Ye Qingge punched the last handprint into the place where the core of destruction was stored. Countless handprints merged into one body and gradually dissipated in his field of vision. He couldn't even catch his breath, and disappeared into the dark, as if he didn't exist at all.

But in Ye Qingge's mind, there was a clear feeling, including all the hidden locations of the hundreds of destruction cores that he had arranged, and the power of these handprints could be activated in a single thought, bursting out with terrifying power.

"It's finally finished... It's a pity that the means I left behind cannot guarantee the destruction of the outer case, otherwise why would it be so troublesome."

Ye Qingge shook his head slightly. As the shell that stores the core of destruction, its toughness is extremely strong.

If there was only one place, Ye Qingge could easily destroy it, but Cang Huizong had arranged hundreds of hiding places. In order to avoid mistakes, she had no choice but to use the method of laying down means.

It's just that Ye Qingge doesn't know if the case can be destroyed in this way. In order to avoid alarming the enemy, he can only wait for the moment when the other party activates it, urging the method here to detonate all the destruction cores in advance.

This will of course lead to the destruction of hundreds of heavens, but it is better than coming earlier than the catastrophe of annihilation.After all, Ye Qingge is not an omnipotent god, and he cannot guarantee to save everyone, so he can only do his best.

"However, after these days, I discovered that the thickness of those silk threads, and even the depth of the color, not only means that the catastrophe is approaching, but also represents the degree of participation. The darker the color, the thicker the thread, it means that in this battle The more important role it plays in the catastrophe."

"With the help of this feature, I can determine whether the opponent is the main character of this catastrophe, and make corresponding arrangements... I just don't know how rough Feng Mingxue, who is one of the main characters, will be." Inky black lines shrouded."

"The layout of the core of destruction has been completed, and it is time to start the layout of other aspects... let's start with Feng Mingxue."



Yankang Dynasty, God Capital

At the helm of the Tai Cang Sect

Feng Mingxue did not deal with official duties as usual, but sat on the upper floors of the leader's hall, looking at the distant sky, with a restless mood hidden under her calm face.

The catastrophe of destruction is approaching, and as an existence in the extreme realm, she had a premonition long ago, but she couldn't find a clue to solve it.

"If my sister were here, how would I deal with the current problem?"

Ripples could not help but appear in her heart, one after another light wheels appeared unconsciously in the back of her head, seven light wheels were spinning slowly, like Feng Mingxue's thinking, but she still couldn't think of a clue.

Over the past few days, her cultivation has returned to the original level. Although she has not reached the peak period when the eight light wheels were about to condense, it is not the time when Ye Qingge's words broke her heart before she was about to fall to the extreme state.

The smoothness of the recovery surpassed her news, which made Feng Mingxue feel faintly uneasy, but after investigation, it was not surprising that it was caused by the peace of the Yankang Dynasty.Afterwards, the news of Canghuizong's rebellion spread again, which seemed to occupy her full attention. In order to avoid falling into the previous ending again, this time, she did not need Ye Qingge's reminder, and began to investigate Canghuizong's matter with all her strength.

For two whole months, there was almost no time for rest. It is very rare to have free time like now.

"Last time, my sister's words, obviously I have tried my best to change, why these people are always ruthless, always trying to spoil my plan. This time, I will never be soft... Eh, this is it?"

Feng Mingxue's thoughts fluctuated, and suddenly she saw strands of distortion and fluctuations in the space in front of her, and a familiar breath came.

"It's my sister!"

With a thought in her heart, she hurriedly pursued this spatial fluctuation, and with a burst of divine power, she easily used the space avenue to open up a passage to other heavens, stepping in.

The scene in front of her eyes was changing, and a snow-capped iceberg scene appeared in Feng Mingxue's eyes, but she couldn't attract Feng Mingxue's attention at all. She looked at the figure standing with her hands behind her eyes, and said in a complicated tone: "I Should I call you sister, or call you An Jiaozhu?"

Ye Qingge did not answer directly, but calmly said: "In three days, the Yankang catastrophe will come."

Feng Mingxue's body trembled, a bright light suddenly burst out from her eyes, and her tone became chilling: "I'm still not sure of your identity, if you didn't have my sister's breath on you, you would be dead now .”

