"I activate the effect of King of the Bombardment King Hal, once a round, the opponent can only activate it when he adds a card from the deck to his hand outside the card draw stage, and the opponent must send a monster in his hand or field to the graveyard! "

Following Xiao Chi's words, King Hal, who was shrouded in darkness, opened his red eyes and locked on Iskandar's hand.

"So that's it, it's really a troublesome effect! Then, I will give up the monster Kamite in my hand and ride Edos!"

A dark knight appeared on the field, and slowly sank to the ground under King Hal's gaze.

"Then, I will activate the cover card, the continuous trap card, and the domination of the king's war!"

The trap card with the King of the Dead and the Queen of Hell painted on the card surface was flipped upwards and stood upright on Xiao Chi's field.

Iskandar joked: "Permanent trap card, doesn't it explain the effect?"

"Ah..." Xiao Chi was taken aback for a moment.

"Hahahahaha! Just kidding, I won't embarrass a kid like you, let's continue! I activate the magic card, Emperor's Fierce Spin! Only one card can be activated in a round, and in the round of activation, I cannot activate it from the extra card. Group Summoned Monsters! However, due to the effect of this card, once during this turn, when I perform an Advanced Summon to release my monster, I can release a monster on the opponent's field instead of a monster on my field. !"

PS: I still have one chapter left, and I still owe four chapters. To a certain extent, the sand sculpture has done a good thing, making my work and rest a little bit more normal.

Chapter 672 Chapter 650 IX The effect continues, the giant who exits the stage as soon as he enters the stage

"Don't even think about it! At this moment, I activate another effect of the King of the Boom World War King Hal. Once a round, when the effect of a magic, trap, or monster is activated, a total of two King War monsters or Sorcerer-type monsters on my field can be released. Activate, invalidate that activation and destroy it! I liberate the two king battle team tokens on my field! Disable and destroy the Emperor's Fierce Spinning activation!"

The green whirlwind slowly rose around the monsters on the small red field, but before it could fully appear, King Hal stretched out his left hand and pinched the green whirlwind into countless fragments directly with invisible energy.

Iskandar said with some headaches: "Although facing traps is something that must be experienced on the road to conquest, but your kid's traps seem to be a little too much!"

Xiao Chi laughed a few times. After all, King Hal's effect is there, so it's impossible for him not to activate it.

"Forget it, dealing with traps is also a kind of fun, let me see how many traps you have to activate! I activate the magic card, Panshen Emperor, and send an emperor magic and trap card in my hand to the graveyard To activate, I draw two cards! I send the emperor trap card in my hand, the true source of the emperor, to the graveyard, and draw two cards! Then I activate another effect of the pan-god emperor, once a round, and send this card from the graveyard The card can only be activated by excluding it. From the deck, display three Emperor Magic and Trap cards, the opponent chooses one of them and adds it to my hand, and the other cards return to the deck! I want to choose these three cards!"

Looking at the three cards shown by Iskandar, it was Xiao Chi's turn to be helpless this time, because the three cards were all the opening rocks of the magic card emperor.

"I don't seem to have a choice!"

Iskandar laughed and said, "Haha! It's a trap for you kid, this is an open conspiracy!"

"Alright then, add the middle card to your hand!"

"Then, I will add the emperor's opening rock in the middle to the hand, and return the remaining two cards to the deck! Then I activate the continuous magic card, the emperor's opening rock, and then there is another continuous magic card, the attacking emperor! Then, I activate the effect of the field magic Kazhen Emperor Domain, once a round, and I can only activate it in the main phase. I choose a monster with an attack power of 2800 and a defense power of 1000 in my hand, and keep the level of that monster until the end of the round. Down two levels at once! I will choose Thunder Emperor Zabolger in my hand and let him down two levels!"

"However, the level of Hong Leidi Zabolge is eight stars, even if he drops two levels, he still needs a sacrifice to be summoned to the field by his superior!"

