Let alone the deafening noise from the wonders, and send a large group of people to bluff and pretend that they are going to attack the city at any moment, making people feel tired and exhausted.

The battlefield needs to be tense at all times to prevent unpreparedness, and few people's mental strength can sustain it in a day.

But it is definitely not enough to not pay attention to it. The enemy is not sure when to launch an attack.Just pay attention to it, but they are just bluffing, and they don't attack the city at all.

And that extremely penetrating voice made it difficult to take a nap even if you wanted to be lazy, and it was so loud that you couldn't even take a rest.

"General, aren't they tired? They've been screaming all day below."

A soldier guarding Walter suddenly whispered, completely unaware of how the other party got the energy to be able to do so day and night.

That familiar face was the young man who had cried bitterly and said that he would rather be a dead ghost.

Seeing his good-natured face, Walter decided to accept his account as a personal guard, so as not to be ridiculed as a laughing stock when he returned to the camp today after being so ugly.

Many armies with loose governance are full of the phenomenon of bullying the weak by the strong. As long as the rookies or the weak show the slightest flaw, they will inevitably be ridiculed by the veterans.

"Bohan, haven't you noticed that Arthur has adopted a rotation system? There are four batches of soldiers in one day."

Walter opened his mouth to explain calmly, while the young man called Bohan seemed to understand something vaguely and thoughtfully.

"That is to say..."

"He just dispatched a small group of people to shout and curse in the city. The large army stayed in the barracks to recharge their batteries and was ready to deal with our army at any time. This battle still cannot be fought, and it will continue to drag until they run out of food and supplies. Supply means that our army will usher in the day of victory."

Walter saw it very thoroughly, and hit the key points in one sentence.

As he expected, even Arthur Fang couldn't sustain the high cost of throwing food.

However, all of this had to be based on the fact that Luo Ye hadn't brought a large amount of supplies from this world.

But Walter naturally didn't know this, and still judged with old eyes.

"General, it seems to me that the soldiers can't hold on any longer and must rest."

Looking at the other soldiers whose upper eyelids were fighting with their lower eyelids, Bohan finally mustered up the courage to raise this point.

The vast majority of people in this era live a farming life where they work at sunrise and rest at sunset.The biological clock is fixed, and it is not easy to survive until late at night.

He also realized that the soldiers could not be allowed to stand on the city wall all the time for defense. Walter had no choice but to learn from the opponent's methods and arrange shifts to preserve combat power.

"From today onwards, our army will also have to adopt a rotation system. According to Arthur's implementation, please knights come to discuss the specific matters of the rotation."

Good idea.However, this means that someone's biological clock has to be completely reversed. It's hard to say that they adapt immediately, and they will feel dissatisfied to some extent.

But for the sake of the overall situation, he had to ignore this for the time being.

Someone has to make a sacrifice, right?

Due to the chaotic formation of the army, the process of summoning generals from all walks of life was quite long.

Some fishers in troubled waters procrastinated and dawdled out of inertia, summoned several times before arriving at the scene, and some simply didn't come at all.And the passionate and generous knights like Olier arrived early, frowning and waiting impatiently.

About half an hour later, most of the generals were reluctantly summoned, and Walter briefly described his idea.

But as he expected, he got very little, and everyone had their own thoughts, so that no one volunteered to take on this depressing responsibility.

After all, no one wants to guard against the cold wind blowing on the city wall at night.

There was silence for a few minutes, and in the end it turned out that the only way to decide the unlucky ghost was to draw a long lottery comically.

Walter could not help but feel sorry for the situation.

If all the troops were under his command, there wouldn't be so many troubles.But they were all drawn from various territories, and they only obeyed orders symbolically, but in fact they still fought on their own.

No matter how you look at the situation, it is overwhelmingly unfavorable.

Leaving aside the previous setbacks, Arthur replaced the stones with cowhide bags for throwing in the evening, and the soldiers who had enjoyed the delicious food at noon rushed up the city wall again.

Due to the confusion of ownership, I couldn't stop them, so I could only watch them scrambling for food.

The result was a great deal of fanfare, and the whole army knew of King Arthur's generosity.Especially those soldiers who cannibalize and soft-spoken, they have obviously started to retreat under the indiscriminate bombardment of their mouths, and it is good that they failed to mutiny.

According to rumors, Arthur is not a faint king.The territories under his rule are full of new vitality, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the Mingjun is full of demeanor.

