Zhang Baiqi nodded: "Thank you very much... But sister Zhiyuan, why are you doing this?"

"For the sake of people... that is, common people. It is a waste of so many common people not to farm. Of course, I can't eat so many people now, take my time..." Zhiyuan sighed. To be honest, Pingyuan probably 1 people can't eat it.

But Zhi Yuan still wanted to go out and have a look, at least she hoped that she could persuade future bosses to kill less civilians in the Yellow Turban Army.

Historically, Liu Hong did not accept surrender. As long as the rebels were all killed, millions of people would be massacred, and most of them were ordinary civilians who were coerced.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion and the plague that broke out due to too many dead people reduced the population of the Han Dynasty by more than half.Of course it can't be caused by this year, this is just the beginning of the turmoil.

Zhang Baiqi's side was settled, and then it was Guan Hai's side.Just being charged and killed by Zhi Yuan once, Guan Hai didn't calm down for a whole day.

Although Guan Hai has the ability to lead troops, he definitely has no ability to manage civilians.Tens of thousands of refugees were almost scared to pee in one night. They had only joined the Yellow Turban Army for a few days to more than a month. Although they had participated in several battles with the official army, it was not difficult to fight against the wind.

This was the only time the entire army was attacked by officers and soldiers, but they paid a heavy price.Therefore, the whole team was in great chaos. The soldiers demanded revenge, and the civilians hoped that they could build defenses in the camp to avoid being attacked again at night.

So Guan Hai basically didn't sleep all day, and there were too many things to do.In particular, Zhang Baiqi was taken away and his life and death were unknown, so he had to get the siege equipment ready as soon as possible and knock down the plain.

Because there were too many things to consider, the whole camp was very chaotic, and Guan Hai even forgot to ask someone to prepare the dinner at night.

But at this time, Zhang Baiqi actually came back.She quickly helped Guan Hai deal with the civilian problem, and then discussed with Guan Hai for a long time.

The battle still has to be fought, we just need to see how it is fought.Because both of them felt that the combat effectiveness of this group of farmers was too low, and even the combat effectiveness of the Yellow Turban Army they brought out was not very good.

They began to sweep around at a fast speed, which was entirely caused by the slow response of the lower layers of the big man. Once a city could not be defeated, the disadvantages would appear.

So in the next period of time, weird battles appeared.

The battle in the eyes of the Yellow Turban infantry ↓

Today I moved the wood for a day, and asked some bandits and bandits not far away to build siege weapons, and promised those people that they could rob at will after breaking the city.

This was simply impossible in the past. I don't know what General Guan thinks, but let a group of reckless people take the vanguard.

Although many people were dissatisfied, this order was carried out.And some friends told me that there were basically no fun players in that team, and maybe it felt like a dead man to let them be the vanguard.

That is, most people don’t care about the small town of Pingyuan. A woman among others seems to have the ability to sneak attack and kill many of us, but the siege battle is facing the attack of tens of thousands of us. Even if it is Luoyang City, I think it's all breakable.

In the evening, we suddenly received an order to go out with the goddess General Zhang Baiqi.Could it be that I was going to sneak attack the other party? It really made me so excited.

But what I didn't expect, Zhang Baiqi actually led us directly into Pingyuan County, and strictly prohibited us from doing excessive things. This really made me wonder why.

At this time, Tiannv actually came in front of us, and she said to us: Let us change into the clothes of officers and soldiers and go to the city wall to defend the part of the city wall where the bandits and thieves attacked, and said to kill the opponent as much as possible.

Isn't this cannibalism?Many people don't understand why.But Tiannv explained: Those people have the blood of civilians and refugees on their hands, which is naturally not the case in our Taipingdao, so they are just using those bandits.

Now because we lack combat experience, we plan to let those bandits come to die and hone our combat skills.

God... I'm really messed up.

At this time, another person came to the front. I have seen that person before. It is the official from Pingyuan County who brought people to sneak attack last time. I didn't expect that the two sides are standing together now.

The woman said to us: You are the Yellow Turban Army, the Yellow Turban Army is an army of civilians, and your parents and elders are all civilians.

So everything you do is on the side of the common people now, unlike those reckless people who only dare to rob ordinary people, and they will not let the old, weak, sick and disabled be spared.

What is an enemy, anyone who bullies civilians is an enemy.Can they get rid of their identity of killing civilians by joining the Yellow Turban Army?I have asked Bai Qi to classify those who have committed the most crimes, so you don't have to worry about it.

What this woman said is not bad. Even after joining the Yellow Turban Army, this group of people is still a group. Among the refugees, they often bully men and women. It seems that our goddess wants to use this method to get rid of those people. people only.

