"You don't look very well, Lucius." Dumbledore smiled peacefully, "Would you like to try my black tea?"

Kate in the back spoke at the right time: "Professor, if you drink too much black tea, you won't be able to sleep!"

"Oh, well." Dumbledore shrugged helplessly, "It seems that only next time, it would be better for you to come earlier and drink tea."

Lucius' face was tense, and his eyes were fixed on his old face. If he hadn't been afraid, he might have spoken some inelegant words.

"How dare you!" His pale face twitched slightly, "Guide the students to find the secret room and the basilisk, do you know what the consequences will be if something goes wrong?"

"Also," he tried to bring up a little smile to show his confidence, "As far as I know, the Hogwarts Board of Directors has not found any large animal corpses over the years. If it is not a basilisk, and you are advocating students Go find the basilisk—”

Harry, who finally sat down, wanted to stand up to defend Dumbledore when he heard it, but was pushed back by Kate.

"That's right, Lucius," Dumbledore replied flatly, "you can ask any student in the school if I intend to lead them to find the Basilisk.

Also, if you and the rest of the board disagree, I can take you on a tour of the basilisk bones that have been buried in the ground since 50 years ago. "

Without the attacks that happened in the original book, Dumbledore, the headmaster, was safe and sound, and he was not afraid of pediatric questions like Lucius at all.

What's more, even Lucius himself felt that it was unreliable to question him with these things.

It's just that he needs a chance to talk to Dumbledore face to face.

"By the way," Dumbledore turned around suddenly and looked at Kate and Harry who were still eating melons. "Do you remember the diary you gave me earlier?"

Harry stood up actively: "I remember, sir, there is the whole process of how the murderer released the basilisk to kill 50 years ago!"

Speaking of this, Lucius turned pale again.

"Yeah, what does it mean that a diary of the real murderer appeared 50 years later?" Dumbledore glanced at Kate who was hiding behind Harry and refused to show her face, and smiled slightly.

He looked at Lucius: "I've got the diary and checked it in detail, Lucius, you should know what this means, right?"

It means that Dumbledore has completely grasped his criminal evidence!

Lucius' face was as stiff as a mask.

"Imagine that the Weasleys are one of the most prestigious pure-blood wizarding families.

If Arthur Weasley's youngest daughter was lured by a diary into something irrevocable, what would that do to Weasley and his Muggle protection laws?

Fortunately, the diary was found, and for various reasons, everything was erased from it. "

As Dumbledore said, he walked behind the desk, took out a diary that had been burned to half of it from a drawer, and threw it at Lucius' feet.

Lucius stared at the diary, and finally forced himself to speak: "It's a blessing."

Now that there is no evidence to prove that he gave the diary to Ginny Weasley, even if Dumbledore suspected him, there was nothing he could do about it.

"Yeah, what a blessing," Dumbledore said with a smile, "If Kate hadn't accidentally destroyed it, I'm afraid you should be very hard now."

Kate's eyes widened when she was suddenly named.

Destroy this fake and shoddy diary, just destroy it, why mention her name!

She raised her head abruptly, and caught Lucius's eyes in surprise.

"Uh..." Kate stood up rather awkwardly, "Uncle Malfoy, I..."

Lucius forced a smile: "You and I have a good relationship since our ancestors. I think my son should have a good relationship with you, right?"

Facts aside, that should still be good.

"It's okay, probably." She also pulled the corners of her mouth and smiled politely.

"Well, Draco will invite you to visit Malfoy Manor later." Lucius raised his head and said like alms.

Kate blinked in confusion, what do you mean?

Invite her to Malfoy Manor?

Your old man is a Death Eater. Is it really appropriate to invite her, a reserve member of the Order of the Phoenix, to play at home?

She subconsciously looked at Dumbledore, and found that Old Deng's originally relaxed face had also become serious because of his words.

Only then did Lucius feel a sense of recovery, and he turned to his house elf and said, "Let's go, Dobby!"

He twisted open the door, and Dobby ran over in a hurry, Lucius kicked him out the door, even through the door, Dobby's screams of pain could be heard.

"Harry," Kate poked Harry lightly, "remember what I told you earlier? Giving clothes to a house-elf means setting it free."

Harry snapped back to his senses and asked hastily, "Professor, can I return this diary to Mr. Malfoy?"

"Of course, Harry," said Dumbledore calmly, "but hurry up, it's almost curfew."

Harry grabbed the diary and rushed out of the office.

Satisfied with the way he rushed out without hesitation, Dumbledore stroked his beard, "Harry is such a good boy, don't you think so?"

"Of course." Kate nodded in agreement.

Just being bullied for so many years without becoming a silent person is enough to prove Harry's heart.

He just needs to continue to hone it, and he will be a good knife for killing Voldemort in the future.

Although it was a little unreasonable to say so, she knew that Dumbledore probably thought the same way.

When this old man should be ruthless, he can be ruthless than anyone in the world.

She yawned and looked sleepy: "Professor, I should go back to the dormitory to rest."

After helping Lao Deng finish this scene, it's time to rest.

"Kate," Dumbledore called her name suddenly, his blue eyes lowered and looked directly at her gently, "you are fine too."

She tilted her head in bewilderment.

What is this, should praise be evenly distributed?

She is not a child!

However, Lao Deng's praise still had to be continued. She was stunned for a while before reacting, pretending to be happy, and left the office briskly.

The office, which was still lively just now, suddenly became quiet.

Dumbledore stood there and waited for a while before turning around slowly to feed the bird: "Fox, it seems that the little guy's acting skills still need to be honed."

