Riber looked around.But I found it very difficult to find a specific tombstone, so I opened my mouth directly,

"Take me to your wife's grave."

Riber looked at Sebastian,

"Didn't it be agreed? Before leaving this city, let's visit your wife together."

"... yes, master."

Although the corners of his mouth fluttered a little, Sebastian didn't show any excitement, and he didn't just hug Ribel's leg and cry bitterly like he did sometimes.

This may also prove that the exaggeration shown by Sebastian is mostly pretended.

"Now, has the words you can say to me become more?"

Facing Riber's question, Sebastian respectfully replied "Yes".

"What about you and your wife?"

Sebas shook his head.

"Then I'm just asking, can you respond by nodding or shaking your head accordingly?"

Sebas nodded.

"Then, let me talk about my guess. Everything should start with the study of Eudemons?"

"Your wife used to be a researcher of phantom beasts trained by Shadow Campret? Isn't that... that's a kind of animal trainer? Oh, that's how it is."

According to Sebastian's response, Riber began to speculate about the past that happened to the old butler.

"Let's skip all the nasty parts... In short, you are married. But, is this after running away from the family, or before the family? Before..."

As Riber spoke, he couldn't help showing a little surprised expression,

"It seems that when you were young, you should have been quite outstanding and important existences. Otherwise, the family would not have given you the cruelest punishment after breaking some of the rules."

"Don't dare, young master."

Sebastian said with a bitter smile, but kept shaking his head.

It seemed to say that if he was really that good, none of the subsequent things would happen.

"That was almost 20 years ago? Oh, more than 30 years ago, um, almost. After all, it is not possible to start research on Eudemons immediately after obtaining the information left by the old royal family. The family should also have a good understanding of Eudemons. I have coveted the power for a long time."

Speaking of this, Riber has basically sorted out the general context.

Once upon a time, two young men with stunning talents appeared in the Shadow Campret Clan and the Sebastian Clan affiliated with the Campret Family.

They meet, fall in love and bond.Although this matter was not allowed by the family rules, but because of their excellence, the family also chose to turn a blind eye.

But they followed up with a move that angered the family.

She is the wife of Sebas, who is a beast tamer and lives with phantom beasts day and night... If I remember correctly, her name is Lacey.

Probably because Lacey couldn't stand the family's behavior of using phantom beasts as experimental subjects, and couldn't bear the research on the combination of human souls and phantom beast embryos.After suffering a lot, he decided to betray the family.

As Lacey's husband, Sebastian firmly chose to stand on his wife's side.

They released a large number of Eudemons, and then defected together.

They may not be the only two, and they may also use the accumulated things in the past to set off a small-scale "revolution".

However, after all, it was still impossible to escape from the hands of the powerful Campret family...

Lacey either died in battle or was executed by the family.But Sebastian chose to submit.

The reason for submission... probably has something to do with the two Pegasus horses, Anne and Berta.

Although the two powerful Pegasus horses belonged to the phantom beast lair in the old capital, they never had the desire to return.And, apart from sometimes being passive and sabotage, he has never shown signs of confrontation with the family.

And their attitude towards Sebastian is quite strange.

It seems that they obviously have grudges and resentments towards Sebas, but they will always be by Sebas' side, and will spare no effort to protect their "master" at critical moments.

Originally, Riber thought it was a kind of "tsundere" that he liked to hear.

But with an in-depth understanding, he found that such joking words could not explain the complicated love and hatred between the two Pegasus and Sebastian at all.

The pegasus knew that even if his wife died, Sebastian could only kneel on the ground and beg in order to protect them.

However, they also hated the "cowardly" Sebas who couldn't protect their master Lacey, could only watch his wife die, and then could only blindly beg.

"It seems that most of the time in the past, you were only asked to run errands, which is considered overkill..."

Riber couldn't help sighing.

How dark the Campret family is, he has a sense of it.

And such a family is willing to recall Sebastian, who once betrayed, definitely not because of friendship or other reasons.It was Sebastian, who had the value of letting the family make such a decision.

"No, young master. It's hard to say if it was decades ago, but I'm really old now..."

Sebas, who was full of pale hair, said with a wry smile.

When Riber heard this sentence, he suddenly understood a lot.

The family kept Sebastian, never because of him as a cheap young master.It was the previous generation of Campret, that is, the former Earl of Campret who had passed away.

And from the fact that Sebastian is still the butler, presumably in the era of the previous Earl of Campret, this butler must have made countless achievements for the family by burning himself.

In fact, there is one thing that Bell has always been puzzled about.

That's why Sebastian is willing to lean towards him no matter in terms of words or actions, but in the past even if he wanted to help, he could only use riddles.And even if she has a lot of opinions on the "Madam" who is the current controller of the family, she can only strictly follow the other party's instructions.

Probably, in this magical world, he was imprinted with a distorted and enslaved brand by the family with mysterious means, or exchanged unequal contracts, oaths and other things with the family.

It is precisely because there is no need for supervision, Sebastian can only work for the Campret family, and the family will rest assured that the former traitor will continue to be the housekeeper.

However, the old butler with Sebastian's status and qualifications has no name.Sebastian is just the surname of their family, and it actually shows this to a certain extent.

"Our family is really not human..."

Looking at Sebastian, who has been silent for most of the conversation so far, Riber couldn't help sighing.

Perhaps, there is no more joking words than the words "our family".

"Do not..."

Watching the scene where Ribel bent down and placed the bouquet in his hands in front of an unnamed grave that belonged to Lacey but had no name engraved on it, Sebastian's face full of vicissitudes was full of gentleness,

"After the master and madam, there is also the young master... So, our family will definitely get better gradually."



