Winners and losers, this is the eternal truth.

Thinking that a field confrontation was inevitable, Gao Wen could not hide his worry.

"My lord, not to mention that our army didn't have a good camp, even the formation is difficult to keep in mind. It is very likely that they will be forcibly dispersed by the cavalry. Do you want me to lead the troops to intercept them now?"

It is no problem for the vanguard to fight, this is the most elite group of soldiers on Arthur's side.But in the second half of the armed forces, the active force is relatively weak.Moreover, there is no one with high enough leadership like Gao Wen to sit in the guard, so it is difficult to prepare for a surprise attack.

"Gao Wenqing, don't panic, it's time to take out the big killer we have prepared. The whole army stops marching! Meet the enemy on the spot!"

After ordering her subordinates to convey the order, Lily immediately waved her hand and gave the order again, in an orderly manner without any confusion.

The sound of the wheels rolling over the ground can be heard from a distance, and the mysterious cart covered with a layer of canvas is pulled forward by the horses.

With a bang, the soldiers removed the canvas that protected them from the wind and the sun, revealing the large weapons hidden under it, which were filled with stones in groups of three and four in an orderly manner.

"This is?"

Gao Wen couldn't help but stare blankly.

His thinking was still limited to fighting on horseback, and he never expected that Wang privately ordered craftsmen to tinker with such sharp weapons.

Although the structure is not difficult, once it is put on the battlefield, the blow caused can be imagined just by looking at this posture.

"Wars from now on will definitely not be dominated by cavalry."

Lily rode forward to review, her expression was proud but also sad.

From now on, technology is the real killer, so what is her best cavalry?

At the same time, the countryside a few kilometers away.There was a sound of horseshoes trampling like a gust of wind and rain, and dust was flying in all directions.

"Little Arthur is ahead! The whole army assaults!"

Accompanied by an order, the cavalrymen under Walter galloped their horses as if they had been pumped with blood, intending to cut into the enemy's line and kill him without leaving any behind.

In the wild plains, cavalry come and go like the wind with high mobility.It is not unreasonable to be known as the strongest army on land in this era.

Arthur's army can be seen from a long distance away.But unexpectedly, facing the surprise attack, the opponent remained motionless, instead, he put up a posture and prepared to fight back.

Before they had time to open their mouths to laugh at their overreaching, the distance had already been shortened to hundreds of meters. According to the speed of the horses, a confrontation would take place in the blink of an eye.

It's just that there seems to be something wrong. If they read it correctly, there are rows of large wooden weapons that they have never seen before in Arthur's army.

Before he realized what happened, he heard a sudden sound, and the overwhelming black shadow hung over his head, blocking the sun.

In an instant, the stones fell down like a hailstone.Kinetic energy and potential energy are mixed together, and if you are not careful, you will be smashed to pieces on the spot, and the corpse cannot be distinguished.Even if he escaped by chance, the flying stones and the severed arms and limbs of his companions frightened the horse, and it roared uncontrollably and tried to escape.

Is this God's favor for Arthur?

Walter, who personally led the army to fight, was completely at a loss when he saw this scene, so he had to attribute it to the help of ghosts and gods.

But when his mind went blank, the next round of attack had already started again.The stone was thrown out again like a thunderbolt, killing a group of people directly.

In fact, the effect can't be said to be very significant, at most dozens of hundreds of people were killed.But the deterrent effect it played was incomparable, making people frightened, and it was difficult to raise the meaning of resistance.

"Retreat, retreat!"

Realizing that morale had completely collapsed, and that even a forced march would not have much effect, Walter could only convey a retreat order to his subordinates who seemed to have received an amnesty with a bitter face.

This assault, which he had worked so hard to prepare to defeat Arthur, was declared a failure.It's okay to be easily resolved by the other party, but on the contrary, he has suffered a lot of losses, so he has to swallow all the bitter fruits.

Chapter 0113 You have to stay tonight

The war came and went quickly, and the troops led by Walter declared that they fell apart before they even got close to Arthur's square formation.

