Although I don't know what the Qingzhou army is doing at the gate of the city, it is obvious that they have a purpose.But when the captain took people down to shoot arrows, he realized that those Qingzhou soldiers actually wore a shield-like cover, and everyone hid under the things they were holding.

Most of the arrows shot above were bounced off, and it didn't have much effect at all.The captain shouted anxiously: "Shoot the opponent's leg!"

But just when the opponent was about to aim at the legs, a group of soldiers had already installed the bombs and all left here as quickly as possible.But after the random arrows shot past, it was found that the opponent did not have any delay at all. It turned out that both the opponent's body and legs were covered with thick white paper.

This can also be regarded as a black technology, that is, paper armor.Paper armor is very light, and it is recorded in history books that a strong arrow cannot penetrate.Although the defensive effect on weapons is not very good, it has a very good effect on bows and arrows.

Some of Zhao Yun's soldiers were already wearing double armor, one layer of paper armor and one layer of leather armor.Leather armor is used inside to reduce sharp damage, and paper armor is used outside to reduce puncture damage.The charge of people like Zhao Yun is to attract the attention of the enemy and prevent those who sell explosives from being targeted by the opponent.

After these people were discovered by enemy soldiers, they all stayed at a position of about 200 steps, more than [-] meters.At this time, the people on the city wall were also a little confused. Why did the other party stop charging halfway through the charge?

The news of the discovery of the Qingzhou Army has already been told to a general in charge of the city gate here, and this general is considered dedicated and ran to the city wall as soon as possible. "What are they doing?" General Pi asked looking at a group of people.

The subordinates didn't know, but just when a soldier was about to say something, a sudden loud voice made them subconsciously cover their ears.And their bodies were thrown directly from the ground, one by one were thrown three or four meters away, and they all fell to the ground.

This was a ruthless blow, and by the time the group of people became dazed, Zhao Yun had already led people into the city of Anping.As soon as the city gate was lost, most of the people at the gate were blown out. Although some in the distance came to increase their personnel, they were easily defeated by Zhao Yun.

None of those generals could fight, and Wen Chou, the only one who could fight, was still drunk.

Chapter 490 Five: Zhu Wenchou

The resistance in the city completely collapsed after more than ten thousand elite soldiers led by Zhao Yun entered, and there was not a single general in the entire Anping Kingdom who was Zhao Yun's opponent.And that Wen Chou was pushed awake by his subordinates in a half-dream, and ran out of the city with a group of people.

At the beginning, Wen Chou didn't know what happened. After he got out of Anping Guocheng in a daze, he realized that the city had been captured by the Qingzhou Army.Wen Chou immediately became angry, and cursed at the generals next to him.

"A bunch of idiots, didn't you tell me earlier that as long as you stay here and wait for the lord to come over, the enemy will retreat without fighting?"

"You have poured me too much and you haven't defended Anping Country. Why are you running away and killing me back together!!!" Wen Chou shouted, and took his own weapon, a long gun, from the guards beside him. inside.

After all, Wen Chou has good skills. After he yelled this loudly, many people did stop.Then Wen Chou still shouted loudly, and gradually thousands of people gathered around Wen Chou.

"If the Anping Kingdom is lost, the lord will definitely be defeated. At that time, won't you all become slaves in Qingzhou? Even if they distribute the land, it's up to your own people to come first. What else can you do besides becoming slaves? ?”

Although most of these soldiers are servants, they still have some status.And because of Yuan Shao's propaganda and brainwashing, they thought that Qingzhou's defeat of them was used to mine as slaves (the result of Youzhou using Goguryeo people to mine).

This kind of propaganda is quite effective, and Wen Chou's appeal is not bad, so more and more people gather here. It is estimated that Wen Chou will be able to bring nearly ten thousand people back in a short time.

But at this moment, there was a sound of neat horseshoes not far away.In the haze, it seemed that a cavalry came to the front of Wen Chou's side. When Wen Chou vaguely saw the opponent's flag, he couldn't control himself anymore.

"Guan Yu!!!" Wen Chou looked around and found a war horse.

"Take your life!!!" Wen Chou didn't enter the city anymore, and led his people towards Guan Yu.

