She wanted to be close to Kate, but was put off by Kate's attitude and various other factors in it.

But she couldn't make her really hate Kate and let their relationship deteriorate to what outsiders thought.

Even in many cases, she enjoys this kind of relationship that is extremely poor in the eyes of outsiders, but Kate treats her differently in private.

Like... This is a secret that only exists between them, a secret that even Granger, who is closest to Kate, doesn't know.

Maybe after another two years, she might understand what she was feeling right now, but Lucius no longer gave her the chance to wait.

She didn't know what to do, so she could only pin her hopes on Kate, hoping that Kate could clarify the relationship between them.

It doesn't matter if you don't sort it out, as long as Kate has a clear attitude, she will know what to do.

Ever since she was a child, the young lady of the Malfoy family has never trembled when she saw other people's faces.

Now, she feels it.

"Tell me, what should I do." She didn't blink her eyes, as if she wanted to deeply imprint the appearance of the person in front of her mind.

Kate tilted her head in doubt: "You ask me? Isn't it up to you to decide this kind of thing?"

"No," Malfoy gritted his back molars secretly, and couldn't help urging, "You tell me first!"

But Kate just chuckled, "Your father didn't just say that, did he? Did he also say that you invited me to visit Malfoy Manor?"

"How do you know?!" Malfoy was startled, and his tensed mind began to panic.

Kate approached her step by step: "To be honest, I don't like your father. He is very rich and likes to interfere with the children's friendship, so I won't go to Malfoy Manor."

As soon as these words came out, Malfoy's face turned pale.

But Kate didn't finish, "But it's not your dad who made friends with me, but you. Why do you decide your own way of making friends because of his attitude?

Is it possible that when you finish your studies and inherit the family business, your father will do it for you?Or does it mean that when you get married in the future, you want your dad to wear a dress and live on your behalf?

If not, why should you be influenced by his opinion when it comes to dating?You are just his child, not a puppet of his will, are you? "

In the end, Malfoy was cornered by her.

Lowering her head slightly, Kate supported the wall with one hand. Although she had kept a little distance from her, she could still clearly see Malfoy's trembling eyelashes.

"Now back to the question just now, if I say to be your friend, can you really treat me like your other friends?

If I say I can't accept you, can you be hostile to me, attack me, or even kill me like a real enemy? "

Malfoy shuddered, breathing hard with livid face.

She never thought of treating Kate like that, from the first time she saw Kate, she never thought of treating her like that.

Even though she often scolded "Damn Kate" in her mouth, she never, never thought that one day it would really kill her.

"So," Kate smiled slightly, and took two steps back, giving her enough room to breathe, "I'm very used to the current way of getting along, how about you?"

Malfoy raised his head slowly, and from the still-undecided look, he knew that she hadn't thought it through yet.

Well, don't worry.

"Think about this matter slowly, and come to me after you think it through," Kate eased her voice, walked over and patted her slightly trembling back, "Don't worry, I will always wait for you to answer me personally."

The warm and trembling body leaned into her arms little by little under the gentle comfort, Kate froze for a moment, then shook her head slightly.

Sure enough, he was just a child, and he rushed to look for her without thinking about anything.

From this point of view, Malfoy's good feelings for him may really fade away in the future.

Children's likes can't be true.

After comforting her in a low voice, Kate saw that the curfew time had passed, and it would still be dangerous to stay any longer, so she kindly persuaded Malfoy to run away with her.

It happened that Filch was not on this floor, so they grabbed each other's wizard robes and ran back to the lounge very smoothly.

"Pure blood!" Malfoy hurriedly read a password, and wanted to go in, but when he turned around, he saw that Kate hadn't followed.

"You go in first," Kate Shiran stood at the door and said with a smile, "If you go in together, they will ask all kinds of things again, remember to make their faces ugly later, so no one will dare to ask you gone."

A warm current surged through his heart, and Malfoy gave her a complicated look, then nodded, and walked in directly.

Kate waited alone in the dungeon corridor for a few minutes, guessing that Malfoy had already returned to the dormitory, and then slipped into the entrance when she heard Filch's footsteps approaching.

What a thrilling night, in every sense of the word.

Chapter 62 Start a small stove

Kate originally thought that the comfortable study life had just begun.

But she didn't expect that due to Lockhart's early exit this year, there would be another vacancy for the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

So when I saw Caitlin Qianjiang appearing in the classroom again, I was almost dumbfounded.

It's just that other than her, the other students are obviously very enthusiastic about Catherine's limited return.

Who made Lockhart, a professor, too far-fetched?

So even if Catherine had a slight eccentricity, it seemed harmless to the devastated student.

"Slytherin plus 5 points! Okay, get out of class!"

Finally, adding the grade she got in this class to Kate, Catherine happily ended the first class back to school.

As the favored object, Kate just wanted to run away, but just after class, Catherine called her name and asked her to stay.

After everyone had left, Kate stepped forward in embarrassment, and looked around specially: "Auntie..."

"You still remember that I'm your aunt," Catherine hugged her chest and smiled in a bad tone, "I thought I haven't seen you for half a year, and you've already forgotten me."

Don't say this kind of resentment in such a murderous tone.

Kate scratched her face, "So you're back in class again."

"Yeah, help someone clean up the mess." Catherine flicked her nails lightly and said lightly.

If outsiders heard this, they would definitely think that this "someone" refers to Lockhart.

