However, Lily acted confused as if she had never heard of this term before, blinking her beautiful eyes at him in puzzlement.

Chapter 0110 The End of the Age of Gods

Thinking that the light cannon was only used by later generations to describe the torrent of magic power released by the holy sword, the girl might not understand it, so Luo Ye changed his words and described the meaning again.

After realizing that what he was referring to was to infuse magic power into the holy sword and transform it into a substantial light beam, Lily shook her head to express her powerlessness.

"The Age of Gods has come to an end, and the ether in the atmosphere has dissipated. If we go back to the era that was still full of mystery and magic, theoretically, we should be able to release light cannons."

Since the death of Solomon, the king of magic, the rate of mysteries has decreased significantly.Primates have become the representatives of the planet, and the rules of the world have become "laws most suitable for human survival".

It sounds very mysterious.But if we follow its origin, it is because the holy sword is mostly based on fantasy as raw material, and it cannot display its power without mystery as a basis.Excalibur, located at the apex of the holy sword, is crystallized inside the earth as the ultimate divine weapon of "Last Phantasm", and the conditions for its use are even more stringent.

"What kind of Saber can't even shoot you with a light cannon. What a shame, take off your skirt."

Subconsciously said a sentence that was widely circulated when chatting nonsense in the ACG chat group before, Luo Ye suddenly realized that something was wrong and immediately closed his mouth, cold sweat dripping down his back.

Jokes like this are no joke.Not to mention being bitten by Lily, who was extremely ashamed and angry, most of the other Knights of the Round Table would think that he was insulting the king, so they would draw out their swords angrily and shout for a duel.

"Huh? You spoke too fast, I didn't hear clearly."

Simply Lily didn't seem to hear what he was whispering clearly, she tilted her head in confusion, and the hair on the top of her head flicked.

"I mean, is it possible to use the light cannon by either reintroducing the concept of fantasy, or sublimating itself into an existence equivalent to fantasy?"

Luo Ye's complexion didn't change significantly, and he easily covered up the abnormality.

Lily didn't suspect him, and thought he was talking about business, she nodded in agreement with his opinion, and then sighed quietly.

"It's easy to say, but it's easier said than done? At least I haven't seen a clear way to implement it so far."

At the beginning of the Western calendar, the Age of Gods came to an end.Only the islands far from the mainland still retain the air and mystery of the age of mythology.But it won't last too long. It is a miracle in itself that Britain can continue to this day.

"Mystery will withdraw from the stage of history sooner or later. This is an irreversible cause and effect. If you really want Britain to continue, you must either deceive the world to hide it from the sky, or break through and develop the technological side. As for how to do it, it is still up to you. It is feasible. Sex is all there."

Luo Ye doesn't really want to interfere with Lili's own wishes, the decision is still in her hands.

"Let me think about it for a while. In short, we still have to deal with Vortigern first, right? What has caught my attention recently is that he didn't show any sign of me severely injuring the foreign race, and he still didn't move."

Lily fell into distress and found it difficult to make a decision for a while, but instead of thinking about it, she discussed important military matters with Luo Ye.

Ever since she annihilated the Saxon tribe stationed in Londinium with thunderbolts, the forces of all parties have basically taken action after knowing the news.Only the greatest enemy, King Bei, was not moved by it at all, as silent as a pool of stagnant water.

"Couldn't he be accepting his fate? Didn't Merlin predict that the red dragon would defeat the white dragon? He also knows that he is no match for you."

Luo Ye smiled quite easily.According to what he had seen and heard along the way, people in this country respected Archmage Merlin very much.Even if the humble king rebelled again, he would have to give way to the legendary sage.

"That's what you said. But according to the news sent back by the spies, Vutigeng is sitting on the throne in the palace every day without moving an inch, not letting others approach, and even reporting the military situation. If it wasn't for his subordinates who didn't want to Sitting still waiting to die, trying to recruit organizations in his name, I'm afraid I've already gone all the way to Wangcheng."

The more Lily spoke, the more weird and strange it became, which forced Luo Ye to calm down and become more cautious.

