"But what she did was too dangerous... I don't know how she died if she was not careful. But there is a saying that is true, these refugees on Taiping Road are so innocent."

"The people brought back will be properly taken care of..." Tang Tian sighed.

Xi Zhicai came to Zhiyuan's side, and then pushed the door... The door was locked by Zhiyuan, and there was a suppressed sobbing sound from inside.

"Hey Girl, we've known each other for a while, and now I know what you really want to do."

"You once told me that Taipingdao's approach was wrong, which means you have your own ideas, girl."

"In the few months since the girl came to Pingyuan County, a lot has indeed changed here. Maybe your approach is the right one..."

"But... there is no way to kill. Taipingdao's rebellion has dealt a heavy blow to the big man, and most of the refugees you saw were also caused by Taipingdao themselves."

"Don't be sad... this is not your problem alone. Maybe we can try together to see if we can make the big man change something. Or let me listen to your theory, what people like Tang Bu said Doesn't seem quite right."

"After all, a person's strength is always small, and I think I can be trusted by you..." Xi Zhicai said to the room.

After a while, the crying of the kite subsided, and then the door of the room was gently opened.

"You're right... It's true that one or two people can't change, I just want more people to support me..."

"Although I have killed people, I have never killed unarmed civilians. I think real soldiers should protect civilians, not use their heads as a ladder to get promoted and get rich."

"Since you want to know, let's talk about it..." Zhiyuan tricked Zhicai into the room.Throughout the night, Zhiyuan was talking to Xi Zhicai about a relatively "fair" idea, as well as the disadvantages of the gentry and cholera.After all, Xi Zhicai and the others were from a poor family, if they were really members of the noble clan, even if they were very familiar with Zhi Yuan, Zhi Yuan would not say such things.

Because this is against the gentry in the world, and even Zhiyuan's idea is to destroy all the gentry.Liberate the labor force of the common people, and scientifically produce and work, and there will be no more people who starve to death.

And the ultimate goal of the kite is to make the common people of the big man have enough food and clothing.Although in the history of China...only at the time of the kite could this be barely achieved.

But you have to try, right? A time traveler must have ideals, become a prince and general, and have three wives and four concubines enslaving other commoners. How can he be worthy of the title of time traveler?

At this time, Zhi Yuan thought of the female general of the Yellow Turbans. Perhaps their battle with the Yellow Turban Army did not necessarily have to be a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

But for those who died, what else could Zhiyuan say besides a weak sorry...

The road always has to be taken step by step, but Zhiyuan can never be cold-blooded, at least in this troubled world, Zhiyuan should also retain that part of humanity.

Chapter 57: The Lady in White

After talking all night, if it wasn't for the fact that when Tang Tian came over the next day, the two of them were still talking about something, and their clothes were neatly dressed, they would have thought that something had happened between them.

And Xi Zhicai also fully understood the dangers of the gentry, after all, what Zhiyuan didn't want to see was that common people were enslaved and became slaves of aristocratic families.

But this road is too difficult. Zhang Jiao just wants to change the dynasty, and he doesn't have the ability to eliminate so many aristocratic families.But Zhiyuan is different... If the aristocratic family knows what Zhiyuan is going to do, it will definitely cut this woman into pieces.

After taking a bite of breakfast, Zhiyuan ran to the city wall to inspect it.Yesterday basically caused the entire Yellow Turban Army to be in chaos for a whole night. At least two to three thousand people must have died because of Zhi Yuan's surprise attack.

Killed and burned, or trampled to death.Among them, the most people were trampled to death. If Zhiyuan let those hundreds of cavalry rush around again, it is estimated that the number of civilians in the Yellow Turban Army will be reduced by about [-].

Without any organizational discipline, thousands of people even ran away directly, making Zhiyuan feel like this group of Yellow Turbans were also looking for cannon fodder.

But in the night attack last night, Zhiyuan knew that at least this Yellow Turban army really didn't have any civilians as cannon fodder. So many civilians are completely a drag, and it's even worse than the thousands of real Yellow Turban soldiers attacking the city directly. There is a threat.

After all, the peasant uprising will only become corrupt in the later stage, and the Yellow Turban Army was suppressed within a year, and it is not time to become corrupt, so at least it treats the civilians well.