Besides, isn't it just a matter of obedience to righteousness?Arthur is a descendant of Uther, and he pulled out the sword in the stone, and was recognized by the archmage Merlin, so he should become the new king as it should be.

In a sense, they are indeed outrageous.

Finally, through this child's play, two hard-working knights were selected to lead the army to guard the night. Everyone wanted to go back to the camp to rest.

Olier couldn't bear to hold back his anger for a day, and confronted Walter directly in public.

"The morale of the army has already begun to collapse. If you can't shrink back like this, you will be defeated! Before the hearts of the people are completely bought, it is the best way to march quickly and fight Arthur to the death! If you are timid, then I will lead the army out of the city by myself! "

The indignant remarks detonated the originally extremely suppressed atmosphere like explosives.

Everyone had different expressions on their faces, and in the end, without exception, they turned their attention to Walter, the supreme commander on the bright side, waiting for him to make the final decision.

Chapter 0120 You Are Old

The jumping flames were swayed by the howling cold wind, and the light and shadow shone unsteadily on Walter's vicissitudes of face.After being silent for a long time, he sighed in compromise, and at this moment, he seemed to be more aged and decadent.

"Knight Aurier, if you really want to go out of the city to meet the enemy, go, and I won't stop you. The era of young people will come, and it's time for me to retire my old bones."

Considering that he only took the soldiers and horses belonging to the Duke of Oakman to go out, Walter no longer tried to dissuade him, and said these words in a pleasant manner.

Originally, he couldn't mobilize this group of troops, not to mention that if they were forced to suppress this time, the two sides might insist on their own opinions and directly clash, so it's better to follow the wishes of others.

Now the leadership position is absolutely not allowed to be shaken in the slightest.It may be more conducive to stabilizing the situation for Olier to be able to settle down after a setback.

As for this little loss, it's okay to treat it as paying tuition fees. Who hasn't made some mistakes in life?

Seeing that the rigid Walter agreed for the first time, and no longer insisted on the strategy of being unable to hide.The rest couldn't help looking at each other, thinking that he must be afraid of Olier, right?

It is true that he has been famous for a long time, but after all, he is old and no longer heroic.

Everyone is quite aware of this.

"Those who have the guts just follow me! Launch a surprise attack at night!"

Olier immediately snorted coldly, said in a calm tone, and quickly walked down the city wall to prepare to mobilize his own soldiers.

Even if he got the master's permission, he couldn't feel happy no matter what.

This treacherous old fox refuses to send out any troops from his own headquarters, and it's clear that he wants me to waste it in vain.

Even knowing this, he still has no hesitation.

As for the reason, it is also very simple, there are not so many reasons.

It refuted the chivalry that Olier had always followed, which made him unacceptable to his upright personality.

To put it bluntly, the vast majority of knights in the Middle Ages were such straightforward people.Artoria created by Urobuchi Gen is a good example.In comparison, Mushroom's writing is much more normal, and it is easy for people to like it.

Under the dense night, the thick city gate was lowered with a sling with the sound of chuck, chuck, and the sound of horseshoes trampling.

Olier took the lead and rushed to the forefront, the bright silver armor reflected the dazzling brilliance, just like the prince charming in a fairy tale, making people almost unable to look away.

"Knight Gawain! The enemy is attacking!"

The soldiers who noticed the movement from Hampshire immediately reported the situation to Gao Wen, who was in charge of the night watch tonight.

"Have you found out who is leading the army?"

Gao Wen didn't dare to take it lightly, and asked cautiously.

"Although I haven't seen the specific appearance, but judging from the bright silver armor, it should be Knight Aurier."

The personal guard reported the truth, and Gao Wen recalled the king's special order during the day, and after thinking for a while, he shouted and gave the order immediately.

"Pretend to be invincible and quickly withdraw to the base camp! The personal guards are responsible for breaking the rear with me! Everyone remembers that you only need to lose, and you are not allowed to win!"

The confusing purpose made the soldiers a little confused at the first time.

How can there be any reason to pretend to be defeated after finally luring out the enemy army?Shouldn't they be taught a lesson severely?

But since the top has ordered it like this, it can only be followed.After all, the first duty of a soldier is to obey orders.

In an instant, the two armies handed over, everyone shouted and shouted at each other to vent their emotions, swords and swords flickered.

It lasted less than a minute, and Gao Wen deliberately sent someone to shout loudly.

"Retreat, retreat!"

The sky was too dark, and Olier couldn't see clearly what happened, but he heard that the enemy army was about to withdraw, so he naturally wouldn't miss the opportunity to pursue the victory.

