"And the concept in your hand is the key. This concept should have something to do with the origin of the demon seed. It is a power similar to swallowing, but it cannot act on the origin of the demon seed. However, after combining with the demon ancestor before, it was distorted by the concept of the demon ancestor. , so that you can no longer really use the power in it."

"The concept of this conflict can be simply used to hedge and eliminate the original power of the demon seed, allowing you to devour the power to achieve extremes, but if the power of the demon ancestor erupts again, an unknown reaction will occur. This is where your weakness lies. I'm right... Chi Ming."

Chi Ming didn't answer, or he was unable to answer Ye Qingge's question. The body of Daojun that he had taken from him had been completely destroyed. Under the outbreak of distorted concepts, he changed back to his original body. With a miserable appearance, he let out a faint wail.

Ye Qingge shook his head slightly, knowing Chi Ming's life with a sword, and sighed softly.

The power of the concept is too idealistic. The concept of the origin of the demon seed should be related to devouring, while that of the demon ancestor is related to resurrection. The specifics are not yet known, but these two concepts are obviously in conflict, but Chi Ming does not know what to use The method allows them to blend together strangely, maintaining a fragile balance.

If you only face one of the origin of the demon seed and Su Jiu, Chi Ming can solve it, but Ye Qingge's Yimu spirit restoration technique comes from Su Jiu, the demon ancestor, and Su Jiu is by his side. The use of the technique aroused the conceptual power in it, and when the conflict broke out, it directly led to Chi Ming's self-destruction.

"Although the power of this concept is weird, it can be used as a reference. The origin of the demon seed is a conceptual existence. The specific concept cannot be known, but it obviously conflicts with Su Jiu's. If the concept of Su Jiu is traced back to the source, maybe We can find a way to truly fight against the source of the enemy's demon seed!"

"But this is still too far away from now. There are still many doubts in this period of Chi Ming's history, but the result has been revealed. Chi Ming is dead, so there is no need to delve into it. The next step is to finally clean up the world , Finishing work!"

Stretching out his hand, the surging Dao fire struck from the void, destroying Chi Ming's corpse inch by inch.When Ye Qingge was about to leave, he suddenly raised his eyebrows slightly, and found that a stone of other things was left in place.

The stone is very similar to the last time Chi Ming gave medicine to the God in the screen of the Temple of Medicine, but it is more refined and contains two strange fragments of conceptual power. fluctuation.

It was the first time for Ye Qingge to feel the strong fluctuations from the Taoist Code of Time, and after thinking for a moment, he still took out the Taoist Code of Time.

Countless power lines of laws converged between the eyebrows, and gathered into the Dao of Time Code in his hands. Ye Qingge opened the pages of the Dao Code of Time, and the power of countless laws burst out with divine light, impatiently absorbing the stones, and then the light converged. As if it had entered a dormant state, the book closed with a bang and could no longer be flipped.

According to the system introduction in Ye Qingge's eyes, the Time Dao Code has also entered the evolutionary dormancy state again, but this time the time is longer, and it takes one month of the body's time to end the dormancy.

Putting the Dao Code of Time back between his eyebrows, Ye Qingge returned to the original battlefield, and began to help restore the Primordial Heavens and clean up the corruptors in the Primordial Heavens.

With Ye Qingge's action, the primordial heavens were cleaned up extremely quickly. In less than three days, the cleanup was completed, and the heavens were released from the state of the original demon seed erosion. The rest of the reconstruction work can only wait until later. Slowly.

Just when the army was about to return, a Yinming rune suddenly emerged from the void, and it arrived in an instant, floating in front of Ye Qingge.

After a quick glance, Ye Qingge immediately understood the meaning, this is a message from Ming Jun asking for help!

"Master Ming, have you finally compromised?"

A flash of light flashed in Ye Qingge's eyes, he stretched out his hand and tapped on the rune, the rune radiated great light, and turned into a huge gate to the underworld, appearing in front of Ye Qingge's eyes.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, stepped into it one step at a time, and her cold voice spread throughout the entire heavens at the same time.

