He is no longer the sharp-edged look he had when he was the third prince. Compared with the past, he has a more calm and dignified aura.As a fairy god, he was already immortal, and time would not leave any traces on his body, but Kong An still changed his appearance to that of a half-middle-aged man, adding a bit of imperial majesty.

In more than a year, Su Jiu had recovered from most of what he had suffered in the battle of the Hongmeng Heavens. So far, Kong Anqi and Kong Anqi bowed to Ye Qingge and respectfully said, "Su Jiu, the Demon Emperor, pays homage to His Majesty the Founding Emperor. "

"Eastern Emperor Kong An, pay homage to His Majesty the Founding Emperor."

Yang Zhao waved his hand and said, "Let's get back on your feet. Now that the demon race's troubles with the demon-seekers have subsided, it's time for you to fulfill your promise."

Kong An gritted his teeth, and finally sighed: "I will fulfill my promise. From today onwards, the Eastern Emperor's Heavenly Court will no longer exist, and there will only be monster races in the world...the monster race that founded the Emperor's Heavenly Court!"

Su Jiu also lowered her head, and said in a deep voice, "From today onwards, Su Jiu will forever be Su Jiu of the human race, serving His Majesty the Founding Emperor."

Ye Qingge could clearly feel the power fluctuations in the dark, the moment the words of the two were spoken, the great fluctuations in Yang Zhao's body suddenly intensified, and with the submission of Su Jiu and Kong An, the Kaihuang distance Pokémon is one step closer.

With a solemn expression, Yang Zhao made a lifting motion and said solemnly: "The entrustment of the two lovers, I will certainly live up to the great trust of the two. The Eastern Emperor's Heavenly Court is not here, but the two lovers are still the East of the Monster Race." The emperor and the demon emperor can be in charge of the affairs of the demon clan, as long as they accept the supervision and laws of the human race, the power of the two will not change!"

She called out, and the figure of the old Tianzun came from outside the hall. Yang Zhao said: "The next matter between the Eastern Emperor and the Yaohuang will be handled by Hui Tianzun. The two lovers can go with Hui Tianzun."

Regarding the handling of the monster clan, Ye Qingge had made countless plans when he possessed the body, and had already discussed with several Celestial Venerables.

The old god respectfully responded, and said: "You two, please come with me. From now on, we will be fellow robes."

Su Jiu and Kong An followed closely, and left the hall with the old Tianzun, but the matter that the empress had dealt with was not yet completed.

"The matter of the Yaozu Heavenly Court has been resolved, and now it's time to deal with the matter of the Hongmeng Heavenly Court... Where is the rest of the Hongmeng Heavenly Court?"

Opening the spiritual network terminal again, Yang Zhao's cold voice sounded, and it was transmitted through the spiritual network. Within half an hour, three embarrassing demigods stepped into the temple. After most of the Heavenly Court of Gods was destroyed by the scourge of the Hongmeng Heavenly Court, these three demigods were the only remaining leaders of the demigods.

Compared to Kong An and Su Jiu of the Monster Race, Yang Zhao, the demigod of the Hongmeng Heavenly Court, was not so polite.

She looked at the three demigods with cold eyes, and said coldly: "Dao Jun took refuge in the demon seed, and single-handedly led the crisis of the demon seed eroder that was no less than the original battle of the gods and demons in the heaven, do you have anything to say? ?”

The faint coercion spread, and the three demigods fell to their knees immediately, and one of them, a female demigod with the head of a man and the body of a snake, gritted his teeth and said, "Reporting to His Majesty Kaihuang, the Hongmeng Heavenly Court has become a thing of the past. From now on, I will lead The demigods of our clan take refuge in His Majesty the Founding Emperor and will never betray them!"

"Just one word of refuge can easily escape the consequences of such a catastrophe. How can I give an explanation to the world, and how can I be worthy of the billions of postnatal beings who fell and died in this catastrophe?"

Yang Zhao's voice suddenly rose, and he directly pressed the three demigods to the ground, unable to move.

The demigod with the head of a man and the body of a snake squirmed, reluctantly said: "The sinners are willing to let His Majesty deal with it, please give orders from His Majesty the Kaihuang."

