She had erased more than half of the black lines, and when the black lines broke out, the temporarily blocked senses quickly recovered, and the picture displayed in front of her again was completely different.

The battle triggered by the origin of the demon seed has begun in the distant sky!

Feng Xiling's figure appeared above the sky, obviously coming prepared, a huge black lotus flower carrying the aura of destruction appeared behind him, covering half of the sky.Her figure is sitting in the lotus pod, and a black-robed figure stands on each of the petals. They cast secret techniques together and broke the world crystal wall of the heavens where the Yankang Dynasty is located, carrying a strong aura of destruction. swept up.

The other half of the sky is occupied by the Canghui Sect. Although the Canghui Sect does not have the existence of the extreme realm, they are extremely capable in aura technology. The cores of destruction that are still far away are being used by them without knowing what to do. The means moved over, and three of them fell in the direction of Shendu.

There were marks left by burning on the three cores of destruction. They were obviously bombarded by Ye Qingge's divine channel method, but survived by chance.

"Feng Jiaozhu, you deal with the apostates of your sect, and I will protect the heavens."

A figure of a middle-aged emperor in a yellow robe emerged from the sky above Shendu. He spoke with a majestic expression, and his voice spread far away, with an unspeakable sense of dignity, which made people unconsciously want to submit.

He stretched out his hand and grasped it, and countless divine lights burst out from above the earth. Dragon veins rose from the earth and converged in the yellow robe on his body, raising his power infinitely. , It seems to have reached the level of six rounds.

The priests of the Yankang Dynasty appeared from everywhere, echoing the emperor's aura of the Yankang Dynasty. When they burst out together, they cast countless golden shields to block the destruction of the core.

Not far from him, Feng Mingxue's expressionless voice appeared, and said calmly: "Your Majesty's words are exactly what I want... Where are the elders of the Taicang Sect, and follow me to punish the traitors, so as to correct my Sect's holy prestige!"

"Punish the rebels together, with the prestige of orthodox teaching!"

Figures dressed in white soared out one after another, and each of them was above the fourth heaven of the Dao Realm. They were divided into two rows in the midair. When the two hands made a formula, the aura of the Dao exploded and combined, and one row turned into a The appearance of a fairy, with both hands making the appearance of playing the qin, flicking it lightly with the fingers, obviously there is no guqin, but forcibly making the qin sing in the void, preventing Feng Xiling from further actions.

Another group of immortals gathered behind Feng Mingxue, arranged and combined to form a different formation, and the power merged into Feng Mingxue's body, which raised Feng Mingxue's power to a new level, and the eighth round of illusory formations behind her head The light wheels came together, and the figure pierced through the air, heading towards Feng Xiling.

War is imminent!

The battle of the gods above the gods is just a corner of the battlefield. Ye Qingge can even see the battles of races drawn by black thin lines outside the heavens, and the powerful races in the heavens. There are no exceptions, part of the memory was covered up by the black lines, and part of the thoughts were distorted, and they brazenly launched an attack on the Yankang Dynasty.

"We... what should we do next?"

An Lanmeng's voice became a little dazed.

Ye Qingge also fell silent. She looked at the scene above the sky that was similar to what she saw in the concept of time. Zhong Shenguang burst out and said: "The matter has come to this point, and it is no longer something that can be solved by the layout. If this is the case, it is better to give it a go!"

"Let go... give it a go?"

Ye Qingge didn't answer, but just proved his thoughts with actions.

The sacred power on his body was slightly restrained, and suddenly charged up and exploded the next moment, cutting off the last part of the black line on his body, stepping forward, and a figure appeared on the sky.

Above the sky, the battle is raging

Under the countless black lines intertwined, there is a famous fairy god and priest in charge. Part of his reason and cognition is covered by the black lines. No matter how difficult it is to see the brilliance of the stars, there are only countless cracks in the space left, as if the end of the world is approaching.