"The whole army obeys the order, the return trip is cancelled, and we will enter the underworld battlefield to support!"




As a detached place, the underworld has little or no connection with the outside world, and it is precisely because of this that the Hongmeng Emperor immediately used his trump card to lay hands on it, preparing to occupy the underworld as soon as possible, and then slowly plot to open the emperor's heaven. And the Eastern Emperor's Heavenly Court.

Compared with the relatively slow attack of the three heavenly courts, the attack of the demon-seeded eroders here is much more violent. As far as the eye can see, there are ghosts infiltrated by the demon-seeded, almost occupying half of the underworld.The densely packed ghost invaders rushed frantically towards the center of the underworld, constantly occupying the last pure land of the underworld, intending to occupy the entire underworld.

Underworld Center

The figure of Mingjun turned into a god-man of hundreds of millions of feet standing in the sky, dressed in the robe of Mingjun, holding a whip in his hand, and every time the whip fell, countless ghosts would fall.

However, there are more dense ghosts rushing in like tarsal maggots, even Mingjun has an irresistible appearance. It has only been a few years since Mingjun was injured in the battle of the Eastern Emperor's Heaven. The injury is far from recovering, and even if the underworld did not encounter a catastrophe this time, he would not forcefully break out of the recovery.

Groups of ghosts launched a decisive impact, continuously exploding on Mingjun, and were crushed by Mingjun's coercive divine power, but the demonic energy contained in them did not decrease, but continued to gather on Mingjun. After fighting in the sky, the demon seed energy on Mingjun's body became more and more dignified, constantly destroying the wounds on Mingjun's body, expanding the injuries, and making his condition decline further and further.

Today, he is on the verge of death again, even worse than when the Eastern Emperor returned, and he may fall at any time.


Another whip was swung out, and the injuries on Mingjun's body exploded suddenly, and the billion-foot-high body seemed to lose its strength all of a sudden, and fell to the ground, which made the attacking ghosts even more excited.

"Kill, kill Hades, and become the Lord of the Underworld!"

"As long as I kill the Lord of the Underworld, I can become the new Lord of the Underworld, Chong Chong!"

"Achieve the extreme, just today!"

The birth of today's Underworld Lord starts from a ghost, and advances step by step until he kills the former God and Demon Underworld Lord. Only then does he become the new Underworld Lord, become an extremely powerful person, and become one of the four leaders of acquired creatures.

This point is very widely spread in the underworld, and almost everyone knows it. Originally, this was an inspirational story for the bottom-level ghosts. However, when these ghosts were eroded and turned into demon-seeded degenerates, this is the reason why they went crazy .

Kill the Underworld Lord, become the new Underworld Lord, replace him, and achieve extremes!

This alone is enough to make all the ghosts go crazy, especially the current Hades who has not yet recovered from his injuries. After falling, he has no strength to stand up again for a while, which makes all the ghosts find hope and become crazy one by one.

"Could it be that God is going to kill me?"

After failing to climb up four or five times in a row, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of Mingjun's mouth as he looked at the fanatical ghosts in the distance.

How can it be so simple and easy to replace him as the new Mingjun? He was also a coincidence at the beginning, coupled with his own strength, and finally succeeded.These ghosts are no more than the size of his hair, and their strength is far inferior to his original, there is no possibility of inheriting them.

However, in the fanatical state of these ghosts, they obviously wouldn't listen to these words, and he didn't mean to explain. Instead, he looked at the Hades behind him, which was the last pure land of the underworld and the residence of his successor.

Another wave of offensives came, and Ming Jun, who could not get up again, took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind, but before he could implement it, the void in front of him suddenly shattered.

While the runes of the underworld fluctuated, a huge portal opened, and Ye Qingge's figure stepped out of it. With a slash of his sword, the sword field opened, and easily wiped out the ghosts and fallen people on the underworld king and within a radius of tens of thousands of feet.