Ye Qingge didn't say much, he stretched out his hand, and a Guqin appeared in his hand, he flicked it with his fingers, and the familiar sound of the piano resounded leisurely.

This song was played by Ye Qingge when he possessed Feng Lingxiu for the first time and took Feng Mingxue with him from the ex-married Xiao family all the way out of the wave of demon cultivators. Only Feng Lingxiu and Feng Mingxue knew about it.

After a long time, when the sound of the piano fell, Feng Mingxue finally stopped questioning, but looked at Ye Qingge with struggling eyes, and said in a firm tone: "Sister, if you came here just to say the same words as last time, then you can go, I have mine……"

"of course not."

Ye Qingge shook his head: "I'm here to save this era, and I'm here to save you too."

Feng Mingxue was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to refute, but Ye Qingge spoke up first.

"No matter what, you are my younger sister after all. I don't want you to go astray, and I don't want you to fall because of this... The upcoming catastrophe is a disaster, but it is also an opportunity."

"Don't forget how we came here in the first place. If you can survive this catastrophe safely and establish correct values ​​for the world, it is a good time to wash away your superficial cultivation and truly transform these cultivations. Make a solid cultivation base, do not break or stand, once you succeed, your cultivation base will be improved by leaps and bounds, and it will not be long before you will have the opportunity to break through the extreme path and achieve transcendence."

"I have worked hard for 2 years, so why bother with a thousand years."

Feng Mingxue closed her eyes, her face changed again and again, as if she was thinking about something intensely.

Ye Qingge was not in a hurry, and quietly waited for Feng Mingxue's thoughts.

After a long time, Feng Mingxue opened her eyes again, gritted her teeth and said, "According to what you said, sister, what should I do?"

Ye Qingge smiled slightly, and said: "I have already arranged enough preventive measures for this catastrophe, and I can control it to a certain extent, but how much you can use this control to change the disadvantages depends on your operation. But first, It is very important to spread the correct concept, before the catastrophe comes, we must first spread the correct values ​​as the cornerstone, and then make changes.”

"Judging from the current situation of the Yankang Dynasty, the biggest drawback should be..."


half an hour later

Ye Qingge breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Feng Mingxue leave with a flash of light in his eyes. It seemed that the biggest difficulty of this mission was being persuaded by himself.

"As long as Feng Mingxue is persuaded by me, then half of this mission is completed. Feng Xiling cannot stay. Judging from the situation of later generations, even if Feng Xiling stays, it will most likely be a disaster and must be killed. , so I chose to help Feng Mingxue this time..."

"If the plan is successful, I will change history again. Perhaps the scene of the wasteland in reality will no longer exist, and it will still be the period of the Yankang Dynasty. The heavens are still not destroyed, the world..."

"Maybe the relationships will change drastically, maybe the people I know will change drastically...but whatever, it's a much better world than the one I live in."

"However, there seems to be some gaps in this plan."

Countless thoughts occupied his mind, and Ye Qingge revealed yearning.

But soon, this longing was dispelled by herself, and an inexplicable feeling of incompleteness appeared in her mind, but she couldn't remember where the gap was, so she had to temporarily suppress this thought and keep it in her heart , continue to act on your own plan.

One day later, the Yankang Gods came to the Gods

After running around all the places he knew, Ye Qingge's figure returned to the capital of the Yankang Dynasty.

God is the beginning of the outbreak of catastrophe. Ye Qingge, who has already laid out all kinds of means, naturally cannot miss it. He must witness everything happen with his own eyes.

And more importantly, the feeling of lack in Ye Qingge's heart became more and more intense.

"What the hell am I missing?"

Finding a private room in a restaurant where she could have a perfect view of the entire God City, Ye Qingge frowned slightly, always feeling that there was a layer of hazy mist in her thoughts, making it impossible for her to find her own gaps.

While thinking in her heart, she let go of her consciousness and perception, explored the changes in the capital of the gods, and waited for the last moment of the catastrophe.

Ordinary people may not be able to detect it, but in Ye Qingge's perception, there are already countless jet black thin lines densely covering the sky, covering the huge sky densely, and when a fuse comes, these jet black thin lines will be completely detonated. Wire.

These jet-black thin threads are like causal threads, they move the whole body when they are pulled, and when the jet-black thin threads detonate, all the beings bound by the thin threads will be involved, and none of them will be spared.

