The same sense of crisis also suddenly appeared in Catherine's heart. She looked up at the large piece of silver mist filling the whole room, and her heart started beating wildly for some reason.

What exactly is that?

Generally speaking, the patron saints of wizards are small and medium-sized animals, and only a very small number of wizards have magical animals such as phoenixes, dragons, or thestrals.

And Kate's cloud of silver mist may be because she is not yet proficient in spelling, so she can't tell what it is at all.

But judging from the shape of the silver mist she released, it should not be an ordinary animal after it is formed.

Catherine has a feeling that even such an unformed piece of silver mist is stronger than most of the formed physical patron saints.

Different from her surprise at the moment, Kate maintains the Patronus Charm, and can clearly feel that the passing speed of her magic power is significantly accelerated.

However, based on her current magic power, this intangible Patronus Charm can last at least several hours.

She took a deep breath and slowly stopped releasing the spell. Before she knew it, her forehead was covered with sweat.

Sure enough, it was an advanced spell. With her current learning ability and magic power support, she still couldn't fully master it.

"How do you feel now?" Catherine restrained her words a little.

Kate thought for a while: "Everything else is okay, but I don't think this happy memory is enough. It seems that I need to create more in the future."

Maybe after she fell in love in fourth grade, it would be easier to recall happy memories.

"Happiness needs to come from your heart, brat." Catherine chuckled and patted her on the head lightly.

"Okay, this is the end of today's teaching, clean up for me!"

Kate was speechless for a while, and with a wave of her magic wand, she saw all kinds of things flying around in the office, but soon, the whole office was restored to tidy and clean.

"Nothing else, I'll go back and continue practicing." She yawned, waved her hands casually, and left straight away.

Catherine frowned and looked at her back, and cursed in a low voice: "What a stinky child."

It's not cute to not even say thank you.

Chapter 63 Have Fun

"Call God Guard!"

"Call God Guard!"

Seeing the silver mist filling most of the dormitory, Kate frowned and turned on the system: "Doesn't it count as learning this spell?"

[Guardian spell, current level: 0]

[The system prompts that the spell can only be truly learned when the patron saint reveals its complete form. 】

She sighed a little disappointed, and with a wave of her wand, the silver mist disappeared completely.

No matter how happy the memories are, after repeated chewing, they will not be as happy as they were at the beginning.

This whole night, she has thought through all the happy scenes she can think of, and she is really close to desensitization.

Any more practice and she would be a sad child with no happy memories.

"It seems that this kind of spell needs consumables to practice." She murmured to herself, and decided to create more happy memories next.

Although it is man-made happiness, it is always no problem as practice material.

So the next day, Malfoy, who was sitting opposite Kate eating, was the first to notice something was wrong.

This guy is actually serving her food with a smile!

A well-cut steak is not enough, and there is a bonus drink!

『/~空/白-小 说 -群~』.6 9.8|9.2-5~8_~5_.0-

/ "You..." Malfoy's small face was a little distorted, and she found a group of gossiping eyes watching them.

She held back for a long time before finally maintaining her usual image in front of everyone: "Has your brain been replaced by a troll? Why do you do such a redundant thing?"

Although it was true, her body still honestly accepted everything Kate handed over.

"There's a good saying," Kate maintained a slightly weird smile, "It's good to help others."

Only by helping people can we create happy memories.

"...Huh?" Malfoy's eyelids twitched, not quite understanding what she meant.

Kate handed over another sliced ​​toast: "It's okay if you don't understand, just eat it."

Looking at the food piled up in front of him, Malfoy subconsciously leaned back.

After this breakfast, someone saw Elder Malfoy going out on his stomach with the help of his companions.

And so a new rumor was born.

"Let me just say, before the two of them went out to talk, they must have fallen out again, otherwise, why would Safik want to choke Malfoy to death!"

"That's right, I saw that when Safik stuffed the food, his eyes were full of murderous intent."

When Hermione heard these rumors, she was still looking for books on the library shelves, and the two talking Slytherins happened to pass behind her.

Confused, she returned to her seat with the book in her arms, and handed over the "Introduction to Simple Charms" in her hand: "Why do you think of reading this kind of book?"

It's about as outrageous as someone who has studied at the graduate level suddenly becomes interested in a children's primer.

"Oh, I want to read something light today." Kate picked up the book with great interest and flipped through the pages, looking in a good mood.

Look at something simple, like a full-level master running to Xinshou Village to torture vegetables. Although it is not advanced, it will indeed bring simple happiness.

Hermione looked at her expression hesitantly, thought for a while, but still didn't say what she had just heard.

Forget it, what are you doing so much?

Quickly cleared up their mood, and the two top students just plunged into the ocean of knowledge... Oh no, Kate just came here for fun.

After flipping through all kinds of books that an ordinary 13-year-old wizard should read in an hour, Kate looked at the sky outside the window and began to think for a while.

So it turns out that her magic attainments are already so much ahead of her peers?

Then Hermione, Harry and the others usually play with themselves, isn't it a lot of pressure?

Subconsciously turning her head to look at Hermione, Kate narrowed her eyes and smoothly read the name of the book she was reading.

Oh, fifth grade books, that's all right.

Hermione is curly too.

As for whether other people will feel uncomfortable, then she doesn't need to worry about it.

She pondered for a while, stood up, and whispered, "Hermione, I'm going out for a walk, you can wait for me here for a while."