"Of course I know this! The sacrifice has already been prepared. I activate the effect of the graveyard trap card King of the True Source once a round. Zhang Diwang Spell and Trap Card can only be activated, and the true source of the emperor becomes a normal monster and special summoned in defense mode on my field! I exclude the fierce spin of the emperor in the graveyard, and special summon the true source of the emperor!"

A monster shrouded in white gauze whose true posture could not be seen clearly rose from the ground and appeared on the field in a defensive manner.

[The emperor of the true source: normal monster, five-star, light attribute, angel family, attack power: 1000, defense power: 2400]

"As long as you are in the cemetery, can you keep returning to the field as a sacrificed monster? Then I will let him not enter the cemetery! At the moment when you summoned the emperor of the true source, Alexander the Great, I activated the king of war on the field. Putt's effect, once a round, during the main phase between me and the opponent, it can only be activated by releasing a king battle monster on my field, and special summon a nine-star king battle monster with a different card name from that monster to the field ! I liberate the King War team tokens on the field, and special summon the Void King War Utgarde King from the deck!!"

In Xiao Chi's explanation, Loput waved his hand at the last Wang Zhan team token on the field with a look of disgust, and then the Wang Zhan team token turned into a light, guiding a huge figure to appear in the It's around the field, um, it's around, not inside, because that figure is a giant that looks like a gorgeous castle, it's too big, there is no way to enter the field, and it can only stop around Xiao Chi.

[Void King vs Utgarde King: Effect Monster, Nine Stars, Light Attribute, Rock Type, Attack Power: 2200, Defense Power: 2700]

[Effect: The ② effect of this card name can only be used once per turn.

①: There can only be 1 face-up monster in "King of the Void World vs. Utgarde King" on the field.

②: Release a total of 2 "King War" monsters or Rock-Type monsters on your field, and activate it by targeting 1 card on the field.Except for that card.This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn. 】

As usual, after the Void King and Utgarde King appeared on the stage, he also looked at the Star Language first, but unlike King Hal and Loput, King Utgarde showed a faint suspicion of the Star Language. hostility.

Xingyu is still expressionless, which is normal. Since he has inherited the power of the three gods Odin, Loki, and Thor, it is natural for him to be hostile by their enemies. As for King Utgarde, the prototype is Utgar Loki, Lord of the Frost Giants.

Although the lord of the frost giants was not really hostile to the three pole gods in Norse mythology, he was challenged by Loki and Thor together, and then in the challenge, he teased Loki and Thor, but Thor When Er was being teased, he showed a power beyond Utgar Lodge's expectations, which made Utgar Lodge feel fear, and in the end he could only send Loki and Thor away quickly. Therefore, Utja Loki has some hostility towards Loki and Thor, and it is normal to be indifferent to the star language that has inherited the power of Loki and Thor.

By the way, Utgard Loki can also be called Utgard Loki, that is, the Loki of Outland. This name is the reason why Loput showed a disgusted expression before.

"Is the second King Zhan a giant? A duel to conquer giants and gods! Interesting! Hahahaha!" Seeing the huge figure of King Utgarde, he felt the unique aura of King Utgarde Instead, Iskandar laughed excitedly.

Xiao Chi said with some embarrassment: "Well, King Utgarde probably won't need you to conquer, Alexander the Great, he will leave by himself."

"?!" Iskandar couldn't help being taken aback.

"The effect of King Utgarde is activated. Release a total of two King Battle Monsters or Rock-type monsters on my field. It can only be activated by targeting a card on the field. Banish that card! I release the card on my field." The king of the void fights the king of Utgarde and the shadow of the king's war Loput, except the emperor of the true source on your field!"

Chapter 673 Chapter 660 Conqueror of Thunder

So, Loput, who was full of displeasure, and the emperor of Zhenyuan were captured by King Utgarde together, and then the three monsters turned into light and dissipated together.

"This is really a self-exit, a little disappointing, but I still have to say one thing, boy, I have already counted your step!"


"I have another card in my hand besides Thunder Emperor Zabolge! Let me show you this card now. I will call in defense, and the Emperor of Heaven will ride Eddie!"

