Shidou waved his fist excitedly!This is probably a more unexpected attack mode than the sneak attack of Lord Fengjie opening the door, or that huge body is really unable to avoid Ming and Shidou's bow and arrow.The Thunder was purified the moment it hit the Demon Breaking Arrow, and then the arrow pierced through the center of the Thunder Sanctuary with unabated force.


"Yeah! Leave it to Liu'er!"

Ming nodded to Liu Gu in the air, and Liu Gu raised his seal and rushed towards the Thunder Temple.The angel purified by the arrow temporarily lost some of its mobility, and the density of the magic bullet dropped significantly.

"Sealing Lord—"

However, at the moment when the huge key angel pierced into the Thunder Temple, Shidou noticed a small brightly colored sphere separated from the Thunder Temple, and then flew in front of Liu Kui.


The small sphere instantly turned into a golden cage, imprisoning Liu Gu in it.Shidou knew this trick, Thunder Temple used it to capture Wanyuri.But for Liu Gu...

"Sealing Lord [Open]!"

It's just a matter of turning the key.The wheel phase, the cage and the key are really different.

"Liu Gu be careful!"

But Shidou's shout made Liu Kui turn his head, and what the girl saw was a huge wheel, which flew towards her the moment she untied the cage.


The wheel didn't care about the cage itself at all, and ran into the golden cage together with Liu Gu, who was using the Lord of Sealing.Shidou could only watch Rokuku fall down after that.

"Will this angel still use tricks?"

Seven Sins couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Since it is a self-disciplined angel, it does not rule out the ability to execute basic tactics. Be careful, or you will follow in the footsteps of Liu Shou."

Origami flew to Shidou Kazuko's side and said calmly.

"Miku, I'm counting on you, Liu Gu!"

"give it to me!"

Shidou clenched his fists, believing that the blow just now should not cause fatal damage, but Mukuro will not be able to return to the battlefield for a while.As one of the few healing units, Miku flew towards the direction where Liukui fell.

"The purified area has recovered. That angel's recovery ability is indeed terrifying."

Ming watched the purified part recover slowly, frowning slightly.

"That's why it is so afraid of the Lord of Sealing, right? Forged Witch (Haniel)—Kaleidoscope!"

Seven Sins gritted his teeth.Judging from the battle just now, the Thunder Temple seems to be very targeted at Liu Gu. After all, for the Thunder Temple with strong resilience, an angel who can kill with one blow is simply a natural enemy!


"Well, leave it to me! Tsukuyomi!"

The night turned into layers of torii gates, advancing towards the Thunder Temple in a fortress-like form.And the angel of the seven sins holding the changed key is flying among them.

Although I also want to make the Thunder Temple powerless through changes, such as turning it into chocolate or something.However, judging from the fact that Alan still has combat effectiveness after the previous changes, it is unlikely that the fake witch with incomplete spiritual power can directly incapacitate that angel.

"Thunder Temple..."

Wan Yuri watched helplessly as the shape of the Thunder Temple began to change.The sphere from the beginning turned into a cone like a space battleship, and then the tip was aligned in the direction of the thousand torii gates and began to gather.

"Be careful, it's the Sword of Radiant Flame (Rahatcherev)!"

Hearing Wan Yuli's warning, although Ming himself has no memory of the battle with the Thunder Temple in Zhoumu, but just by looking at it, he knows that it must be some kind of super-powerful light cannon attack.

"seven sins!"


The thousand-fold torii continued to extend for several layers, turning into a shield in front of the Seven Sins.Then the little squirrel-like girl hid under the torii and made a cute squat with her head in her arms.

Immediately afterwards, the torrent of light roared and bombarded the torii gate, and then flew in different directions like a rushing river hitting a rock, creating large pits one after another on the ground of Tiangong City.

Nanatsu shrank behind the torii gate, even with her eyes closed, she could hear the sound of the torii gate cracking layer by layer.She trembled, trying her best to let herself forget the fact that several layers of protection had been erected before, and how many layers had been broken now.

The temperature in the air is getting higher and higher, and various negative thoughts can't help but appear in my mind, such as dying, or dying, and dying, and dying.

Gradually, the sound of the explosion disappeared, and Nanami opened her eyes to see the already incomplete night, unable to maintain the looming torii gate, and standing between her and the Thunder Temple, stretching out her hand to maintain the last layer Defensive life and Shidou.

