The bodies of Queen Mador and Edos turned into dazzling light at the same time, and then, the emperor of the true source revealed his true face after unveiling the white veil, wearing an armor somewhat similar to Eddie's, and holding a gold and silver scepter Ethel slowly landed on the field.

Chapter 675 Chapter 660 Chapter [-] DIO will also pass

[Heavenly Emperor Ether: Effect Monster, Eight Stars, Light Attribute, Angel Family, Attack Power: 2800, Defense Power: 1000]

[Effect: This card can release 1 Monster Summoned by an Advanced Summon for an Advanced Summon.

①: You can only activate this card when it is successfully Superior Summoned.Send 2 types of "Emperor" Spell and Trap Cards from your hand or Deck to the Graveyard, and Special Summon 1 monster with 2400 ATK or more and 1000 DEF from your Deck.The monster Special Summoned by this effect is returned to the owner's hand during the End Phase.

②: When this card is in the hand, the opponent can activate it by banishing 1 "Emperor" Spell/Trap Card from their Graveyard during the Main Phase.This card is advanced summoned. 】

"The effect of Aether, the Emperor of Heaven, can only be activated when this card is successfully advanced summoned. Send two different Emperor Magic and Trap cards from your hand or deck to the graveyard, and send one card with an attack power of 2400 or more from your deck. A monster with a defense power of 1000 is specially summoned! I send a pan-god emperor and a true source emperor from the deck to the cemetery, and then special summon the light emperor Chris in the deck in defense mode!!"

Aether waved the gold and silver scepter in his hand, shedding a golden light, and then in the golden light, an emperor wearing golden armor and even a dark golden cloak appeared.

[Guangdi Chris: Effect monster, six-star, light attribute, warrior family, attack power: 2400, defense power: 1000]

[Effect: ①: When this card is successfully summoned or special summoned, it can be activated by targeting up to 2 cards on the field.Those cards are destroyed, and the controller of the destroyed card can draw the destroyed number from the deck.

②: This card cannot attack during the turn it is Summoned or Special Summoned. 】

"Then there is the effect of Guangdi Kress and the effect of the emperor's opening rock! Because of the effect of the emperor's opening rock, I added Hades Erebus from the card deck to my hand! Then, Guangdi Kress, this When a card is successfully summoned or special summoned, it can only be activated by targeting the most cards on the field. Those cards are destroyed. The controller of the destroyed card can draw the number of cards destroyed from the deck. I use this effect to destroy your field. On the stage of Wang Zhan and the domination of Wang Zhan! Arrows of light rain!"

Guangdi Chris waved his arm, controlled the golden light around his body to condense into golden light arrows, and shot towards the card and field controlled by Wang Zhan, destroying the two cards at the same time.

At this time, the top two cards of Xiao Chi's deck also actively popped out.

Picking up the two cards and looking at the cards in his hand, Xiao Chi fell silent.

Seeing this, Iskandar frowned.

"What's the matter, kid, can't this go on? Don't tell me you're only at this level!"

Xiao Chi shook his head and sighed: "I don't mean to give up the duel, I'm just thinking about one thing."


"There really is a limit to using a deck that doesn't approve of me. I learned one thing in this short duel. The more I want to get the approval of this deck, the easier it is to fall into unexpected predicaments. With the approval of this deck, unless I don't care about the approval of the deck, I can't use this deck to show my true strength!"

"What do you mean? What do you want to say?" Iskandar raised his chin and looked at Xiao Chi curiously.

"I don't need the king battle deck anymore! Alexander the Great!!" Xiao Chi yelled and stuffed a card in his hand into the magic area of ​​the field. Immediately, an ominous red magic circle unfolded under Xiao Chi's feet, covering the whole site.

Judai suddenly said: "It turns out that the deck used by Chi is a mixture of Summoner and Wang Zhan. I thought it was pure Wang Zhan!"

Wanzhangmu complained: "That's not the point, what happened to his second-year remarks just now? I thought he was going to turn into a vampire!"