The catastrophe had not yet begun, but several voices of discussion first entered Ye Qingge's ears.

"Have you heard that the Tai Cang Sect has made another big move. I heard that a large number of gods have begun to call back to the gods. It seems that things will not be peaceful again recently."

"I heard that the Canghui Sect is about to make another big move recently. I thought it was just a rumor, but looking at the actions of the Tai Cang Sect, could it be true?"

"I heard that the Taicang Sect is plotting... What are you doing?"

"Yankang imperial guards, smearing the leader without authorization, and you guys, come with me too."


A series of voices rang out, and Ye Qingge's face suddenly turned ugly. These imperial guards took away not only those who smeared without authorization, but also anyone who discussed the catastrophe.

However, the person she agreed to spread the correct values ​​has never appeared, and no similar fluctuations have been noticed in the entire God City or even in nearby cities... This is different from what she agreed with Feng Mingxue.

"Feng Mingxue missed the appointment? It shouldn't be. With Feng Mingxue's attitude towards Feng Lingxiu, it shouldn't be like this."

"There must be other factors affecting it... Could it be caused by the aggravated curse before, the bloodline of the navigator cannot be completely suppressed, or has it reached an even more unspeakable level?"

Ye Qingge's mind was full of thoughts, and his mind was a little disordered for a while.

She used the primordial breathing method to calm down her mood, feeling hundreds of seals in her perception, her mood gradually calmed down, and a thoughtful look flashed in her eyes: "Feng Mingxue seems to be unreliable, and we still have to play it by ear, at least The core of destruction is still under my control... The core of destruction has been activated!"

In the perception, bases of destruction cores were opened one by one, and countless destruction cores exploded, just like the picture seen in the future, thousands of destruction cores suddenly exploded, targeting the god capital of the Yankang Dynasty.

Immortal gods above Lingtai Fairyland can clearly feel a destructive aura covering the entire god dynasty. The more powerful the immortal gods, the more clearly they can feel this wave, and all kinds of powerful consciousness for a while The interweaving gushed out, and the whole god seemed to wake up for a moment, and it was extremely lively.

Ye Qingge was sitting in the hotel box, her face was completely ugly, she saw more than others.

The jet-black thin lines above the sky have completely erupted, and countless thin threads vibrate wildly in the sky like a mess, linking with unknown distant places, pulling one by one into the game.

Among them, there is also a particularly thick line that goes vertically downwards, and the connecting her!

Chapter 204 Ye Nanshuang's awakening, give it a go!


Headquarters of Fengmo Shengjiao, in a bedroom

Kong Wanrou sat on the chair beside the bed, and while she was dealing with official duties, she observed Ye Nanshuang from time to time. Ever since Ye Nanshuang's talent and special blood power were revealed, she has been more and more favored by the Holy Demon Sect. It has become a common practice to draw an elder to look after them.

As one of the few female elders in the church, Kong Wanrou was sent to guard Ye Nanshuang most of the time she stayed behind, in case Ye Nanshuang had any accidents.

Every half an hour, Kong Wanrou would personally check Ye Nanshuang's body in case something special happened.

And now, it's time to check.

Kong Wanrou stood up and came to Ye Nanshuang's side, and was about to reach out to touch Ye Nanshuang's forehead, but Ye Nanshuang's eyes suddenly opened.

"Ah...Xiao Nan, you're awake."

Kong Wanrou was taken aback.

Before Ye Nanshuang came back to her senses, there was a look of confusion in her eyes, as if she didn't understand her current situation, and Kong Wanrou felt distressed for a while.

She put her hand on Ye Nanshuang's body, her consciousness surged, and she wanted to probe Ye Nanshuang's body. At this moment, Ye Nanshuang suddenly reached out and grabbed Kong Wanrou's hand, her eyes revealed a fierce and fierce meaning. Dekong Wanrou felt a chill down her spine.

But after all, she was an elder of the Holy Demon Sealing Sect, she quickly came back to her senses, and said with a serious expression: "Xiao Nan, what are you... what are you doing!"


Without warning, Ye Nanshuang reached out and grabbed the top of Kong Wanrou's head. Kong Wanrou's body suddenly became alarmed, and before she could react, Ye Nanshuang's little hand had already reached the top of her head, and she gently squeezed it.