"Phew... I finally managed to defend myself."

"Are you all right, Seven Sins?"

Under the strongest double defense, even the Rahatcherev Sword couldn't break through the joint protection of Ming and Shidou.

"Well, sorry...couldn't shut down that angel..."

Seven Sins felt his eyes a little sour.In contrast, he was not able to help at all, instead he lost his life and Shidou for no reason to support him.

"No, you did help us. Seal and untie the master [close]!"

At this moment, a weak voice sounded, and everyone turned their heads, and saw a small [door] below the Thunder Temple that had released the Radiant Flame Sword (Rahatcherev) at some point.At the other end of the door, Liu Kui was lying on the ground. While receiving Miku's treatment, he raised the Sealing Lord and pierced Thunder Temple's body, and then turned!


This time, the seal master did play a role.Shidou watched that moment excitedly, and then the smile gradually froze on his face.

Under the unbelievable eyes of everyone, the Thunder Temple began to slowly turn its direction, and concentrated its spiritual power towards the position of Liu Gu!


Liu Kui looked at the scene in front of him unwillingly.

[Calm down, everyone.Judging from the reaction of the spiritual power, there is no doubt that the Lord of Sealing has taken effect.But do you still remember the situation when the six scorpions blocked the earth?The earth's rotation does not stop immediately, but slowly takes effect. 】

"That is to say..."

Ming seemed to understand something.Thinking about it carefully, abilities like [Future Record], [Directly Turn into Chocolate], and [Brainwashing with Songs] all seem to have a flaw - the stronger the target's spiritual power, the harder it is to take effect.

[Yes.Considering that the amount of spiritual power gathered by the Thunder Temple this time is almost twice that of the first week, and that Liugu is in a semi-sealed state.Although the Lord of Sealing has taken effect, it will take some time before the Thunder Temple is completely closed. 】

Reine's voice gave Shidou a bad feeling.

"how long it takes?"

[Estimated based on the speed of Lingbo's decline - about a week or so. 】

That is to say, I can't wait at all.

Chapter 23 Seal

Do not make jokes!

This is the only thought in everyone's mind.The most important thing right now is not the false proposition of "hold on for a week", but the more urgent question of whether the next fire sword (Rahatcherev) will directly kill Liuxiu.

"Liu Gu, use [door]!"

Shidou's idea is very simple, just open a door and let the light cannon hit Thunder Temple himself.

"No, the tactics that have been exposed are hard to work again. The opponent just needs to shift the shooting position and involve Liu Kui and Miku through the explosion. If it was me, I would do it."

Origami frowned.Although the master of sealing and unblocking the six scorpions is BUG, ​​it is by no means unsolvable.At least the two of them are on the ground right now, and Liu Gu will not be able to fly for a while due to their injuries, so as long as they fire at the ground, the aftermath of the explosion will be enough to cover them.

In this way, the shooting trajectory of the Thunder Temple becomes difficult to predict, and it becomes a luxury to open the door to counterattack.

"Shidou, let's go down and protect Mukuro!"


Shidou understands the idea of ​​fate, but such a powerful move cannot rely on the food of the night continuously.After being bombarded endlessly by the opponent, there will be a time when it will be broken.

"Please, Yakumo-senpai!"

But right now it seemed that there was no better way, so Shidou decided to act.

【Shidou, order, save your spiritual power first.Leave it to Fraxinus here, and the Mistilteinn is ready to fire! 】

At this time, the huge airship in the sky lifted its optical camouflage and came directly opposite the Thunder Temple.The huge muzzle began to gather its magic power, ready for a duel between light cannons and light cannons!

The Thunder Sanctuary also seemed to feel the threat, it turned the direction of the tip, aiming the concentrated spiritual power at Fraxinus.

"Wait, wait a minute, it's too much! Judging from the statistics, the enemy's shelling spiritual power is much higher than ours!"

Nakatsugawa was sweating profusely looking at the data he had analyzed.After all, the enemy is an angel, and the strongest blow with unsealed spiritual power is not an attack that can be counteracted by the Mistilteinn.

Everyone present seemed to be able to foresee that in the next few seconds, the overwhelming firepower of Rahatcherev would penetrate Fraxinus' future.

"Hmph, if it was Fraxinus in the past, I'm afraid this place is lore. But now... Kannazuki, please."