"You are the only one here who is not qualified to say such things!" Xiang looked at Wanzhangmu with contempt.

"What did you say?!" Wanzhang's cold demeanor immediately broke, and he started chasing Xiang.

On the other side, Xingyu covered his face, so not only crumbs can be passed on, but also DIO can also be passed on?He just finished wearing DIO's skin not long ago, and now DIO's spirit has been transmitted to his naked body.

Iskandar looked at the red magic circle under his feet, and said with some surprise: "It seems that it is indeed a different system from Wang Zhan. Have you really changed the deck?"

"That's right! I don't care about the approval of the card group for the time being. Since the other party does not approve of me, then I won't force it. Victory is more important!"

"Hahahahaha! It's interesting, boy, you are very suitable for my taste, isn't that right? Dueling is to put more emphasis on victory. As for the approval of the card group, if you don't get approval, you can force it It’s enough to subdue them, people have to use their own strength to conquer everything and plunder everything! Hahahahaha!” Iskandar laughed happily.

Xiao Chi's eyes were also ignited, and he said seriously: "Then, now I will take the victory from you!"

"Come on if you can! Kid! Hahahaha!"

"Then I'll go! The field magic card, the effect of the rampage magic circle is activated. As the effect of this card's activation, I can add a Summoner Aleister from the deck to my hand!" Said, Xiao Chi pulled out the summoner Aleister who popped up from the deck, and showed it to Iskandar, and the phantom of Aleister also appeared beside Xiao Chi.

"Then, I summon Summoner Aleister with an attack! Activate the effect of Aleister, which can only be activated when this card is summoned and reversed. I can add a Summoner Magic from the deck to my hand! Now, summon magic!"

Like a golden light flashing across the air, Xiao Chi once again picked up the card popped out of the deck and showed it to Iskandar.

"Then, I activate the magic card, summon magic, and remove the summoner Aleister on my field and Loput, the shadow of the king of war in my graveyard, and let the two fuse together! Fusion summoning, summoning beast, Purgatorio !!"

A green magic circle appeared in the air, and the phantom of Loput flying out of the cemetery shrugged, and flew into the green magic circle together with Aleister on the field, and then, like three dolls of resentment The summoned beast Pulgatorio slowly landed on Xiaochi's field from the green magic circle.

"Pulgatorio's basic attack power is 2300, but his effect is to increase the attack power according to the number of cards on the opponent's field. For each card on the opponent's field, Purgatorio's attack power increases. It will increase by 200 points. You have 6 cards on the field, the Great Emperor, so Purgatorio's attack power will increase to 3500 points! In addition, I will activate the effect of the summoning magic in the graveyard, and return the summoning magic to the card Team, add the excluded summoner Aleister to the hand! Then, attack! I will use the summoned beast Pulgatorio to launch an attack on your Thunder Emperor Zabolgo!! Nightmare Bite!!"

PS: Well, another chapter is due, and now only three chapters are owed.

The above is a game I played early this morning. Good guy, I thought the other party was a soul player, playing everything dragon, but the other party was even messier than I imagined, even the ultimate dragon knight was pulled out, and I was also hammered to death by the ultimate dragon knight. This wave, this wave is the victory of the soul players.

Chapter 676 Chapter 660 Three

"Are you using Zabolg as an attack target? Kid, unfortunately, you chose the wrong target. I seem to have forgotten to say that the monsters specially summoned by the effect of Emperor Aether will return to me at the end of the round. Cards in your hand! In other words, Guangdi Chris will return to my hand at the end of your round, and then I can summon him to the field to activate the effect, and you will lose completely in the next round!"

"If it is true that I chose Zabolge as the target of attack as you said, it is true, but I did not make such a choice!"


"My choice is all! The effect of the summoned Pulgatorio, this card can attack all monsters on the opponent's field once! Also, at the moment Pulgatorio attacks Zabolgo, I also want to activate the effect of the summoner Aleister in my hand, send the summoner Aleister in my hand to the graveyard, and activate it by targeting a fusion monster on my field, and let the fusion monster attack Strength and defense will increase by 1000 points before the end of the round! I activate this effect on Purgatorio, so that Purgatorio's attack power will increase to 4500! Go! Nightmare Bite!!"

