"You can cover me from entering the school." Sirius stared at her firmly, hissed firmly, "Help me."

Near Hogwarts, there are dementor guards, and he needs a helper.

"Of course I can help you get into the school," Kate raised her eyebrows, "but you're not just here for Harry, are you?"

She waved her wand, and the handful of snow under her feet turned into a little mouse: "I've investigated what you told me last time, and I'm right with you. Ron's mouse Scabbers is indeed rare. Lost a toe."

Sirius was silent, his gloomy eyes were full of resentment when he looked at the little mouse.

"Let me guess, you want to avenge yourself, and then tell Harry the truth." Kate raised her head and said, "But this, isn't it too cheap for this guy?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a cutting curse separated the little mice on the ground.

"Cooperate with me," she looked at him with a smile, "everything is under my command, and I can assure you that everything you expect can be realized."

He frowned deeply, the gully between his brows was so deep that it could almost kill a fly.

"Even if you're a student of Scamander..." His eyes were full of suspicion, "Why should I trust you? You're a Slytherin."

How Newt Scamander would have taken a Slytherin as a student hadn't dawned on him at first.

This little witch was similar to the Slytherins in his memory, sinister, cunning, and ambitious.

If his godson hadn't become friends with her, he would rather die than say a word to her.

Kate replied calmly: "It's up to you, anyway, whether you agree or not, there is no loss for me, but it may be a completely different world for you."

The big deal is that she's doing badly this year, and at the end of the plot, before Peter escapes, she can be a oriole and catch him, which can be regarded as completing the task.

But in the original book, even though Sirius revealed the truth, there was no evidence because of Peter's escape, and he had to escape with Buckbeak in the end.

There is a world of difference between these.

"It's getting dark, you only have one minute to think about it." Kate glanced at the sky and made an impatient expression, "I will never interfere in this matter when the time is up."

Sirius gritted his teeth, his thin chest heaved slightly, and kept looking in the direction of Hogwarts.

There is his alma mater, where his godson Harry and enemy Peter are now.

But even if he saw Harry, how would he catch Peter and expose the truth in front of Harry?

He is very confident, with Lupine cooperating with him at school, there should be a chance to expose all this, but...

Looking down at the little witch in front of him, Sirius gritted his teeth unconsciously.

After the other party stunned him for the first time, he knew that this Slytherin witch was not a good person, but she was still a good friend of his godson.

After waking up, he once wanted to seize her magic wand to suppress her, but this little witch can still do magic without a wand!

Not to mention that he couldn't use her weird wand at all, even if he could, he was no match for her, and he was even beaten by her bare hands!

Is hand-to-hand combat popular among little wizards now?

Later, she found Newt Scamander's son David Scamander to "adopt" him.

It's just that when David was away from home to teach, he took the opportunity to escape, and just happened to run into this little witch again.

Sirius didn't know whether it was fate or misfortune.

After more than ten years in Azkaban, he has been unable to trust any strangers easily, but facing this weird Slytherin witch, he has nothing to do.

Not only can't beat him, but he still has the power to let her handle it.

"You still have 30 seconds." Kate reminded intimately.

He couldn't help clenching his fists, and opened his mouth quickly: "You have to make sure that it won't be bad for Harry."

"Naturally, I'm his friend." Kate nodded as it should.

Of course, it doesn't count when you're fooling around.

"Then why are you helping me? Obviously you can tell Harry all this, even if he doesn't believe it, he will investigate it himself."

"You asked me to tell him that the person who betrayed his parents in the public opinion is actually a good person. Do you think he will believe me, or will he break up with me from now on?"

Kate akimbo angrily: "As a friend, I want to help him, but always pay attention to the method.

I can only help him find the truth bit by bit, instead of telling him things beyond his knowledge, which will only make him unacceptable. "

Sirius is at a loss for words, this logic does make sense.

Friends, once upon a time, he also had a group of good friends, but unfortunately now they are all dead and rebellious.

He sighed, "Okay, for Harry's sake, I can... listen to your words for now, but remember, as long as you want to do something that is not good for Harry, I will definitely die with you."

Although he was emotional, he still kept his eyes open. This little witch was far superior to ordinary people in terms of strength and intelligence, and she was really dangerous.

So no matter how nice she said, he couldn't put all his trust in her.

The last time he and James had sent them to hell together, this time he would not repeat the same mistakes.

"It's as good as you can beat me." Kate muttered in a low voice, and passed the ham again, "Do you want one?"

Sirius stared blankly, stared at the ham and hesitated for a long time, his heart froze, he grabbed it, peeled it off, chewed and swallowed it quickly.

Fortunately, Hogsmeade was not far from David's previous temporary residence. It only took him a day and a night to run here, but he hardly ate anything on the way.

As Hermione said, he was very hungry indeed.

Then...his world began to spin.

"Oh, this time the ham seems to have added some seasoning, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you in advance." Before he fell into a coma, he heard Kate explain.

Sure enough, you shouldn't trust such a scheming guy!

How on earth did his godson get along with this evil Slytherin...

Before the mental activity was over, he completely fell down.

When he woke up again, he realized that he seemed to have been moved again.

This time it was not Mr. Scamander who came to pick him up, but someone even more unexpected.

"You're awake, Mr. Black," the gray-bearded old man turned around slowly, and looked at him with a smile. "Would you like some black tea?"

Sirius sat up suddenly, looked at the kind old man in front of him: "You... no, how could you..."

"Kate asked me to keep you here." There was a little smile in the blue eyes, "Don't you really want to go to school?"

Chapter 14 Intruders

"Ah sneeze!"

Just before entering the auditorium, Kate sneezed again, which made her look around vigilantly several times.