And Guan Yu naturally saw the defeated army here, the reason why he came here was to prevent these people from escaping.Or it can be said that Guan Yu came here because of that literary ugliness, and the two of them immediately met.

Wen Chou had already been drinking, and was so angry that he directly collided with Guan Yu's weapon.Even at this time, Wen Chou was much stronger than Yan Liang, and in the first round of the two sides' weapons, they didn't even let go.

But after two or three rounds, Wen Chou's drink was completely sober, and he even found that he was not the opponent's opponent at all.If it wasn't for his ruthlessness, he might not even be able to persist in the first few rounds, not to mention avenging Yan Liang, whether he could save his life would not matter.

At this time, Wen Chou already felt a little regretful. He looked around and found that there were no soldiers for a long time.The cavalry on Guan Yu's side was too strong, and the few people he managed to gather were scattered away by the opponent's impact.

Wen Chou suddenly lost his will to fight, and he just pulled his horse and was about to run.Wen Chou still has some skills. One of Guan Yu's men tried to intercept but was killed by Wen Chou directly. He was rushing out of the encirclement at the fastest speed.

Just when Wen Chou was about to break through the siege, he suddenly felt his body lighten...he looked down, and it seemed that his head had separated from his body and flew up.

The last scene Wen Chou saw was that Guan Yu's long knife chopped off his head from the horse.Hmm... It seems that my head flew into the air, but I still didn't avenge my brother in the end.

Perhaps the only thing to be thankful for is that he lasted longer in Guan Yu's hands.Guan Yu stopped his horse and looked at the dead body that had fallen from the horse: "The name is not worthy of the name, the two generals under that guy Yuan Shao are actually so useless."

After complaining, Guan Yu began to let people clean up the battlefield, and it was at this time that Anping Kingdom was completely on fire.Anping Kingdom is an important place for Yuan Shao to store grain and grass, and the amount of grain and grass is too large.

Zhao Yun and his men couldn't transport that much food at all, and if they carried it forcibly, it would only slow down their own speed.So they can only be burned, so that Yuan Shao's army can be thrown into chaos.

Zhou Cang occupied the granary at the very beginning of the battle, and now he also feels a little pity after it was set on fire.Then Zhou Cang asked Zhao Yun and Guan Yu how to deal with those prisoners?

Guan Yu meant to continue to let go, these captives had no effect other than slowing down their marching speed.But Zhao Yun thought for a while and said to Guan Yu: "Yun Chang, I think these captives can still be used by his own people to infiltrate."

After saying this, Zhao Yun also looked at Zhou Cang, and Zhou Cang suddenly felt like MMP didn't know whether to speak or not.To be honest, because of the use of explosives, Anping Kingdom did not take much credit for capturing Zhou Cang.

But if Zhou Cang continues to act as a rout and joins Yuan Shao, maybe he can play a bigger role in the future.Of course, there is a great danger in doing so, that is, will Yuan Shao kill all the rout soldiers directly after knowing the news that Anping Kingdom has been lost.

If Yuan Shao got angry and killed all these soldiers, wouldn't Zhou Cang's death be inexplicable?In the end, Guan Yu thought of a way, which is to let them serve as civilians of Anping Kingdom, that is, auxiliary soldiers here.

They captured some prisoners in front of them, except for some people who were used as auxiliary soldiers in the current Anping Kingdom, the rest of the civilians were moved away by Yuan Shao long ago.And when Anpingguo's auxiliary soldiers were in the front, they did some chores and didn't receive attention.

These people were only about a thousand, and among the nearly [-] soldiers, they couldn't even see a single speech.So Guan Yu directly took away all the captives here in Anping, and asked Zhou Cang to change into their clothes and release them with the rest of the captives.

Zhou Cang also met a lot of low-level military officers during the past few days in Anping City, which is also the best way to infiltrate.After all, it is better to have acquaintances to prove it, so they returned to Anping Country.

After Guan Yu left, Zhou Cang questioned the other soldiers who had been let go, and there was actually a little general who had had a drink with Zhou Cang two days ago.

Zhou Cang said to the lieutenant general: "We shouldn't wait here in Anping. If General Yuan finds out that Anping is lost, he will be furious. Isn't it very dangerous for us to be here now? Why don't we go outside and collect the defeated army first?" , We will come back when the general's anger subsides."