There were bursts of crying outside the city wall, and Zhiyuan sighed that it was caused by her own hands.

After a while, a soldier saw the kite, and said to her, "The woman captured yesterday woke up, but she refused to eat with some refugees, and they hoped to be killed as soon as possible."

Zhiyuan nodded, after all, that person probably regarded her as the kind of person who seized this general to claim credit.Once sent to Luoyang or somewhere else, I'm afraid he will have to suffer a lot before he dies, so it's better to have a good time now.

"I'll go and have a look..." Zhiyuan covered her head with her hands, and then she swayed a little. She was tired all night and didn't sleep. After all, she was only a 14-year-old girl, so how could her body hold up.

Xi Zhicai had already gone to rest in the morning, or else he might have chest tightness due to his heart problem.Zhiyuan came to a private house not far away by herself with two guards.

Zhiyuan didn't regard them as criminals, so they were not imprisoned, but kept in private houses, just like ordinary people.There are less than 20 people here, most of them are old people and children.

And the main one, of course, was the female general who was caught by Zhi Yuan, and her arm was already connected.The arm was hand-fitted by the kite last night, and then fixed with wooden boards.

When Zhiyuan came here, she heard a child's voice scolding: "You bastard officers and soldiers, you can kill or cut them up! I won't eat your food. If you have the ability, give me a weapon. Let's order it!" Pick!"

Zhiyuan's soldiers would ignore them, everything was based on the orders from above.After all, he was just a child, so if he wanted to rush over, he would be caught by them and thrown back into the yard.

"You're quite energetic..." Zhiyuan came to the door and looked around.

When the boy saw the kite, he rushed up: "You killed my grandma! I'm going to kill you, you lackey of the emperor!"

Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, then sighed.The grandma the child was talking about was probably the old woman who bit herself with her last bit of strength yesterday.

But can he kill her by himself?Maybe... After all, I didn't kill Boren Boren but died because of me. Although Zhiyuan felt uncomfortable, she couldn't say that her subordinates did something wrong.

"I heard that a few of you don't eat? Why... plan to die early to meet your celestial master Zhang Jiao?" Zhi Yuan sneered.

The child gritted his teeth and came over to hit the paper kite, but when the paper kite was pushed casually, the child was pushed onto a pile of straw not far away. Even if the paper kite didn't sleep well, it was not something this half-sized kid could bully.

Zhiyuan said again: "If you don't even eat, how can you have the strength to settle accounts with me?"

"I'm right here... If you don't want to starve to death, go and eat, and if you have the ability, come and kill me, but I guess it will be very difficult for you to have this opportunity in this life, because aren't you going to starve to death?"

The child was immediately deceived by the kite question. After all, his thinking and determination could not keep up with adults, so he quickly said angrily: "Then just wait, when I grow up, I will definitely take your dog's head!"

After speaking, he ran to the food brought by the soldiers in front, and began to eat with tears in his eyes.

Zhiyuan didn't continue to look at the boy, but went into the largest room here, there were quite a few refugees here, and when they saw Zhiyuan coming, they all blocked the female general in front of her.

And the female general held a wooden stick about half a meter long, and looked at Zhiyuan with guarded eyes.The female general was dressed in white, with a bronze breastplate on her chest.

"If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't save you... Anyway, I have a conversation with fellow Taoist Zhang Jiao, so of course I won't make things difficult for you."

"You are his daughter? What's your name? You can call me Zhiyuan, Tang Zhiyuan." Zhiyuan took a futon and sat on the ground.

The female general said to Zhi Yuan coldly: "I heard that you killed many Yellow Turban soldiers?"

Zhiyuan nodded: "If you don't kill me, you can't be killed, right? You are here to attack me. Since you are Zhang Jiao's daughter, then naturally I heard him mention me."

"No matter what your purpose is, why don't I take the initiative to hand over Pingyuan County to you?"

The female general shook her head: "My father did mention you, but I don't think what you did would be better than what my father did."

"I didn't intend to kill you either. Wouldn't it be great to build the Yellow Sky Prosperity together after occupying the plain?"

Zhi Yuan shook her head: "Stop dreaming, the Yellow Turban Army will be wiped out within a year... You mobs can't even beat me, so what are you capable of fighting the Han army?"