This time, Kannazuki didn't make jokes in a rare way, he put on the contact device on his head, and took over the work of Fraxinus' part of the display device.

"It's now! Fraxinus—moving horizontally on the left side of the ship!"

Accompanied by his voice, a huge random field enveloped the entire airship.

"That's - Goetia's move!"

After watching the airship in the sky dodge the enemy's shelling horizontally in a way that completely violated the laws of battleship movement, Shidou said in surprise.In my impression, it was the high-performance maneuver that Allen's ship, Goetia, was proud of.

[Well, although learning to use the enemy's tricks is uncomfortable, but this time I don't care so much.Your cards are out, so now it's our turn. 】

Kotori's triumphant voice came from the earphones.The Thunder Sanctuary, which had just released its shelling, unreservedly ate Fraxinus' main cannon.

For a moment, the angel's beautiful wings and one sharp horn were all reduced to ashes.A small part of the main body was beautifully wiped away by the magic converging cannon.

"Isn't that okay too?"

Inside the airship, Kotori frowned as she looked at the angel in the sky who was repairing herself.Enemy recovery is really tricky, it can basically be considered as unlimited regeneration, even surpassing her healing flame to some extent.

"Unless there is firepower capable of completely annihilating that angel in one blow, the regeneration system will restore the Thunder Temple."

Lingyin looked at the data on the screen and came to this conclusion.

But the problem is that there is no such exaggerated firepower right now.The size of that angel is extremely large, even if it uses Kotori's spiritual power to launch Gungnir, or Tohka, or even Origami's full spiritual outfit, it may not be able to achieve such a beautiful annihilation.

"I can't help it. Shidou, from now on, it's up to you to seal Wanyuri's spiritual power."

Kotori thought for a long time, finally gritted her teeth and said.

--split line--


Hearing Kotori's words, Shidou fell silent.Sealing spiritual power is equivalent to killing Wan Yuli.But he believed that Kotori would not do such a thing as sacrificing the spirit for victory.

"Tell me, Kotori. Is there a way for that body to keep Mayuri alive?"

【Well, theoretically speaking, the body that is an artificial elf will keep a spiritual power circulation channel with Shidou, just like Tohka and the others.Relying on this channel, Wanyuli can retain a minimum amount of spiritual power. 】

Kotori heard Shidou's question and said so.

【Shidou, you should understand that this is just theoretical data.How that will actually happen, no one knows for now. 】

The reason why this tactic was not used at the beginning is because this body has never been actually verified.If you think about it carefully, you can understand that there is only Wanyuri in the pure spiritual power structure, so until the seal of Wanyuri, Kotori and the others have no conditions at all even if they want to verify it.

【Miss Wanyuri has a 97% chance of surviving.Although we have no way to actually operate it, we have done at least [-] simulations on the computer for this seal. 】

Ju Ya's voice reached everyone's ears.

"...That means there is still a chance of failure, right?"

Shidou gritted his teeth.Although he knew that this was an extremely small probability, the moment when Wanyuri slowly disappeared in his arms at the first week of the eye immediately appeared in his mind.

"Shidou, now is not the time to hesitate. I know you're worried about Mayuri, but there's no time right now."

Ming came to Shidou's side, looked at the hesitant boy and said.

Although Kotori's judgment seemed somewhat disregarding Wan Yuli's life and death.But right now is the battlefield, the Thunder Temple has completed nearly [-]% of the repairs, seeing that the Sword of Radiant Flame (Rahatcherev) is about to launch again, maybe we can find a way to save Wanyuri during this period, but Liukui or other elves Maybe it will be killed by the Thunder Temple.

Moreover, with a 97% probability, I am afraid that no commander will let go of a decision with such a high probability of winning.And Kotori himself must have made up his mind - if he fails, he will bear the responsibility of killing Wan Yuri.

"I see. I'm sorry, Kotori, for making you worry. Also, thank you, Yakumo-senpai."

Shidou made up his mind.Ming is right, now is not the time to hesitate.There is no problem with Kotori's decision, after all, the chances of winning are great.Then you must act.

【snort!Then hurry up, you stick insect. 】

Kotori's venomous voice came from the earphones, but she seemed to be in a good mood.

"Don't worry, in the worst case, it's just everyone looking for Kuangsan together."

Ming smiled.

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