Only then did Yang Zhao restrain his momentum, and said calmly: "As you said, Hongmeng Heavenly Court will no longer exist from now on, and the demigods will be defeated as sinners. The remaining members should make atonement for what they committed, and reflect the needs. Follow the rules of the heavens and the heavens to spread the clouds and rain, and build for the survival of hundreds of millions of future souls. When the sins committed can be offset, when can the identity of the sinner be removed."

A three-headed and six-armed demigod leader suddenly raised his head and said angrily, "Does His Majesty the Founding Emperor remember the promise he made when he became the leader of the acquired souls? The acquired souls are equal, and we demigods should be treated equally!"

The last demigod who looked like a unicorn also said: "The establishment of racial inequality, how is this different from the Heaven of Gods and Demons back then, His Majesty the Founding Emperor..."

Before it finished speaking, it was interrupted by Yang Zhao waving his hand.

Yang Zhao sneered, and said, "It is precisely because of racial equality that we need to do this. No matter what race you are, anyone who commits cholera will be punished as a sinner and atone for the sins of the world!"

"It's the two of you who keep accusing me of not keeping my original oath. In fact, even today, I haven't changed my mind from the era of the gods and demons. I still think that the demigods are the most noble besides the gods and demons. Race?"

"The times have changed, the heaven of gods and demons is no longer there, and the demigods are no longer the glorious and noble race that they used to be. Let's reflect on it..."


10 minutes later

The demigod with a human head and a snake body left the temple in a trance, causing chaos in the world. Of course, the remaining demigods are not qualified to be guided by the human gods. A human immortal official in front of her led her out of the temple. , go to the nearby temple to deal with the follow-up matters.

It wasn't until she left the Kaihuang Heavenly Court that the demigod recovered from her trance. She turned her head abruptly, and the last words Yang Zhao said were still flashing in her mind.

"The times have changed, the times have changed... This era, after all, is no longer the era of our demigods. What will this world be like in the future, and what should our demigods do in the future?"

No one could answer her question.

It's not that the demigod didn't think about fighting with reason, but the two colleagues who had fought with reason before have been pulled down to "reflect", and they will be escorted to Zhanshentai as an explanation to the world.She is the only pure-blooded demigod left in this world.

While the thoughts in his mind were fluctuating, the demigod returned to his clan with the first mission issued by the heavenly court to help the environment of the heavens recover.

In the temple

After dealing with the affairs of the two heavenly courts, Ye Qingge could clearly feel that the strength in Yang Zhao's body had increased a little more. The eighth avenue of light at the back of his head had been completely stabilized, and the ninth avenue of light was about to condense out.

One step away is the pinnacle of extreme dao!

"After the return of the underworld, this last step will be completed."

Ye Qingge's voice was a bit complicated, and an unspeakable feeling rose in his heart.It's as if the child who has worked so hard to grow is finally about to become a talent, and the character that has been cultivated so hard in the game is finally about to be completed, there is a kind of sense of loss.

The main matters of the two heavenly courts have been dealt with, but it does not mean that Yang Zhao can rest next time. In fact, there are far more follow-up matters than imagined!

Even if Yang Zhao divides into countless clones to handle things, it will be difficult to complete.The reception of the two heavens, the general rules for the arrangement of each race, the rearrangement and formulation of the laws and regulations of the heavens, and the post-war rewards...

Under the busy day and night, it took a full three months before the initial tone of the integration of the two heavenly courts was initially set and entered the formal implementation stage.

The post-war rewards are also officially opened at this time. Taichu, Huanfeng...a disciple of the Kaihuang and an outstanding member of the academy officially began to become famous in the world through this battle. The injection of fresh blood has begun in various positions of the Emperor's Heavenly Court.

When the fusion of the two heavenly courts was initially completed, it was nearly ten years of light and shadow.

The past ten years were not without resistance from racial forces. At the beginning, the Founding Emperor would send clones to suppress it, but gradually, with the blessing of talents continuously cultivated in the academy, the subsequent suppression would no longer require the Founding Emperor to do it. Countless human fairy gods can easily suppress each other, and the number of Taoist fairy gods alone is enough to crush all races!

I had a complete body exchange experience with Ye Qingge, and the Founding Emperor, who had seen the appearance of the future generations, naturally knew how to clean up. Within ten years, he cleaned up and rectified the heavens step by step, and finally wiped out most of the souls that still had two hearts. A school the size of a seat to build the heavens and the world.