The moment Ye Qingge arrived, there were even several red-eyed immortals attacking Ye Qingge, but Ye Qingge easily dodged them.

Her attention has never been on the battlefield of these gods, but on the invisible lines above the sky!

"The first battle of the origin of the demon seed was defeated by its advance layout. No matter what the reason is, this one is indeed lost, but the struggle is far from over!"

"Since the layout doesn't work, let's use the most basic way to break the situation. No matter what purpose it wants to use these thin lines to induce the catastrophe to achieve, as long as these thin lines are cut off, it will naturally break through its plan!"

"Jingtian Shenhuo...break it for me!"

The blazing milky white dao fire erupted from Ye Qingge's singer, and quickly spread to the entire border of the sky in just a few breaths. The flame carrying the power of purification combined with Ye Qingge's celestial transformation and awe-inspiring righteousness increased the purification ability by several times. At this level, the tiny lines were burned and burned almost instantly, cutting off the control of the origin of the demon seed over the immortal gods under the fairyland and some fairy gods who have just entered the fairyland of Lingtai.

During the battle, many immortal gods suddenly became dazed. They felt that the world in front of them seemed to have been stripped of a layer of fog. The memory and thinking that had been distorted by the influence suddenly recovered, and soon they realized everything, and their faces changed.

Of course, the fairy gods who have just entered the realm of fairy gods can't control the situation of the battle. The war is still going on, but with the reduction of the number of broken threads, the number of fairy gods who have returned to their original state is gradually increasing.

More and more fairy gods reacted. At first, it was just an accidental phenomenon. When this phenomenon continued to spread and gradually occupied a sufficient proportion, subtle changes gradually occurred on the battlefield.

Many fairy gods are fighting more and more slowly, and the power of the divine channel has also been restrained. They even look for opportunities to leave the battlefield and flee to the distance.

The cut black thin line became thicker and thicker, and more and more immortal gods with advanced cultivation began to break free from the shackles. When the No. 1 immortal god of the Dao Ancestor Realm came back to his senses and stopped the steps of attacking, this The stock rout finally came to an end.

This is a female Daoist. She looked blank and murmured: "What is the purpose of this battle...? Something is wrong, something is wrong!"

"Based on my personality, I shouldn't be involved in such things. All the disciples of the Tongxin Sect will follow me and leave the battlefield immediately!"

Her voice spread far away, and the disciples who had been cut off by Ye Qingge's black thin line gathered around and prepared to leave this place.

Similar scenes are happening everywhere

More and more gods and monks woke up and retreated, and everything seemed to be developing in a good direction, but the sense of crisis in Ye Qingge's heart never dissipated, on the contrary, it became more and more prosperous.

"What is it... that caused the sense of crisis in my heart to grow?"

Chapter 205 All sentient beings are extinct, An Lanmeng's way

The countless black lines laid down by the origin of the shattered demon seed, logically speaking, the sense of crisis should be weakened, but this is not the case in reality.

Ye Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly, his consciousness traced the source of the sense of crisis, and he suddenly noticed something, and looked at the three destruction cores dropped by Canghuizong not far away.

Putting it in the ordinary heavens, the core of destruction can be called a world-destroying artifact, and even the heavens will be destroyed, but it is not necessarily the case among the gods of the Yankang Dynasty!

The emperor of the Yankang Dynasty is himself a battle force in the extreme realm, and Feng Mingxue sits in charge. In front of the gods in the extreme realm, it will take a certain amount of effort to stop the explosion of the core of destruction, but it is not impossible arrive.

The three cores of destruction released by the Canghui Sect came across the space, but it was difficult to make an inch of progress just after breaking through the crystal wall of the world.

The divine power of the emperor of the Yankang Dynasty erupted, and he joined forces with a famous fairy official to gather the power of the underground dragon veins. After fusion and intertwining, it turned into a light curtain with special power, which did not harm ordinary people at all, but destroyed three of them. With the core blocked, no matter how hard the core is destroyed, it will be like a mud cow entering the sea. It will only cause ripples on the surrounding light curtains, but it will not be able to advance an inch.

