With this name, why does she feel that one day she will be beaten up by some old hooligan named Link?

Chapter 15 Traces of Forgery

To prevent them from continuing to press themselves on the name of the guardian, Kate coughed lightly and quickly shifted the focus:

"Whoever this person is, from Dumbledore's point of view, it seems that Black is still in school."

Hermione shivered, and asked through gritted teeth, "How did he get in here?"

"I don't know, except for the principal, no one in the school can use Apparition, and there are dementors guarding the entrances everywhere... Uh, you seem to be hugging too tightly."

Kate reached out to pat her, but Hermione hugged her whole arm tightly and refused to let go.

But Hermione, who had seen bloodstains all over the walls and floors just now, was not willing to let go, and kept leaning towards her even with her sleeping bag.

"...Do you want to squeeze directly to my place?" Kate asked helplessly.

Hermione's eyes lit up: "Can you!"

Ah... she just wanted to complain.

Speechless for a while, Kate silently slapped herself, and had to silently pull the sleeping bag away to let Hermione in.

Fortunately, both of them were minors, and their bodies were small enough, leaving a little room for maneuver when Hermione squeezed in.

It's just that being forced to squeeze together with a young girl who is just developing, Kate is inevitably a little restrained.

Percy, the student council president over there, also noticed the situation here, loudly told them to be quiet, and planned to turn off the lights after 10 minutes.

It should be better when the lights are off and you can't see anything.

Kate, who was forced to distance herself from Hermione, stared at the ceiling and thought.

Then, Hermione's arms in the sleeping bag came up.

Kate tangles her body subconsciously, and can only turn around pretending that she didn't feel anything.

It's much better if it's facing away.

Although the unignorable softness on her back gave her the urge to hit the wall.

Hermione has also started to develop...


Her brain sounded the alarm in time before she started thinking about it, and she was jolted and stared at the wall in front of her with wide eyes.

Although there are all kinds of intimate behaviors between straight girls, she absolutely can't!

Which one of these sleeping around her is not a child?

With her eyes widened, she directly projected her consciousness onto her clone—that is, the Iron Warrior in the armor corridor.

Subconsciously moving her shoulder armor, Kate finally breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the tooth-itching sound of iron tools rubbing against each other.

This is the end of the cheap mouth, and I must learn a lesson next time.

She turned her helmet stiffly, just in time to see Snape coming from the other side of the corridor with a lamp through the gap in the armor.

He seemed to have heard something, and his already gloomy face became more and more gloomy. He walked quickly to the armor corridor and looked around with a lantern.

Kate carefully put it in the armor, and when he thought there was no problem here and was about to leave, he accidentally moved his arm slightly.

There was a sudden noise in the silent corridor, and Snape immediately turned his head, looking suspiciously at the armor she was on at the moment.

Just as he was about to pull out his wand to check the armor in front of him, he heard footsteps behind him, accompanied by an old voice: "Severus, how is the inspection going?"

Snape paused before putting down his wand: "No problem, Black isn't here."

"Then go to the hall to gather. We still need to take turns to be on duty. It's hard work." Dumbledore glanced at the armor, and then led Snape away.

As the footsteps of the two gradually disappeared at the end of the corridor, Kate barely moved her body and looked suspiciously at the passage they left.

It's so strange that her double disappears when attached to something, how does Dumbledore always find out where she is?

Could it be that there are some unknown marks on her body?

Subconsciously touched the chest, but only touched a piece of cold armor, Kate sighed secretly, and manipulated the armor to move forward quickly.

In a dark corridor, countless golden threads protruded from the wall. As soon as the armored warrior stretched out his hand, he grabbed the golden thread, broke through the window at the end of the corridor and jumped out.

The moment the glass shattered, it also attracted the professors patrolling their respective floors.

When they rushed to the end of the armor corridor on the second floor, they could only see countless pieces of shattered glass.

"Blake? He escaped from here?"

McGonagall looked out in surprise, but the dementors that had descended on Hogwarts again because of Black's invasion had disappeared.

Flitwick quickly chanted all kinds of spells and checked the windowsill, but found nothing: "There is no sign of magic being used, and there are no dementors around. Could it be because of that campus legend?"

All the professors present looked down.

They have also more or less heard of the recently raised campus legend, it is said that there is a treasure inside Hogwarts that can kill dementors.

So far, the more than 30 dementors that have disappeared from the Ministry of Magic all happened in Hogwarts, which really has to be suspected.

But unlike the gossip among the students, they are more inclined to spread rumors on purpose, just like last year's secret room incident.

And the person who spread the rumors was inside Hogwarts. This person killed the dementors in a secret way and helped Sirius break through the defenses.

It was only later that the Ministry of Magic even invited Dumbledore to deter this man, and the disappearance of the dementor gradually subsided.

"Sorry everyone!" Lupine came panting, his face extremely pale, "I'm late."

For a moment, the deans of the three colleges couldn't help but look at him.

Others don't know, but schools still do basic background checks when recruiting teachers.

And one of Lupine's best friends in school was Sirius.

If there was anyone on the inside most likely to help Sirius, it was Lupine.

"Everyone," Dumbledore apparated behind the crowd, "it looks like Sirius Black has escaped."

Mag opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: "I think so, there is a black lake outside the window, and it may be very difficult to search."

"Then re-seal all the entrances to the school, send the students back to their respective colleges tomorrow, strengthen security, and prevent similar things from happening."

"But about the strange thing about Black entering the school..." McGonagall asked hesitantly.

Dumbledore looked out of the silent window with bleak eyes: "I believe that no teacher in the school will help Black sneak in here."

