

Count Campret, who was only traveling with his housekeeper Sebastian that day, stood in front of a small tombstone in the corner of the cemetery, slightly lost in thought.

The name engraved on the tombstone is Paradu Gesai Grapush.

Judging from the date of birth and death on the tombstone, Pala was only 31 years old when he passed away.

Young, somewhat surprising.

Volume [-]: Chapter [-], The Cemetery

Standing in the cemetery, facing Paradu's tomb.

What Riber recalled was the scene when he visited the surrounding area of ​​the old royal capital, the territory of Baron Burns.

According to the description of Baron Boynes, the actor Parador, who does not know which original plot line, is a very interesting person who is enthusiastic, creative, and has all kinds of whimsical ideas.

The well-informed Baron Boynes was really completely overwhelmed by Parador's magic, so he exchanged an agreement with him.

In exchange for Paradu teaching him magic and banquet skills, Paradu's daughter temporarily lived in Boinsland during Paradu's raid on the old capital.

In addition to feeling that Parado's friends are really extensive, Riber also feels that Parado's father is messing around.

Although, to a certain extent, there is no way to do it, but if you really entrust your daughter to the care of Baron Burns, who was a stranger not long ago...

It may be that in this magical world, Paradu itself has the ability to distinguish between good and evil in others.Or, he is obviously a fraudster, but Paradu still believes in the beauty that exists in this world.

In short, in the mansion of Baron Burns, Riber met the daughter of Paradu named Pugli.

According to the "omniscient" Professor Moran, the Parador family was recruited by a great nobleman in the form of mercenaries during the Mebrian Civil War about 200 years ago. People from the Muenge family.

And in the language of this ethnic group that is famous for witchcraft and lives in extremely cold places all the year round.Pugli's name means "sun".

However, despite being given a precious name, Pugli's condition is not very good.

When Riber saw her, she was already in pain, unable to walk, unable to see, and extremely cold.

"Is it Dad?"

Listening to Pugli, who was only six years old, even though he was enduring a lot of pain, when he heard the sound of multiple footsteps approaching, he showed a bright smile on his face.

At that time, Riber really didn't know how to respond.

Even though, now that he has gained part of the power of the family, he is a veritable Lord Earl.

Even if he has a certain status in the Witch Council, he is no longer an unknown person in the entire Church of Scourge.

Even now, he is still carrying great power.

Even though he is already that powerful.But when faced with this little girl with a thin face and yellow skin, he was still at a loss.


"Pugley, have you made a decision yet?"

In the cemetery, Riber asked Sebas.

"Back to Master, although not yet. But Miss Pugli, it seems that she is more inclined towards Master Grofell."

"That guy Grofell..."

Riber sighed.

It didn't have any special meaning, just mentioning the artist's name, he wanted to sigh and shake his head.

On that day, Riber brought Pugli back to the old capital.Then I told the other party that her father, Paradu, went far away in search of a rare medicinal material, and when Paradu was away, they, as Paradu's friends, were responsible for taking care of her.

Regarding the whereabouts of Pugli, it is not a problem for a family as large as Campret to take care of individuals.

In addition to the Campret family, the Four Corners Society has also shown interest in Pugli.

Although it is often forgotten by people, Ewenna is actually a doctor.Moreover, this doctor rarely did his job, diagnosing Pugli's symptoms, which were more similar to curses than diseases.

This matter was later recognized by the Four Corners Society.Therefore, the Four Corners Society welcomes Pugli, who is both a member of the Muenge family and is also covered with a mysterious curse, to join them.

But it doesn't matter whether it's the Earl's family or the Four Corners Society.Pugli was obviously closer to that master Grofell.

Because, she had heard Grofell's voice before.

Don't forget, Parador once cheated Master Grofell severely.

The encounter between Grofell and Pugli probably happened during that period.

If Grofell could adopt Pugli, Riber would actually agree.

After all, the Campret family and the Four Corners Society are generally not good places.In these organizations, Pugli might one day become a test subject.

As for the old painter, who had already put half his foot in the coffin, he was unable to start a family all his life because of his uselessness.

Therefore, it is a good thing to have someone to die for him in his later years.

Although, Grofell has so many flaws that it would take a while to count them all.But he really isn't a bad guy.



Leaving from Parador's tomb, Riber originally wanted to go to Morgan's tomb to offer some flowers or something.But after Sebastian reminded them, they realized that the royal family's cemetery would not be placed together with the public's cemetery.

In this case, Riber will give up.

Although it is a bit regrettable, it is not something that has to be done.

They are also the protagonists of the original plot, but Parador and Morgan are different after all.

Riber once had a chance to save Parado.

And if it wasn't for Madeleine, when Riber ordered to investigate Parado's background, she deliberately set up obstacles and disgusted him, Parado might not have died so miserably in the palace.

But of course, it's all just "ifs."And Riber will not be burdened with heavy shackles or guilt because of such "if".

So, more, it really is "regret".

It's a pity that I didn't meet the hero and heroine of "The Witch Screams" in the old capital earlier.



"Next, young master, are we going back to the East Residence?"

"Do not."

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