"In your impression, what kind of person is Vortigern?"

"It was said that he was a qualified lord before, but for some reason, his temperament changed drastically. Fortunately, he settled down after occupying the royal city, and rarely moved out of the palace."

With such detailed information, Luo Ye couldn't help laughing and joked.

"Are you developing so well in terms of intelligence?"

"Of course. Not only that, I also know the eyeliner planted by the major forces on my side."

It is true that Arthur Fang recruits talents from all over the world, but it also means that it is easy to mix in spies sent by other forces.

It's just that instead of being afraid, Lily had a determined smile on her lips.

"No wonder I said how you attacked in secret before. You don't often release information with half-truths to deliberately torment them, right?"

It is not difficult to guess her plan, Luo Ye applauds her secretly.

This girl is very clever.Half-truths and half-false information are released to deliberately confuse the enemy and confuse the truth.Over time, the enemy army did not know whether to believe the information sent back or not to believe it.

Before the conversation could continue, Mengmeng, who was left alone and had to draw small circles with her lips pouted, suddenly thought of a good idea, and tugged at the young man's arm with shining eyes.

"Brother-in-law! As long as you can build this thing, you will win most of this battle!"

Although they knew that this girl was very unreliable, Luo Ye and Li Li showed great interest without exception.

Noticing that the two of them were looking at each other, Mengmeng finally stopped chatting like no one else, and proudly covered her mouth with her small hands to hide her smile.Immediately, he opened his arms exaggeratedly, and his uneven body was straightened out to speak plausibly.

"We can build an airship! Just imagine flying in the sky to launch a surprise attack. How can the opponent take precautions?"

The unconstrained thinking made Luo Ye and Lili look at each other in blank dismay.

Occupying air supremacy can indeed strike the ground thoroughly.But that's easier said than done.

"I have also thought about airships, but with the current production capacity, I can't make an engine to drive the propeller. And if there is no power as a support, the airship is actually no different from a hot air balloon. It is too difficult to control the wind direction."

The times will limit the development of science and technology.Just like even if Mengmeng proposed the idea of ​​Debi Luke's black technology, the earth scientists of Luo Ye's era could not research it.

"We didn't succeed in researching the engine. I'm not as proficient in scientific research as my sister Lala. I failed to build it several times. But we bought one here! Hehe, I still remember the painful expression on my brother-in-law's face at that time!"

Mengmeng stuck out her tongue, her eyes bent into beautiful crescent shapes.


Lili didn't expect that the two of them would come to give help in a timely manner during this trip, and she was overjoyed immediately.

In this regard, Luo Ye smiled and nodded to admit it.

"Not only that, but I also brought a lot of things that you may need."

Chapter 0111

A series of objects from this world are densely arranged in the camp.After Luo Ye took out the specially prepared storage items from Deb Luke's black-tech bracelet, Lily immediately ordered her staff to go down and count the items, and there must be no negligence or omission.

The huge list includes shovels and hoes, industrial fertilizers, agricultural and vegetable seeds, design drawings...

Not necessarily the most useful, but without exception they can come in handy.

But even so, it is tantamount to wishful thinking to make Britain leap from the feudal and backward farming era to the technologically emerging industrial era in one fell swoop.At least in terms of knowledge and culture, it will take decades of hard work to bring about real change, and it cannot be achieved overnight.

They simply don't have such lofty ambitions, they just want to restore the unity of this island country and continue the glory of the past.

"The difficulty in making an airship lies in the airbags, which require strong and soft materials to prevent gas leakage. Cloth curtains are definitely not acceptable. You might as well sew the canvas together and cover it with a layer of leather."

At the same time, Mengmeng is not idle.Don't look at this cunning little girl who always likes to make troubles, but when she should be serious, she behaves quite well. She solemnly directs the craftsmen sent by Lily to carry out tasks, and her majesty as a princess is undoubtedly evident.

"It will take hundreds of cowhide to make it, right? The cost is very high, and the speed of movement is also a problem. No wonder it will be eliminated by history."