"Pursuit! Don't let them go!"

The bonfire was overturned to the ground at some point, and the scene was in chaos.

The group of people led by Gao Wen were all well-trained elites. They were able to cover the retreat of the others with ease at the end, and tried their best to perform this good show without showing any signs of expression.

Although there are some flaws exposed, how many people can calm down and notice this when the secretion of adrenal hormones is in the past?

After chasing a few steps hastily, Olier realized that if he chased further, he would be the opponent's base camp. His own strength might not be enough for the opponent to attack, so he had to order his men to snatch some flags scattered on the ground and waved back to the city.

Although he is upright, it does not mean reckless, and he still has the most basic judgment.

I just don't know what Walter's old face will look like after he learns that he has won.

Thinking of this, Olier couldn't help but smile, and returned triumphantly as a victor.

The hustle and bustle of the night finally receded, and the next day ushered in an instant, and a red sun rose in the eastern sky.

"What are you talking about? Arthur Fang lost so easily last night?"

Before he had time to enjoy breakfast early in the morning, Walter learned of an unbelievable thing through the report.So much so that he no longer had the appetite to swallow the food, and instinctively realized that something was wrong.

Arthur's army has been invincible for many years, and there should be no army in Britain that can beat it in terms of strength.Not to mention that they were prepared early, it is impossible to say that they lost to the young Olier.

But he did it, and his prestige soared and even surpassed Vettel for a while, making almost everyone question whether the strategy of retreating insisted by the general was correct.

What the hell is going on here?Could it be that they are designing?Or is it really not enough to fight...

If it is really a deliberate trick, what is their real intention?

Pacing back and forth in the tent, Walter frowned tightly, unable to figure out what was going on.

After all, he was old, and his thinking was no longer as clear as before. In the end, he had to decide to meet Olier first.

Walter led his bodyguards to the city wall in a hurry, and at the first sight he saw several knights surrounding Olier like stars surrounding the moon.Everyone did not hesitate to praise him, touting him as if he was in the sky, and at the same time, he did not forget to belittle Gawain and even Arthur, thinking that he was just a name.

There's nothing wrong with winning or losing, it's just that Walter never expected that this batch of fools would fall so quickly.

"Oh? Isn't this General Vettel? You still have the time to come to the city wall? It's better to go back to the camp early to rest. Are you right?"

Seeing him approaching this way, the knight who was born as a playboy simply taunted Walter, yelling in front of everyone, and didn't give him any face at all.

Olier also followed the trend, the previous respect was no longer visible in his eyes, and his voice was cold and unkind.

"General Walter, as you said, you are old and there is no need to occupy this position."

Chapter 0121 The Barriers of Disintegration

"That's what I said, but the experience of the old man is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary young people. I came to you to discuss this matter. Did Arthur Fang show any signs last night?"

Walter replied calmly, and did not give in because of this, but his attitude could not be tough after all.

The part of the troops sent by the Duke of Oakman was not under his control, so that he knew the details of last night at all.I can only ask the younger generation with the cheek, not wanting to omit a detail.

In fact, he could also send his subordinates to inquire, but now that Olier is gaining momentum, he might not let go easily. Considering this, he had no choice but to come here in person.

Everything he did was for the purpose of more detailed and thorough analysis in order to win this confrontation.

"General, what exactly do you want to test? Knight Aurier even took the enemy's iconic flag!"

Before the young knight could respond, someone next to him flattered and flattered him, the subtext was self-evident.

For an army, the flag is equivalent to the soul.

Generals can fall, but the military flag cannot be disturbed.But Arthur Fang was in a hurry when he retreated yesterday, and even the iconic flags were scattered on the ground, clearly fleeing in embarrassment.

These words are invisibly equivalent to directly blocking the escape route of both parties, and it is difficult to give each other a step down.

In plain language, such people are undoubtedly pig teammates.Not only did it not work at ordinary times, but it was still fanning the flames at the critical moment, making the situation worse.

However, the selection system of the knights is doomed to include a lot of mediocre people. Whether they can see through their seemingly gorgeous coats is a test of eyesight.

In comparison, Lily's scientific army formation is much more reasonable.Although the influence of fame and background cannot be ruled out, at least ordinary people with abilities can have the opportunity to display their skills, and most of those who can make it have real talents.

"It's all right. The enemy army was defeated last night and fled all the way to the camp. But I hardly lost any soldiers and horses. I'm not like the general who was frustrated in the first battle."

Olier also took advantage of the errand, with a hint of mockery in his tone.

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