The general was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the other soldiers who were still fighting the fire and rescuing food. "What you said is very reasonable. Let's take people out of here first. After gathering the defeated army, there will be more people, and it will look good, right..."

The two led the Qianren Headquarters and quietly left Anping Country. At this time, Yuan Shao had already arrived at the hill where Zhiyuan was besieged.

Lu Bu came out to meet Yuan Shao, but Yuan Shao didn't have a good look at Lu Bu. "Can't take down just such a small hill? Heh... What a waste."

Chapter 490 Six: War Begins

Yuan Shao is also a quick-tempered person, and he was ready to be attacked just after arriving on this hill.It is best to decide the outcome of this kind of thing as soon as possible. As long as the woman is captured, the Qingzhou Army will naturally collapse.

So Yuan Shao directly scheduled the night attack in the early morning of the next day, which was exactly one day's time before the main force of the Qingzhou Army arrived.

Otherwise, when the Qingzhou army came over, wouldn't it become a confrontation again.Yuan Shao is not a fool and naturally wanted to end it as soon as possible, so he mobilized the most elite 5000 people in his army.

Among the 5000 people, more than 3000 are euphorbia soldiers, and [-] are Yuan Shao's pro-army, led by Zhang Xi.They have only one purpose, which is to capture Tang Zhiyuan alive... If they can't, they will kill her.

Zhang Xi's injury is not healed at all, but Yuan Shao's men don't have any generals who can really fight, and it can't be said that there are no... But it is definitely one level worse than Zhang He, such as Gao Gan... Although he is talented, he is not top-notch. .

So only Zhang Xi led the team, and Gao Gan, as his adjutant, led 5000 people to sneak attack from the hidden path in the mud and swamp at the back of the mountain, while Yuan Shao himself attacked from the front.

Yuan Shao still has this kind of courage, and he has brought at least 20 soldiers here, and within a day, he filled the hill with people.

As for that Lu Bu who didn't hit the hill after fighting for several days, Yuan Shao was instinctively displeased with him.So Yuan Shao directly asked Lu Bu to go to a location about forty miles west of the hill.

This is the way down from that hill, or the only way for the kite to break out of the encirclement.Because the remaining three sides are surrounded by Yuan Shao, if Zhi Yuan really rushed out, let Lu Bu go to encircle and suppress it.

Although this seems to be a great credit, Yuan Shao has the final say after all.Even if the woman was caught by Lu Bu, so what, Yuan Shao thought very clearly, as long as he defeated Zhi Yuan and turned around, he would kill Lu Bu.

Soon it was late at night, and Zhang Yun had already set off with more than 5000 people.Every time Zhang He took a step, he felt like his knees were split open, and some blood and yellow mucus had already covered the bandages wrapped around him.

Originally, there were doctors who persuaded Yuan Shao not to let Zhang Xi act, but Yuan Shao really had no one available here.The more important thing is the mud swamp behind the hill, and the guide leads the way, but only one or two people can pass side by side.

And because it was a sneak attack, it was impossible for these soldiers to light torches. Only some people in front had better eyesight, and with the guidance of the guide, they fumbled slowly.The soldiers in the back would advance one by one, and if there were any serious night blindness, they would just grab the clothes and armor of the person in front and advance.

Soldiers like Euphorbia warriors who don't know how many catties they wear all over their bodies, as long as they make a wrong step, they will basically never be seen again.The weight fell into the mud swamp, and the god Da Luo couldn't save it.

So don't say that Zhang Xi can only go by himself, even if there are more than 20 soldiers who fell into the swamp and died along the way.But they finally approached from the back of the hill, and even Zhang Yun could already see the bright lights on the hill.

"Herald, whisper the message! Rest on the spot for half an hour, and then launch an attack!" Zhang Yun arranged tasks for his subordinates.

The weapons and armor of the Euphorbia warriors are too heavy, and they are already elite if they have not fallen behind during the march. Now basically everyone is sweating, especially Zhang Xi, who is leading the team.

Zhang Xi leaned against a stone, and then touched his injured left leg with his hand.Gao Gan handed Zhang He a water bag, Zhang He sighed and put the water bag aside and didn't drink at all.