A large number of heavenly soldiers and generals poured out from the portal, and experienced the battle of Hongmeng Heavenly Court. These heavenly soldiers and generals are very experienced. They drove the spirit boat to quickly build up fortifications, and then expanded outward step by step, ready to fight steadily , Clear away the ghost invaders in the underworld.

Ye Qingge swung a few more swords again, cleared away the demon-seeded invaders nearby, and then turned his attention to Mingjun, and said calmly: "Daoist Mingjun asked for help this time, but he has already made a decision?"

As one of the four leaders of the acquired soul, Ming Jun has the best relationship with the empress compared to the other leaders. Whether it is taking care of the empress' emotions or considering the influence, if it is possible to talk to Ye Qingge, he will naturally not want to do anything.

Under Ye Qingge's expectant eyes, Mingjun shook his head resolutely, and said: "One day when I am in power as Mingjun, it is impossible for the underworld to seek refuge with any force."

Ye Qingge frowned slightly, holding the sword slightly harder, and was thinking about how to answer, but the voice of the empress suddenly sounded: "Master Ming has agreed, help him solve the troubles on his body, and then start to clear the underworld."

Ye Qingge was taken aback: "Master Ming...agreed?"

The empress explained: "As the acquired spiritual leader, it is impossible for me or the other three fellow Taoists to take refuge in any force. But the leader cannot take refuge in it, but it is not impossible for the latecomers. It is only impossible for the Lord Ming to take refuge in himself."

"In the state of Mingjun, the injury has already affected the foundation, and the time is running out. Even if the erosion of the demon seeds on the body is lifted, it will only take a hundred years. This hundred years... I can still afford to wait."

Ye Qingge raised his eyebrows, pondered for a moment, finally nodded and said: "Since fellow daoist has already made a choice, I respect the decision of fellow daoist, but please abide by the agreement, and I don't want to go to the last step."

Mingjun remained silent and did not answer, but the silence itself represented an answer.

Ye Qingge didn't say much anymore, she reached out to help Hades get rid of the demon seed erosion on her body, and walked into the depths of the underworld with her sword in hand. She still needs to continue to stabilize the battle situation in the underworld before leaving the follow-up work to the heavenly soldiers and generals.

Not long after Ye Qingge and the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals left, a young man in a judge's uniform staggered and flew in front of Mingjun, with thick rock flowing in his eyes like magma, and said hoarsely: "Father, father, you It's okay, what did that bastard do to you just now, you won't... "

"Don't worry, Yu, I haven't died so easily."

Yu is the name Mingjun gave the boy.

Mingjun's body gradually shrunk and returned to its original size. He rubbed Young Yu's head and said, "The one just now was not a bastard, but the Founding Emperor. He is an acquired spiritual leader like me, and is also... worthy of respect." people!"

"In the coming time, I will focus on training you, and you will also be responsible for the fusion of the underworld and the outside world. I..."

Yu suddenly raised his head and looked at Ming Jun with a serious face, all: "With our underworld situation, as long as the underworld is closed, the outside world can't invade at all, why do we have to merge with the outside world? Why should I do it? Such a big event should not be carried out by you personally, it should not be..."

Yu became a little incoherent

Mingjun sighed softly, and said: "The fusion of the underworld and the outside world is a general trend, just like the heavenly court of gods and demons will eventually perish, the general trend cannot be violated. As for why only you can do it... because I am also the leader of the acquired soul, and the leader of the acquired soul will decide You must not surrender, you must resolutely implement this concept, this is my way, but it is different for you."

"The future of the underworld is no longer suitable for my way, or my way is no longer suitable for the underworld, but your way has not yet taken shape, and you can make more changes. The future of the underworld... will be in charge of you!"

Yu seemed to understand but didn't understand, and wanted to say something, but Ming Jun easily changed the topic and started talking about other things.

The battle to clear the underworld lasted for nearly a year. In just one year, all the demon-seeker invaders in the vast underworld were wiped out, and there were no more demon-seeds. Everything seemed to have returned to the past and returned to peace.

