It wasn't until she finished shopping that she appeared alone to meet her.

From this point of view, it was obvious that the eldest lady condescended to invite her, but in the end she acted like a spy.

"After shopping, why don't we go out for a walk?" Kate suggested.

Malfoy had just swallowed the ice cream, and looked back at the crowded place with some hesitation.

As Slytherin's Seeker, she was naturally one of the crowd watching just now.

If it weren't for her conspicuous hair, Kate might not be able to spot her from the crowd at a glance.

"Don't want to go?" Kate saw what she was thinking, and took her hand after eating the rest of the ice cream in a few mouthfuls. "Let's go, let's go and see together!"

As he spoke, he took her and squeezed into the crowd, and it took a lot of effort to get to the front and see clearly the words written on the sign next to the Firebolt.

"The fastest broom in the world... the price is negotiable?" Kate raised her eyebrows, then turned to ask her, "Aren't you going to ask your father to buy you one?"

Malfoy shook his head in disappointment: "He won't agree, my dad only bought a Nimbus 2001 for the Slytherin school team last year."

Also, that model of broom was ridiculously expensive, buying seven at a time, and Lucius made it clear that he made such a big deal to get his daughter into the school team.

Even if Malfoy's family has money, they still have to consider the return.

Kate looked sideways at Malfoy, who looked longingly, and thought for a while, "Actually, I also want to change a broom. What do you think of Comet 260?"

"What?" Malfoy wrinkled his nose. "Compared to the Firebolt, Comet 260 is a joke."

"But it's practical enough for me." Kate raised her eyebrows and wanted to pull her in without any explanation, "Come on, let's go in and have a look!"

Malfoy's face was full of reluctance: "No, I want to watch the Firebolt for a while longer!"

The Kaitla people had no results, so they had no choice but to let go, "Okay, then I'm the only one to go and see."

She pushed the door briskly and went in, leaving Malfoy staring at the Firebolt in front of the glass display case.

"Malfoy?" A familiar voice came from behind her.

She turned around, frowning tightly: "Potter? Are you here too?"

Unlike the original book, except for the time when Malfoy in the first year arrogantly took away Neville's memory ball, the two of them never had any conflicts.

So there is not much disgust between the two of them, it's just an ordinary classmate relationship.

"Well, I've been coming here to watch the Firebolt every day recently." Harry replied politely, keeping a little distance from her.

Malfoy curled his lips, she didn't have the heart to flirt with Harry, and now she just wanted to take a look at this dream sweeper.

I don't know how long I watched it. The wizards around me have changed their positions, and Harry has almost seen it.

Although he didn't know why Malfoy was the only one here, he had no intention of asking.

After he left, Kate came out of the shop with her hips akimbo, and glanced in the direction he left.

It's a good thing she saw Harry outside in the store just now, otherwise she wouldn't be able to hide the fact that she was with Malfoy.

Turning his head, Malfoy was still looking at the Firebolt, but from a different angle.

She shook her head helplessly, squeezed into the crowd and forced the person out: "If you look any further, it's almost dark."

"But..." Malfoy still stood on tiptoe reluctantly, but with her current height, let alone tiptoe, even if she jumped up, she couldn't see inside.

Kate put her shoulders on her shoulders with some amusement: "I just went in and asked for you. The price of a Firebolt is more expensive than the seven Nimbus 2001s sponsored by your father combined."

"You really asked!" Malfoy's eyes widened in surprise, but soon his face drooped again, "This is too expensive..."

"After all, this is a competition-level broom." Kate pretended to spread her hands helplessly, and suddenly laughed again.

"But I've thought about it, and you're right, the Comet 260 has indeed dropped in price, so I just went in and ordered a Firebolt, and I'll get it in about half a month."

Now Malfoy didn't care about the influence, and even raised his voice: "You ordered the Firebolt? But you obviously don't know how to play Quidditch..."

"But I can ride a broom." Kate raised her eyebrows in disbelief. "Are you allowed to use the broom well, but I can't?"

