"No, it's not Mayuri's fault. I didn't tell you about opening the lid."

After the microwave was blown up, Wan Yuri was a little depressed, but fortunately, Shidou was already very experienced in this kind of Wuhe family explosion caused by the elf's natural stupidity, so he quickly appeased Wan Yuri.After that, the two simply made a real spicy beef macaroni together.

With the help of Shidou himself, the cooking process was finally safe and the food tasted very good.

Then, as the sun sets, the parting time always comes faster than expected.

"Then, it's time to end this date. I'm very happy, Shidou."

Wan Yuri stood in front of the entrance of Itsuka's house, she opened the door, then turned around, with her back to the brilliance of the setting sun, and said so while looking at Shidou not far away.

"Hey, Wanyuri."

Shidou realized that this was the most important moment.

"what happened?"

"Please, please stay. I—— don't want Wanyuri to disappear like this."

He stared into Wanyuri's eyes and said seriously.

"But it doesn't make sense."

"Yes! Of course it is meaningful! Is Wanyuri willing to disappear like this?"

"There is nothing reconciled, it's just that the setting is like this..."

Hearing Shidou's words, Wanyuri showed hesitation for a moment, but still shook his head.

"This has nothing to do with the setting! Hey, Wan Yuri, did you enjoy your date today?"


"Then don't worry about the settings, anyway, I have already passed the trial of you and the Thunder Temple. It doesn't matter if I stay? Like today, dating together, visiting the shrine together, cooking together, isn't it good? "

Shidou stepped forward, held Mayuri's hand and said anxiously.He was afraid that Wanyuli would disappear from his eyes in the next moment.

"I don't know, if I have to force it—for some reason, my heart hurts when I think about the disappearance. It's strange, I didn't feel this way before..."

"That must be because Wanyuri wanted to stay."

"Yes, is that so?"

Wanyuri raised his head and looked at Shidou with puzzled eyes, as if hoping to get a positive answer.

"Hmm! It must be so! So stay, Mayuri!

When spring comes, let's go to the senior sister's shrine to visit the festival together.You haven’t eaten the cream puffs in the shopping street, Kotori likes them very much.Besides Lily, Miku is also an idol who sings very well, let's go to her concert together, she will be happy.

There are also Nia, Nanakin, Yoshino, Rokuku, Kaguya, Yuzuru, Origami... Everyone has countless experiences that they want to share with Wanyuri. "

Hearing Shidou's words, crystal clear tears gradually overflowed from the corners of the girl's eyes.

"Shidou, you're so cunning... If you say that, wouldn't it make me want to stay even more?"

"Sorry. But...that's how I wish Wanyuri could stay."

The hand that he couldn't hold, the helplessness he had seen the girl disappear, for Shidou, if he missed this opportunity again, he would never be able to forgive himself no matter what.

"So, please!"

He embraced the girl in his arms, hugged her tightly, and begged so desperately.


Wan Yuri felt the warmth of the young man, and the feeling of pain in his heart due to parting slowly disappeared, replaced by a more gentle feeling called happiness.

"Well, if Shidou wants me to stay..."

"Ah! I want Mayuri to stay!"

The two hugged each other, telling the desire in their hearts.

"I see, then, please let me stay by Shidou's side. In fact, I... also want to be with Shidou more."

Wanyuri closed his eyes and replied like this.

Then, the moment the girl made up her mind, the sky under the setting sun began to shake, and some kind of power gathered into one entity and appeared in the sky.

Thunder Temple appeared.

Chapter 21 Initial Battle

Shidou grabbed Manyuri and ran away.

"Wait, Shidou?"

Wan Yuli obviously hasn't figured out what will happen in the next few seconds, and he has a completely dumbfounded expression on his face.

"I'll explain later, the most important thing now is to join everyone!"

Shidou ran towards the direction where the air ship was.Although considering Fraxinus' teleportation function, even if they stay at Wuhe's house, they can meet soon.But the house is estimated to be demolished by the Thunder Temple.

Even though people living in Tiangong City have long been used to things like being demolished by space, Shidou thinks it's best to hide.

Sure enough, before taking a few steps, the sphere in the sky turned into a giant foreign object with two pairs of wings and a tail centered on the black jade-colored sphere.

Countless unflattering eyes suddenly appeared on the pitch-black sphere, and then countless spiritual bullets hit Shidou and Wanyuri like hail.

"Night Food Bara (Tsukuyomi)!"

Shidou stopped and turned around quickly, a torii gate under the night appeared in front of him and Wanyuri, and then blocked the incoming magic bullet.

"Cherubim, why are you doing this? Shidou has already passed the test!"

Wan Yuli unfolded the spirit garment in a burst of light, then looked at the angel who belonged to him but was now running away, and muttered to himself in puzzlement.

"Could it be because of me!?"

She thought about it for a while, and the only thing that could be said to be problematic was that she promised Shidou to stay.


"Don't say that you want to leave. For the sake of Wan Yuli, let it come here for the mere Thunder Temple!"