"Aww!!!" X3

The three wraith dolls opened their chilling mouths, and rushed towards Hong Leidi Zabolge.

"My boy, do you actually want to kill me in one round? But I won't let you succeed so easily! I will chain the effect of your Summoner Aleister, and activate the second card of Emperor Aether's card in my hand." Effect!"


In Xiao Chi's astonishment, Hongleidi Zaborg grabbed a wraith doll with both hands, closed them together and clamped the third wraith doll, and temporarily suppressed Pulgatorio before the chain ended down.

Iskandar laughed loudly and said, "Haha, boy, I didn't expect that, the effect of the Emperor Aether is not limited to once per round!"

The corner of Xiao Chi's mouth twitched and said: "I really didn't expect it, but what I didn't expect was not this, but Wang Zhan's reward and Wang Zhan's attack, so that the cards you drew were actually Emperor Aether!"

"That's why I wanted to say thank you before! Well, for the effect of Emperor Aether, I will exclude the Emperor Magic Cajun Emperor Domain from the cemetery, and then remove the Light Emperor Chris and Honglei Emperor Zabolger from the field. As a sacrifice, use the defense to summon the emperor Aether!"

Zabolger threw the three wraith dolls in his hand, and turned into light together with Chris, and escaped from Purgatorio's pursuit completely. In addition, the second body emperor Aether also Under the guidance of this light, he came to the field.

"Chain settlement, after I summoned the second body emperor Aether, the effect of your summoner Aleister also took effect, but because the attack target of Thunder God Zabolg has disappeared from the field, Pulga Torrio's attack is temporarily rolled back! In addition, I have to activate another effect of the emperor Aether, and I send the two emperor magic cards of the emperor's bombardment and the emperor's freezing air from the card group In the cemetery, special summon the second Light Emperor Kress from the deck in defense mode! And activate the effect of the second Light Emperor Kress, destroying Pulgatorio and the rampage magic circle on your field! Light Arrow Rain !!"

The emperor in golden armor appeared again, and shot a rain of golden light arrows at Purgatorio, who was in an attack rollback state, and the red magic circle under his feet.

"Don't even think about it! I will also chain the effect of Guangdi Chris, and activate the quick-play magic card in my hand, the forbidden holy cloth. I will activate this card with Pulgatorio on my field until the end of the round. Decrease Pulgatorio's attack power by 600 points. In addition, Pulgatorio will no longer be the target of the effect in this round, nor will it be destroyed by the effect! Of course, because of Guangdi Chris's Since the effect has already selected Pulgatorio as the target before the activation of the Forbidden Cloth, his effect will still target Pulgatorio, but the effect of Guangdi Kleis is to target Pulgatorio Leo is destroyed, and Pulgatorio can't be destroyed now! So Pulgatorio will be immune to the effect of Guangdi Chris at the cost of reducing his attack power by 600 points!"

Following Xiao Chi's explanation, the white holy garment turned into a white cloth and covered the heads of the three wraith dolls. The divine power also weakened the power of the three wraith dolls, but made the three wraith dolls Successfully escaped the rain of arrows shot by Guangdi Chris.

However, the runaway magic circle that was not protected by the holy clothes was still destroyed after being attacked by the arrow rain of light, and the top card of Xiao Chi's deck also popped out.

"Did you actually use this method to avoid the effect of Guangdi Chris? You are really good, but now there is only one monster on my field showing an attack expression. Even if you use Pulgatorio to Even if all the monsters on my field are knocked down, they will not be able to defeat me this round!"

Xiao Chi pressed his hat, did not answer, but directly ordered: "Pulgatorio, launch an attack on the Emperor Chris who is attacking, and bite the nightmare!"