No matter if it is human race, demon race, demigod race or other races in the world, all beings who have opened up their spiritual wisdom will have the opportunity to join the academy and learn the universal skills created by the heavenly court. The promise and philosophy made to all living beings in the world when the palace was first built.

After the chaos subsides, it will be time for recuperation and rapid development.

Year after year passed, and under the guidance and development of the Founding Emperor, Ye Qingge saw the beginning of an unprecedented prosperity.This prosperous age is somewhat similar to the development of the Yankang Dynasty. It is also a world of rapid development of refining and creation. Under the popularization of spiritual nets and the blending and fusion of the three major heavens and thousands of races, the development of the heavens is unusually rapid.

In the next few decades, there will be no real major events that deserve the attention of the Founding Emperor. The time in front of him seems to have pressed the fast-forward button, and it will flash before Ye Qingge's eyes until the third year of No.90. changed.

On this day, the empress, as always, handled the public affairs of the world, discussed the Tao with countless outstanding students in the academy, and guided the changes and development of the world's divine channels.

Just at dusk, when a new day is about to pass, the world changes drastically!

The vast Dao fluctuations erupted from the darkness, and the heavens and worlds became chaotic. As the center of the world, the Kaihuang Heavens, where the Kaihuang Heavenly Court was located, was particularly obvious.

The pulse of the avenue looms above Kaihuang's heaven, and the gods above the dao realm can clearly sense the disorder of the avenue, and the immortal gods who have entered the fourth heaven of the dao realm can even sense a certain powerful existence The passing away, and the faint sound of wailing between heaven and earth.

As the empress who is about to step into the peak of the extreme way, she can feel it even more clearly.

The corners of her eyes suddenly burst into tears uncontrollably, making the maids following behind her confused.

Just when a famous maid and guard were flustered and anxious, Yang Zhao's complex and cold voice suddenly sounded: "Master Ming is gone, and my last Taoist friend has finally left..."

After the four leaders of Houtianshengling, she has the best relationship with Mingjun, the worst relationship with Daojun, and the relationship with Donghuang is neither good nor bad.

Compared with Donghuang and Hongmeng Tiandi, who had attained enlightenment early, she and Mingjun can be regarded as juniors and latecomers, supporting and advancing all the way, until finally helping Mingjun kill the god and demon Mingjun, and becoming the new Mingjun, Even if it is difficult for each of them to communicate after becoming the leader of the power, after experiencing the war where the wave of demons swept the world, the relationship between the two is not bad.

The choice of the two lies in their positions and the path they choose. As an acquired spiritual leader, it is absolutely impossible to succumb to others, but the empress's path determines that she must conquer the heavens and worlds to achieve consummation.

On the one hand, there is the Mingjun who is about to fall, and on the other hand, the rising empress. In the end, Mingjun still chose to fulfill his fellow Taoists. Even though Mingjun didn't say it, Yang Zhao could clearly feel it.

When Mingjun finally passed away, she finally couldn't express the sadness in her heart, which meant that she lost one more Taoist friend in the world, and when Ye Qingge would not come, she would be left alone in the world to walk forward.

Changing the primordial breathing method to calm down, Yang Zhao stretched out his hand to tear apart the void, intending to descend to the underworld, but found that the laws of the underworld had changed, and the entire underworld was in a closed state, so he had to stop.

This change lasted for seven full days before it was considered to be over.

When Yang Zhao stepped into the underworld, standing in the underworld was no longer the familiar face of a fellow Taoist, but a new successor, Yu, whose eyes flashed like magma.

"The new Lord Ming has met His Majesty the Founding Emperor."

He bowed to Yang Zhao, his voice was neither happy nor sad, and he couldn't hear his emotions at all: "According to my father's promise, the underworld will be under the jurisdiction of the Kaihuang Heavenly Court from today onwards. When I see any existence in the future, I will Let me help... My minister Mingjun, I pay my respects to Your Majesty."

Yang Zhao stretched out his hands and held up his billion-foot-high figure, forming a strong visual impact, and said: "The underworld is under the jurisdiction of the heavens, and I will send immortal officials to garrison it as usual, but the underworld is still the underworld. The rights are still yours."

Yu calmly said: "Thank you, His Majesty Kaihuang, for your kindness."

