But obviously, the power of Xia Luoer and the first generation does not need to be so troublesome.

Charlotte personally demonstrated that Lysa's transformation ability can be easily taken away only by establishing a "connection" through a sacred object.This is even more so in the first generation. If his privileges are also troublesome, he will be beaten to death by Hui Jing as soon as he leaves the village, and there will be no so many things behind.

Therefore, in combination, if there is no nonsensical phenomenon such as the so-called "rules will age after a long time", Riber feels that his traveler's special code may be inferior or incomplete.

It's not that until now, Riber is still trying to escape.

But he really felt that he himself did not completely overlap with the original Caprete.

If it is really the same person, even if there is only a trace of this kind of mismatch, it is a very strange thing.

Therefore, this doubt about who he really is is also one of the reasons why Riber wants to know exactly what level his current power is at.

Because, even if he is capable and qualified this time, he refuses the arrangement of the organization and the family, and even flees from them.He still wants to take the initiative to take risks and go to the academy.

If his previous speculation was correct, there had always been a mysterious person in the Scourge Church who wanted to kill him quietly.

And after the old king's capital's plan also failed, the next place to hunt him was probably the academy that was full of wind and cloud.

At the node where the Church of Scourge mobilizes the power of the entire organization to carry out the "recovery" plan, presumably this mysterious person in the organization can no longer stay out of it, and just push him to the point of death like moving a chess piece.

And if the other party gave up the obsession with wanting him to die over and over again, it's fine if they don't act rashly.But if he still doesn't give up and wants to continue to make some moves.

Even if there is only a trace of clues left, Riber must catch this mysterious person.

Catching the enemy not only means that Riber has solved a worry that was lingering in his throat, but also gave him more choices in the future.It also means that he may be able to know who he is without going through that blood relative who seems to restrict him from the blood.

After all, the person who wants him to die the most is often the person who knows him best.



In Riber's room.

Riber, who had been meditating for a long time, opened the bottle cap of the Eudemons bottle expressionlessly, and released the lake light.

Hu Guang flew back and forth a few times in mid-air, only at the beginning showed an expression of surprise.

And as she stopped fluttering, a smile appeared on her face.

"Finally planning to stop this boring prank? Little Kankan."

Although Huguang's words are still so enthusiastic, she and Riber have always kept a distance, as if to show a wall called unfamiliarity, vigilance, hostility, etc., standing between the two.

"Now, it's still too late. Although I have suffered some losses, who made me a big sister? It is also the duty of a big sister to forgive my little brother for being confused for a while."

Listening to Huguang's words, Riber was actually a little embarrassed.

Hu Guang, who grew up watching his body since childhood, even if she calls herself "big sister", except that her qualifications in the world of big sisters are a bit too long, other things are justified.

But once, when Huguang was angry in the bottle of Eudemons, smashing the wall of the bottle angrily, making noise and even cursing, Riber could still feel that Huguang might still treat him like a younger brother.

But now, no matter how affectionately Huguang calls "Little Kankan", Riber knows that there is no Huguang's original intention in it.

"Apart from those who are not very familiar, you may be the smartest and most sensible woman I have ever met."

"If I were really smart, I wouldn't have noticed your betrayal when I was put in a bottle."

Hu Guang said with an angry look on his face.

It felt like she was calm but not very good at controlling her expression.

"It's also..."

Riber shook his head.

There is a possibility.

That is to limit the scope to the women he has gotten along with more familiarly since he traveled. Huguang is indeed the king of Monkey Mountain...

"In short, there is actually no need for us to test each other."

Riber continued,

"Because, if you think about it carefully, although I have indeed betrayed the Church of Scourge, and I plan to break away from it completely one day. But there is actually no hatred between us. The reason why I put you in the bottle is to, uh...protect you."

Although, Riber took out the Huguang ecological bottle and rolled it all over the table when he had nothing to do, and from time to time he used a single finger to hold the bottle and turned it around in a fancy way, and even when he just bottled the Huguang, almost every minute Every second is thinking about the means to completely eliminate her...

But after all, Huguang is still alive.

Facts are more powerful proof than anything else!

As for what he said, he himself was a little ashamed or something, it didn't matter.

Isn't his face just for such moments?

"is it?"

Sure enough, apart from his rather calm tone, Hu Guang's expression was already dangerous to a certain extent.

how to say?

After exchanging positions, Riber probably wanted to hit someone too.

And Huguang was really unlucky.

Judging from the current performance, the entire Church of Scourge seems to be in harmony.It's not fishing, it's reversed or in the process of reversed.

Only Huguang seems to be conscientiously doing organizational work.

The saint escaped from prison, "Cang Yan" defected, and when Riber was injured, it was Huguang who carried everything and silently finished the ending.

Moreover, no matter who she meets, even Nero, the brave protagonist, she can retreat unscathed, but she meets Egged...

It's really unlucky for people to drink water and stuff their teeth.

"Thank you so much, little Kankan~"

"Don't rush to be sarcastic. You should know that the Campret family has a castle outside the city, and the manager there is Madeleine, right?"

"Yeah. I know."

Riber didn't know if it was his own illusion, he always felt that when he mentioned Madeleine, the corner of Huguang's mouth was slightly raised in disdain.