Surrounded by warm light, a knight in white armor appeared on the field, with several white belts flying like wings on his back, a skirt around his waist, and the shape of the breastplate, it should look like a A female knight, but because the face is covered by the helmet, there is no way to judge whether it is a female knight or not.

[Heavenly Emperor Cavalry Aditya: Effect Monster, One Star, Light Attribute, Warrior, Attack Power: 800, Defense Power: 1000]

[Effect: The effects of ① and ② of "Emperor of Heaven" can only be used once per round.

①: This card can only be activated when it is successfully summoned or special summoned.Special Summon 1 ATK 800/DEF 1000 monster from the Deck in Defense Position, other than "Adia, the Emperor of Heaven".This turn, you cannot Special Summon monsters from your Extra Deck.

②: When this card is sent to the Graveyard, it can be activated by targeting 1 of your banished "Emperor" Spell/Trap Cards.Add that card to your hand. 】

"The effect of the Emperor of Heaven riding on Aditya, once a round, can only be activated when this card is successfully summoned or special summoned. I can use the effect of the Emperor of Heaven from riding on Aditya with an attack power of 800 and a defense power of 1000 from the deck. The monster is special summoned in defense mode, but I can't special summon the monster from the extra deck in the round of using this effect, but it doesn't matter, my extra deck has no monsters! Defensive means to special summon Hades from the deck to ride Edos!"

Eddie swung her arm, and a knight in black cloak and black armor appeared on the field again, but unexpectedly, this knight was not a warrior, but a magician.

[The emperor of the underworld rides Edos: effect monster, two-star, dark attribute, magician family, attack power: 800, defense power: 1000]

[Effect: The effect of ② of "The Emperor of the Underworld Riding Edos" can only be used once per round.

①: Activate when this card is successfully summoned or special summoned.In this turn, you can add only 1 time in addition to the normal summon, and you can use the advanced summon in the main phase.

②: Banish this card from the Graveyard, and activate it by targeting 1 monster with ATK 800/DEF 1000 in your Graveyard, except "Eidos from Underworld".That monster is Special Summoned in Defense Position.This turn, you cannot Special Summon monsters from your Extra Deck. 】

"The one who was sent to the cemetery before was also Aedos from the Emperor of the Underworld. Did you put more than one Aedos from the Emperor of the Underworld in the deck? And judging from this situation, the Underworld's slave from Edos should be capable. It’s the effect that lets you summon a monster in your hand, right?”

"That's right! The Emperor of the Underworld is activated when this card is successfully summoned or special summoned from the effect of Riding Edos. In this turn, I add it only once in addition to the normal summon. During my main phase, I can perform a superior summon! Therefore, I There is another chance for a superior summoning, come on, I will take the emperor from riding Eddie on the field as a sacrifice, the superior summons, Thunder Emperor Zabolge!! Come on, Zabolge! Hahahahaha!!"

As Iskandar laughed wildly, a thick golden thunder fell from the sky, and the Emperor of Heaven was directly swallowed by the thunder from riding on Ediya, and the turbulent electric current even overflowed to Iskandar, but Iskandar did not have any Uncomfortable, but laughed louder.

Then, amid Iskandar's loud laughter, dressed in white armor and tiger skin, with a bull horn on each shoulder, a tall and mighty green-haired emperor who fits the King of Conquerors best, Thunder Emperor Zabo Ergo showed up.

[Boom Thunder Emperor Zaborg: Effect Monster, Eight Stars, Light Attribute, Thunder Clan, Attack Power: 2800, Defense Power: 1000]

[Effect: This card can release 1 Monster Summoned by an Advanced Summon for an Advanced Summon.

①: When this card is successfully Advanced Summoned, activate it by targeting 1 monster on the field.That monster is destroyed.If the destroyed monster is LIGHT, each player selects cards of that original Level or Rank from their Extra Deck and sends them to the Graveyard.If this card is Tributed to a LIGHT monster and successfully Summoned, the following effects are added to the effect at that time.

