Xiaozhi nodded, and was just about to ask Liu Bei what to do, when suddenly there were soldiers shouting outside.Fazheng glanced at Liu Bei, at this time a servant at the door hurried in.

"Master, there were rumors outside just now. It is said that Cao Cao's messenger in Yizhou was killed. It seems that the former general did it. More than 30 people died in total, and none of them escaped." The servant finished speaking for a while. He looked up and saw Liu Bei.

Immediately, he felt a little embarrassed, while Liu Bei looked at Fazheng with a smile.Fazheng stroked his beard and nodded, "Xuande is really powerful, so Liu Zhang can only rely on Qingzhou."

Chapter 490: Double Agent

On the main battlefield in Jizhou, because of Yan Liang's death, more than 20 troops from both sides were mobilized again.

And at this time, a woman came to the plain again. "I have seen the emperor..." The woman bowed lightly.

Liu Bian nodded: "Are you here to reveal information on the battlefield?"

To be honest, Liu Bian is quite clear about the battlefield now, whether it is Jinyiwei or the Supervising Army, they will sort out information and send it back to Pingyuan every day.Yan Liang was killed two days ago, which made Liu Bian excited for a while.

The woman said to Liu Bian: "The general is indeed powerful. My information is that I can send Yuan Shao's main force to the hill where the general is."

"Then they can send elites to attack Anping. As long as Yuan Shao's food is burned, their army will not have enough food for three days."

Liu Bian was a little puzzled: "According to our information, Yuan Shao's food and grass are at least half a month's worth. I don't know how the girl's three-day food is obtained?"

The woman smiled lightly, and she smiled very beautifully. "They do have half a month's worth of food, at least on paper."

"But Yuan Shao's food officials have already been bought by us. As long as Anping Kingdom can be captured, then Yuan Shao's remaining food and grass must be only three days..."

Liu Bian understood what this woman meant, so he thought for a while and said, "Okay... After Yuan Shao's defeat, I will make you my concubine."

The woman smiled sweetly: "I must be loyal to Your Majesty..." Then she went down.

After seeing the woman leave, Liu Bian said to a little eunuch beside him, "Go and send this matter to the general."

"But if you want to hide this woman, it's better to hide this matter first."

After the woman went down, a little maid asked with concern.The woman smiled and nodded: "The emperor needs to win the world, so he needs me. I can even guarantee that he will not tell the tiger girl about me."

"This is the best way... go back to Yuan Shao immediately, I still have information to exchange."

In the evening, the woman came to Yuan Shao's place again.Yuan Shao has already rested, and he has been tossing him a lot recently.

However, after seeing his prospective daughter-in-law coming, Yuan Shao still dozed off to meet this woman.

"I have seen my lord father..." The woman's voice was always sweet.

Yuan Shao laughed: "You little girl, what's the point of coming to see the old man at such a late hour?"

The woman said respectfully to Yuan Shao: "Our family is a business after all, so it is easy to get some news."

"The hillside where the tiger girl was trapped in Qingzhou is actually called Sleepy Tiger Mountain... It is rumored that a hunter caught a tiger with a trap decades ago, so it got this name."

"Now it seems that it matches the name of the tiger girl. Father will definitely catch the girl."

Yuan Shao was very happy after hearing this, but he also knew that it was impossible for this little girl to come to see him in the middle of the night just for such a matter, so he patiently listened to her continue.

The woman paused and continued: "What the tiger girl didn't expect is that this Jizhou is the foundation of my father after all, and who is more familiar with the plants and trees here than us?"

"I know that there is a small path in the swamp at the back of the Kunhu Mountain, which can lead directly to the top of the mountain. How can Lu Bu defeat the Qingzhou army when he attacks from the front?"

"As long as my father sends out an elite team to attack from the back mountain and cooperate with the soldiers on the front mountain, the tiger girl's tens of thousands of people will be defeated."

Yuan Shao's eyes lit up: "Is that true!?"

The woman nodded and said, "Father, don't underestimate me..."

"Good, good, good!" Yuan Shao directly said three good things.

"This time, I will let you and my son get married as soon as possible. When I am on the Ninth Five-Year Plan in the future, I will naturally give your family the status."

The woman thanked her again and left. Yuan Shao didn't go to bed either. He directly sent someone to find his few remaining advisers, and then sent someone to call over the generals who could fight, preparing to kill Zhi Yuan in one fell swoop.

Speaking of generals... Yuan Shao was a little unhappy again.After Zhang He was shot in the knee by Zhi Yuan's men, although he was treated by a doctor, the wound seemed to be inflamed.

