Since you can dream of the basilisk, it means that you are somewhat related to this matter, and maybe it will depend on you to find the secret room later. "

Those words almost made Harry dizzy. He tried hard to digest Kate's words just now, and raised his index finger tremblingly at himself: "Can I find the secret room?"

"If it wasn't for you, I can't think of any other reason for you to have those dreams." Kate nodded solemnly.

"You know, it's because you argued hard with Professor Lockhart that everyone in the school paid attention to the rumors about the Chamber of Secrets. I believe that you must be the chosen one who found the entrance and opened the Chamber of Secrets!"

This chicken blood made Harry's blood boil, he didn't even get to the bottom of why he had those dreams, so he nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, I will definitely find the secret room!"

"Okay," Kate finally felt relieved, and then remembered something, "As for the notebook you picked up, I think I should check it out, maybe there is some kind of black magic in it..."

Harry understood immediately, and quickly took out the diary he had always carried with him from his pocket and handed it to her.

Once the key items are in hand, there is no fear of finding out that she made the diary afterwards.

Kate took the diary with satisfaction, seeing that Harry was being fooled by her to the point of losing his mind, she reminded after thinking about it:

"Myrtle was killed in the bathroom that year. Maybe everything will be searched from the origin, and it may be faster."

"I see!" Harry nodded sharply, and ran to the second floor full of ambition.

Oh, what a sin.

Looking at the savior who was about to be limped by her, Kate silently called out Merlin's beard.

Oh no, Mellie doesn't have a beard.

That's fine.

Chapter 59 The Chamber of Secrets Discovered

Kate reckoned that according to Harry's efficiency, it would take at most three days to find the entrance to the secret room in the girls' bathroom.

In other words, she can touch fish for another three days.

Anyway, this matter is not within the main task, it's just for the sake of going through the motions, and she's done it perfunctorily.

Now the task sent to her by the system is still the same as last year, and she can get a certain reward if she reaches the top three in the final exam.

Other than that, there are no other tasks for now.

After recharging her energy for several days, on the afternoon of the third day she estimated, Harry ran to her like crazy.

"I found the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets!" He ran to the Slytherin table dripping with sweat, grabbed her arm and ran away.

When the other people on the long table heard that they were still in the mood to eat, they followed suit one after another.

Just like this, one took two, two took four, and all the students who were eating in the auditorium ran out after him.

Only a group of professors on the stage looked at each other in blank dismay.

Dumbledore coughed lightly: "Professor Lockhart, why don't you go and have a look?"

"It seems that I should go and have a look. After all, a group of children are crowded together and I need to maintain order."

Lockhart had been gearing up for a long time to follow up, just when he heard what he said, he stood up without hesitation.

Snape on the side pursed his lips silently.

Lockhart didn't see his expression, and now he was focused on the mysterious secret room, greeted the professors, and quickly followed out.

It was quite difficult to walk through the crowded second floor, and he managed to squeeze into the bathroom by virtue of his identity as a professor, when he saw Harry standing by a sink, sweating profusely.

"Hey, young man!" He immediately stepped forward and put his hand on Harry's shoulder, "It seems that you are in trouble, do you need my help?"

Harry frowned unaccustomedly, but still asked patiently: "Professor, is there any way to open this passage?"

He had already discovered a small snake print engraved on the faucet of this pool before, but no matter how he used the spell, he couldn't open the channel.

Originally, he only wanted to find Kate to discuss the method, but who would have attracted so many people to watch.

Now in front of so many people, if he made an oolong, he would be ridiculed to death.

"Haha, it seems that I have to try it!" Lockhart proudly accepted his task, and swung the wand several times in front of everyone.

He had already made up his mind that after opening the secret room, the treasure inside would be his alone.

Anyway, there are some students here, and they dare not resist him as a teacher even if they think about it.

Kate stood in front of the crowd, still holding Hermione by her side, telling him that he had already put on a posture, so she subconsciously took a step back, secretly put her right hand into her pocket, and grasped her wand tightly.

"Quickly open!" I saw Lockhart used an upgraded version of the unlocking spell, but the spell hit the faucet, but there was no response.

Everyone booed.

"Quiet!" Lockhart hurriedly maintained order, and added to himself, "I just tried a little bit just now, and it seems that the lock of this passage is indeed more interesting than I imagined."

As he spoke, he raised his wand again—

Almost instantly, Kate squinted her eyes slightly, and her eyes accurately caught the type of spell he released. Then she subconsciously pulled Hermione behind her, pulled out her wand at the same time, and released an Iron Armor Curse.

Hearing a "boom", Lockhart fell to the wet ground with his blackened afro head on his head.

For a while, everyone fell silent.

Only Myrtle, who had been forcibly occupied in the bathroom, couldn't help laughing in the air: "Hahahaha! His Blasting Curse actually bounced and hit him! It's ridiculous!"

When she said this, everyone who hadn't seen the situation clearly just now reacted.

Although the blasting curse is not the kind of simple spell that can be learned immediately, how could this man, who is also an adult wizard and a person who has fought countless terrifying monsters in legends, be so stretched?

Hermione, who was forced to hide behind Kate, frowned as she looked at Lockhart who fell unconscious on the ground.

How could she worship such a man who couldn't even use the blasting spell well?

"Cough!" Seeing this, Kate had no choice but to raise her voice, temporarily suppressing the current discussion, "It seems that breaking in by force is not an option, we have to find another way."