But only Kate knew that Lockhart's Oblivion Curse was cast by herself, otherwise he would never have been directly admitted to St. Mungo's Hospital for treatment.

In order to fill the vacancy, Dumbledore invited Catherine back again.

So she returned to teaching at Hogwarts to help herself clean up the mess.

Kate shrank her head guiltily. The last time Catherine came, it was also because she burned Quirrell.

It won't be until next year that Lupine will leave because he exposed his identity as a werewolf in advance, and then continue to ask Catherine to help, right?

Thinking of that scene, Kate felt that she would definitely be nagged to death by her.

"What are you thinking, brat!" Seeing that she suddenly lost her mind while chatting, Catherine unceremoniously gave her a brain teaser.

A red mark popped out on her forehead in an instant, and Kate covered her forehead in pain: "Auntie, you!"

"What's wrong with me?" Catherine raised her head with an expression of "what can you do to me".

Kate suffocated and suffocated before swallowing what she wanted to say, and said with a smile on her face, "No, it's fine."

"That's about the same," Catherine smiled proudly before turning around and going out, "Come on, help me tidy up the office."

Well, it's really a labor force.

Kate had no choice but to trot all the way to keep up.

Except for Catherine's return, everything else was uneventful, except for some daily trivial matters.

She became the person who added the most points to Slytherin every week, and the Snake Academy opened up the gap with several other houses in a short period of time.

This once made other colleges look at her strangely, and some even suspected that there was some ulterior relationship between them.

There must be a relationship, but it's just a kinship relationship, which has nothing to do with the words ulterior motives.

In return for extra points every day, Kate has to clean up her office every day after dinner.

By the way, I can ask her to start a small stove.

"The Patronus Charm?" Catherine asked strangely, "Why do you want to learn this all of a sudden?"

Kate replied solemnly: "Because I have mastered most of the basic spells, and now I want to learn some advanced spells."

If this kind of thing is said by another person, it will be beaten, but it seems that there is no sense of disobedience when it is put on Kate.

Knowing how hardworking her niece was, Catherine was surprised, but she didn't doubt her words.

"You have a good eye." She sat on the table with her hands behind her back and looked at Kate with a smile. "Choose a spell that is difficult enough."

The Patronus Charm is an ancient magic. Unlike other spells that rely solely on magic and skills, it requires the mobilization of the most positive emotions in a person.

Therefore, it is often seen as a symbol of the strength of a wizard.

Kate looked at her expression, and asked tentatively: "Auntie, you probably haven't learned this spell, have you?"

"Huh?" Catherine narrowed her eyes slightly, her sharp and bright face looked murderous, "You doubt me?"

Who dares to answer this?

Anyway, Kate didn't dare.

I saw Catherine snorted softly, picked up the wand with her fingers, and twirled it gently: "Call God to protect you."

Silver objects spewed out, and quickly gathered into a dazzling little animal, galloping in the air.

Kate squinted her eyes before she could see what the animal looked like. It seemed to be a... kitten?

"That's a leopard cat!" Catherine corrected angrily as if she had seen her mental activity.

Oh, it seems that many people have misidentified.

"Isn't a leopard cat also a cat..." She murmured in a low voice, and was scared to shut up by Catherine's dangerous eyes.

"You have read a lot of books, so you should know how to release the Patronus Charm. When you recite the spell, all your thoughts are used to focus on recalling the happiest memories."

Catherine commanded the little leopard cat to stop at Kate's feet, and raised her head slightly: "Now is the practice time, I suggest you think about it first, what is the happiest memory?"

happiest memory.

To be honest, at this moment, Carter really couldn't think of any particularly pleasant memories for him.

Ever since she transmigrated into this body, she has been living in anxiety all day long. Later, she finally came out of this emotion, but there are still shadows.

Except for the two holidays with Hermione Qiuzhang and the others, it seemed that she really didn't have any particularly happy moments.

Then try to recall the day when the three of them were with Wu Yun.

Kate closed her eyes, trying to bring her thoughts closer to the scene that day, and then said the magic spell: "Call God to protect you!"

A little puff of silvery gas spewed from the wand, and then disappeared quickly.

She blinked her eyes, having foreseen the result.

"Tell me about your feelings." Catherine didn't rush to give her a gift to practice, but asked, "What did you think of?"

"During the summer vacation, I played with Hermione Qiu Zhang." Kate replied honestly, "I think this memory is already very happy."

Catherine raised her eyebrows, and curled her lips rather gossipingly: "Besides this, do you have any other memories that you can recall?"

"There is also the picture of them celebrating my birthday." Having said that, Kate paused and looked at her calmly, "Then, it seems that there is no more."

The room fell silent.

After a while, Catherine came down from the table with a frown, bent slightly, and was at eye level with her.

"What about before? Don't you have any happy moments worth remembering?"

"The butler grandpa cooked for me for the first time, and the steak was burnt." Kate said, and she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

But soon, those memories that kept searching in my mind came to the days when I was locked up in the room alone when I was a child, and there were fewer and fewer people on the long table.

She lowered her eyes, avoiding Catherine's gaze, coughed and said, "Let me try again."

This time, she recalled all the happy things she could think of, and then said the spell again.

"Call God Guard!"

The silvery white liquid managed to erupt from the tip of her wand, filling most of the room.

Catherine noticed that her patron saint ocelot suddenly changed from a relaxed appearance to a tense state of defense.

This shows that it realizes that something powerful enough to perceive a crisis is about to emerge.

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