Harry's face that was still smiling suddenly sank: "I heard Mr. Weasley say that Sirius Black escaped from prison to kill me."

Only then did he understand why Fudge had been so lenient to him, telling him not to leave Diagon Alley, even sending him to the station with two cars from the Ministry of Magic protecting him.

"I heard... Black once killed 13 people." Hermione's voice was also very soft.

According to rumors, after Voldemort killed the Potters, Sirius fled all the way, and even caused an explosion, killing 13 people including his friends in school.

She glanced at Kate cautiously, for fear that if she said something wrong, it would touch her heart.

Kate gently held her hand, shook her head and smiled at her: "I'm fine, but Harry, since he's here to look for you, what are you going to do?"

"What else can I do?" Harry laughed dryly, "Don't worry, I won't be killed by anyone."

It's just that he can't go to Hogsmeade village anymore.

The train was speeding northward, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, the windows turned a watery gray, the sky outside also darkened, and the wind and rain hit the windows.

"Slept so deeply." Ron glanced at Lupine who was still sleeping.

Along the way just now, they had comforted Harry in various ways, but it seemed that he was still not in a good mood, so they could only move on to other topics.

The train suddenly slowed down gradually, and the sound of wind and rain outside the window became louder and louder.

"Strange, it's not like we've arrived at school by this time." Hermione raised her wrist and glanced at her watch, "Could it be that the train broke down?"

Harry wanted to check the corridor, but the lights in the corridor and the box went out suddenly, and he couldn't see anything anymore.

"Something seems to be moving outside!" Ron put his hand outside the window in horror, only to find that the window was covered with a layer of frost.

This is September, and under normal circumstances even the summer heat has not faded away.

Several people in the box began to realize that something was wrong, and each turned their heads to look at the glass of the door, only to see a figure in a cloak standing at the door, unable to see each other's face clearly.

"Don't look at it." Kate reminded with a frown as she looked at Harry and wanted to take a closer look at the Dementor.

Unexpectedly, just by making such a sound, he successfully attracted the attention of the dementor.

The dementor took a long breath and made a gurgling sound in its throat, as if it wasn't just taking in the surrounding air.

A biting chill swept through the entire box.

Kate frowned, and she noticed that even Hermione and Ron were shaking.

Does this dementor actually want to attack the entire box?

Grinding her back molars unconsciously, she saw Harry bear the brunt of being approached by the dementors little by little, but he had no strength to resist.

He turned his head and glanced at Lupine, he was fine, he was still playing dead.

Then keep pretending, don't get up.

Pointing at the dementor with her wand in her hand, she stood up and chanted the Patronus spell aloud, and the silver mist sprayed from the tip of the wand surrounded the entire carriage.

In the blink of an eye, a dazzling silver dragon that was bigger than the whole train flew and circled above the train and roared.

All the dementors who entered the train inspection seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, and quickly retreated outside the train, trying to hide in the darkness, but they were flying too slowly.

The silver dragon roared angrily, grabbed two or three dementors that had just retreated in front of it with one claw, stuffed them into its mouth, and began to chew.

This guy can still eat dementors?

Kate was startled. She had practiced the Patronus Charm for so long, and even she herself didn't know that her Patronus had this function.

According to the setting, the dementors can only be forced back by the patron saint, and there seems to be no real thing that can destroy them.

But now... this thing seems to exist again.

[Trigger side mission: Destroy the Dementor]

[Guardian silver dragon characteristic: every time 10 dementors are eliminated, the level of patron saint spell can be improved, and random attribute points can be obtained. 】

Ah, you actually used dementors as experience packs?

Is this appropriate?

suitable!Eat up these dementors for me!

Looking up at the Patronus lying on the carriage and happily chewing a dementor like a chicken, Kate's originally angry mood became both helpless and happy.

After eating the guards of Azkaban, Fudge will probably come to settle accounts with her, right?

Her brain turned around rapidly, her eyes lit up, and after her patron saint ate up all the dementors who came to check, she took it back calmly and sat down.

As we all know, no one can kill dementors, and nothing that can kill them does not yet exist.

And her dragons ate them lying on the roof of the carriage, and no one except her could clearly see the situation outside on such a stormy night.

So all the dementors who came to capture Sirius disappeared, what does it matter to her?

She just expelled them with an ordinary Patronus Charm. Who knows where they went after they were expelled?

This should be the responsibility of the Ministry of Magic. How could you ask her, a weak, helpless underage witch?

【Ding!20 dementors have been eliminated, rewards are being distributed...]

[Guardian spell upgrade x2, current level: 5]

[Obtain random attribute points: 3 points]

[Obtain random attribute points: 2 points]

This is so cool, it can save her liver for a month!

There will be dementors all over Hogwarts for the next year, which means...

Her canteens are everywhere!

Kate resisted the urge to laugh, and looked at Harry who had passed out across the way, only then remembered that she had forgotten this, and hurried over to help Ron onto the seat together.

"He seems to be in a bad state." Hermione also breathed heavily in shock, and subconsciously grabbed her arm. "What happened just now?"

Kate pursed her lips and looked very hesitant: "It was the dementor guarding Azkaban just now, and it seems that he wants to check whether there is any trace of Black hiding in the carriage."

As soon as the voice fell, the lights affected by the dementors turned on again.

Kate handed over a tissue and asked Ron to wipe the cold sweat off Harry's face. During the process of wiping the sweat, Harry finally woke up.

He stared frantically at the people surrounding him, his face pale as he recalled... "I just heard a scream...a woman's scream—"

"The Ministry of Magic actually released the dementors." Lupine, who was sleeping beside him, finally woke up, although Kate didn't know if he really fell asleep just now.