Even if it is just a rough estimate of the production cost, Luo Ye will feel terrified.

Although the airship looks very big, in fact, most of them are streamlined hulls.The pods actually used to carry passengers are only a small part compared to the whole, and the resource utilization rate is not high.And the weather is very bad. Once you encounter thunderstorms or unfavorable wind conditions, don't think about using it.

"It doesn't matter, our army can still provide this fee. Flying into the blue sky like a bird has been a dream of mankind since ancient times, and I really want to try it."

Thinking of soaring in the sky overlooking the great rivers and mountains of Britain, Lily couldn't help revealing some expectations in her tone.

Furthermore, from a strategic point of view, occupying air supremacy can be said to be beneficial without any harm.

Ordinary people have no way to attack an airship that is hundreds of meters high, and it is hard to predict that someone will launch an assault from the air.

High-altitude parabolic and kerosene throwing can all hit the ground without exception.Not to mention the power, the sense of oppression on the psychological level is unparalleled.Ancient Europeans were very superstitious, and they might have regarded this as a miracle, and directly lost their will to fight and fell on the wind.

"I'm going to trouble Mengmeng here, I hope it can be built as soon as possible before the war."

Lily faintly rejected this pink-haired girl. The name of brother-in-law sounded particularly harsh. If Luo Ye hadn't explained that it was nothing more than an insignificant title, she might have drawn her sword long ago.

"How did you conceive of this war? I'd like to hear the king's opinion."

Sensing a trace of abnormality in her emotions, Luo Ye quickly changed the subject.

There was a military situation meeting early this morning, but he overslept so that he just missed it, and now he just had the opportunity to ask again.

"I plan to leave my trustworthy confidants to guard the territory, so as not to cause a rebellion in the rear when I go out. As for me, it is enough to bring Gao Wenqing and those big killers, more than enough to deal with the rebels."

Lily pondered for a moment and told him the whole plan without any reservations.

It is worth noting that when Arthur Fang called the humble king, he either called him by his first name or summed it up directly as a traitor and traitor, and he would definitely not admit that he was also a king.This is a matter of principle.


Luo Ye has also had contact with this man in the past few days.He is indeed an upright and high-spirited knight.He is loyal and powerful, especially during the three hours from [-] am to noon and the three hours from [-] pm to sunset, his strength will triple.

If it weren't for the suppression of the red dragon blood and the sword of contract victory, even Lily might not be able to match him in that special time period.The undisputed strongest other than the king.

"I think you can bring all the people who hold the holy sword with you, maybe it will have a miraculous effect. Of course, I am not as good at leading troops as you are, so I still rely on your opinion."

Luo Ye knew how much he was worth, and at most it was just talking on paper, and he couldn't compare with Lily, who said she had experienced hundreds of battles.

"You mean to gather strength and put all your eggs in one basket? It's not impossible. But it's not necessary."

Lily shook her head and rejected his proposal.

With great difficulty, the construction of several territories has been developed, and it is impossible to say that it is easy to relax management.

It takes only a short time to destroy, but it takes a long time to build.

She has her own ideas, and Luo Ye doesn't interfere too much.After inspecting the barracks, the two had no time to talk about love, kissing me like before and we were tired of being together.Each of them is busy preparing for the imminent war, putting aside their personal relationship for the time being.

When the spring snow melted completely, the whole form of Britain was undercurrent.King Arthur took the lead in taking action, attacking the humble king under the banner of avenging the shame of the former king.

Wars have never been morally righteous, but at least they must be well-known, so that it is difficult for people to find reasons to refute.And Lily has undoubtedly done a good job in this aspect. On the day of the expedition, a three-army assembly was held, and she ordered her adjutant Agguiwen to write a crusade edict in advance.

The morning light shone on the land of Britain as usual, and the martial arts arena was crowded with people, and groups of soldiers and horses were lined up neatly. All the soldiers without exception were shouting the name of Arthur, and the momentum was overwhelming.

Under the eyes of everyone, the awe-inspiring figure in armor walked towards the high platform made of stones.Gao Wen, Bedivere and others followed closely behind, serving by his side to show their loyalty.