Mingjun is still Mingjun, who is in charge of everything from above. The young man learns the knowledge of managing the underworld at the feet of Mingjun. Only the young man and Mingjun know that everything has begun to change.

On the bright side, Mingjun is in charge of things in the underworld. In fact, the person who handles things gradually begins to change to Yu, and the number of matters handled increases year by year, step by step towards the direction of training a new Mingjun.

Year after year, the boy has turned into a young man, gradually faded from immaturity, and has truly become a qualified controller. He is keenly aware of something, but he doesn't know where to ask it. Silently cultivate the youth.

In the blink of an eye, more than 90 years have passed

one day

When Yu came to the core of Hades again as usual, and began to handle official duties under the care of Lord Ming, he keenly noticed something was wrong.

Mingjun sat on the god's seat as usual, but the aura on his body was already extremely weak, Yu's heart trembled suddenly, and he hurriedly stepped forward to check the situation, when he reached out and touched Mingjun's body, a sudden change occurred!

Countless powers of the laws of the underworld passed from Mingjun to Yu's body, and the old Mingjun's body collapsed suddenly, turning into the purest power of the laws of the underworld, before Yu could react, all of them poured into Yu's body.

The original judge's uniform on his body suddenly changed and turned into a brand new underworld lord robe. The life and death book and the judge's pen that were originally in the hands of the old underworld jun, which symbolized the authority of the underworld lord, also appeared in Yu's hands. Every emotion will cause fluctuations in the entire underworld, affecting the power of the law of life and death.

Yu stood there in a daze, his magma-like eyes truly turned into lava composed of laws under the laws of the underworld, watching the direction where the old Mingjun disappeared, unable to recover for a long time.

After being stunned for a full quarter of an hour, Yu suddenly came back to his senses, and couldn't hold back the sadness in his heart, so he burst into tears.

On this day, the new and old Hades alternate, and on this day, the new Hades succeeds!

Chapter 172 Invincible for 10 years, surpassing time

Kaihuang Tianting

When Ye Qingge's figure appeared at this time, it was already three months later

The war in the underworld does not require Ye Qingge to take full control of it. After spending nearly three months stabilizing the battlefield, the follow-up matters will naturally be completed by the heavenly soldiers and generals of the heavens. She has more important things to do.

The great battle between the three heavenly courts and the underworld started. Even the formerly glorious Kaihuang Heavenly Court has become sparsely populated. The number of people in the heavenly court is less than three tenths of the original. The heavenly soldiers and generals from all walks of life from the other two heavenly courts, after a brief rest, then dispersed separately, leading the heavenly soldiers and generals from the two major heavenly courts to various battlefields.

It can be said that apart from the initial war, which was simply a war of Heavenly Soldiers and Generals of the Founding Emperor's Heavenly Court, the main force of the subsequent war will be carried out by the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals of the two Heavenly Courts, nominally with the support of the Founding Emperor's Heavenly Court.

This will slow down the casualties of the human race to the greatest extent, but it is also the most efficient way. Let the human race master who has the combat experience and props of the demon eroder command the heavenly soldiers and generals of the two heavens to fight in the shortest time. Recover the heavens and the world.

Ye Qingge saw this clearly when he checked the news sent from various places in the Imperial Study Room of the Founding Emperor's Heavenly Court.

"The heavens controlled by the three heavenly courts, in addition to the more than 5000 controlled by the human race, the remaining [-] heavenly courts controlled by the two major heavenly courts have recovered nearly [-] in the past few months. Ten percent were recovered."

"Everything is difficult at the beginning. If you overcome the initial difficulties, the subsequent recovery will be much faster. From this point of view, it will take only two years at most to complete the recovery."

"The Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor has died, and all the high-level members of the Hongmeng Heavenly Court have been corroded and corrupted. They fell in the war three months ago. The remaining demigods no longer have the qualifications to become the Heavenly Court. The demise of the Hongmeng Heavenly Court has become inevitable; the Eastern Emperor The Heavenly Court will also belong to the Human Race Heavenly Court under my plan a few years ago."