The female general refused to accept it and said: "Because we have too many refugees, if I lead a thousand Yellow Turbans, you will definitely not be an opponent. Moreover, you are still a sneak attack. If you are upright, I will not be afraid of you."

Zhi Yuan chuckled slightly: "If I continued to cover up with cavalry yesterday, neither you nor that Guan Hai would be able to see the sun today."

"I ordered my men to retreat slowly because I saw the composition of this group of refugees. If the situation happened last night, if you change a general of the Han army, the tens of thousands of people you brought will probably be killed now. died."

"This is a war. Is it possible to make an appointment with the enemy, and fight each other face to face? Among the Yellow Turban Army, there are too many people who think like you, how can you win?"

The female general's face was very ugly, and then she said to the kite: "Can you let these civilians go, if you want to use the Yellow Turban Army to seek wealth, then use my head."

Chapter 58: Tiredness

Zhiyuan thought for a while and said to the female general in white: "Why should I kill you, or give it to the emperor for reward?"

"Now you are attacking me, don't be so wronged as you say, okay?" Zhi Yuan was really speechless to this woman.

"What I do is the same as what you do. I have to be responsible to my subordinates, don't I? Besides you, I want to kill those unarmed refugees? Isn't it because you provoke me?!"

"Do you know how many things these refugees can do? Put them all into large-scale production, and I can guarantee that everyone will have enough to eat within a few years!"

"Will you rebels go to farm? It's been a few months now... The spring plowing is barren... Now you have fallen out with the gentry. Once you are surrounded by officers and soldiers, I will see what you can eat in the second half of this year." !"

Zhiyuan spoke loudly, but it made her even more tired.

It was quiet all around, at least most people didn't believe that a woman could feed them all with her own abilities.

"War, war is the greatest destruction. All you have done is to kill more than half of the country, and the remaining civilians will have extra land, and the land will be redistributed... There will be places for farming."

"However, in this country, raising tens of millions of people is not a problem at all! You are on the wrong path... You don't understand anything else, but I won't let you go until your Yellow Turban Army fails. here."

"Because of having Zhang Jiao's daughter, Pingyuan County should be safe for a while... By the way, you still have an arrow wound on your thigh. I'll bring the medicine in a while, and you can apply it yourself."

Zhiyuan snorted, then supported her head and prepared to leave.The rest of the people remained silent, at least at this moment, it was impossible for these people to believe that Zhang Jiao would fail.

And the woman in white said to Zhiyuan who was about to leave: "Can I go to your side? There are too many people here, and I can't change the medicine."

After thinking about it, Zhiyuan took the woman out without tying her up, and came to her own room.Zhiyuan's house is really very simple, with nothing but a bed.

Anyway, it has already been brought here, Zhi Yuan directly let the woman lie down on the bed, and then took off her pants, ready to apply medicine to her.

The woman sighed to Zhiyuan: "My name is Zhang Baiqi...you can call me Baiqi if you don't mind."

"Hmm...my name is Zhiyuan...Tang Zhiyuan. I think Zhang Jiao has mentioned me, so please don't move, bear with me...some of your flesh is dead, it must be cleaned up."

After Zhiyuan finished speaking, she asked the guard outside to bring in a basin of hot water.Zhiyuan then used some cloth to clean the arrow wound on Zhang Baiqi's thigh...

"It didn't hit a major blood vessel. It will be fine in two days after cleaning it up, and there won't be any sequelae. Speaking of which, Bai Qi, your legs are very slender. Men must like them." Zhi Yuan smiled.

In fact, Zhiyuan also likes it quite a lot. Zhang Baiqi is only ten 56, and her height is close to 1.6 meters [-], which is half a head taller than Zhiyuan.And it may be the reason why I was forced to practice martial arts since I was a child, the thighs are very strong and strong.

Not the thick kind, but very well-proportioned thighs.In addition, this woman has a good appearance, so she may be a car model or something in future generations.

But Zhiyuan was very tired today, and there was nothing else to do, so she just teased her.

After bandaging Zhang Baiqi, Zhi Yuan asked someone to bring her some food.Zhiyuan rested her head on the side of the bed, then leaned against the head of the bed with her eyes closed.

Zhang Baiqi was stunned: "What, you don't feel well?" After all, she bandaged herself and gave her something to eat, and she was too embarrassed to tell Zhi Yuan what to let her go.