She turned her head and smiled at Hermione, slowly let go of her hand, stood up and said, "It is rumored that only the descendants of Slytherin can open the Chamber of Secrets, right?"

"That's right!" The Weasley twins booed in the front row, "Kate, don't you want to say that you are a descendant of Slytherin!"

Kate raised her eyebrows, "Of course not, according to the various notes of my ancestors, there should be no descendants of Slytherin in our generation."

"Then what should we do to open the Chamber of Secrets?" Harry stepped forward anxiously.

He was probably the only one present besides Kate who was not interested in the treasure of the Chamber of Secrets.

To be precise, what he cared about was the secret room itself.

"It's very simple," Kate shrugged. "Use Parseltongue. This is what the elders in the family reminded me, so I have learned a few words of Parseltongue in a hurry these days."

She didn't intend for Harry to expose his Parseltongue in public.

He can speak Parseltongue not because he is a descendant of Slytherin, but because of the influence of Voldemort's remaining soul fragments in his body.

In front of so many people, not exposing Harry's Parseltongue was also protecting him.

After all, she had fooled him so many times, so she had to repay him no matter what.

As she spoke, she turned around and hissed at the copper faucet.

The water faucet emitted a dazzling white light, and after spinning rapidly, a thick water pipe was exposed, enough for dozens of people to pass through.

Kate couldn't help raising her eyebrows when she saw this pipe.

It seems that Lao Deng has widened the channel in advance, and the time when he can do this without disturbing Myrtle is only during the Christmas holiday.

This old fox actually thought of using this trick so long in advance.

"Everyone, follow me down to find the secret room!" Harry raised his arms, and got in first.

The students behind him also jumped down one by one excitedly.

Only Hermione stopped in her tracks. She wanted to wait for Kate to join her, but she saw her silently walking in front of Lockhart and shook her head at herself.

Well, Kate has other things to attend to.

She pursed her lower lip and jumped down with the flow.

After a while Kate, Lockhart and Myrtle were alone in the bathroom.

"I thought you would go down to see the Chamber of Secrets." Kate raised her head and said calmly.

Myrtle glanced at her, then at Lockhart who was still on the ground.

Always sensitive and nervous, she vaguely sensed something, looked at the student in front of her who cared about her, she let out a soft snort, and floated into the pipe together.

Kate chuckled and shook her head, kicking Lockhart who was still unconscious.

Rebounded by his own blasting spell, this guy is too stupid.

Originally, she wasn't even going to do anything to him, after all, it was thanks to him that the plan was promoted, but now that Lockhart happened to be alone, she didn't mind adding a Forgetting Curse.

"Forget it all!"

With the wand turned on at maximum power, he swung lightly, and Lockhart on the ground shook, his head tilted, and he became more dizzy.

This is great, the name Lockhart is completely safe, and she can start marketing all the books in his hand.

"Professor," she said softly, squatting beside Lockhart, "I will manage all the available resources in your hands. Don't thank me."

As she spoke, she sent him out of the bathroom with a floating spell.

As for the secret room below?

But there is only a Slytherin statue and a bunch of one-off products of her usual alchemy failures. Let them share it slowly.

"I don't know what's going on with Lao Deng..."

While carrying Lockhart to the school hospital with the Levitation Charm, Kate was muttering to herself.

After sending Lockhart there later, let's go and see, maybe we can see a big show.

Nearly an hour later, the students who climbed out of the pipes in the secret room one after another stood still when they saw Professor McGonagall in front of them.

"It seems that you have found the Chamber of Secrets." McGonagall glanced around the sparse crowd, and accurately raised Harry from inside, "Mr. Potter, please come with me first."

Harry was taken aback for a moment, bowed his head knowing he was wrong, and walked out of the bathroom with her.

All of this was caused by him, and it was the right choice for Professor McGonagall to seek him out, but if after this, the professor still wants to blame Kate, who helped him...

He clenched his fist silently.

Anyway, Kate is his friend and has helped him so much, he will definitely take all the responsibility when the time comes!

The simple savior didn't realize that he was cheated by his friends at all, and kept thinking wildly.

Finally, McGonagall took him to the room above the eighth floor - the principal's office, where Kate often came.

But this is his first time here.

As soon as he stepped out of the stairs, Harry saw Lucius Malfoy standing in the doorway, with a moody expression on his face, and it was Dobby who was trembling under his arm.

But that strange little elf is now beaten and covered in bandages.

Harry couldn't help but take another look at Dobby before being led into the office by Professor McGonagall.

When he saw the people inside, he couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Kate and Dumbledore were already sitting there, drinking tea, and seemed to be having a good time talking.

"Good evening, Lucius." Dumbledore greeted Lucius pleasantly.

And Kate consciously pulled Harry over, winked playfully, and raised her finger at the same time: "Shhh, don't talk yet, watch the show for a while."

Go to a play?

Harry looked at the two of them inexplicably, completely unaware of what had happened.

Chapter 60 What's up

Although there were two melon-eaters watching the show, it was difficult for Lucius' anger and panic to dissipate.

The whereabouts of the diary were unknown, the secret room was opened by a group of students, and even the basilisk was missing.

It was hard not to let him think that Dumbledore was behind the scenes.

Maybe this old guy got the diary a long time ago, and he did all these actions to get the whole of Hogwarts, including his daughter involved, just to lure himself into the bait!

And he had to get into this trap, otherwise he would not be able to find out the whereabouts of the diary.

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