A crisp sound sounded, and Kong Wanrou felt her mind go blank for a moment, as if a layer of mist had been opened, and in her conscious perception, she could clearly sense that an invisible black connection above her head was forcibly disconnected , Some small forgotten memory fragments resurfaced in my mind.

As an elder of the Devil's Sect, although An Lanmeng had undergone strict selection, it was not that she had never seen the dark side of the world. Kong Wanrou suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and said in fear, "What kind of power is this? Xiao Nan, what is going on with your current situation?"

"The origin of the demon seed has come."

Ye Nanshuang's words revealed an unspeakable coldness, and said: "When the catastrophe comes, my strength has been increased, but correspondingly, my emotions have also been affected by this increased power, or... Power should not be mine, it should be borrowed from me."

Kong Wanrou was puzzled: "Borrowed?"

Ye Nanshuang didn't continue on this topic. She looked Kong Wanrou up and down, as if judging something, until she saw Kong Wanrou until her scalp became numb, then she stretched out her small hand and pointed at Kong Wanrou's brow.

A stream of blood power poured into Kong Wanrou's body, and she felt her mind was blank. When she regained her consciousness, a special blood power began to surge in her body. Ye Nanshuang's figure had disappeared, leaving only Place a sound transmission symbol on the spot.

"My bloodline has been awakened, and it's time to complete my mission. How the Fengmosheng Church will develop next depends on you, elder."



An unspeakable sense of crisis came from his mind, and the warning signs in Ye Qingge's heart were raised to the extreme. The mighty righteousness, the transformation of the gods, the blood of the navigator, the mysterious magic of the sky... the power of purification and the power of suppressing demon seeds... The secret technique bloomed without hesitation, covering the line above the head.

"The lines mean the degree of participation in this catastrophe. I thought that wandering around could reduce the coming of the catastrophe, but I never thought that it would still be used by the origin of the demon seed and become an important part of the catastrophe!"

"It's just... when did this line of demon power come to me?"

Ye Qingge frowned slightly, and soon had to temporarily stop thinking about this question. In her consciousness, most of the cores of destruction had already been activated, so she couldn't spare any energy to think about it.

With one mind and two minds, Ye Qingge cleared his mind, while fighting against the dark black lines in the dark, while using his thoughts, one by one, the backhands sealed in the destruction core were triggered to explode, and the surging flames swallowed most of the destruction core. It also devoured Ye Qingge's backhands one by one, and the senses gradually disappeared from consciousness.

At the same time, the confrontation between the other side and the lines also had preliminary results.

The most powerful part of the ink black line is its concealment, it is difficult to cut off before it is discovered, but once it is exposed, it is only a matter of time before Ye Qingge solves it.The huge lines have been corroded by her burst of divine channeling to create huge holes, and the affected and distorted memories return one after another. Ye Qingge can clearly feel that An Lanmeng's consciousness has fallen into a daze.

After a while, she came back to her senses, gritted her teeth and said, "I remember, this black thin line is the power of curse!"

Ye Qingge was curious: "The power of the curse?"

An Lanmeng took a deep breath and said, "The change in the power of the curse on me actually started three months ago, which coincided with the time when Ye Nanshuang's accident happened. But the thin lines at that time were still very subtle. The distorting power in it minimized my vigilance against this thin thread, and even distorted my memory before, so that I never remembered it."

"I didn't realize the abnormality until this jet-black thin line erupted just now..."

Ye Qingge understood what An Lanmeng meant, and said with deep eyes, "From your description, it sounds like this time it's the hands and feet of the devil seed again."

The origin of the demon seed covering countless timelines has many more sources of information than her, and it is almost familiar with the different changes that will appear in each timeline. It is not surprising to know Ye Qingge's methods.

The layout was laid out from the beginning, affecting the memory and distorting the senses, so it's no wonder that she fell for it unconsciously.

She recalculated the current situation in her mind, and while looking for a solution, she quickly asked: "Apart from this, do you have any memory of being affected?"

An Lanmeng pondered for a moment, and said: "Most of the affected memories are about curses, or to be more precise, before the disaster strikes, related concepts are hidden, and it is meaningless to mention it after the event is over. Crucial information has no effect."

Ye Qingge was thoughtful, but before she could continue to ask, the scene in front of her suddenly changed.

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