But if it is true, there are actually not many people who were stoned to death.Most of the people died from trampling on each other and the horses frightened and stumbled. This unprecedented attack made them lose their feet.

Although she easily defeated the enemy army without a single soldier, Lily's pretty face did not show much joy. She did not order the soldiers to take advantage of the victory to beat the dogs in the water, but calmly ordered them to clean up the battlefield and gather the corpses together for burning.

This is not only out of humanitarianism, but also considering the plague issue.If the corpse is left to rot in the wild, the virus is likely to spread through the air and water sources.

Taking advantage of Walter's failure in this raid and being knocked out of his wits by the stones, the army stepped up and marched all the way outside the city of Hampshire, where they dug trenches to introduce water sources into the camp to form a confrontation.

As time passed and the stars moved, time quietly advanced, and the vast night gradually enveloped the vast land, and the raging bonfire was ignited high in the camp along with the blue smoke.The soldiers who had been busy for several days finally started to eat, and the fragrant smoke rose slowly.

And in the large cowhide tent located in the center of the camp, generals at all levels stood in an orderly manner, and they were holding a military meeting intensely, and there was no time to rest for a moment.

"Although our army was victorious, Walter lost at most a few hundred cavalry, and there are still [-] people sticking to the city. If you don't count the soldiers stationed in the rear territory and responsible for logistics reserves, our army's frontline soldiers and soldiers are at most ten thousand, and the strength of the troops is quite different. In addition, my subordinates have never been able to figure out where Walter got so many soldiers? You know, in the past, there were only a few thousand troops stationed in Hampshire."

Gao Wen, who stood at the forefront, was the first to report the military situation.With a cheerful and kind personality, he has a pretty good relationship with every general. He communicated privately long before the meeting, and his words indirectly conveyed everyone's aspirations.

The number of troops is a relatively intuitive way to measure the strength of both sides in war.Although it cannot be used as a measurement standard, it does have a certain function.

If you fight more or less, you will naturally have an advantage, not to mention that the opponent has a wall that is easy to defend and difficult to attack as a barrier.

"Gao Wenqing is overthinking. The [-] soldiers and horses are just a cover to deceive others. Just like our army claims to have [-] soldiers, in fact, as you said, there are only [-] people who are well-trained and can go to the front line to fight."

Lily explained unhurriedly, the calm and determined attitude made all the soldiers suddenly enlightened, and gradually dispelled the slightest worries.

No matter when, the king will always illuminate the way forward like the moonlight.

"That's right. During the war, all the people are soldiers. In an emergency, even women, children and children have to carry guns into battle. Walter's army is probably mixed with a lot of water, including farmers, slaves and a series of miscellaneous fish. To put it bluntly, Using them as human shields is a very bad act, but I have to admit that it can play a certain role."

At this time, Luo Ye, who looked a little unhappy, was also waiting for the opportunity to express his opinion, telling the truth straight to the point.

Soldiers never tire of deceit, and bluffing is itself a kind of art of war.

What he said made everyone nod their heads in agreement, and couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

Luo Ye, who had no military rank, was not qualified to participate in this kind of military meeting, but since Lily, the supreme leader, agreed to it, it was difficult for others to say anything.It's just that seeing him and Wang being intimate, I always feel a little grudge in my heart.

But after Luo Ye showed a certain amount of talent, especially when he learned that the catapult that had just played a major role was learned from him by the king, everyone was immediately convinced, and there was no word of exclusion.

This era is like this, the strong are respected, and those who are capable will be respected.

"Although the rebel army is numerous, it is difficult to form a cohesive force when they are patchworked together. Although our army has few soldiers, they work together and are well-trained. This battle will definitely win the final victory."

After analyzing the disparity in the strength of the enemy and us is not as great as imagined, Lily boosted morale with confidence.

The reason why she is so confident is that it has to involve the issue of the establishment of the army.

When the great powers in ancient Europe were at war, in addition to their own soldiers and horses, they often had to mobilize and draw troops from various lower-level noble lords who were subordinate to the enfeoffment.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to be called patchwork. It is often hundreds of thousands of people from your family gathered together.