A Canghuizong monk flew from the sky in a spirit boat, building war equipment in the world, and a fairy god stood on the top of the clouds, and under the command of the suzerain, they all used the divine channel Law, the power of the vast law is mobilized to open the way for the destruction of the core.

One side is to explode boldly, and the other side is to be careful not to destroy the core explosion. Coupled with the influence of the black thin line, the Canghui Sect has a tendency to suppress the Yankang God City for a while, and the three destruction cores continue to break through the road. Head towards the direction of the Yankang God Dynasty.

The closer it is, the greater the sense of crisis that Ye Qingge will feel. Ye Qingge, the core of ordinary destruction, also experienced the experience of impending explosion when possessing An Lanmeng before, and has never achieved such a great sense of crisis.

Being able to arouse Ye Qingge's sense of crisis so much shows that these destruction cores... are not easy!

Ye Qingge's heart twitched suddenly, and the Jingtian Divine Fire in his hand suddenly adjusted the direction of the explosion, sweeping away in the direction of Canghuizong.

The flames of the extreme path were blazing, and before the nearest Canghuizong immortals even reacted, they were covered by the divine fire of Jingtian, and they died without even escaping their souls.

But it's too late!

Under the cover of Canghuizong's firepower, the first Destruction Core was less than 3000 meters away from the ground. When the distance crossed the 3000-meter barrier, the Destruction Core was finally activated and detonated.


Destructive power burst out from it, and countless fine black silk threads invisible to the naked eye above the sky suddenly rioted, and large swaths poured into the core of destruction, which further increased the power of the core of destruction.

The power of the demon seed contained inside seemed to come alive, and it boiled rapidly. The power of the emperor of the Yankang Dynasty finally couldn't hold on, and was broken through a huge gap, and the power of the demon seed continued to invade in all directions. The nearby immortal officials in charge of the priesthood were immediately gasified and fell, and their souls were scattered.Only a few powerful immortal officials barely survived, but it is not optimistic.

Under the continuous invasion of the power from the origin of the demon seed, each of the immortal officials became confused, and there was only one step away from becoming the eroder of the demon seed.

And that's just the beginning!

The emperor of the Yankang God Dynasty roared again and again, constantly urging the dragon veins and the power of the immortal officials in charge of the priesthood to suppress and destroy the fluctuations that erupted at the core, which only delayed the eruption of the fluctuations by a few minutes, turning it into a slow-motion spread.

It was also this slow motion that allowed Ye Qingge to witness the whole process, and his complexion became more and more gloomy: "Is this the second backhand set by the origin of the demons?"

"A core of destruction beyond conventional strength!"

The scene of An Lan's dream world that he had seen in the concept of time appeared before his eyes again. Although there were deviations in the details, the result was exactly the same.

Every step was calculated by the origin of the demon seed, and all the efforts made seemed to be useless. Ye Qingge only felt a sense of powerlessness rising in his heart, and stared at the scene in front of him, dazed.

The power of the core of destruction finally exploded, and nearly one-third of the thin black lines poured into the power of the core of destruction. The power of the emperor of the Yankang Dynasty could not even last for half a minute, and the vast power broke out completely When it came out, the whole god was crumbled and shattered.

The blocking power of the remaining two destruction cores was greatly reduced, and they fell one after another, exploding one after another.

Three huge mushroom clouds rose up, even Feng Mingxue and Feng Xiling, who were in the middle of the war, stopped for a moment, watching this scene in a daze, feeling a little at a loss for a while.

Farther away, a number of immortal gods in the middle of the battle also stopped their hands, a gleam of clarity flashed in their eyes, the influence of the black lines on the top of their heads seemed to be cut off by this scene, and their faces showed pain.