Gao Gan looked at Zhang He, and Zhang He said to Gao Gan: "I have been under the lord's hand for ten years, but in these ten years, I was plotted twice by this woman. These two losses are bigger each time, Now even my leg is probably useless."

Gao Gan shook his head: "After this battle, the general has been recuperating for several months, and there is always a possibility of recovery. As for that woman, she will definitely not be able to escape this time. General, don't worry, you can stay behind when the time comes, and I will take someone to take her away." Arrested to apologize to you."

Zhang Yun laughed: "It's not that I can't leave, I will definitely make that woman pay the price!" Zhang Yun gritted his teeth and said, he felt that the hatred between him and Zhi Yuan was irreconcilable.

After a simple rest for half an hour, Zhang Xi led the people to continue up.At this time, Zhang Yun seemed to have vaguely seen the people above, so he was very excited.

Zhiyuan did not leave anyone behind in the back mountain.Because this place is a swamp, Zhiyuan only left a centurion here. This centurion is used for guarding and searching, plus the messengers and Jinyiwei who came in contact.

Since the kite chose this place as its luring point, it is natural for the kite to study the surrounding terrain clearly.It's just that what Zhiyuan didn't expect was that there was actually a small path extending in the mud swamp.

So the centurion was also stationed in a relatively safe place, helping Zhiyuan deliver some information every night.It was the same tonight, they had just sent away the two Jinyiwei guards against the swamp, and they were resting at night vigil.

A soldier with sharp ears said to the captain of the centurion, "I really want to hear the footsteps of many people not far away."

The captain was slightly taken aback, and then made a silent movement.He was very clear about his subordinates, as long as he said he heard human voices, it was very likely that there were indeed enemies here.

The captain held his breath and felt for a while, it seemed that there were some sounds in the distance.He immediately said to the soldier who heard the voice: "Report to the general immediately!"

The soldier nodded and ran straight up the mountain, and then the captain looked at his men, and immediately ordered to gather and prepare for battle.At the same time, a rain of arrows covered the place.

"Everyone back up and use shields to defend. Protect your body with shields, don't be afraid of the opponent!" The captain reacted very quickly. The distance from here to the top of the mountain is not too far, and there is only one path to climb up.

The captain felt that it would not be a problem to block the opponent with only about 100 of them.After all, as long as someone gets stuck on the small road here, it is impossible to pass, and the soldiers of the Qingzhou Army are quite confident in themselves.

But this confidence faded after the Euphorbia appeared, and the captain of the centurion couldn't help swallowing. "Brothers, I don't know how the other party got through that swamp, but the other party seems to be Yuan Thief's elite euphorbia."

"We only have a hundred people, but we have to stay here. The general doesn't even know that the enemy is attacking us. Even if we persist here for a quarter of an hour, the general will be more prepared."

"Brothers fight to the death!!!"

Chapter 490 Seven: Battle on the Hill

ps: Today, I was decorating and pressing the door, as well as the doors of the cabinets, and the baseboard... I was busy until after 6 o'clock in the evening, and then I had a meal and started to code, and I just finished writing now.

Is it easy for others... Ask for cat food.

Zhiyuan was still awake at this time, she was looking at the map to study how to decide the battle and where it would be more beneficial for her to fight.Zhiyuan also goes to bed late recently, and she has to worry about many things.

Zhi Yuan originally planned to wait until her main force arrived, and encircle and swallow Yuan Shao.After all, according to intelligence, if Anping Kingdom is captured, Yuan Shao will definitely not have enough food.

As long as the opponent collapses and gathers the opponent's army, he can use the simplest method to win this war.Although the gentry will support Yuan Shao in the future, Yuan Shao's potential will be greatly reduced after the loss of the main force, and the Qingzhou Army may be able to quickly control Jizhou.

Zhiyuan thought well, and made some detailed plans.While Zhiyuan was still writing something with a pen, suddenly a soldier rushed into Zhiyuan's camp, and Zhiyuan was startled and even took out her own sword.

The soldier who entered the door was Zhiyuan's personal guard, and he said directly to Zhiyuan, "General, there is an urgent military situation!"

"One of Yuan Shao's main forces has already invaded from the back mountain. The number is at least 5000. According to the report of the patrol team, there are quite a few euphorbia soldiers involved."

"And just now, there was Yuan Shao's main force attacking the city in the front camp, so I'll let my lord decide how to counterattack!"