"Egeid swung his sword with all his strength. And now the castle is gone, and Madeleine is dead."


Hu Guang revealed an expression of uncontrollable astonishment.

After a period of digestion, the way she looked at Riber changed again.

She didn't know about this series of things before.And now, although she doesn't know what happened.But he also knew that now that the castle of Campret in the old capital was destroyed and the manager died in battle, Riber was able to sit in front of him leisurely, which proved many things.

"Well, I understand Xiao Kankan, just think that your actions are to protect me. And you let me go, I can pretend that nothing happened during this period, and I will not report anything to the organization. "

From Huguang's demeanor and tone, Riber felt a bit serious.

But he still shook his head.

"Even if I don't care about it myself, I can't bet the safety of everyone involved in this matter on you. Besides, you may not be able to hide it. After all, to be precise, you hunted Merian The mission of the sisters is still unfinished."

Riber explained calmly.

He really didn't have any resentment towards Huguang.There is no direct conflict per se.

Therefore, from the beginning, he had no intention of relying on his own strength to coerce, intimidate and so on.

It is more in Riber's interest to have a long talk with Huguang, to explain the truth or to reach a deal or agreement.

"Speaking of which, don't you run away?"

Riber asked curiously.

If you put aside the power of the mysterious side, Huguang's ghostly posture is actually quite inexplicable.Even the Sword of Destruction cannot hurt Huguang because of the reason of "not being able to cut it".

"How to escape? You won't just sit back and watch me leave your 'courtyard'."

Hu Guang frowned dissatisfied and said.

"You can see it."

Ribel looked at the lake light carefully.

The more things he understood, the more he felt that this illusory girl who was only the size of a palm in front of him was full of inconceivable things.

The Witch's Garden cannot be seen by normal means.The perception of the "garden" among the witches is also closer to induction, rather than directly capturing its territory with vision.

However, Huguang seems to be able to see, or has exceptionally keen insight.

This point, once afraid of the second visit, Huguang also showed.

Fear is obviously the original witch from a long time ago, and the image is borrowed from others, not to mention, she will only appear as a phantom of the death rule.But Huguang clearly felt the horror at that time, and his behavior was abnormal for a long time afterwards.

However, before understanding these reasons, Riber has one more thing he wants to know.

This matter depends on whether he wins out of the fire or stands out from the crowd in the Witch Council.

"Since you can feel my current strength, I can briefly explain it. When I go all out, the field can expand at most [-] to [-] times the current strength, and the strength I can exert is also five to seven times. Such What will happen if I conflict with the Council of White Witches?"


Huguang fell into a brief silence.

Just when Riber felt that he might be a little impatient and a little too embarrassing for Huguang, Huguang's voice came over,

"Starting from the fifth seat, everyone after that will probably not be your opponent. However, the first four seats are hard to say, because they are all witches."

"What's more, I haven't actually seen 'madam' make a move. But more than [-]% of them, you can't defeat her."

Volume Four: Chapter 310, The Light in the Lake

Can't beat "Madame"?

Riber frowned slightly.

There is no need for Huguang to talk about this kind of thing.

Since the last time I saw "Madame", the other party just stood in front of him, which could make him feel a strong sense of discomfort.If the "Madam" took the initiative to trigger and use that suppressive force, not to mention victory, it might even be difficult to resist.

I don't know if the self-strengthening power like the power of light can resist the oppressive force from the blood after opening the field.

And it was the strange power in that bloodline that made Riber, who once basically accepted that he was the original Campret, doubt this identity again.

After all, it is really incomprehensible that the ancestors of the Campret family would be suppressed in their blood by people who were similar to the separated family.

However, knowing is knowing.Huguang's point of view "Although I have no basis, but you can't do it anyway", still makes Riber a little dissatisfied.

It's not because of anger, but because of this sentence, the credibility of Huguang's previous words has also been greatly reduced.

It's just that Riber didn't plan to delve into it.

Huguang's words are always just some references.

If Ribel really chooses to believe the words of a censor locked up by himself, firmly believes in her judgment, and goes to the Witch Council to make a big fuss, and physically mingle with everyone after the fifth seat, then he must be crazy up...

For him, the value of Huguang is more about the intelligence of the Scourge Church that he cannot touch.The judgment of strength can only be regarded as a bonus.

"Then, next question."

"Wait a minute, little Kankan."

During the speech, the lake light slowly fell from midair, and stood on the table in front of Riber.

"Since I'm so cooperative, don't you think you should make some promises to me?"


Riber stared at the lake with a straight face,

"Do you know where you are now?"

"It is precisely because I know that I have such a request."

Hu Guang responded without the slightest wavering.

Riber, who always felt that his cold face was becoming more and more difficult to use, after pondering for a while, nodded,


As Hu Guang said, it is precisely because she is in danger now that she chooses to talk to Riber so calmly now.Instead of suddenly violently trying to directly subdue the traitors of the Church of Scourge.

In addition, Huguang's request can be regarded as a temptation.She wanted to know how credible what Riber said before that there was no enmity between them.

"It should be impossible to promise to let you go. Rather, I promise you that you won't believe it."

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