As for why we cooperate with the government and the army, I don't know...but what Tiannv said makes sense, we just do it.Those people will not be burdened if they are killed, and they are not the old and weak we protect anyway.

So a weird battle started. Every day, some bandits and bandits were pushed out to attack the city, and our people changed every few days.

Although there must have been casualties, I soon discovered that those seemingly strong bandits and bandits were so vulnerable.

Chapter 60: Troubled Times, Here I Come

The siege battle lasted for a month, and the Yellow Turban Army took the opportunity to clean up a large number of unstable bandits.

Although its own soldiers also suffered a lot of casualties, the overall power is growing rapidly.

Here in Zhiyuan's Pingyuan County, there were almost three hundred casualties.But... a group of 3000 well-trained soldiers who have seen blood has begun to take shape.

Zhiyuan's strict rules allowed her subordinates to make rapid progress.Now even if these Yellow Turbans are playing a real siege, it is estimated that they will not even try to lay down the plains in a year or so.

Death is sure to happen, and the dead bandits, or the assassins who did not obey the management of Guan Hai and Zhang Baiqi, these people have become their military exploits, more than [-]!

One day a month later, Guan Hai led most of the Yellow Turban Army out of the plain, but it was only a small town, and if it could not be defeated, they could plunder other places.

Although they seem to have failed, neither soldiers nor ordinary civilians have much fear, and they are even eager to try the future war.

And Pingyuan County once again took in more than 3000 refugees, most of whom were women and children.These people follow the Yellow Turban Army, and the chance of surviving is not high, but they can easily settle down in the plains, and thousands of soldiers can digest them.

Guan Hai left, Zhang Baiqi stayed, and she stayed with more than 3000 people.In this month or so, four months have passed in 184 years, and it is already May.

According to the recent situation, according to the information received by the refugees in the surrounding area, Huangfusong and Lu Zhi have gradually resisted the rebellion of the Yellow Turban Army and killed many of their generals.

It is said that not long ago, Huangfusong used fire to attack the main force of the Yellow Turban Army, General Bocai's army, and beheaded nearly ten thousand people.Zhang Jiao himself was near Guangning, and was blocked by Lu Zhi. The two sides fought each other for a month, and Zhang Jiao did not break through Lu Zhi's army.

However, because the aristocratic families in various places built things like villages to guard against the Taiping Road, and some officials defended or attacked independently, the Yellow Turban Army was not completely connected to the city, but was divided into three areas.

The first area was led by Zhang Jiao, mainly around Yizhou (Hebei).The second area is Zhang Liang, Zhang Baobocai and others, who were active in Yingchuan (Henan) and other places.

The last is Zhang Mancheng, who is active in Nanyang (southern Henan).There are also many Yellow Turbans in the remaining places, but the main force is these three.

The purpose of these three Yellow Turban armies is very clear, that is to invade Luoyang and destroy the Han Dynasty.As for Xiang Guanhai, there are also many wandering and occupying territory in Qingzhou.

Of course, the 30 Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou in the later period were basically annexed by Cao Cao, while in other places in Yizhou, it was Zhang Niujiao and others, which was the later Black Mountain Army.

The Montenegrin army has more people, according to historical records, no less than one million.Although there may not be so many in the real situation, there are definitely more than 30.Cao Cao and Yuan Shao have dealt with this group of Black Mountain troops here in Hebei for more than ten years.

This is the current situation of the whole Han Dynasty. Although the number of Yellow Turban soldiers is increasing, in fact, their speed of capturing land and cities is getting slower and slower.

Basically, the entire month of May was an important turning point for the official army to the Yellow Turban Army.At this time, Zhi Yuan finally finished sorting out her family property, and set off with Zhang Baiqi.

Zhiyuan had already made a very comprehensive arrangement before departure, at least she had to get things right about Yuan Shu.

The first is the work of storing alcoholic beverages. This thing can also produce a batch of alcohol, which is a very important technology tree.

The brewing business is also going on in the city, this does not need to be too big for the time being, what is needed is to keep it secret and produce a small amount of goods.

Yuan Shu took the money, and Zhi Yuan had to satisfy the other party as soon as possible.Although Yuan Shu agreed to play house with Zhiyuan because of Zhiyuan's body, Zhiyuan had to come up with something useful.

This can indeed make money, even in this troubled world.Many people will say that brewing wine in troubled times will cause food consumption, and more people will die in the end.

But one thing everyone should be clear, even if millions of those gentry starved to death, they would not give food to the civilians and refugees.So anyway, it's moldy in the warehouse, so it's better to let the paper kites be used to make wine.