Malfoy's thoughts were a little messy: "But, but its price is so expensive, and you don't compete, isn't this a waste?"

She could imagine Kate holding the most powerful broom and only using it to fly occasionally, and locked it at the bottom of the box to collect dust at other times.

Kate blinked: "Don't waste it, who made me have so much money that I can't spend it all?"

The money to buy the Firebolt is with her, that is, the number that can be recovered by making more alchemy props and selling them.

If she cries with the old housekeeper, maybe he can go to cooperate with the company that produces brooms and provide her with special brooms.

Seeing Malfoy's almost distorted face, Kate added with a smile: "Of course, if you want to ride, I can lend it to you, but you have to pay by the number of rides."

"...Really?" Malfoy was stunned at first, and then quickly turned into ecstasy after realizing what she said.

That's a Firebolt!A price that cannot be bought with seven light wheels together!

Kate rubbed her chin thoughtfully: "But I bought the Firebolt, and the next year will be more difficult—"

"I'll cover your living expenses!" Malfoy immediately raised his hand.

"Of course it's up to you," Kate hugged her chest, with a look of reason, "Not only that, every time you borrow a broom, you will pay five Galleons, no bargaining, and you will also be responsible for the maintenance of the broom..."

She snapped her fingers and talked one by one, and before she finished speaking, she was embraced by Malfoy, who was already in excitement.

"Okay! I promise you whatever you say! Kate, you are my best friend!"

Even if it was borrowed a hundred times, it would only be five hundred gold Galleons, which was far from the value of the Firebolt itself. She got a huge bargain!

Being a little dizzy from being hugged and danced by Malfoy, Kate quickly pulled the man away, "Okay, calm down, everyone else is watching."

Didn't you see the wizards passing by looking at them both?

Fortunately, there are no people I know, otherwise this would have become big news in Slytherin.

Malfoy blushed belatedly, bowed his head in embarrassment and giggled, making Kate shake her head.

You can become best friends just by borrowing firebolts, so if she gives it directly, this girl might not be able to marry her... Cough!

Of course, she definitely doesn't have that kind of thought about children, the above sentence is just a joke.

"Look at you, you are still cuddling in such hot weather, you are sweating."

Kate saw that the blond hair on her forehead was soaked with sweat, so she could only take out a handkerchief and leaned over to help her wipe it gently.

These children are really worrying, don't you know that it is easy to catch a cold?


Why do you sweat more and more?

He lowered his gaze in bewilderment, just in time to see that Malfoy's naturally pale face was completely flushed, and his eyes were still staring at her blankly.

"Is there something on my face?" Kate asked inexplicably, and touched her face with her hand.

Except that the chin is a little thinner and sharper than before, there is no difference.

Malfoy snapped back to his senses, grabbed the handkerchief from her hand, turned his back and wiped it in a panic: "No, no! I was just in a daze just now!"

Kate tilted her head, "Okay then, do you want to continue shopping?"

As long as today's shopping is over, Malfoy should be able to report to her father.

"No need, I'm already tired." Malfoy turned around, consciously put the handkerchief into his pocket, and raised his head proudly, "I had a great time today, thank you."

"Then I should say you're welcome?" Kate pulled her lower lip and wanted to say something, but the girl turned around quickly, like a scourge, and got into the crowd in the blink of an eye.

Why is this guy in a good mood and a bad mood?

Kate was just very confused. Compared with the few girls she had been in contact with before, Malfoy was the moody one.

When it's good, I can call her best friend, and when it's bad, I can run away in front of her without even saying hello.

She sighed, and looked up at the scorching sun shining in the sky.

It's no wonder she runs so fast on such a hot day.

Well, it's time to go back.

Chapter 6 Hunting Dementors

On September 9, Kate boarded the train alone.

The old butler still didn't come back before she left, so she could only leave a letter for the elf to give to him when he came back.