Now that he drinks medicine and rests every day, he might not be able to do anything in this battle.But he didn't seem to be around except Zhang Yun, so Yuan Shao sighed and sent someone to invite Zhang Yun.

And Yuan Shao thought about the current situation, and sent people to Bohai County in the north to transfer Chunyuqiong back.Chun Yuqiong fought in Bohai County for several months but failed to take it down, so he might as well come back to encircle and suppress Tang Zhiyuan first.

And what about Tang Zhiyuan now?He was still holding remote command against Lu Bu on that hill.If An Pingguo can kill Zhiyuan, he will naturally do so. After killing Yan Liang, Zhiyuan just nodded to show that he knew, and there was no surprise.

And Yan Liang is just the beginning. After Zhao Yun's men arrive, they will probably be able to punish Wen Chou after they capture Anping.

"It will take two days for Yuan Shao to come over, and Anping Kingdom must be settled within these two days." Zhi Yuan glanced at the information, and suddenly discovered the information from Ping Yuan's side.

A Jizhou businessman turned to the emperor, saying that if Anping State could be captured, then the merchant's family could burn the food and grass currently controlled by Yuan Shao, and the opponent would be defeated within a few days.

This made Zhiyuan a little surprised, she herself did not expect that there would be people in Jizhou who would seek refuge with the emperor.After all, most of the people here in Jizhou are rich, and they have never dealt with Qingzhou.

But the other party can actually see that he is going to attack Anping, which shows that the other party's eyesight is still very good.And it seems that he has already thought very clearly about taking refuge in Qingzhou at this critical time.

Thinking of this, Zhi Yuan issued an order to Jin Yiwei, telling them to go to Zhao Yun's side as soon as possible, and capture Anping Kingdom within two days.

The hill where Zhiyuan is located is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Although it is not high, there are only two ways to attack, and there is a swamp behind the mountain. When Zhiyuan first ordered people to search here, several people died because of the swamp.

Later, Zhiyuan designed shoes that could be as big as one meter, so that it would be easy to walk in this kind of mud without sinking, so the back mountain became the route for the intelligence department to enter and exit, and it would not be blocked by Lu Bu anyway.

This also resulted in the fact that there is no army defense in the back mountain, only some people are guarding on a fixed route to prevent Jin Yiwei and other messengers from being swallowed by the mud.

Zhi Yuan analyzed the current situation again. After Anping Kingdom was captured, Yuan Shao's army should surround it, and his own army would arrive at the destination soon after.

As long as there is a lack of food and chaos on Yuan Shao's side, he can defeat the opponent in one go.When Jizhou Zhiyuan falls, Yuan Shao's camp will basically be finished.

There are not many people in Youzhou and Bingzhou, so Yanzhou is Cao Cao's former territory after all.It's okay if Yuan Shao is promoted, but if Yuan Shao fails, Yanzhou may easily surrender to his side.

Whether or not the world can be unified quickly depends on this battle... Zhi Yuan couldn't help but get a little excited.

Chapter 490 Three: Things You Can't Say

At night...the kite once again came to a remote place, and there was only one literati by her side, that is, Jia Xu and Jia Fox.

Jia Xu knows that Zhiyuan likes to be quiet more often, and Zhiyuan seems to really like to look up at the starry sky.So Jia Xu didn't bother Zhi Yuan, and just waited quietly not far away.

To be honest, the night sky is really beautiful, Zhiyuan suddenly thought of something, and some liquid flowed out of her eyes.She wiped it with her hands casually, then sighed...

"Do you think...is it worth it?" Zhi Yuan seemed to be asking Jia Xu, and seemed to be talking to herself.

Jia Xu originally planned to ask Zhi Yuan if she would talk to her again, but Zhi Yuan suddenly said a second sentence. "It's easy to fight the world, but it's hard to sit in the world. Idealists are always lonely."

"In this world, there are indeed brave men who can't become dragons, but what's the use of it... Cycles and oppression will always exist. And hasn't there been only one brave man for thousands of years?"

"How can I, Tang Zhiyuan, compare myself to him? I'm just a poor guy with no ideals. It's easy to talk, but how hard is it to actually do it?"

"The world has not yet been divided, and a new gentry has already appeared. Then Wang Juyi is just the tip of the iceberg. If we dig deeper, we don't know how much it will be involved."

"The world is not yet settled, maybe it will be effective to destroy it with thunder. But once the world is stable, I can't kill all the veterans to prevent the new gentry from appearing."