It was pretty good before, but the fake smile when I heard his praise at the end was too official.

Does his compliment really dissatisfy her so much?

He subconsciously stroked his beard, or maybe it was because pure praise wasn't enough?

That's right, Kate is not as easy to coax as Harry.

"Ah sneeze!"

Kate, who didn't know who was nagging her, sneezed suddenly, and looked back with some doubts.

"Kate, are you okay?"

Harry, who had just freed Dobby with his stinky sock, was in high spirits.

The mystery of the Chamber of Secrets has been solved, the basilisk is dead, and Dobby is free. He has never been happier than now.

"Well...it's okay," Kate rubbed her nose, "Maybe someone is thinking about me."

Everything is over, there are still more than two months before the end of the term, and she can spend the rest of the time a pleasant study life with peace of mind.

Oh yes, next year the school will be full of dementors, and she will have to practice the Patronus Charm in advance.

Harry looked curiously at her who was lost in thought again, thought for a while, but still didn't disturb her thinking.

Hermione was probably the only one who could bear the man's occasional lost in thought.

He thought, and laughed again.

Chapter 61 Malfoy's Tangle

Kate didn't expect to collect a little emotional point from Harry. It probably means the end of the Chamber of Secrets, which really made him feel happy.

Thinking about it, I haven't slept well for more than half a month, and I can finally sleep well tonight, anyone will be excited.

But Kate couldn't be happier.

Because when she returned to the waiting room, she saw Malfoy sitting at the table with a pale face, and Pansy and the followers took turns comforting her.

After listening to a few casual words, Kate realized that Lucius had just visited her. The father and daughter chatted alone for a while, and they didn't know what they said. After returning, she became like this.

Although I don't know what happened, it seems that it is not good to provoke others at this time.

She just wanted to go back to the dormitory as if she hadn't seen anything, but just after taking two steps, Malfoy called out with grief and indignation: "Safik, stop!"

Hiss... This tone is not good.

Kate turned around stiffly, looked at her carefully, then quickly glanced away, pretending to be calm: "Is there something wrong?"

Malfoy quickly walked in front of her in three steps at a time, an abnormal blush appeared on his pale face.

"I..." She tried to take a few breaths, but she couldn't say the rest.

I don't know if it's because the words are too difficult to hear, or because her self-esteem doesn't allow her to say such words.

And behind her, not to mention Pansy Crabbe and Goyle, there was also a group of melon-eaters standing around watching the excitement.

They all knew that Lucius had taught her a lesson, but they didn't know why.

But now it seems that Malfoy is deflated, and he is going to find his place with Kate.

Most of the people present were people who had been watching the two of them bickering for two years. Of course, they didn't mind watching a white scene for free after finding the secret room.

"Safik, I, my dad said..." Malfoy spoke out with difficulty, and just talking, his eyes turned red again.

Kate frowned and inspected the surrounding guys watching the theater, and gave a somewhat displeased "tsk".

This sound was like a horn that was about to rekindle the flames of war, and the eyes of the people around them began to light up, waiting for the two of them to fight.

"It just so happens that I have something to ask you." She grabbed Malfoy's wizard robe without any explanation, and looked at the others coldly, "It's not convenient to talk here, come with me."

Then, Malfoy was forcibly dragged out of the lounge.

The students who were still interested wanted to join in the fun, but they were stopped by Pan Xi without any shame.

And this time, Kate didn't take Malfoy to the corner in the depths of the dungeon, mainly because it was too dark, and she was afraid that if she accidentally said the wrong thing, she wouldn't know if she would make people cry.

Hmm... although now she has signs of crying.

So she took her to Lockhart's office.

The environment here is good, Lockhart himself is not here, and Filch will not come to investigate, it is simply a private meeting... no, a good place for private gatherings.

Quietly closed the curtains and cast various shielding spells around to prevent the conversation from being interrupted, Kate turned on the light and subconsciously handed over a tissue: "Wipe it."

"You think I'm crying too?" Malfoy's face changed slightly, staring at the tissue in her hand with bitter hatred.

"I said wipe your sweat," Kate changed the subject without changing her expression. "It's almost summer. After walking for so long, you're not hot, but I'm still hot."

As he spoke, he pretended to wipe the sweat off his neck indiscriminately.

Malfoy's face turned pale, and he took a tissue from the table, turned his back and wiped it, but he didn't know where he wiped it.

Seeing that the atmosphere had finally eased up a bit, Kate breathed a sigh of relief, "Tell me, what did you want to say to me just now?"

Malfoy paused, but didn't answer.

"I brought you here," Kate said helplessly, "If you still don't want to say it, then don't say it again after you go out through this door."

She was always paying attention to the other person's movements, but her body was about to turn off the light and leave.

"Wait a minute!" Malfoy finally said, turning his head to look at her with a complicated face, "Do you know what my dad said to me today?"

Kate paused, "All ears."

"He said he knew that I had always been at odds with you in school, but today he told me that if you can't be friends with you, then you have to be prepared to be enemies."

Malfoy whispered, as if he was talking to himself, or to Kate, "I don't know what to do, but he asked me to make a choice."

Her eyes were fixed on Kate's face, and she had a panoramic view of all her expressions: "If it were you, how would you choose?"

It was clearly a question, but the expectation in the words already showed that she hoped that Kate could give her the answer she wanted.

But what exactly does she want?

Probably even Malfoy himself didn't know why she was so entangled in her relationship with Kate.

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