Luo Ye and Meng Meng, who do not belong to this era, stood below, witnessing this historic scene from a distance, with different expressions.

When the hustle and bustle gradually receded, Agguiwen still had a tense face, cleared his throat, and passionately recited the crusade book.

"Since the death of the former king Uther, the traitor Vortigern has occupied the royal city, slaughtered the innocent and mutilated Zhongliang. Now our army flatters the legacy of the former king and gathers capable people from all walks of life to fight against the rebels under the leadership of King Arthur..."

The statement is sworn in.According to superstition, at this time, cattle and sheep should be killed to sacrifice the flag for the protection of the gods.But Lily's thinking has been assimilated by modern times, and she no longer believes that ghosts and gods can save the country.

Accepting all eyes calmly, she inspired everyone with short and clear words.

"The one who can really save Britain is none other than each of us! Although fate is destined, it is in our own hands!"

As the voice fell, the drums in the camp were beating and rumbling, and the mighty army boldly announced its departure.

In the spring of a certain year in the fifth century AD, King Arthur led his troops to the south and marched into Hampshire to attack the King of Bei.

Chapter 0112

The sky was white, and there was a thin mist in the wilderness.The long marching team shuttled like a dragon on the green plain, breaking the tranquility that should have been in the morning.

In the vanguard camp of the former army, Gao Wen rode a horse to serve the king, and respectfully reported the information sent back by the spies.

"Hampshire is garrisoned by the rebel Walter. This man has been famous for many years and is proficient in combat. He is the number one general under Vortigern. There are fifty thousand soldiers in the city, and even if we add logistics, our army is only three. Ten thousand. This is bound to be a fierce battle."

There are many plains in southern Britain, and there are almost no dangerous terrains for defense.This fortress city can be said to be the strongest line of defense in the royal city of Camelot. Once it is breached, it means that it can drive straight into Huanglong. The strategic importance is self-evident.

"Vutigeng has mobilized all his troops to the front line. Doesn't this mean that he lacks defense in the rear?"

Lily pondered for a moment and said, but her eyes passed through Hampshire and landed on Camelot, which was farther away.

After years of turmoil and perennial wars, the population of the entire island is estimated to be only a million.It is not easy to gather an army of this size.There is no doubt that both sides have spent all their money on this decisive battle.

"Let's take a detour and let's not mention the ruggedness of the road. Our army's luggage is still in the rear. It is impossible to say that it is giving up. Please think carefully, king."

It was not difficult to guess that she wanted to launch a surprise attack with cavalry, and Gao Wen immediately warned her politely.

Unlike the alien Saxons who attacked Londinium last time, this time Vortigern had a solid city wall for defense.As long as the strategy of shrinking back that cannot be persisted, even a surprise attack by Qingqi will not be effective.But once the food and grass are exhausted, he will be defeated without fighting.

Hampshire, where Walter was stationed, was no different from a stumbling block, and Arthur Fang had to gnaw at this hard bone from the front.

Hearing this, Lily couldn't help frowning, but when discussing important military matters, she turned her gaze elsewhere as if inadvertently.

Not far from the line of sight, Luo Ye was enduring the bumps on the horse's back, his face was a little unhappy, but he still insisted not to trouble others.

For modern people who have never ridden a horse before, it is a little too much to suddenly get on a horse and fight. These days, the feeling is not good, and the stomach is overwhelmed.

Before he had time to care about him, the scouts rushed to report back the information, so Lily could only use all her energy to treat him cautiously.

"Report! There are traces of the enemy's brigade a few kilometers ahead, and the menacing attack has at least [-] cavalry!"

Not long ago, the gates of the Hampshire city were opened wide, flags were fluttering, and teams of people came out.

Obviously, Walter planned to launch an attack directly while Arthur was not stationed in the camp, and was caught off guard.His combat experience can be described as quite sophisticated, and he didn't give him a chance to breathe.

Don't look at the lofty spirit and virtues that were promoted in the Middle Ages. No one told you this on the battlefield.

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