Although the army can gather a huge number in a short period of time, it has no degree of adjustment and is divided into teams.There is a unified superior on the surface, but in fact they only obey the orders of the original lord. They have their own ghosts and cannot be integrated together.

In comparison, Lily, who adopted a more scientific and reasonable army organization, did not have so many worries.Soldiers only need to obey orders one by one, and there is no doubt that their strength can be effectively displayed.

"We will definitely give up everything for the king!"

Gao Wen took the lead, and everyone knelt down on one knee to declare their allegiance.

The meeting came to an end immediately, and the soldiers dispersed in twos and threes.And Luo Ye still stayed in the account, and analyzed with his hand on his forehead.

"If the information is correct, Vitigeng will still stay behind closed doors in the palace. His subordinates are mobilizing troops everywhere in his name, and the palace is even completely empty."

The battle has already begun, but the biggest enemy, Bei Wang, has not moved at all, making it impossible to understand what kind of wishful thinking he is planning.

"Maybe you'll know when you see him."

Lily always felt that something in the royal city was calling her, but she couldn't tell what it was exactly.

"I hope so."

Faintly casting his eyes on the falling night outside the tent, Luo Ye has been unable to calm down until now.

The first time he saw such a tragic scene on the battlefield, he retched for a while, and it took about an hour or two before he recovered.

It's not hard to notice his strange situation today, and realizing that there is no one to disturb him, Lily immediately took off her armor, took advantage of her unpreparedness, tiptoed from behind, and hugged him gently, clinging to his neck for breath. Tu Youlan Road.

"Isn't it good to just stay in the back obediently? Do you have to come to the front line with me? What if something happens, idiot."

It is right to care about people.But I always feel that something is not quite right. Is the position of the two of us reversed?I haven't seen this girl for ten years, she has indeed grown a lot.

Luo Ye thought so embarrassingly, turned around and hugged her into her arms, lowered her head slightly, and pressed her cherry lips.

No more words are needed, the pressure accumulated by each other needs to be vented in this way.

After kissing each other almost to the point of suffocation, Lili restrained herself as if she still couldn't finish it, her face was rosy and bloody, and she said domineeringly.

"Tonight, you have to stay."

Chapter 0114 or you can satisfy me

"Sure enough, only you can satisfy me."

Oil lamps were lit in the dim military tent, and scattered light illuminated the surroundings.At this moment, Lily was leaning on Luo Ye with a flushed face, her cherry lips parted slightly, and she breathed out her hot air faintly.

Her snowy skin was glowing crimson, and her whole body was so limp that she couldn't exert any strength. Only her slender jade legs tightly wrapped in white stockings rubbed back and forth, and she pulled them with both hands as if she was ashamed to speak. Live young men's clothes.

It's still a familiar formula with a familiar taste, and its power is even more terrifying than before. The strong impact of the wave after wave made her almost wet.

Looking at Lily's embarrassing appearance as if drained of strength, Luo Ye smiled without saying a word, thinking that the so-called real king chef is probably nothing more than this?

Ever since he came to Britain, the girl has come to rely on him, pulling him to cook every day whenever she has the chance.

He kept saying that it was a reward for being a king, but to put it bluntly, he was actually greedy.After tasting the delicious Chinese cuisine, Lily will never forget it in her life, and it is too difficult to swallow the dark British cuisine.

The culinary talents of the British people are really not flattering, no wonder they are famous all over the world for their horror.Not to mention that in this era of war and chaos, the main purpose is to fill the stomach, and they are often stewed indiscriminately, so it doesn't matter whether it is delicious or not.

Luo Ye had no choice but to be thankful that she had expected this crop a long time ago, and took advantage of the opportunity to carry several years of condiments from this world, and the rice, rice, oil and salt were enough to last for a long time.

Talking to each other and revealing their feelings, the night outside the tent gradually became thicker.Lily leaned against him and couldn't resist the tiredness, so she closed her slightly heavy eyelids, and unconsciously fell into such a drowsy sleep.