"Civilians will indeed follow themselves at the beginning, but after a long time... they will also be assimilated into a kind of people. So many great gods who have ideals and thoughts and struggle with them cannot resist this kind of degeneration. I How can your subordinates resist?"

"As a result, I may become the opposite of everyone. And I am not too young... I am very entangled. At least in this world, what should I do?"

"It's better to let nature take its course in the end... I can't do it." Zhiyuan wiped her face again, and then sighed.

Jia Xu didn't speak, but at least she understood something from Zhi Yuan's inexplicable words.Of course, he is also aware of Wang Juyi's monopolizing the labor market in the plains, raking in money and even marrying seven or eight concubines.

So Jia Xu thought for a while, and said to the kite, "Corruption has existed in ancient and modern times, my lord should not be decadent because of it."

Zhi Yuan looked at Jia Xu beside her, and sighed again: "It's not corruption, but reincarnation. You are a smart person, and you can see one thing. Now here in Qingzhou, there have been incidents of bullying civilians again."

"Although the reason for the demise of the former Han Dynasty was the eunuch's relatives and gentry regime, what cannot be ignored is the huge civilian rebellion. The main reasons for the huge civilian rebellion were natural disasters and the annexation of land by landlords and gentry."

"Farmers without land will naturally rebel, because the peasants of the Han Dynasty will not rebel if they can survive. So I naturally prohibit land trading now to avoid land annexation in a hundred years."

"But now even in the plains, there are still many people. Wang Juyi is just one person. You have seen the list. They annexed the land by their own means, and even forcibly occupied it directly through their official positions. "

"Now the emperor has not yet completed the unification of the world, these people are already so blatant! You must know that many people here were also common people who were oppressed back then."

"Now after they become officials, they start to exploit other civilians, so that they will fall into a cycle again. After unification, the population will gradually expand, and each person's land share will naturally gradually decrease."

"This time is about 300 to [-] years. If this cycle cannot be broken, then the final fate of the current Han can be imagined."

Zhiyuan naturally dared to say anything, while Jia Xu sighed.After all, the things I think about are mostly about the aftermath, and the things that the lord I have taken refuge in are already thinking about the rise and fall of dynasties, hundreds of years later.

Jia Xu tasted the words of the paper kite carefully, and the more he thought about it, the more terrifying he felt.In the end, Jia Xu's body trembled a little, and he asked Zhi Yuan, "Then, does my lord have a solution?"

Zhi Yuan shook her head: "No, if you keep on killing, you'll just push everyone to the opposite of yourself. Maybe I'm not afraid of this in my current position, but when people die, politics disappear..."

"Or it is to delay the occurrence of this matter. I have been doing it, although I don't know how useful it will be. First of all, the emergence of Jinyiwei. Jinyiwei is an authority that belongs only to the emperor."

"As long as the emperor is wise, he can use Jinyiwei to restrict the occurrence of domestic instability. It is especially used to restrict literati. When necessary, eunuchs can be used to kill some local clans to maintain the stability of the country."

"Confucianism uses literature to disrupt the law, and chivalry uses martial arts to violate prohibitions. The problem of warriors is always a trivial matter, as long as we can govern the country according to the law. But if the literati are divorced from the country, the world will be in chaos."

"No one can guarantee that every generation of emperors will not have a faint king...Are you right?"

Jia Xu said she dared not answer.....

Zhiyuan continued: "Another way is to engage in industry and enterprises... It is best to realize the food cultivation of national enterprises. Let farmers become craftsmen, or directly become small businessmen."

"The country collectively grows food, which can adjust and allocate various resources, and can also control food in disaster years, so as to prevent gentry and landlords from using food and grass to intimidate civilians."

"Of course...these still need to be controlled. And it requires a lot of manpower and material resources. Because whether it is the Qin Dynasty or the early Han Dynasty, the imperial power does not go down to the villages and towns. The so-called clans are the only ones in the county, and the clans are all autonomous. Autonomy depends on ethics, and ethics creates squire......"

"If you want to truly control this country, you can't just control the upper-class literati. You must also know how the lower-class civilians live. Only by constantly cutting down the trivial can delay the subversion of a regime."

"There is not much I can do...the road will always be in the hands of the common people."

Jia Xu suddenly asked, "Is my lord really planning to leave?"

Zhi Yuan smiled lightly: "As long as Yuan Shao is defeated, maybe after Cao Cao is wiped out. In this court, I must be the most redundant one."

After Zhiyuan finished speaking, she left, and Zhiyuan smiled wryly as she walked: "I really might as well get married sooner, or be a queen under three thousand faces, it's more comfortable than what I'm doing now."