He took out a large piece of chocolate, broke it into several pieces and gave them to them: "Eat some chocolate, it will be better."

Kate didn't take it and stuffed the chocolates into Hermione and Harry's hands.

Lupine took a special look at her: "Nice Patronus Charm."

"If I don't make a move, Professor, you should be able to save people." She looked at her with an unclear expression.

"Of course, you are my students, what should I do to protect you?"

Lupine said softly, "Guys, I need to talk to the driver."

With that said, he voluntarily left the box.

Harry stared blankly at his leaving back, took a bite of chocolate, and his body warmed up a little.

"Dementors will suck people's happiness and soul, and turn people into walking dead. Even if I expel them in time, they will also affect you, so you should rest for a while before the train arrives."

Kate took out a small bottle of potion, "This amount is enough for you to sleep for an hour."

"...Thank you." Harry's hands were still shaking, and he took the medicine bottle with no strength in his body, and drank it in one gulp, tilted his head, and fell on the seat.

Ron helped him cover his clothes, and sat in the corner silently.

"Kate..." Hermione leaned on her shoulder relyingly, her body was still trembling slightly.

Gently holding her hand, Kate silently cast a warming charm on them respectively, and took out a small blanket to wrap herself and Hermione tightly.

"Take a break, there is still more than an hour before arriving at Hogwarts." She comforted in a warm voice.

Hermione nodded in a low mood, her whole head was buried in the crest of her neck, and the hands hidden under the blanket were attached to Kate's slender waist.

Feeling her warm breath on her neck, Kate scratched her face and closed her eyes calmly.

If one ignores the blush creeping up her earlobe, one might really think she is asleep.

Chapter 7 Grain Reserves

After getting off the train, they went to Hogwarts Castle in a car pulled by Thestrals. As soon as they arrived at the auditorium, Kate, Harry and Hermione were called away by a group of people.

In fact, she was the only one called into the office. Madam Pomfrey took Harry to the school hospital for a careful examination, while Hermione stayed in McGonagall's office and waited.

"Professor Lupine sent an owl in advance to briefly explain the situation on the train." McGonagall led her to the principal's office.

Snape, who was the Head of Slytherin, was supposed to come and talk to her one-on-one, but Snape's style would have sprayed the venom without even asking.

So for the sake of the students' mental health, it was Dumbledore who offered to let her go to the principal's office.

The above words can probably only be used to fool the serious Professor McGonagall.

Dumbledore, you are so stupid.

Next time Catherine asks her again, she will say that it was all taught by Lao Deng!

Kate followed her step by step: "Professor, Hermione..."

"Oh, the incident on the train has nothing to do with her. I just want to talk to Miss Granger about her schedule." McGonagall explained, stopping in front of the Drunken Stone Beast on the eighth floor.

Kate nodded in reassurance, read the command to it, and got on it alone.

Probably because the opening ceremony was so close, this time Dumbledore didn't tease Fox, didn't play with his milk tea, and even tidied up his beard.

"Professor," Kate walked over and confessed first, "I used the Patronus Charm on the train because that dementor was going to hurt Harry, so I..."

Dumbledore stood by the window and waved his hands: "Professor Lupine has already told me about the specific situation, and he also said that your patron saint is a silver dragon."

"Yes," she tilted her head inexplicably, "what's the problem?"

If you only ask about the form of the patron saint, although silver dragons are a little rarer, it's not a big deal.

Lao Deng's patron saint is a phoenix, her mother's patron saint is a thestral, and everyone is a magical animal.

"Of course there is no problem. This is your talent, and your parents will be proud of you."

Dumbledore shook his eyebrows: "But I originally wanted to meet those dementors, but I found that they did not match the figures reported by the Ministry of Magic."

Kate's heart trembled slightly, and she still looked confused: "You mean, those dementors have disappeared?"

"Maybe they are negligent." Dumbledore smiled slightly, and patted her on the shoulder. "It's okay. Finding them is the job of the Ministry of Magic. We just need to study hard in the new semester."

This White Demon King must know something!

It must be!

Kate was roaring in her heart, but she still had an expression of approval on her face: "If I see a dementor that is not good for my friend next time, I will still shoot."

"I think so." Dumbledore nodded slightly, "Get ready, let's go to the auditorium first, everyone is still waiting for us."

As soon as the words fell, Kate felt a whirlwind, and when she regained her senses, she had already arrived at the entrance of the auditorium.

The sorting ceremony was over, and she saw a few more unfamiliar faces on the long Slytherin table.

And Dumbledore has already come to the stage, ready to speak.

She hurriedly bent down and rushed to the position carefully, and saw Malfoy staring at her with shining eyes, but with a dismissive tone in his mouth.

"Safik, I heard you made the dragon on the train? It's a sensationalist."

Tsk, miss, you villain played too brilliantly, didn't you see that the first-year students who just arrived next to you were so frightened that they held their breath?

Kate smiled playfully and raised her glass to salute her: "If you want, I can teach you too."

"Really...cough!" Malfoy almost didn't hold back the avatar, and coughed quickly, "Who would want you to teach me!"

Even though she said so, Kate knew that she had to be a private teacher by looking at the awkward little eyes that looked forward to but didn't want to be seen.

On the stage, Dumbledore also started his annual opening speech, and after greetings, he got to the point:

"Our college is currently welcoming several Azkaban dementors, they are sent by the Ministry of Magic to perform official duties, and will be stationed at every entrance of the school.

I must make it clear that no one is allowed to leave the school while they are there, and they will not be fooled by any tricks, tricks, or disguises - including invisibility cloaks. "

He glanced at Harry indifferently, and then moved to Kate: "Everyone, please protect yourself, don't let them have a reason to hurt you, even if you think you have the ability to avoid this kind of guard Azkaban for many years The presence."

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