Riding on the black carriage on the return trip, Riber looked at the cemetery farther and farther away from him in a daze.

I always feel that besides the house, he is also related to the cemetery.

It seems that every time after solving something, I always go to the cemetery...


If the room where he hangs himself can be considered a "cemetery".The cemetery should be equivalent to cutting off the past and welcoming the beginning of a new event.


True, the story always begins in the cemetery.

So, next, is the story of the "college"?

Hmmm... there's another meeting of the White Witch Council to deal with before the "Academy" admission season.

Then before the meeting, it's time to have a good talk with the "genie in a bottle".

Volume Four: Chapter [-], Active Attack

In the evening, Riber returned to the east house next to the unnamed restaurant.

Sitting on the seat, Riber took out the classic Eudemons bottle that shut off the lake light.

Until now, Riber has not released the lake light.

Although, thanks to a certain degree of approval from "Madame", many things in the past can already be written off.

However, the Huguang incident and the family incident are two different things.

Because, even though Hu Guang came from the Witch Council of Confessions, he still respects "Madame" very much, and even showed an attitude of obeying "Madame".

But her actual identity is still the censor of the mysterious organization, the Church of Scourge.

That is to say, whether it is the Melueita incident or Merian and his betrayal, they are all directly related to the Church of Scourge.Therefore, when the matter is exposed, it will become a situation where he, as a traitor, directly confronts the entire organization.

And under that circumstance, unless the "madam" does not hesitate to use the entire White Witch Council as a bargaining chip, there will be no room for a peaceful resolution of this matter.

As for this possibility, it cannot be said that it is completely non-existent.But instead of betting on that possibility, Riber might as well pray for a big meteor to fall from the sky, just to kill all the combat power of the Scourge Church...

In other words, the matter of Huguang cannot be exposed for the time being.

And there is one thing, Riber doesn't know if it is something to be thankful for.That is the Council of White Witches, or to be more precise, the Campret family's attitude towards the orders given by the organization is actually quite subtle.

It's not that the Campret family didn't contribute.

On the bright side, he, the head of the family and a substitute member of the Witch Council, Merian, Sebastian, the two pegasus, and the artificial witch Crow.Such a lineup is more than enough to capture a girl named Saintess who is actually a village girl.

But in reality, only the people in the family know how strong this lineup is.

In fact, the formation against Melueita was easily broken through, so the two sisters are still at ease.

In short, "Madame" showed a more or less indifferent attitude towards the affairs of the Scourge Church.

Otherwise, in front of the family castle at that time, even if Melueta disguised herself and hid, with this level of response, it would be a little bit reluctant to completely hide from a witch.

Therefore, from the current point of view, further contact with the Campret family and the Witch Council will not increase the existing risks.

Of course, in addition to these considerations, it is also true that Riber has more leeway and leeway than before.

It's just that Riber can't judge now, what kind of strength he can reach under the condition of going all out.

In terms of feeling, Riber feels that the power he possesses now far exceeds that of the time when he sued the devil.In other words, in terms of hard power, the ordinary Derived Witch has no way to compare with him.

However, after all, there is no clear benchmark, or comparison.

Moreover, the conflict in this world does not seem to be a hard power collision such as competition of internal strength or cultivation base.

If I insist that it can be used as a reference, perhaps it is the arrogance displayed by Charlotte.

As a traveler who is familiar with "The Witch is Wailing", Charlotte seems to think that with the pure power of a witch in the old capital, she can directly turn the tables on anyone and run amok in the world without being threatened.Therefore, it was only when they were fighting that they showed recklessness, even losing everything they had accumulated, and being crazy at all costs.

It's just that it is a fact that Charlotte has gone through too many reincarnations and become abnormal.It is also true that at least one-third of the power is taken away by fear.Moreover, Riber does not have his own rules, and can only borrow other people's rules as a medium, which is also a hidden danger.

Speaking of Riber's own "rules", after gaining pure power, Riber discovered more abnormalities in himself.

First of all, it is the thing that can seize the power of others, the special gift of the traveler.

Ribel noticed that that power could not be used as a medium for injecting pure power.

Although, it is possible that the power itself is different from the power shared by gods, witches and curses.But if this is the case, it would be very strange, because it is these powers that it plundered.

Riber didn't know whether it was only his special code that was so strange, and whether Charlotte's was normal.

Because, even if the privilege is normal, Charlotte has enough reasons not to make it a rule for herself after becoming a witch.

It's not just Charlotte's arrogance, but another reason is that, judging from all indications, that power can only work on women.

Therefore, no matter how strong and unreasonable the rules of plundering are, Charlotte will not choose the rules that cut off her own arm by nature.

Secondly, the Power of Destiny that was plundered by the traveler privilege before Riber had any memory is also very strange.

After trying, Riber found that through the rules of that fate, he could expand the domain of the devil.

However, in the field, the rules of fate will not become stronger at all.He can neither peek into the future nor the thread of fate.Or you can only see who is shining and the trigger points of the plot are shining in the field.

Moreover, it is worth thinking about the fact that Charlotte was able to realize the phenomenon of reincarnation and retain the memory of reincarnation in the early days after time travel.

She certainly hadn't formed her bodyguard and occult organization, the Mysteries of the Sages.

Then the reason why she can stay awake in reincarnation is probably only the special code for the traveler.

But Riber, who also has special codes, and even the power of destiny, still cannot retain the memory in reincarnation.

In the end, Riber felt that his special code was too cumbersome and troublesome compared to Charlotte and the first generation.

He has to go through the fact of "settlement" before he can connect with others and plunder.

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