Looking at the peaceful and beautiful sleeping face, Luo Ye recalled the wonderful experience not long ago, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious.Just as he was about to move quietly, he suddenly heard a female voice with a slightly sly tone.

"Tsk tsk, brother-in-law, you really have a good relationship with her. It's quite enviable."

Casting his gaze in that direction, he saw Mengmeng squatting beside him at some point.

She rested her bulging cheeks with both hands, her mouth was pursed high, and while pretending to sigh, her posture was also very bold.Even though the light was a bit dim, Luo Ye could still clearly see the light pink fat times looming between the pair of plump and elastic legs.

He couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and asked in a low voice.

"Girl, when did you come?"

"Hmph! What's the point of asking, anyway, Mengmeng is just an insignificant person, Mr. Luo Ye, just care about her! Leave me alone."

Saying so angrily, Mengmeng immediately turned her head aside.It's no longer like before, shouting brother-in-law more diligently and jubilantly than anyone else. For the first time, I changed my name to honorifics to highlight the sense of distance.

It's not difficult to guess that she was in a petty mood, Luo Ye couldn't help feeling a little ashamed in her heart, knowing whose fault everything was.

Recently, however, he has indeed fallen into a dilemma.There is no doubt that he likes Lily, so Mengmeng's status is very embarrassing.

It's not cold, it's not cold, no matter what you do, it's easy to be criticized.Playfulness and timidity are sins.

It would be easier to talk about the relationship between the two of them if they were brother-in-law and sister-in-law, but that's not the case at all.It is difficult to be pure again for those who have been in love for a long time in this world.

Logically speaking, originally the two of them from different planes would not have any relationship at all, but the super template contributed to this relationship.Up to now, even if you want to get out, you can't get out. It's like a vortex that makes people sink deeper and deeper invisibly.

Taking advantage of the spare time, she hugged Lily's petite and light body to the bed and covered her with a quilt. Luo Ye immediately moved to Mengmeng's side with the words 'Come and comfort me' clearly written on her face.

However, she seemed to dislike him, Mengmeng turned around and ignored him.As a last resort, Luo Ye had no choice but to move and sit on the other side.

Afterwards, the two went back and forth like this, and they tossed and tossed several times before announcing their resignation.

Don't look at Mengmeng who looks like she is having a temper tantrum, but in fact this girl is very shrewd, and she has a good grasp of the speed of this, and she is a little too clever.

Fortunately, Luo Ye also understood that she was tacitly probing, and was happy to put on a patient appearance, and would not say that it was easy to reveal flaws.

Girls need coaxing.I have to admit that what Ying Lili once said is quite reasonable.As a boy, you can't be indifferent and let the opportunity go to waste.

"So why are you so cautious, I won't eat you. Mengmeng is a good boy!"

The girl put her hands on her hips and nodded as a matter of course, putting gold on her face without any shame.

"Of course I know that Mengmeng is very obedient. It's a bit boring inside, why don't we go out and chat?"

Not wanting to disturb Lily's sleep, Luo Ye, whose expression did not change, suggested tactfully.

Mengmeng didn't continue to confront her, and obediently took the lead out of the warm tent.Luo Ye took a little extra look at Lily who was sleeping soundly, and immediately followed her out.

Outside the tent, the vast land was shrouded in darkness.Looking around, the stars dotted the dark night sky like smoke, magnificent and poignant.

Mengmeng, who came out one step earlier, is standing under the starry sky, looking at the unreachable sky, the cold wind blows the girl's thin clothes and rattles.

She suddenly clasped her hands behind her back, turned her head and smiled at Luo Ye, as if dancing lightly under the stars.

Luo Ye was a little dazed looking at it, but before she recovered, Mengmeng approached him with light steps.

The girl stood on her tiptoes and pressed against his ear, exhaling hot air, and whispered in his ear as if bewitching, her deep eyes seemed to be able to accommodate everything.

"Brother-in-law, you are not a noble person. You can't be normal anymore. So, you definitely want to have hugs from left to right, or open your harem, right? It's easy to guess your mind."

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