Hearing Iskandar's words and Xiao Chi's order, Judai and others on the side showed strange expressions, because they all knew that Pulgatorio had a penetrating effect, but now Xiao Chi didn't explain this It's a bit insidious to launch an attack directly!

Of course, Xing Yu was not the one who showed the weird expression. He even shook his head, thinking that Xiao Chi was still too young. If it was him, he would add, "Even if you can't knock you down this round, you can still beat me." Your monsters are all empty' to cover up. If you attack without saying anything like this, Iskandar will find out that it is wrong. After all, the title of King of Conquerors is real, and Iskandar has experienced it. It came after countless wars, and he is still keen on this aspect.

However, this is just purely considering victory as the goal. Now Xiao Chi is challenging the King of Conquerors after all, not a duel that the enemy must win, so Xingyu's method is a little bit shameless, Xiao Chi Probably also thought that that was the best way to deal with it, but he still has face after all, so he couldn't say that.


Soon, Etel, the first emperor of heaven on Iskandar's field, was torn to pieces by three wraith dolls wearing holy clothes, and Iskandar suffered 1100 points of damage as a result.

Later, Xiao Chi was about to let Purgatorio continue to attack, but Iskandar directly pressed the button of the duel disk.

"At the moment when Emperor Aether was destroyed! I will open the card!"


PS: There should be only three chapters today. Recently, I have to go out for birthday banquets for three consecutive days, so the time may be a little tight. I can’t pay off the debt for the time being. I will continue to pay the remaining three chapters in three days.

In addition, you may not believe it, I obviously went to someone else's birthday banquet, but now I am typing while eating egg fried rice.

I was so miserable. Just before the birthday banquet started, I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. I went to the toilet, and when I came back more than ten minutes later, I found that my table had already been eaten. I was so stupid that I could only wait there. My mother, who was helping, made another fried rice with eggs when she got home.

However, when I was eating fried rice with eggs, I asked a lot about the dishes for the birthday banquet. Good guy, braised pork ribs, braised lamb chops... a lot of good dishes.

The egg fried rice in my hand is suddenly not fragrant.JPG

Chapter 677 Chapter 660 The fourth chapter does not take objects, the end

Iskandar said with a smile: "Boy, I guess, your summoned beast Pulgatorio should also have the effect on the defensive monster, such as the penetration effect, or when the defensive monster is defeated, it can give the opponent's attack or defense power." The effect of numerical damage."

"Is it still seen through?" Xiao Chi felt helpless.

Iskandar shook his head and said: "Your performance is too obvious, you attack without saying anything, this kind of performance can't hide from an experienced person like me, you should be more cautious when facing the enemy , say some corresponding words as a cover-up or something.”

Xiao Chi rubbed his nose and said with a wry smile: "If I were facing an enemy, I would indeed do that, but for me with a group of reliable companions and reliable teachers standing behind me, you are not an enemy, my lord. It's the goal of my challenge, when facing a king like you who has left a great reputation in history, I somehow don't want to use that kind of method!"

"Are you obsessed with victory, but you don't want to use that kind of method when facing me? You are also a weird guy! However, I will not release water because of this! Continuous trap card, the emperor of the true source, activate , once a round, activate with the target of the two Emperor Spell and Trap cards in my graveyard, add those cards to the deck and shuffle them, and then I draw a card from the deck!"

"The other effect of the emperor of the true source is actually this effect? ​​Do you want to use the card you drew to solve the field?"

"That's right, there is one card left in my deck that can solve this situation! As long as I can draw that card, you will not be able to achieve your goal this round! I will combine the Emperor's Deep Grudge and The emperor's Hong Yi returns to the deck, shuffles the cards, and then, draws cards——!"

"Did you get it?!" Xiao Chi looked at the card that Iskandar had just drawn solemnly.

"Hahahaha! Of course I got it. Even if I don't fit well with this deck, it is impossible for the deck that I have conquered to resist my call! Now, I will activate the effect of the Emperor Aether in my hand again. , Excluding the frozen air of the emperor in the cemetery, take the Heavenly Emperor Aether and Guangdi Chris on my field as sacrifices, and use the attack to show the superior to summon the third body, the Heavenly Emperor Aether!"

