Regardless of Zhoumu, Shidao and others didn't know about the twelve bullets at that time, but even in the worst case, there is still some regret medicine that can be taken.

So Shidou stopped hesitating and came to Wanyuri's side.


"I heard what you just said."

Facing the troubled Shidou, Mayuri pointed to the earphones she was wearing, which were given to her by Nia who had been in her arms for a long time.By the way, at this time Nia has been transferred to Yoshino's frozen puppet.

"Have you heard everything? But... Wanyuri... If you don't want to..."

Although he has made up his mind, Shidou decided to respect Wan Yuli's own decision, and I believe everyone, including Kotori Kazami, thinks the same way.

Then his eyes widened.

Because Wanyuli came to him without hesitation, and interlocked his fingers, the cute face flushed from shyness gradually approached, and finally...

Wanyuri kissed him lightly.

Chapter 24 Stray bullets

For Mayuri, it was a sweet kiss.

What followed was the feeling that the body gradually lost strength, and then the consciousness fell into a haze.It was as if after staying up too late and being too sleepy to bear, weak and dazed, the only thing he could clearly feel was Shidou's warm embrace.It's like lying in a soft bed, making people unable to bear to leave.

[If it disappears like this, it doesn't seem too bad. 】

Such a happy embrace made her even have such an idea.Thinking about it carefully, it is clear that both myself and the Thunder Temple are just programs created to judge whether the container is qualified.

The program has no feelings or desires.But why?Just seeing Shidou's face made his heart beat faster.

It was as if the black and white world was suddenly rendered into a wilderness full of flowers, and the emotions that were neither nostalgic nor turbulent were rippling like this.

I want to stay by his side, because that alone is enough to be happy.

I want to be with him all the time, there are still many places I have never been to, many novelty things I have never seen.

Wanting to hold his hand, walking together in the streets of Tengu City, shopping malls, or cooking together at home is also very attractive.

When I came back to my senses, I suddenly realized that this is what is called love.

I have loved him so much from the very beginning.

It's unbelievable that we've only met each other not long ago.But this mood is so real, like a firefly in a summer night, full of brilliance and romance.


In the darkness, it seemed to hear someone's voice.

"Wan Yuri!"

It was the familiar voice of someone I had been missing all along.


Opening his eyes, he saw the anxious face of the boy.His eyes were filled with uneasiness, and he was calling himself desperately.


Consciousness gradually rises from below the surface of the water.He seemed to have passed out, and then he was always thinking about the boy in front of him in a daze.

"Are you alright, Mayuri!?"

"Well, did it scare you?"

It seemed that she had been unconscious for a long time. She looked at the boy's sweaty forehead and felt a little guilty.

"It would be a lie to say I wasn't scared. But it's good that you're okay, Mayuri."

I was held tightly in his arms, as if I would slip away if I let go of my arms a little.But it doesn't have to be like this, after all Shidou's embrace is so warm, he doesn't want to leave at all.

It's just that this kind of girl's petty thoughts won't tell him.

"Sorry, but it doesn't matter anymore."

"That's good, ah...uh..."

Hearing his own response, he smiled in relief.Then he turned his head away quickly, his cheeks blushing rapidly.

What happened?

She lowered her head to confirm her body.The clothes he was wearing before were directly torn because of the overly violent cover of the spirit clothes, and he, who should have been wearing the spirit clothes, was now in a naked state.

Think about it carefully, if the spiritual power is sealed, the spiritual clothes will naturally disappear.I see……

"Shidou, H."

She raised her head, looked at the other party and said pretending to be angry.In fact, he wasn't that angry, after all, he saw Shidou.

"Feel sorry!!!"

"Then as punishment, next time, let's go on a date together?"

"Okay, whatever the punishment is... ah?"

He who was in a hurry to apologize seemed to have finally come to his senses, showing a somewhat dumbfounded expression, looking at his cute appearance, he smiled unconsciously.

[Actually, I just want to go on a date. 】

--split line--

Although to Wan Yuri, this seemed to be a long period of time, but in the eyes of outsiders, it was only a short period of time.

"Shidou, is Wanyuri alright?"

Ming Fei came to Shidou's side, looked at Wan Yuli in Shidou's arms and asked.

"Ah, it's all right."

"That's good. Then... How long will we have to hug? Shidou is a big carrot!"

After confirming that Wanyuri was safe and sound, Ming pouted, and took the girl from Shidou's arms away with a dissatisfied expression.

Obviously he was Shidou's girlfriend, but she was hugging another girl's naked body in front of him, looking shy and slightly happy.

Although she wasn't jealous, her mood dropped slightly.

"Feel sorry……"

Shidou felt as if he was saying sorry all the time.But it seems that every time the spirit is sealed, this rhythm is the same, and he has almost accepted his fate.

"It's not Shidou's fault either. Anyway, Kotori—please ask Fraxinus to transfer Miyuri temporarily."

The other party had just been sealed with spiritual power, and now she had to return to Fraxinus to rest, and she couldn't be allowed to stay naked in the sky like this.

So Fraxinus quickly diverted Wan Yuli, and then everyone's eyes returned to the Thunder Temple.

"Kinli, what's the status of the Thunder Temple?"

Shidou asked.