Beside them, the words of a fairy god whose black line was cut off by Ye Qingge and who had not just evacuated played a role at this moment. More and more fairy gods began to think about the meaning of this battle, and retreated inexplicably in their hearts. meaning.

The whole battle stopped for a while, and fell into an eerie silence

The next moment, the power of the black lines exploded again!

The clarity in the eyes of a famous fairy disappeared, and his eyes were filled with tyranny and fighting spirit again. He ignored the destruction core that broke out below, as if he could not feel the fluctuation of the destruction core explosion, and fought together again.


A black lotus petal fluttered in front of his eyes, and a strong destructive aura erupted in front of his eyes, pulling Ye Qingge's thoughts back to his senses, and he was keenly aware of some strange fluctuations in the aura on his body.

Violent mood swings came from An Lanmeng's consciousness. She seemed to be stimulated by this scene, so that her breath began to fluctuate violently.

Taking a look at the scar on An Lanmeng's body, Ye Qingge already understood the reason why An Lanmeng looked like this, but he didn't know how to persuade her.

I had no choice but to use the primordial breathing method to calm down the fluctuations in my body, and at the same time make a formula with both hands, mobilize the fluctuations of divine power in my body, and use the Jingtian Shenhuo to defend against the enemy.

The milky white Jingtian Divine Fire erupted from the halo at the back of the head, and the black lotus petals came less than three meters in front of him, and were covered by the Jingtian Divine Fire. One of the figures in black robes suddenly jumped out, holding a long sword, towards Ye Qingge's direction hit.

"Compete with me in swordsmanship?"

Ye Qingge sneered, stretched out his hand to grasp it, and took out a Dao sword from the spiritual rank of storage, and slashed out with it.

The two swords collided, but there was no sound, and there were layers of ripples in the air. The next moment, the black-robed figure vomited blood and flew upside down, with countless sword wounds on his body. He fell into the battlefield without knowing his life or death.

On the battlefield not far away, another immortal god of the Dao Ancestor Realm attacked suddenly, almost connecting seamlessly with the black shadow. Ye Qingge was about to continue raising his sword to meet the enemy, when the void behind him suddenly twisted, and a small hand suddenly came out It stretched out from the void behind, grabbed Ye Qingge's shoulder and fled backwards.

At the same time, a clear but emotionless voice sounded: "Don't love to fight, give the origin of the demon seed a chance to keep you here forever."

Ye Qingge's pupils shrank. She didn't notice it when she was entangled just now, but now when she was being pulled back, she realized that the wave of destruction core not far away had arrived not far away. With the speed of the wave of destruction core, at most In less than half a minute, it will affect his original position.

Once you are dragged into the rhythm, you will be seriously injured if you don't die!

"Thank you... Huh, Xiao Nan?"

Ye Qingge thanked her, suddenly noticed something, turned her head to look, Ye Nanshuang's familiar little face appeared in front of her eyes, but this little face was completely different from before, her eyes were calm, as if she was a different person.

"Being able to shatter space is only possible with the strength of the extreme realm, and the changes in you... What's wrong with you?"

Ye Nanshuang looked indifferent, and said: "The consequences of the awakening of the blood... Compared with this matter, the more important thing now is to evacuate the heavens, the heavens are hopeless!"

Blood awakening?

Ye Qingge's mind was full of thoughts for a moment, and he already had a rough guess.Ye Nanshuang's bloodline was born in response to the catastrophe. If it was just an ordinary bloodline awakening, it would be impossible for her to complete the leap from the Pill Sea Realm to the Extreme Dao Realm, which even immortals and gods can't reach.And Ye Nanshuang's aura is very strange, she can clearly use the means of the extreme state, but it is not the real extreme state, as if... the power is not her own.

She suppressed the thoughts in her heart and asked, "Have you ever seen this scene in the future you have seen before. What should I do next...?"