Anyway, after making wine, Zhiyuan will also use the money to buy food, grass and grains, and finally lead the farmers to develop the land, which can be regarded as rich for the people.

Zhiyuan thought very well, even if the wine hadn't been made when she came back, the tools for distilling should be about the same.

Since Pingyuan County is not big, Zhiyuan decided to build a set of distillation equipment to try.After this year has passed and the society has stabilized a bit, things will be produced and shipped away slowly.

At that time, we will be able to produce some distilled high-purity wine. After giving Yuan Shu a batch of goods, we will increase production efforts.This job was left to Xi Zhicai and Tang Hulu. He was not in good health and was inconvenient for marching.

Well... the head*zhi is the big butler, and the little butler is the Tang gourd whose teeth have been smashed out a lot.Tang Hulu is so happy... Since he came to Pingyuan County, he has participated in almost all of Zhiyuan's affairs.

At any rate, he came from the Prince Anping's Mansion, and he is good at both literacy and account management, so he has a high status in Pingyuan County, and cultural people are respected everywhere, right? It's not King Anping or that big family. Literacy.

Then there was the issue of the soldiers, Su You was kept by the kite.The safety of the plain still needs someone who can handle it a little bit. Zhiyuan plans to take 2000 infantry out, and the remaining [-] people will stay.

Zhang Baiqi also left 1000 people behind. She led 1000 people, Zhi Yuan led [-] people, and a small number of cavalry spies were ready to go.

Tang Tian was very worried about Zhi Yuan's departure. The tall city walls in Pingyuan County still felt a lot of security, but going to Luoyang...with the Yellow Turban Army everywhere, these 3000 people were really not many.

Zhiyuan smiled: "Don't worry brother, you manage this place well and take good care of your sister-in-law. When I come back, I think you will have a future."

Hmm... I was conceived during the Chinese New Year, and it has been like this for four or five months now.

Zhi Yuan recorded all the credit for killing the Yellow Turban Army here, and directly brought the captured [-] Yellow Turban Army Yellow Turbans as evidence. Anyway, this thing is not too difficult to make, and that Zhang Baiqi has many men.

Then Zhiyuan asked someone to put up a flag, and Tang...

"Take the tiger's skin as a banner, no matter how you say it, in this troubled world, reputation is still very important. Zhiyuan has a deep sense, even if she is just a woman, she must let the world know her name."

"Let's go, let the heroes of the troubled times in the future have a look at this girl's ability. In this troubled world, I'm here!"

Chapter 61: Happy cooperation

"This is what I encountered today. How many bones are piled up? My men should come over and bury it..." Zhi Yuan sighed, then called for her men, and began to bury the body with tools.

Most of the corpses were stinking, so they were first set on fire and then buried with the remaining ashes.To do so is to let the victims of the rebellion rest in peace.The second is to avoid the large-scale plague that will appear in the future.

It's only been a few months since the Yellow Turban Uprising, and Zhiyuan has only been out of Pingyuan County for three days, and basically saw bones all over the place.

"Bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster crowing for a thousand miles..." Zhi Yuan sighed, Cao Cao's "Journey in Hao Li" is indeed good.

It's a pity that when Dong Zhuo was crusaded, the population of the Central Plains had already decreased by a large part.At this time, the nearby townships have basically been wiped out.

Wherever the Yellow Turban Army went, they robbed everything in one go, and Zhi Yuan also pointed out this point to Zhang Baiqi, that is the disadvantage of the Peasant Army's threat to the population.After all, just like their team of more than 3 people, where did the civilians in it come from?

"What did we do wrong?" Zhang Baiqi asked with a painful expression after seeing the villages and towns destroyed by their Yellow Turban Army.

Zhiyuan sighed: "You have turned the original civilians into refugees by doing this, and the refugees who joined your Yellow Turban Army will not be able to return to their hometowns in the end. You can say that you succeed, but if you fail, you may only be reduced to robbers." Bandit."

"No one dares to take in people from the Taiping Road, and even people everywhere will arrest you for meritorious service. Wherever you pass, those who are not coerced by you will not be able to cultivate food, and in the end there will definitely be robbers everywhere."

Zhang Baiqi nodded and stopped talking.So much so that there are many bones behind, all of which she took people to bury.After all, these dead people were basically the reason for the Taipingdao rebellion.

Zhang Baiqi felt that she had done a good job in feeding those refugees. She had no idea how these refugees appeared, and she shifted the responsibility to the government.

In the next few days, Zhang Baiqi's condition was not very good, because they didn't meet a living person in five days.This is terrible, although there are not many big towns on this road.

Since no one was active, there was no spring plowing.Apart from the people who died for a long time, there are weeds as tall as half a person near the official road.