As he said, he turned to look at Lupine who was a little embarrassed, and patted him on the shoulder lightly.

Seeing this, the other professors couldn't say anything more.

Chapter No.16 Do you want a foursome date?

In the next few days, besides the discussion of Sirius Black, there was another topic that was circulated in a small circle in the school.

Is the person who secretly fought with Black the intruder who fought the troll a year ago... Oh, now this person has been forcibly renamed the Guardian.

"I guess this person must be very tall, otherwise he wouldn't be able to defeat villains like trolls and Black!"

"And the recent frequent disappearance of dementors is probably also related to him! He is the guardian of Hogwarts, as long as outsiders want to break in, he will clean them up!"

"Guardian... what a handsome title, he must be very handsome, I really want to see what he looks like~"

Cough, the last sentence was said by an unknown young girl in love, and it has nothing to do with Kate.

At least she wasn't tall at all, and she wasn't handsome either.

At the beginning, she didn't think about attracting public opinion in this direction at all. After all, the intrusion of a "villain" like Sirius was enough to attract people's attention.

Who would have thought that Ron would guess her second identity with a casual sentence, and spread the guess.

Fortunately, the focus of people's attention is still on Sirius, and the rumors about her are only spread in a small area and do not affect the overall situation.

Kate also secretly paid attention to Harry's situation. Compared with Sirius, this guy paid more attention to Quidditch, and he was planning to get good results in Saturday's Quidditch match.

Well, Saturday's game is Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, and the two houses are old rivals.

She was still wondering why Malfoy didn't come to ask her to borrow a Firebolt this time, but she heard the news during the race on Friday.

"Not competing with Gryffindor?" She looked at Pansy rather strangely, "What's going on?"

Pansy also felt a little embarrassed by the decision of this strategy, and explained in a low voice: "Our captain said that Draco's arm was injured in the previous training, so there is no comparison."


Kate subconsciously glanced at Malfoy, who was still eating too much. Does this guy have any sense of injury?

No, I don't even bother to pretend.

She was speechless for a while, and turned her head to look out the window at the violent wind and rain that had lasted for several days.

The case was solved, and Slytherin didn't want to play in this kind of weather, for fear that he might not perform well.

"In this way, Gryffindor is facing Hufflepuff." Pansy analyzed with fingers, "I heard that Hufflepuff has a new captain and Seeker, who seems to be called Cedric. C Diggory."

Kate raised her eyebrows and turned to look at Hufflepuff's long table. After searching for a long time, she finally found the boy who looked like the hero of Twilight.

"You also think he is very handsome, don't you?" Pan Xi said regretfully, "I heard friends mention him before, but unfortunately, he is a half-blood wizard."

Too lazy to argue with her about the lame foothold of the theory of bloodlines, Kate took a look at the young man, and subconsciously shifted her gaze to the Ravenclaw long table.

So in the original book, Qiu Zhang and Cedric also met on the Quidditch pitch, and they finally got together, right?

Perhaps her eyes were too obvious, Qiu Zhang, who was still joking with his friends, seemed to have noticed something, turned around unexpectedly, and happened to meet her eyes.

Kate twitched the corners of her mouth in embarrassment, then quickly turned her head back.

Gossip is bad, it has nothing to do with whoever she likes!


The head turned secretly again.

As a friend, it shouldn't be a problem to care about others, right?

Holding a kind of gossip... no, caring mentality, as soon as Kate stood up, she saw Qiu Zhang also stood up from a long distance away.

She understood, Dang even walked out of the auditorium, waited at the door for a while, and saw Qiu Zhang coming out with a book in his arms.

"Is there still class in the afternoon?"

Kate nimbly walked around behind her, and before she noticed, she yanked the book out of her arms, picked it up and looked, only to find that it was an extra-curricular book related to Quidditch.

Qiu Zhang was stunned for a moment, and when he saw her, he couldn't help showing a smile on his more beautiful and refined face: "The hands are getting faster and faster, it's a pity if you don't play Quidditch."

"Then you should spare me," Kate hastily raised her hand in surrender, "My flying skills can only hinder me when I go up."

As she spoke, she returned the book by the way: "Our college is avoiding the battle tomorrow. It seems that next time, our two colleges will match up."

"What? Do you think I will lose?" Qiu Zhang raised his head with a smile.

The two of them were originally the same age, but perhaps because Kate exercised too hard, she was already a few centimeters taller than Qiu Zhang.

Kate put her hips on her hips, deliberately showing a look of embarrassment: "Forcing friends not to support their college, this kind of behavior is very inhumane."

"Then we'll see you in the match." Qiu Zhang smiled and shook his head, clenched his fist and lightly thumped her chest.

The two walked side by side, Kate thought for a while and asked, "I didn't seem to see you when I went to Hogsmeade before, are you also practicing on weekends?"

"It's a new season, and everyone in the team is holding back their energy." Qiu Zhang spread his hands and asked enthusiastically, "How is Hogsmeade fun?"

Kate blinked: "Hermione took me to a small teahouse. It's quite cozy and the black tea is delicious. Next time we can make an appointment to go there."

"Teahouse?" Qiu Zhang paused, with a strange expression on his face, "Is the name of the shop Madam Puddieff's Teahouse?"

"Is it famous there?" Kate opened her eyes wide in surprise, "But I think the decoration of that teahouse is a bit too pastel, and it doesn't match the snow scene outside."

Probably only you care about the decoration in the shop.

Qiu Zhang complained in his heart, but he could still barely maintain a smile on his face: "It's quite famous. In a certain way, Hermione took you there on her own initiative?"

"Of course, otherwise I might not even be able to find its location! It's so popular there, but it's so strange."


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