It might be that Hermione and the others were late, but she didn't see them after searching around in the car, so she had to find a box and sit down first.

Not long after, a sick-looking adult wizard knocked on the door of her box, "Excuse me, it seems that there are no other rooms, can I come in and sit?"

Kate glanced at the tattered little box at his feet: "Professor RJ Lupine, please sit down."

His name was stamped on the corner of the case, the lettering had peeled off a bit.

This Lupine, who had the best teaching ability among the seven previous Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers, looked similar to that in the movie, except that his face was paler.

Lupine put the small box in, sat opposite Kate, and quietly looked at her pure white hair with a thoughtful look.

Kate thinks that he probably has already guessed his identity. Like the light blonde hair color that is the signature of the Malfoy family, pure white is also the typical hair color of the Safik family.

But Lupine didn't take the initiative to talk to her, and after recognizing who she was, he leaned against the window and fell asleep.

She waited quietly for a while, then heard a few familiar voices from the corridor outside, and opened the door of the box.

"It seems that after a summer vacation, you have a lot to talk about. Would you like to come in and talk slowly?"

The three of Harry in the corridor looked at her in surprise, and when they were about to come in, they saw Lupine who had already taken a seat.

"I can't even sit down." Ron said awkwardly.

Kate didn't even bother to pull out her wand, and directly cast a traceless extension spell on the box: "Now you can lie down and sleep here if you want."

"Your wandless magic is already so powerful!"

Hermione sat in with a bit of disbelief, holding a big ginger cat in her arms: "It's Crookshanks, a cat I just bought. It is said that it is a hybrid of a cat lizi and a Persian cat."

"...I can see it." Kate subconsciously moved aside, "Is it a male cat?"

Because as soon as Hermione sat in, Crookshanks kept pawing at her like catnip.

"No, of course it's a female cat!" Hermione put it on the ample seat with bright eyes, "Look, it seems to like you very much!"

Of course, how could a hybrid of magical animals escape her animal affection ability?

It's just that the cat is too enthusiastic, jumping towards her as soon as it is put down, forcing Kate to hold it and watch it roll and act like a baby in her arms.

"I can't believe it," Ron said, sitting across from them in amazement, "this cat is so cruel to my Scabbers!"

Hermione frowned: "I've said it all, Crookshanks didn't catch your little mouse on purpose!"

"No, it might be on purpose." Kate said suddenly, "Because it's only natural for cats to catch mice."

Ron's face changed slightly, and he immediately covered the small bag bulging out of his breast pocket: "Look, even Kate said that!"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Kate said again: "Then let me ask you again, can you not eat meat in the future?"

"Uh...what do you mean?" Ron didn't understand what she meant.

Kate explained while stroking the cat: "Meat, eggs, milk and vegetables, these are our necessities, aren't they?

Our physiological instinct determines that if we don’t eat these, we may not die, but it will definitely affect our health.

The cat's instinct is to catch mice. You can let Hermione take care of Crookshanks. It also obeyed the master's words and restrained its instinct. It's not appropriate for you to be so fierce to it, right? "

Ron was dumbfounded, "But it almost ate Scabbers, if Hermione doesn't buy this cat, then it won't be surprised!"

"So as long as Crookshanks obediently lies on my lap like this and doesn't bother your Banban anymore, wouldn't there be world peace?"

As Kate said, she raised Crookshanks and pointed her weird persimmon face at herself: "Little cat, don't touch Ron's mouse again without my permission, can you?"

"You still talk to animals?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Oh, I won't." Kate put it down calmly, "I was just talking."

Several people were speechless for a while.

Ron subconsciously touched the pocket with Scabbers on his chest, and said rather awkwardly: "You two bully me together, I can't say no to you, but let's talk first, remember to take care of that cat!"

"Got it!" Hermione rubbed Crookshanks' head.

She was relieved to see it so close to Kate.

"By the way, I just heard you guys talking about... Black in the hallway?" Kate immediately started the next topic.

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