Thinking flashed across Ye Nanshuang's eyes, and he said: "The arrival of the catastrophe will not only bring about the destruction of the capital of the Yankang God Dynasty, but also the destruction of the entire heavens and worlds. The capital of God, but all the heavens and myriad worlds are like this."

"According to the future in the dream, the most important thing to do now is to save people!"

"Gods are the focus of attention of the demons, and the most distorted places are affected. If you stay in such a place for a long time, you will be in danger of falling, but the power of other places is not so terrifying. The most urgent thing is to save more creatures. For the next steps, we can only take one step at a time.”

The changes in the surrounding space gradually dissipated and recovered.The scene in the heavens of the Yankang God Dynasty God City gradually dissipated, and the space fluctuations gradually healed, revealing the appearance of the Fengdu Realm.

Compared with the scene of the Yankang Dynasty, the Fengdu Realm is still peaceful and stable, as if it has not been affected by the catastrophe, and has become a paradise.

Ye Nanshuang said: "The original influence of the demon seed here has been cut off by me, and it can be used as a temporary habitat after saving people."

Ye Qingge nodded slightly, and suddenly asked: "The future you see where the catastrophe hasn't come... What's the ending?"

Ye Nanshuang was silent.

There is no clear statement that they don't know the ending, and the silence is enough to explain many things.

Ye Qingge sighed, summoned the guardian elder Kong Wanrou, and told Kong Wanrou the world expansion plan of the Fengdu Realm to accommodate more creatures, and then she began to follow Ye Nanshuang's words and enter a place where the heavens save the world. people.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but the first place to go is still the purple ocean with an area of ​​more than 90.00%. It’s just that most of the sea water in the sky has been evaporated at this moment, and countless purple sea waters have disappeared. Most of the creatures in it have disappeared. They died the first time the destruction core broke out, and the rest were more or less injured, becoming demon seed eroders.

Ye Qingge silently took away the existences that eroded friendship one by one, and returned to the heavens to let Kong Wanrou, who also had the blood of the leader, disperse and purify these creatures before going to the next heaven.

One heaven... Five heavens... Twelve heavens... Twenty-four...

Obviously most of the cores of destruction have been destroyed by the means left by Ye Qingge, but when Ye Qingge went to the heavens, he could still see scenes of devastation and destruction of everything.

Logically speaking, this system task should be regarded as a failure, but the news of the failure never came, and Ye Qingge didn't know what to do in the future, so he could only continue to save people.

When the rescue operation of the 250th three heavens ended and returned to Fengdu Realm, An Lanmeng's consciousness in her body finally calmed down.

She suddenly said: "I probably know how I should go."

Ye Qingge was startled: "Your way?"

"My way should lie in redemption."

An Lanmeng's consciousness fluctuated, and she murmured to herself: "Ever since I saw the scene of the heavens being destroyed by the core of destruction when I was a child, the path I want to take is actually doomed, but the experience all the time prevents me from truly understanding my true heart... Give me your body, it's time for me to complete my mission."

Ye Qingge was taken aback for a moment, but he still did as he did, and returned the control of his body to An Lanmeng.

An Lanmeng moved her body, and suddenly smiled: "This feeling is really special. I have been watching you and me from the sidelines. I didn't expect you to have the opportunity to watch this time. Your god I can still use the channeling method... so you have always experienced this, Holy Master?"


Ye Qingge didn't know how to answer the conversation.

An Lanmeng didn't care about this either. As soon as she thought about it, a great way stretched out behind her, and the Taoist palace was formed. The chaotic spirit embryo that had just begun to transform was sitting in the Taoist palace, symbolizing her cultivation in the realm of Taoist ancestors.

She pointed her finger between her eyebrows, and the avenue behind her suddenly broke inch by inch, and the Dao Palace turned into countless chaotic air currents and dissipated, and the chaotic spirit embryo that had just begun to transform also began to fade, and was knocked back to the appearance of an ordinary spirit embryo. Standing in the avenue of gradual collapse.

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