"Did we really do something wrong?" Zhang Baiqi's eyes were a little blurred, and then ordered his subordinates to prepare for cooking.

It's early in the morning now, and although a group of people still have three meals after they go out, the porridge for breakfast is really porridge.After all, there is too little food, especially for marching.

Rather than drinking porridge for breakfast, it is better to say that you are replenishing water.But at any rate, it is rice soup, and with a few mouthfuls of noodle cakes, it can be swallowed.

At this time, a cavalry spy reported that a team of 6000 to [-] people was found not far away, and they were moving towards them. The spies estimated that they might have found them through the wheel marks of the grain carts and followed them.

Zhang Baiqi immediately became excited: "Are all these people refugees? Should we take them in?"

Zhiyuan twitched the corner of her mouth twice, then shook her head: "There are more than 5000 people, no matter what the purpose is, it is not something we can bear."

"Since those people are refugees, when they see a cart carrying food passing by, their first reaction must be robbery. As you can see, there is no one around, and it is not easy for those refugees not to starve to death."

"And then, we only brought three-month rations for 3000 people. We really accepted so many refugees, and we would starve to death within a month."

"You have also seen the current situation. We are going to Luoyang. There will be many refugees along the way. If we simply take them in, there is no way to persist to Luoyang."

Zhang Baiqi asked hesitantly: "Then what should we do? We can't drive them all away?"

"Let's think about it...it really can't be done, so we have to make a bad plan... This can only be implemented after we have consulted those refugees." Zhi Yuan didn't say what the bad plan was, but it was obvious that there was a glint of evil in Zhi Yuan's eyes.

Soon the refugee group came to the front of Zhiyuan's army. Zhiyuan had already had breakfast, and then the whole team was on guard.

After the refugees came here, they all stopped. After all, a fully prepared army did not come in casually.Among the more than 5000 people, there are two heads. After all, what they wear is different from ordinary people. What's more important is that they all wear a leather armor, which has a little protection.

The two looked at each other, and felt that it was not easy to eat each other up.But in the face of countless grains, if you don't do it, you won't be able to last long.

The two of them hesitated for a moment, and then clasped their fists at Zhiyuan: "Dear officers and soldiers, we are refugees near here. Hesitantly, there is chaos everywhere now, and we have nothing to eat. So I hope that the officers and lords can give us some help." Some food and drink, we're all starving to death."

Zhi Yuan and Zhang Baiqi glanced at each other, and said that the other party was originally aiming to rob, but now that they were so many, they immediately became obedient.But it's not out of awareness of current affairs. After all, if three thousand well-trained soldiers are really fighting against five thousand refugees, the consequences can be imagined.

Zhang Baiqi came to the front of these two people on horseback, and then asked: "Please tell me your name, and by the way, what do these people do. Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking, it depends on how you answer."

The two were a little embarrassed, but they still said: "We are indeed refugees from this neighborhood. When the Yellow Turban fought against the government, we smashed this side. We have nowhere to go. The people from several villages united and settled here. It’s just doing some passing business.”

"I'm nicknamed Lei Gong, and he's nicknamed Fuyun. If we can't get anything to eat these days, the two of us plan to join the Yellow Turban Army." The two of them are not bad in appearance, and they can be regarded as decent big men.However, it is estimated that it is for the sake of being nice or scary, so I simply use this nickname directly.

Zhang Baiqi nodded: "Where is the nearest Yellow Turban Army?"

Na Leigong said: "The nearby Yellow Turban Army seems to be in the southwest, but the exact location is not clear. We know that there are more than 1 armored soldiers, and there are many refugees who have come to seek refuge, so the momentum is huge."

At this time, Zhi Yuan also came to the front of the two of them, and said to them: "You have been looting a lot on weekdays, have you attacked the nearby villages? Especially the villages of those families?"

Immediately, the atmosphere was not so good. After all, Zhiyuan and the others were the banner of the army.And the two looked at the two women, hesitating whether to do it or not.

Don't look at the other party as a woman, but the armor is real.Wearing an armor that weighs about twenty catties, and can move freely, he must be stronger than the two of them.

The other Fuyun hesitated for a moment and said: "That kind of village can't be beaten. We can only rob the passing merchants, but let alone merchants in the past month, there are not even ordinary passers-by."

"We just attacked a nearby village controlled by a large gentry a few days ago. As a result, there were only more than 500 people defending it, and our group of refugees couldn't get in."

Zhiyuan smiled slightly and thought to herself: "Is there only 500 people? It seems that you can try it."

ps: I returned to Shenyang from a business trip in Sichuan. More than 40 hours of train, dizzy..... I don't want to code Chapter 62: Happy cooperation

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