●You choose the opponent's card sent to the graveyard. 】

"Boy, let's take this move, the effect of Thunder Emperor Zabolger, when this card is summoned by a superior, activate it on a monster on the field and destroy that monster! I will use this effect to destroy the Boom on your field. King of the Realm vs. King Hal! Zabolgo, smash the gods, the Conqueror of Thunder!!"


The golden electric current gathered in the hands of Honglei Emperor Zabolge, and was condensed into a golden tiger, and then the golden tiger condensed by thunder roared and flew out, hitting King Hongjie and King Hal, King Hal, the incarnation of Odin collecting souls in the human world, was blasted into pieces.

"Troublesome, does it happen to have such a destructive effect?"

"It's not over yet! The effect of the opening rock of the continuous magic card Emperor, once a round, when I successfully summon a monster with a face-up face-up, I can use a card with a different attack power from that monster's card name from the deck. Monsters with 2800 DEF 1000 or 2400 DEF 1000 are added to the hand! From the card deck, I add the Emperor Aether with the attack power 2800 and the DEF 1000 to the hand! In addition, the effect of the Emperor riding Eddie, this When a card is sent to the graveyard, once a turn, add one of my banished Emperor Spell and Trap cards to my hand! I choose the banished King of True Source and add it to my hand!"

"The Celestial Emperor's cavalry still has such an effect, have you guessed that I will get rid of the true emperor?!" Xiao Chi gritted his teeth.

Iskandar tapped his head with his right index finger, and said with a smile: "Whether it is a battle or a duel, it is necessary to think more about what tactics the opponent will use to deal with your own tactics. Judging from the effect of King Er, the deck you are using now is obviously a deck with a lot of high-level effect monsters, and it is normal that there will be high-level effect monsters that can remove card effects, isn't it?"

PS: Two chapters are coming first, and the remaining two chapters are being written, em... I was sleepy to death when I was writing a novel, and I was very energetic when I was playing Yu-Gi-Oh. Sure enough, I have a problem.

Chapter 674Chapter 660 Is it N·T·R to use the opponent's monster as a sacrifice during the opponent's turn?

Xiao Chi was helpless for a while, he could see so much from the monster of King Hal and King Hal. Should he be called the King of Conquerors? No matter it is a battle or a duel, he can use all kinds of tactics freely.

"Boy, don't say that this is all your means. Now that you have obtained the qualification to challenge me for the first time, then show off your strength! Thunder Emperor Zabolge, launch a direct attack on this kid! Thunder is calling!!"

Honglei Di Zabolge raised his hands above his head, and a golden electric current rose into the sky from his hands. Afterwards, a dark cloud quickly appeared in the sky above Xiaochi. The lightning surged in the dark cloud, and it was obvious that thunder was about to descend.

Seeing this, Xiao Chi quickly sent the only remaining card in his hand to the cemetery.

"At this moment, I activate the effect of Anka Chestnut Ball. When the opponent declares an attack, I discard the Anka Chestnut Ball from my hand, and use a monster from my own or the opponent's graveyard other than Anka Chestnut Ball It can only be activated as a target, and special summon that monster on my field! I will special summon the King of the Boom World and King Hal in my graveyard in defense mode!"

The pitch-black god appeared on the field again, blocking Xiao Chi's body.

"Hahaha, that's the only way to be interesting, then, Honglei Emperor Zabolger, launch an attack on the King of the Hongkai and King Hal! Thunder is called!!"

"Impossible! King Hal's defense power is 3000, and Zabolgo's attack power is only 2800. You actually let Zabolgo, whose attack power is not as good as King Hal's defense power, launch an attack?!"

"Is the attack power not as good as it is? That's not necessarily the case. The effect of the field magic Kazhen Emperor Domain, when the monster summoned by my superior attacks the opponent, the attack power will increase by 800 points! Zabolge, smash the gods again!"


A golden thunderstorm fell from the sky, and once again King Hal was shattered to pieces.

Because King Hal was on defense, Xiao Chi was not damaged. However, after King Hal was defeated, the top card in Iskandar's deck popped out.

"Huh?!" Iskandar couldn't help being taken aback when he saw this.