【The angel's spiritual power has indeed been weakened, but it has not disappeared.Angels are originally a part of the power of elves. It seems that even if Wan Yuli has not disappeared, the Thunder Temple can still obtain spiritual power from Wan Yuli. 】

"Are you kidding? In this case, wouldn't the self-recovery ability be..."

Shidou gritted his teeth, seeing that the Thunder Temple had completed self-healing, and then began to shoot the Radiant Flame Sword (Rahatcherev) in the direction of Fraxinus.

In an unexpected situation, because Wan Yuli's spiritual power was cut off in Zhoumu, the Thunder Temple was directly destroyed by Tohka.However, because Er Zhoumu saved Wan Yuli, the Thunder Temple could still use Wan Yuli's spiritual power to complete self-healing.

[Calm down, Shen.Although the Thunder Temple can still repair itself, due to the weakening of spiritual power, the repair speed has decreased, and the firepower is not as good as before.Moreover, the power of the Lord of Sealing can play a role faster.It is conservatively estimated that the locking of the Thunder Temple can be completed within 24 hours. 】

"Very good, since that's the case. Whether it's 24 hours or 72 hours, I'll show you!"

Shidou gritted his teeth, although long-term combat is very difficult for everyone nowadays, but in any case, the only thing he can do now is to continue fighting after he has seen the odds of winning.

"Everyone, please!"

In the sky, hurricanes, blizzards, and lasers, the elves manipulated their angels to launch an attack on the Thunder Temple.The offensive that was originally difficult to work can now cause scars to the huge angel.

"Sister, let's block that together!"

Shidou pointed his eyes at the sword of brilliance (Rahatcherev) that was gathering, and said to Ming.

"Well, leave it to me!"

The two leaped forward and flew to the front of Fraxinus to launch the Night Eater. At the same time, the shelling of the cherubs burst into deadly brilliance and bombarded the Kingdom of God.

[Damn it, even if the seal is weakened, this power is still...]

Gorgeous sparks spread out after the beam of light hit the torii gate.Shidou gritted his teeth and maintained the barrier, the strength of the angel in front of him was beyond imagination, thinking about it carefully, it was an existence where everyone in Zhoumu had recovered their full spiritual outfits and was almost helpless.This firepower alone is enough to explain the problem.

[Forget about once or twice... If it is not a complete spiritual outfit and an angel, it is still a bit of a struggle to persist for 24 hours...]

Ming also bit his lip lightly, calculating the defense power of the food of the night in his heart not optimistically.

【what to do? 】x2

The two looked at each other, understanding that they were both a little uneasy.


At this moment, they heard the small exclamation of Seven Sins.

Mei and Shidou followed Nanatsui's surprised eyes and saw that after the Radiant Flame Sword (Rahatcherev) was blocked, the small energy bombs that split out scattered to all parts of the city.

However, because the spacequake alarm had been sounded before, the aftermath that would only cause damage to the building was naturally ignored by everyone.


If one of the energy bombs did not land on the shrine.

Chapter 25 Tsukiyomi Shrine

The shrine exploded.

Everyone observed Ming carefully, while the latter lowered his head, hiding his expression in the shadow of his hair, and he could see the black air obviously gurgling behind him.

All elves know that Ming is usually gentle.If there was anything that would make her angry, it must have something to do with Shidou or the shrine.

For example, once Yaguya carved a magic circle on the sacred wood of the shrine, and he was so angry that he ignored her for a long time.Of course, Yaguya apologized well afterwards.

And this time...


Shidou greeted Ming cautiously.Then he saw the girl's white spirit clothes turn into dark blue at a speed visible to the naked eye.

[! ! ? 】

Shidou's outstretched hand just stayed in mid-air, and then he heard a burst of exclamation from the earphone.

[Categroy · E... Commander, Ming's spiritual power has shown a negative value! 】

[Reverse! ?Wait, is pixie inversion something this easy to do?If the shrine is broken, it will be good to rebuild it! 】

In this super black technology world of architecture, it only takes an hour to build a shrine.Kotori never imagined that fate would be reversed so easily.

"Usually speaking, the reversal of the spirit crystal is quite difficult. After all, refining is not easy, and the process is quite cruel. But there are exceptions—if there is another personality in the reversed spirit crystal."

At this time, the voice of fate was transmitted to the bridge through the loudspeaker.Kotori stared blankly at the girl on the screen, while Lingyin who was sitting beside her bit her lips, as if she was thinking about something.


"Shidou-kun, although I really want to talk to you. Unfortunately, my time is limited, and I have some things to deal with right now."

"Ming" glanced at Shidou who was about to say something, then turned his head to stare at Thunder Temple.She walked forward, and at the same time, the tip of the Thunder Temple began to gather spiritual power again.

"Obviously I have never experienced religious wars in the original world, but I didn't expect to encounter them here."

Ming ignored the increasingly strong spiritual power of the Thunder Temple and came to the Thunder Temple.The outstretched hand was about to touch the shelling point clustered by the angel's tips.

"If I have to say it, I'm not interested in things between elves. After all, that's Shidou-kun's responsibility. But..."

Before he could finish speaking, a blow from the Thunder Temple was released.

"Blowing up a shrine that is rare to collect beliefs—how are you going to compensate me?"

A dazzling light bloomed from the girl's hand.


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