"It's a pity that as a modern person, especially a Maozuo... I always feel disgusted by oppressing others."

"There are not many people who can go this far and keep their hearts. This is probably the loneliness of the traversers..."

Chapter 490: Violent Solution

On the night when the kite was thinking about it, the city of Anping, which was three or four days away from the hill, ushered in a crucial battle.

Guan Yu had arrived in Ping'an City two days ago, and Guan Yu even went to the city gate tower to laugh at Wen Chou himself.If it weren't for the persuasive persuasion of his subordinates, dozens of people pulled Wen Chou, Wen Chou would have gone down to a decisive battle with Guan Yu long ago.

But the rest of the people don't think so. It is said that Yan Liang was beheaded by Guan Yu as soon as he fought against him. If you, Wen Chou, go out to die, will you still be able to defend the city of Anping?The opponent has only about [-] cavalry, and has no ability to attack the city at all...

Moreover, he had just sent away half a month's supply of food and grass, and now there is still about ten days before the next appointment with Yuan Shao, and he has already told Yuan Shao about the things here in Anping Kingdom, presumably Yuan Shao will bring people here soon.

How could a group of people at this juncture let Wen Chou leave the city?It would be nice to be able to defend the Anping Kingdom, well, those who can decapitate people among thousands of troops, they will definitely not be able to provoke them.

They tried hard to persuade each other, but what about Wen Chou?Could it be that he killed all his men?The most depressing thing is that he can't even do a night attack, and Guan Yu is a cavalryman... at night, he ran out to a place about ten miles away, and even sent cavalry patrols, so there was no way to sneak attack.

Anyway, the cavalry couldn't attack the city. After a group of generals ordered people to watch carefully on the city wall, they took Wen Chou to drink.As long as you wait until Master Yuan Shao is brought over, you Wen Chou will fight Guan Yu again, and they will definitely not stop you.

After all, for this group of people, Anping Country's food and grass are much more important than Wen Chou's life, as long as Anping Country does not lose them, it is not a big mistake.Otherwise, if Anping Kingdom is lost, Yuan Shao will never let them go.

So since Wen Chou couldn't release his anger, then just drink to get him drunk.In the end, this group of subordinates drank with Wen Chou every day, and Wen Chou was already resentful and fell asleep after drinking too much.

At this time, Zhao Yun had already sent people to the city of Anping.Zhao Yun made arrangements for his soldiers, and soon a captain came over, and then nodded to Zhao Yun.

About ten people, all carrying something like an umbrella, ran under the city gate quickly under the moonlight.Since Zhao Yun came over, he naturally had to use the simplest method to blow open the city gate.

So these ten people lifted a closed giant log with a length of about two meters. This is the most explosive siege weapon tested in Qingzhou.And if more than ten people act at a time, it will not attract the attention of many people.

There were indeed soldiers on the city wall, but they were changing shifts now. Guan Yu had already studied their changing time a few days ago. Although there were people on the city wall at this time, it was the least time.

So this Zhao Yun's personal guard was not noticed by the people on the city wall, even if the broken city wall was only a little more than five meters.So they immediately started preparing at the gate, and aimed one end of the giant wood at the gate.

When designing, it not only has its own explosive power, but also has a design similar to a heartless cannon on the front of the wood, which was determined by Zhiyuan himself.Once the sound explodes, the front part will hit the city gate, and the huge impact force can break a wooden city gate about six or seven inches away.

Of course, the installation and ignition of this thing is also somewhat cumbersome, and the industry of this era can only reach this point. Zhiyuan thought that he could make arquebus guns, but later found out that they were basically defective products. And it's too costly and totally impractical.

Just as these people were busy quickly, there seemed to be someone below the city wall.After all, there is only a period of time for the changing of the guard, and the soldiers who have just come up must check around.

"Who is it?! Not good, someone is at the city gate, it may be the Qingzhou Army!" A small captain immediately realized that something was wrong and shouted loudly.

But in the dark place not far away, where the other party couldn't see, Zhao Yun could clearly see the situation on the city wall. "Everyone attack!" Zhao Yun ordered immediately.

Although the moon is not bad today, after all, Zhao Yun is 500 meters away, and the outside of the city wall where the lights are brightly lit will naturally look very dim, so the soldiers on the city wall really can't see Zhao Yun's team.

But there was still a lot of noise from Zhao Yun's side preparing to rush over to attack the city. The captain on the city wall immediately sent people to report to the general below, and he himself began to lead people to shoot and kill the Qingzhou army at the gate of the city with bows and arrows.

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