Shidou turned his head, looked at Mayuri and said seriously.

"Yes, yes, if Wanyuri just disappeared like this, Shidou will definitely cry. In comparison, the Thunder Temple is not scary."

Wan Yuri turned her head, saw that Ming had arrived behind her through the teleportation device at some point, and said with a smile.

"That's right, that's right, Xiao Wan, let me tell you that the only way for a woman to be favored by a boy is to become his harem. At the beginning, I didn't think I would be attacked at all, but in the end I was also recruited. So you still Wake up early, and stop thinking about something that is better than nothing."

Nia smiled and tapped Mayuri's nose with her fingertips and blinked.Taking a closer look, everyone except Kotori appeared beside Shidou and Mayuri.

"So, there is no harem!"

"Shidou doesn't want me to stay?"

Hearing Shidou's words, Manyuri showed a weeping expression.

"That's not what it means, anyway..."

Shidou was flustered.

"Idiot, I was born from everyone's spiritual power, how could I not love you? So, from the very beginning, I have been your harem."

Wan Yuri imitated Nia's movement, tapped Shidou's nose, and then stuck out his tongue with a dark belly.

Such a bold confession made all the elves blushing and stunned.

"From birth or something, it's really cunning."

Ming smiled wryly and shook his head.

Love from birth, love from birth, longing for a certain boy from birth, except for this kind of feeling, I am afraid that other than elves like Wanyuri, it is impossible for others to have it.

However, although the dog food is very sweet, the Thunder Temple, which has been eating dog food for the past few days, seems to have had enough of this sweet atmosphere. It released thunder like an atmosphere destroyer and bombarded the place where the elves were.

"Dog food will be distributed later, Shidou, let's deal with that first!"

Ming stepped forward to take over the work of defending everyone, then looked at the angel in the sky and said.

"Ah, let's go!"

Today's Shidou is no longer the boy who couldn't even fly and needed other spirits to hold him. He kicked the ground, rolled up the storm and other spirits and flew into the sky.

"Wait, why did I come down in the first place!?"

Only Erya was left standing on the ground and shouting.

"Please, Xiao Wan! As a [duo without combat effectiveness], take me with you?"

"For some reason, I really don't want to team up with you."

Wan Yuli picked up Erya helplessly, and then chased after her.

--split line--

On the other side, in the AST base, the sirens are ringing non-stop.

"Confirm the source of spiritual power, Hermit, wait, this is Berserker?"

"No, the analysis of the wavelength of spiritual power captured Miko!"

"Here we can observe the latest elf Zodiac, hey... this is Diva?"

The headquarters has become a mess, and the reason is obvious. Right now, through the drone, it can be observed that a new type of unspeakable angel has appeared above Tiangong City. Correspondingly, all the elves that have been observed have all appeared !And it is attacking that angel!

"Captain, are you dispatching instructions!?"

A member of the team hurriedly ran up to Ryoko Kusakabe and asked.

"The order from above is—all on standby!"

Liaozi gritted his teeth and said helplessly.

"Huh? Why!?"

"There are so many reasons, just obey the order. But be ready to attack at any time!"

"Yes!" x All

Even though he said so, Liaozi knew very well in his heart that the order to attack would never be issued.In the beginning, there was an inexplicable spacequake alarm. When everyone thought it was a false alarm and were investigating, the angel appeared.

What followed was the carnival of the elves, and the elves who had disappeared (Lost) before appeared collectively in Tiangong City!

Based on Liaozi's understanding of the upper echelons, it is impossible to dispatch AST in this situation, because it might lead to the siege of all elves.

She didn't know what would happen to AST, who used to be embarrassed by an elf, when faced with the attacks of all elves.

[I hope this matter can end safely. 】

Seeing the elves attacking the runaway angel on the screen, Liaozi even thought absurdly—they couldn't be protecting Tiangong City, could they?

--split line--

On the other side, the battle between the elves and the Thunder Temple seemed a bit stalemate.

Liu Gu opened a door in the space, and from the other side of the door, he saw a big eye of the Thunder Temple, and a magic bullet roaring towards it!

"Are you okay!? The other party seems to be very alert, please be careful when trying to sneak attack."

In time, Ming erected a torii gate between Liukui and the gate to block the enemy's sneak attack.

Although the Lord of Sealing is powerful, it is not easy to sneak attack on this angel who seems to be able to shoot magic bullets everywhere, and after all, it is hard to say whether the sealed Liugui can use the Lord of Sealing to turn off the actions of this angel.

"Senior, let's use Yatanokagami together!"


Shidou and Mei looked at each other, and they both drew their bows!

Chapter 22 Unblocker

Double bow and arrow, double moonlight.

The two arrows crossed in the air as if you were chasing each other, drawing a spiral trajectory.For the Thunder Sanctuary (Cherubim), it responded with a flash of thunder, just like the previous attack by the elves, trying to neutralize the missiles on the opposite side with energy bombs.


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