Zhiyuan smiled wryly, then shook her body a little.Her expression was obviously in a trance: "I really don't want to kill those people, you know?"

"But I have no choice... to mess with me, if one day, you find that I am not for civilians, you can just kill me..."

Zhiyuan fell asleep leaning against the head of the bed, and Zhang Baiqi looked at Zhiyuan's expression with a feeling of sadness.But speaking of it, Zhang Baiqi was full of jealousy towards Zhiyuan, because she was very unconvinced at first.

Zhang Jiao himself had the idea of ​​asking her to try the paper kite, if possible, or if Tai Pingdao failed, let her take refuge in the paper kite.

But Zhang Baiqi was upset because Zhiyuan was only thirteen or fourteen years old, younger than herself.What one person said actually got his father's approval, isn't that much better than her.

So far, it seems that this woman is more than 01:30 points better than him, at least the ability to march and fight is much better than him.

She also noticed that Zhiyuan's eyes were always red, and it was true that she had said that she did not kill her Yellow Turban Army, so Bai Qi could feel that Zhiyuan felt uncomfortable.

Who can blame this kind of thing?After Zhang Baiqi thought about it, she put the spell in her hand back into her pocket.Originally, she planned to summon the Yellow Turban Warriors to lead her out if the other party wanted to kill her.

Zhiyuan slept until evening, and then found that she was actually sleeping on the bed, and next to her was Zhang Baiqi who was asleep.Zhiyuan smiled, and then thought to herself: "I'm so tired? Fortunately, this woman is not reckless."

Zhiyuan went to get some food and wine, and then waited for Zhang Baiqi to get up to eat with her.Zhang Baiqi struggled for a long time: "You said that my father really can't overthrow the corrupt rule of the big man?"

Zhi Yuan asked an irrelevant question instead: "I said Bai Qi... Did your father act unusually on the day of the Spring Festival? Think about it carefully, and then answer me."

Zhang Baiqi was a little puzzled, but after thinking about it, she said, "No... Father was very happy during the Spring Festival. He told us that he had cast a spell to shake the foundation of the Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty will definitely be overthrown by us."

Zhiyuan: "Well... this is already an unusual behavior... Your father is so sure that it means that he has indeed done something."

"But on the day of the Spring Festival, the astrology suddenly changed, and a greedy wolf entering the crape myrtle is a sign of chaos in the world." Zhi Yuan told the astrology she saw during the Chinese New Year.

Zhang Baiqi asked back: "Isn't this a very good thing? It means that our great cause has been accomplished."

"Hehe... How do you know that this is the great cause of the Dao of Peace? It's good that the foundation of the great man is collapsing, but I'm afraid Zhang Jiao won't see that day."

"Change fate against the sky, touch the foundation of a big man with a human body, Bai Qi, what price do you think it will cost?"

After Zhiyuan finished speaking, Zhang Baiqi was stunned, she was frightened by Zhiyuan.

Suddenly Zhang Baiqi jumped off the bed, and said to Zhiyuan, "I want to go to Julu to find my father, can you let me go? Just pretend I'm begging you..."

Chapter 59: Our Lady

Zhi Yuan shook her head: "There are Yellow Turban Army and government troops everywhere outside, and Zhang Jiao probably set off from Julu to lead the army to Luoyang at this time."

"The army is in chaos, even if you lead so many Yellow Turbans, how can you find your father?"

"At this moment, the gentry has already started to target you on a large scale. With tens of thousands of civilians, I guess you will be unable to take a single step."

Zhang Baiqi almost didn't cry: "Then what should I do? If something happens to my father, I must go back to him." In this era, filial piety is very important, so Zhang Baiqi should indeed do this.

But the most important thing is that it is impossible to get through now.Zhiyuan sighed, and then she looked at Zhang Baiqi: "Actually, it's not impossible, but it will definitely be very troublesome. And...maybe you have to fight with your original Yellow Turban Army."

"That is, if you let Guan Hai leave here, I don't care if he goes to other places in Qingzhou, but Pingyuan County can't come."

"You can lead some soldiers disguised as recruited officers, and go to the front line in Luoyang with my soldiers."

"But this is very dangerous, because your Yellow Turban Army is not the only army rebelling everywhere. So we must prepare well, do you understand what I mean?"

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