Zhiyuan was taken aback for a moment, but quickly came to her senses. "Order the other teams to defend in front of the camp, and I will personally lead five thousand guards to look behind!"

Zhi Yuan also quickly made a decision, since even the euphorbia soldiers were dispatched, there was no need for Zhi Yuan's soldiers with only leather armor to go to the back mountain to die.And my personal guards are all a combination of paper armor and leather armor, and there are even about 500 people in full iron armor, so that these people can fight the Euphorbia warriors.

Sun Ce also ran in from the outside, and directly woke up Zhiyuan's guards.Sun Ce has always had a high will to fight. Hearing that the opponent is Yuan Shao's elite, he showed a very excited look.

Zhiyuan looked at the soldiers assembled at the door, and then asked the guards: "Where is the person who reported the message in front? Where has the enemy arrived?"

The personal guard replied: "He said that the enemy has reached the foot of the mountain. He is a member of the fifth team of the liaison team. The captain has ordered everyone to stop the enemy on the mountain road, but because there are many euphorbias on the other side, they are ready to fight to the death."

"The soldier who reported the message wanted to go back and join his team to fight against the enemy, so he ran back after sending the message up."

Zhiyuan sighed: "Everyone, follow me! We will block the enemy under the hillside."

While running with Zhi Yuan, the personal guard said, "Guard Chen just ordered the soldiers who threw the fire wine to prepare, and they can go into battle in about a quarter of an hour."

Zhiyuan nodded, and then said to everyone again: "Use the javelin to attack the enemy first!"

At the foot of the mountain... teams of euphorbia warriors began to climb the mountain stepping on the muddy meat. The hundred people on the mountain road did cause them some trouble, but it was nothing more than trouble.

Seeing that the hard attack was a waste of time, Zhang He ordered people to throw the halberds. Although Zhiyuan's subordinates were all equipped with shields, the penetrating power of the halberds was too strong. As long as it hit the body, the sharp front part could pass through the body easily. .

In the end, all the 100 people died on the path, without even a chance to escape and retreat.Only the soldier who had just reported back was watching all this on the high ground not far away.

"Captain..." The man's eyes turned red, and then he took out his long knife and prepared to go down and fight desperately.

But just after the person rushed down less than 50 meters, he suddenly saw something, and then the speed stopped. "I will make you pay in blood!" The man put the weapon aside, and then began to push down a stone tablet next to it.

To put it bluntly, this monument is the name of this mountain, and it is indeed the sleepy tiger mountain mentioned earlier.

There is a stone tablet here that has been placed for decades. It seems that it also records the interesting story of a certain high-ranking official enjoying the scenery here in the late Han Dynasty. Zhiyuan in front of him even took a look at it when he went up the mountain.

And this mountain road naturally has steps, but the mountain road is very narrow, so it is indeed a bit difficult to go up.

The soldier didn't know where the strength came from, but he pushed the stele down and slid down the steps.The heavy body of the euphorbia warrior couldn't dodge at all, and four or five of them were knocked out by the stone tablet and fell directly from the mountainside.

This time Zhang Yun who was behind was upset: "There is only one person, shoot it with an arrow. Hurry up, it has been delayed for almost two quarters of an hour, the other party may have been ready long ago!"

When the euphorbia warrior heard this, he immediately stopped caring about the opponent's casualties, and soon began to attack upwards.The soldier killed a few enemy Qingzhou soldiers, and instead of fighting them desperately, he went up the mountain road and threw big stones down.

No one thought that an elite soldier like Euphorbia would be disgusted by an ordinary soldier.After they passed through this narrow passage, they found that more than a dozen people had been knocked unconscious or killed.

Zhang Xi really wanted to eat that Qingzhou soldier alive, and that Qingzhou soldier was prepared to do his best, so he didn't intend to retreat.

"Miscellaneous, come on!" The soldier was covered in blood, and he couldn't completely avoid the opponent's random arrows, and he was shot by several arrows.Although there are leather armor and paper armor, there are some places that cannot be protected.

Even the soldier's left eye was shot from the side by an arrow, and it was obviously useless.He was shaking with pain all over his body, but even so, he still stood in front of the Euphorbia soldiers who had completed the queue.

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