Xiao Chi explained helplessly: "The negative effect of the reward of the continuous magic card king battle, when the king battle effect monster is destroyed by the battle, the opponent draws a card from the deck."

"Did you activate the negative effect before the positive effect? ​​Haha, thank you in advance."

Facing Iskandar's thank you with a smile, Xiao Chi was speechless, he didn't want this kind of thanks.

"Okay, I'll cover two cards and end the round. Boy, it's your turn again!"

[Iskandar: Hand: 6 → 1 HP: 4000]

"My turn, draw cards... I activate a trap card, King War's Attack! Once a turn, I choose a King Battle field magic card from my deck and graveyard to activate it, after that, the opponent draws from the deck A card!"

The giant black shadow behind Iskandar slowly disappeared, and the pattern of the World Tree once again occupied the entire field.

Iskandar picked up the card that popped up from the top of the deck, and pondered: "Are you asking me to draw a card again? It's to activate the stage effect of the king's battle!"

"That's right, the effect of the stage of the king's battle is activated, once a round, when the opponent adds a card from the deck to the hand, I can special summon a king's battle monster from the deck in defense mode! I special summon it in defense position The King of the Light Realm in the deck fights Queen Mador!"

Gentle rays of light poured down from the sky, dispelling the dark clouds left behind when Zabolge summoned the thunder, and the noble goddess with butterfly wings behind her, the King of Light Realm and Queen Mador descended on the field with the rays of light.

[King of the Light Realm and Queen Mador: Effect monster, nine-star, light attribute, plant family, attack power: 2400, defense power: 2400]

[Effect: The ② effect of this card name can only be used once per turn.

①: "King of Light Realm Fighting Queen Mador" can only have 1 face-up on the field.

②: Can only be activated when this card is successfully summoned or special summoned. Add 1 of this type of "King War" card or 1 of this type of Plant-Type monster from the Deck to your hand, except "King of Light Realm War Queen Mador". 】

As usual, after Queen Mador came on stage, she still took a look at Xingyu first, and everyone was used to it.

And Xingyu reviewed the origin of Queen Mador in her heart.

'Mardel, Mard'oll, Freya's alias, and Freya is the god of love and beauty, the god of abundance, the god of fertility, the god of love, the goddess of war, the god of magic, and the god of Austrian mythology. Ding, Thor and others are on the same front, so it is normal that there is no hostility. Wait, so, the three gods are two camps, Odin and Thor are in one camp, and Loki is in another camp , so in the Norse mythology, except Utgar Loki who offended both sides, most of them can be regarded as their own people. I understand more and more why Chi has not been recognized by the King War deck... '

"The effect of the King of the Light Realm fighting Queen Mador, once a round, can only be activated when this card is successfully summoned or special summoned. I can use a King Battle Card or a card other than the King of Light Fighting Queen Mador Plant-type monsters are added to the hand! I will add the second King War Shadow Loput from the deck to the hand!"

"Is it Loput again? Then I will open the cover card on the field after you add Loput to your hand, quick-play magic card, the emperor's fierce spin!" Iskandar quickly pressed the button on the duel board .

"What? Is it the fierce spin of the emperor again?!"

"Haha, thanks to the card that your continuous magic card made me draw, the effect of the Emperor's Fierce Spin, there is only one round when this card is activated, and I can release a monster on your field Come to the superior summon!"

"Activate the Emperor's Fierce Spin in my turn? Could it be that you plan to use my monster as a sacrifice for a higher-level summoning in my turn?!" Xiao Chi couldn't help showing surprise.

"Boy! You are really smart! I activate the effect of Aether, the Emperor of Heaven in my hand. When this card is in my hand, the opponent can only activate it by banishing an Emperor Magic card from my graveyard during the main stage. This card is superior. Summoning! I exclude the fierce spin of the emperor in the cemetery, and take the King of the Light Realm on your field and Queen Mador on your field and the Emperor of the Underworld on my field from riding Aedos as sacrifices, the superior summons, Emperor Aether!!"

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