It's a good thing Hermione wasn't here, otherwise it would be nagging again.

Tonight is the Halloween feast, and the auditorium has been decorated with hundreds of pumpkins with candles, a swarm of live bats flying around, and orange banners with flames.

Everything seemed extremely lively.

She walked quickly to the Gryffindor long table, and saw the Harroch trio already sitting there chatting, and immediately walked over.

"Hey, Kate, you're just in time!" Ron called to stop her. "Harry said he went to Professor Lupine's office today and saw him drinking the potion that Professor Snape gave him!"

Kate looked curious: "Drinking medicine? Is Professor Lupine sick?"

"Well, he said he hasn't been feeling well lately." Harry nodded, "But I always feel that the potion Snape gave him..."

He didn't express all his concerns, but judging from his expression, it could be seen that he was dissatisfied with Snape.

Even with Kate's presence, there was a lot less conflict between Harry and Snape, but it was clear that Snape was not liked by the students of other houses except the students of Slytherin.

Because he always deducts points for excuses, is too strict in class, and always talks trash.

In fact, Kate also felt that, in terms of teaching, Snape was quite unreliable as a professor.

"But Professor Snape is indeed the most powerful potion master in the past century."

She shrugged, "If you suspect that he wants to use potions against Professor Lupine to steal the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, just think about it, would you use Quidditch to hurt someone?"

Harry was startled, and quickly shook his head: "No, I will never use this method to tarnish Quidditch!"

"Then it's over," Kate smiled easily, "His achievements in potions are much better than your achievements in Quidditch, so why would he use his favorite thing to harm others?"

"I think Kate is right," Ron nodded in agreement, "Maybe we are just thinking too much, Professor Lupine and Professor Snape are colleagues after all."

Although he didn't quite believe that Snape would have any kind of colleague friendship with Lupine.

"By the way," Kate changed the subject briskly, "You should get the candy we brought you, right?"

Before Harry could answer, Ron exaggeratedly said, "You brought too much, and all of us could eat for a whole week!"

"Can it be used to replenish sugar after the Quidditch exercise?" Kate shrugged indifferently, looking around, "The Halloween banquet is about to start, I'll go first."

Ron glanced at Hermione, who had been silent all this time, and asked strangely, "What's the matter? Didn't you and Kate have a good time together during the day? Why didn't you speak just now?"

In order to create opportunities for the two of them, he only spent the whole day with Neville and the others.

"Maybe I'm a little tired." Hermione straightened her expression and answered perfunctorily.

Yes, she had a lot of fun, and she took Kate to the couple's teahouse, and Kate didn't refuse.

But why... She always felt that there seemed to be something between herself and Kate?

Subconsciously looking back at the Slytherin table, within sight, the white-haired figure was having a heated fight with the blond boy sitting opposite her.

Hermione's face darkened, and the knuckles hidden under the robe turned white.

At this moment, Malfoy was arguing with Kate with a very bad expression.

Pan Xi, who was sitting next to the two, couldn't help but rubbed his ears.

It's okay to quarrel every day, and I never quarrel with others, so why bother?

After finally waiting until the Halloween banquet began, Malfoy finally calmed down, but he was still staring at Kate viciously while cutting the steak.

It's as if she wasn't cutting the steak, but Kate's fingers.

As for Kate herself, who has long been immune to her eyes, she ate dinner as if she was in a trance, and she didn't even have any emotional fluctuations when she saw the wonderful ghost show.

It wasn't until the end, when he followed everyone back to the common room, that his eyes lit up.

But 10 minutes later, they were called back to the auditorium.

"The professors and I need to conduct a full search of the castle." Professor Dumbledore told everyone, at this time McGonagall and Professor Flitwick closed all the doors of the auditorium.

"For your own safety, I'm afraid you can only spend the night here. I hope that the prefect will guard the entrance of the auditorium, and the chairman of the male and female student union will be in charge of management. If there is any situation, please report to me immediately."

He flicked his wand lightly, and hundreds of limp purple sleeping bags appeared on the ground: "Sleep well."

After speaking, he went out and closed the door.

Immediately, there was a chattering sound in the auditorium, and the Gryffindor students told the students from other houses about what happened just now.

"Kate, it's Blake, he broke in!"

Hermione also came to her side, and whispered: "He ran into the school during the banquet, and got into a fight with someone, blood splashed the fat lady's portrait!"

"I don't know who is so brave that he can fight with Black," Ron also added. "It reminds me of the intruder who fought with the troll the year before last."

Harry, who was still in a daze, heard, "Intruder? But didn't Professor Dumbledore announce the year before last that it was Quirrell..."

His words suddenly stopped.

Kate watched his expression with cold eyes, waved her wand casually, and moved the four sleeping bags to a corner near the door with a floating spell: "Lie down first."

The four got into their sleeping bags, and Hermione asked worriedly, "Could it be that the intruder was someone else, and now he's back?"

"It's possible, except for the guy who is stronger than a troll, who else can fight a vicious villain like Black?" The more Ron said, the more he believed in his guess.

Kate quietly wrapped the sleeping bag a little tighter.

Intuition is such a scary thing.

She thought that she would not be found out about her manipulation of the avatar during the banquet, but she was guessed right by Ron's random words.

"Even if the intruder really exists, why did he fight with Black? Could it be to protect the school?" Hermione asked a reasonable question.

Harry took a deep breath: "If this person really exists, then maybe he has always been there, because nothing major happened last year, so he didn't appear.

And the year before last and this year, he would only act because someone invaded Hogwarts... Thinking about it this way, he shouldn't be called an intruder, but a guardian. "

Kate shuddered.

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