Yang Zhao looked at his expressionless expression, finally sighed and didn't continue to say anything.

Under Yu's leadership, Yang Zhao went to the place where the old Underworld Lord passed away for a long time, and then left silently to deal with the matter of returning to the underworld.

The passage of time in the future became faster and faster. After the surrender of the underworld, Yu had a place in the heavenly court. At first, the new Underworld King Yu still looked indifferent, but slowly, the more he came into contact with the Kaihuang, he Then he was more and more shocked by Kai Huang's thoughts and actions, and the original indifference and hidden deep hostility were slowly disintegrated and turned into a trace of respect.

However, in Ye Qingge's eyes, these pictures just passed by in a flash. Years passed by extremely quickly. Even with Ye Qingge's ability, he could only see the general pictures in a hurry, and then they passed by in a flash.

The rapid flow of time stopped after a thousand years.

Thousands of years have passed, and the cultivation base of Taichu, which was reused by the empress in the past, has finally stepped into the realm of the fifth heavenly realm of Dao Realm, which meets the initial conditions for becoming a god of heaven. Coupled with the combination of achievements and seniority arranged over the years, it was officially sealed by Yang Zhao. For the new Tianzun "Chu".

Compared with the early days, Huanfeng achieved the fifth heaven a little later, but only after nearly a hundred years, and was named Huantianzun by Yang Zhao.

It would be fine if it was only in the early days. When Huan Feng was also named Tianzun, the entire heavenly court was boiling.The former Tianzun plan was brought up again, which opened up another era of Tianzun's birth, and made this prosperous age truly reach its peak.


As early as when the underworld surrendered, the empress's ninth round of light had been condensed, and there was no enemy in the world, not even a single shot, and the immortal gods who came out of the thousands of schools under him would be the first Eliminate all crises in one step.It's just a step beyond detachment but never took it.

At first Ye Qingge thought it was because of the difficulty of detachment, but slowly Ye Qingge realized that the empress could not let go of the human race.

Just like an acquired spiritual leader like Mingjun has the obsession to never turn to the human race, the empress also has an unspeakable obsession with the human race. This obsession may not even be realized by the empress herself, but Ye Qingge, who is a bystander, sees it. Be clear.

It was an unspeakable state. I always felt that the development of the human race had not met my requirements, and I wanted more protection for the human race to continue to survive.Ye Qingge was keenly aware that the Empress seemed to be still looking for something to look forward to, but she never found out. It was not until 10 years ago that she finally let go of her knot.

This is another day of celebration for the opening of the Heavenly Court, celebrating the complete return of the three heavenly courts, celebrating the fusion of the underworld and the unification of all worlds.

The empress calmly looked at the noisy scene in the heavenly court, as if letting go of something, an inexplicable color flashed in her eyes, and whispered: "The development of the human race has also reached its peak, and it will be the same even if I am not around in the future. Next... it's time to find you, Qing."

"The time between these seems to be a bit longer, the difficulty of detachment is higher than I imagined, and I don't know how Qing you have spent this time..."

Possessed on the empress, Ye Qingge could clearly hear the empress' voice, but was completely unable to reply to the empress.

Following the words of the empress, the world before her eyes suddenly changed.

It was just like the scene Ye Qingge saw when he possessed Su Qing's child, but it was different.At the beginning, Su Qing'er reached the peak strength of the extreme path under the Heavenly God Transformation and the Demon God Transformation, and with the help of breaking through the extreme path, chance coincidence touched the key to transcendence, which can only be regarded as a pseudo-transcendence. It will fall back and hit its original shape.

The empress is different, she is an existence that has really reached this level!

Countless ghosts appeared in the person in front of him, gradually becoming like a worm, and the timeline of every move was produced under his own eyes.Countless threads of cause and effect were entwined around the empress' body, but the empress broke free easily.

With the cutting of countless silk threads, her gaze gradually raised, and she saw more and more scenery, until when she was about to cut the last piece of silk thread, she suddenly saw a strange vein.

That is what Ye Qingge did not see when he possessed Su Qing when he was a child. Only when he is truly detached can he see the picture. It is the past life and future of the empress, and the relationship between the empress and himself on thousands of timelines.