Hermione froze for a moment, and was forced to sit down after she was about to stand up. She didn't know what happened to Kate today, but since the other party had already said so, she could only wait here quietly.

"Okay, then you come back early, we have an appointment to have lunch together." Hermione was a little worried and reminded.

Kate hooked her lower lip, responded warmly, and turned to leave.

The campus on weekends is full of people, and most of the secluded places she usually likes to go to are occupied by young couples on campus. If she is not careful, she can still see some intimate scenes.

This made Kate a little speechless for a while, but after walking along the way and seeing a lot, she also began to get used to it strangely.

Gee, habits are a terrible thing.

There was no quiet place in the room, so she simply ran outside the castle, found a sturdy tree, floated up, and sat on the branch.

With this unique and high position, she could hear the shouts of an unknown academy practicing on the Quidditch pitch in the distance.

Or turn around, and you can see the Black Lake from different perspectives.

She didn't pay attention to it usually, but after observing it for a moment today, she realized how trivial and leisurely her daily life is.

I can't talk about how happy I am, but at least in the days without Voldemort, my mood is very relaxed.

Can such memories be used as materials for the Patronus Charm?

she does not know.

She didn't want to try it now, because the wind from the Black Lake happened to blow over, so she couldn't help closing her eyes to enjoy this peaceful moment.

When she opened her eyes in a comfortable mood, she realized that there was a person sitting under the tree at some point.

Kate blinked and jumped down from the branch lightly, "Hey, Luna!"

"Good morning, senior." Luna wasn't surprised by her sudden appearance at all, and moved aside naturally so that she could sit down.

Kate noticed that she was holding a drawing board and a magic paintbrush in her hand, and asked curiously: "You know how to draw? What do you usually draw?"

The paintbrush pointed towards the sky, and Kate also looked over, only to see a strangely shaped cloud floating directly above them.

"That cloud..." Kate pursed her lips a little inexplicably, "It's like a badger."

Luna burst out laughing, her silver eyes gleaming: "Why don't you try to draw it?"

"Well...Actually, I'm not very good at drawing, I only learned a little when I was a child."

Kate took the brush and drawing board with a wry smile, sketched the shape of the clouds on it at will, and painted the blue of the sky: "Look, is this okay?"

The clouds on the drawing paper are not very good-looking. At first glance, it looks like a primary school student is randomly doodling.

But Luna took out the drawing paper carefully and put it on the bottom layer, "I think it looks very good."

Well, you can do it if you think so.

Kate smiled faintly, leaned against the tree trunk, and watched her quietly draw with a brush.

She could tell that Luna's painter was indeed much better than her own, and her brush strokes were wild and unconstrained, so she couldn't guess where the next stroke would be drawn.

It took more than half an hour to finish a painting, Luna tore off the drawing paper and handed it to her: "Here you are."

"Give it to me?" Kate was startled, and looked down at the drawing paper. Although the strokes were a little abstract, she could still see that Luna's painting was the scenery they saw now.

The two girls are sitting under the tree, with only a faint back view. The low-saturation blue sky meets the black lake water, which looks very harmonious.

She smiled and joked, "Then you will lose money if you exchange this for my painting."

"Not bad." Luna smiled softly, "I know its value."

Kate froze again, she didn't know which painting Luna was referring to by "it".

Looking down at the painting in her hand again, she took out a notebook, sandwiched it carefully, and put it in her purse: "Thank you then."

She remembered that Hermione was still waiting for her in the library, and after sitting with Luna for a while, she left first, planning to come and sit with Hermione.

Just when he was halfway there, he saw a flying quaffle smashing towards him from the air.

Kate frowned, not knowing which Quidditch team was practicing on the other side of the court.

She was about to take it down with a wave of her wand, when a black shadow swished past her eyes and swung the Quaffle back neatly.

"Kate, are you hurt!"

Qiu Zhang, who was dressed in a smart white sportswear, hurriedly jumped off the broom and touched her body in a panic.

"It's fine, don't worry..."

Kate explained, but Qiu Zhang didn't listen at all. Seeing that her hand was about to touch her chest, she quickly grabbed him: "I'm fine!"

For a moment, Qiu Zhang was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he broke away from her in a panic, not knowing where to put his eyes, "Well...that's good."

"I'm still training on the weekend, it's very hard." Kate didn't feel anything about it, and took the initiative to provoke the conversation.

When it comes to Quidditch, Qiu Zhang's embarrassment disappeared, and he nodded excitedly: "Yes! There is another game next week, and I have to play hard!"

The bright sun shone on her face, and even the thin sweat on her temples looked dazzling.

Kate tilted her head slightly, and couldn't help but look at her carefully.

"What's the matter?" It was the first time Qiu Zhang was stared at by her like this, and he was a little embarrassed for a while.

"It's okay," Kate raised her lips, "I just suddenly realized that you look pretty good in this dress."

In an instant, the face that was originally flushed due to exercise was even more flushed now.

Qiu Zhang stared at her blankly, and unconsciously, the heartbeat that had finally calmed down accelerated again.

"By the way," Kate asked on the spur of the moment, "may I visit your practice?"

Exercise can also secrete dopamine. Even if she doesn't play in person, she should be able to get good memories from watching the training.

"Okay, okay!" Qiu Zhang stuttered a little nervously, she carefully pulled Kate up, "Then, shall we go there together?"

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