"It's actually the Emperor Aether again. In order to reduce the number of monsters on the field, did he actually use the effect of the Emperor Aether three times in one round?"

"Hahahaha, you are right. In this way, I only have one monster left on the field, Emperor Aether. Your summoned beast Pulgatorio can only attack once again. In addition, because my field The number of cards on the card has been reduced to four, and the attack power of the summoned beast Pulgatorio has also dropped further, leaving only 3500! It is impossible for you to defeat me in the next round!"

"It seems to be true, but is it really so?" Xiao Chi suddenly smiled.

"What?!" Iskandar was startled, feeling something was wrong.

"Great Emperor, besides Loput, the Shadow of the War, I still have two cards in my hand!" Saying this, Xiao Chi held up the last three cards in his hand.

Iskandar frowned and said, "The summoned beast Pulgatorio can no longer be selected as the target of the effect this round, so is it a card that reduces the attack power of Emperor Aether or a card that specially summons monsters?"

"Well, you will know soon! The summoned beast Pulgatorio launched an attack on the emperor Aether, and the nightmare bites!!"


Under Pulgatorio's siege, Aether, the Emperor of Heaven, was turned into fragments again, and Iskandar suffered another 700 points of damage, and his health dropped to 2200 points.

"Okay, now there are no more monsters on my field, so you can use the remaining card in your hand."

"Although there is nothing on the field, it's true that your goal is the emperor who has the true source of the trap card, right? That should be a monster that can be specially summoned to the field during the battle stage?"

"That's right, thank you for remembering, but I don't plan to summon the emperor of the true source to be attacked by Pulgatorio at this time, how about it, what are you going to do?"

"How to do it? Of course I did it! I activate the quick-play magic card, the Holy Book of Laws! It can only be activated by releasing a summoned monster on my field, and treat a summoned monster whose original attributes are different from the released monster as a fusion card. Summon Special Summon from the Extra Deck! I liberate the summoned beast Pulgatorio on my field, and Special Summon the summoned beast Light Body from the deck!"

"What?! Pulgatorio obviously... wait, is it the holy book of sayings?"

"That's right, the Holy Tome of Law does not take objects, and what is used as a cost is not destruction but liberation, so even after using the forbidden holy cloth, Pulgatorio can still be liberated by the Holy Tome of Law! Come on, Summon Beast Light Body!!"

Aleister phantom next to Xiaochi threw out the book he had been holding all along, and after the Holy Tome of Law was thrown out, it quickly spread out, and a green magic circle flew out of it, and the Wraith The doll-like Pulgatorio disintegrated and reassembled into a new summoned beast, a person who seemed to be made of strips of cloth.

[Summoned Beast Light Body: Fusion/Effect Monster, Eight-Star, Light Attribute, Angel Family, Attack Power: 2000, Defense Power: 2800]

[Fusion/Effect: "Summoner Aleister" + fusion monster

The ① effect of this card name can only be used once per turn.

①: When this card is successfully Special Summoned or a monster is Special Summoned by the opponent's field, it can be activated by targeting 1 monster on the opponent's field.That monster is destroyed.

②: Once per turn, it can be activated by banishing 1 Fusion Monster from your Graveyard.This card's ATK is increased by the ATK of the banished monster until the end of the opponent's turn. 】

"A monster with an attack power of 2000? In other words, the card you have left is a card that increases attack power, right?"

"That's right, quick-play magic card, rush, activate, because of the effect of this card, the attack power of the light body will increase by 700 points before the end of the round, becoming 2700 points!"

"So, then, I can only use the emperor of the true source, although according to my guess, this summoned beast on your field should have the means to deal with the emperor of the true source, but I still have to struggle to the death! I activate the effect of the emperor of the true source, except the pan-god emperor in the cemetery, and special summon the emperor of the true source to the field in defense mode!"

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