Before transcending time, a choice must be made—severing the connection with all timelines, past and present lives, or merging past and present lives, and merging the empress of all timelines.

If you choose the former, all the timelines will not change, but the empress on this timeline has completed detachment, and no one else can use the timeline to destroy the empress when she is weak; if you choose the latter, the empresses on countless timelines will be integrated, The timeline, and even the existence of the past and future empress will be erased and become the only one.

This choice reminded Ye Qingge of the strange faces he saw in the Hundred Gods Tablet, and he seemed to understand: "I said, why have I never seen those faces, or even heard of them. Judging from the current situation, the detachment of these people , chose the second one, merging myself from all timelines and becoming the only one? And the empress and others who are detached in another timeline chose the first one?"

"Then this time..."

Before this thought crossed my mind, the empress made a choice—the first choice!

The last causal line was finally cut off, and the figure of the Empress escaped from the timeline.She looked down at the entire timeline, saw the vast source of the devil seed above her head, and saw the segment where a part of the black part of the source of the devil seed rushed into Su Qing'er's timeline. The smile on her face gradually disappeared, replaced by a dignified color.

Glancing at the end of the timeline and Ye Qingge's time, Yang Zhao sighed, rubbed the center of his brows, and murmured: "It seems that I can't come to the appointment for the time being, and I must first solve the problem of the origin of the demon seed before I can come to see you I hope Qing won't blame me."

"How can I blame you for that?"

Ye Qingge wanted to reply to the Empress's words, but before there was a wave of movement, he felt his vision go dark, and his consciousness slowly left.

What she didn't know was that at the same time when her consciousness left, the expression on the empress's face slowly disappeared, and she said in a sense of loss: "The sense of peeping has disappeared, has Qing finally gone back? I don't know what method Qing used. Even Ji Dao I couldn't even notice it when I was at the peak, and only felt this sense of voyeurism after I was detached..."

"However, just as you said, the parting is for a better encounter. When the troubles on the timeline are resolved, it's time for me to fulfill my agreement and come to you. I hope it won't be too long."

With a murmur in his heart, Yang Zhao restrained his thoughts and flew towards the direction where the origin of the demon seeds came to affect the timeline.

Chapter 173 Innate Dao Seed, Lunar Recovery

[The host completes the urgent task and gets the following rewards: 200000 points, chance to use Time Dao Code x1, innate Dao Seed]

[The loss of the Kaihuang Heavenly Court, the world support rate, etc., comprehensive factors such as excellent evaluation, and a four-fold bonus reward for the points, the rewards are as follows: 80 points, the opportunity to use the Time Dao Code x1]

[Excellent performance of the host task, double points reward, total points: 200 million]

[Obtain the concept material, the Time Dao Code enters the upgrade state, and can be resumed after 30 days. 】

[Empress series tasks are completed, the upgrade requirements are met, the system is upgraded, and all functions other than the basic functions will be closed within three days, please prepare the host! 】

"Originally, I was guessing the conditions for the opening of the next possession object. I didn't expect the conditions to be so high. Only by completing the series of missions of the Empress and letting the Empress complete her detachment can the upgrade goal be achieved. According to the old practice, you can get The new body exchange position, then... who will be the fifth body exchange object?"

His senses gradually recovered, and looking at the system message that popped up first in his field of vision, Ye Qingge's eyes flashed with anticipation.Regarding this body exchange object, she actually already had a guess in her heart.

However, before it is formally confirmed, guesses are just guesses after all, who will be exchanged in the end will not be known until the system is upgraded.

"72 hours, that is, three days. The empress has already achieved transcendence. With the empress helping to fight against the erosion of the timeline by the origin of the demon seed, my time does not need to be so urgent. Three days is nothing."

"However, the mission rewards this time are really high. 200 million system points, two opportunities to use the Time Dao Code, and an innate Dao Seed."

"Counting it all together, combining the system points accumulated these days with this time, my system points have reached more than 400 million. According to the points in the system...it can already be exchanged for items equivalent to the extreme realm! "

"There is also the chance to use the Time Dao Code, plus the last chance to use it that was reserved before, my chance to use it has returned to three times!"

"I don't know what the last innate dao seed is, but it can be used by the system as a reward for the last mission of the Empress series. It's on the same list as the chance to use the Dao of Time and hundreds of thousands of system points. It's not too bad."

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