"In a maximum of two years, the split pattern of the three major heavens will be completely broken, and the Kaihuang Heavenly Court will become the orthodox world from now on. When the old Underworld Lord falls in the future, the underworld will also be under the jurisdiction of the Founding Emperor Heavenly Court, and the path of the empress can truly be achieved. Peak!"

The pinnacle of the road is the pinnacle of the extreme!

Even if the goal has not been completed yet, Ye Qingge can clearly feel that the empress is gradually strengthening, and the speed of this strengthening even surpasses ordinary cultivation. Even without cultivation, the power in the body is also constantly becoming stronger. Push the limit.

"However, the three heavenly courts are unified, and the underworld will also become a part of the heavenly courts in the near future. Does this mean...the mission of the Empress World will be completely completed after this time is over!"

Ye Qingge's breathing became heavy, but she quickly suppressed the ups and downs in her heart, now is not the time to think about it.

The operation of the primordial breathing method calmed the mind, and Ye Qingge continued to deal with the recovery of the heavens and worlds.

Time flies, a year and a half flies by

With a single sword, he killed the last demon-seeded eroder of the monster clan. Ye Qingge showed emotion on his face, and said: "Finally, I have finally recovered the last place of the heavens. Speaking of which, this is also the longest time I have stayed on your majesty's body." once."


The empress's voice was also a little melancholy: "It's been nearly two years, which is longer than the previous time, but I have a bad feeling. The three heavens have been unified, and the underworld will belong to me in a short time. Jurisdiction, Qing...Are you going to leave?"

Ye Qingge raised her eyebrows slightly, intending to veto it, but the latest system message that popped up made her unable to continue speaking.

[The Heavenly Court of the Founding Emperor dominates the world, the Empress World series missions have been completed, the host is requested to make a choice within 1 minute]

[1. Return to the main body 2. Watch the history of the Empress World]

"Sure enough, after the mission is completed this time, the mission of the Queen's World has finally come to an end. It's only 1 minute... It really doesn't give me any time to say goodbye, it's very systematic!"

Feeling emotional in his heart, Ye Qingge didn't make a choice right away.

She pondered for a while, and said: "Every farewell is to meet better. I will wait for you in the future, Yang Zhao."

The empress was slightly startled, and then smiled and said: "I will come to you, and it won't be long. After I get out of the way, I will definitely come to your world as soon as possible, and then I will try to possess you again." The feeling on the body!"

"There will be a chance."

Ye Qingge didn't say this sentence, because the time of 1 minute has reached the last less than two seconds.

Without extra time to hesitate, Ye Qingge directly chose the second option.It is no longer as dark as before, but I feel that the control of the consciousness over the body is gradually declining. Instead, the consciousness of the empress has regained control of the body, and Ye Qingge has turned into the original state of the empress. A special angle to watch.

However, unlike the empress's original state, she couldn't talk to the empress, but she could clearly feel the empress's mood swings as before, and she also enjoyed the empress' senses.

Even though she was the Emperor of Heaven, after Ye Qingge left, she became dazed and absent-minded.Numerous emotions such as sadness, reluctance, and sadness appeared in her consciousness, but she also has a strong control over her emotions, and she quickly reacted, using the primordial breathing method to adjust her emotions. After closing her eyes for a few breaths, her emotions have recovered Calm.

Her figure stepped into the Void Bridge and returned to the Kaihuang Heavenly Court.Arriving at the top of the Heavenly Court, he stretched out his hand, and a Lingnet terminal device appeared in his hand.

"The chaos of the Yao clan has subsided, and it is time for you, the Yao Emperor and Dong Huang, to fulfill your promise."

The empress's voice was cold, and she sent it to other distant heavens with the help of the spiritual network terminal in her hand.

half an hour later

The figures of Su Jiu and Kong An broke through the air and appeared here.

It has been nearly nine years since Kong An and Su Jiu succeeded to the throne. During these nine years, Kong An has undergone tremendous changes.

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