In fact, at that time, the night was so thick that he couldn't see clearly what happened.But since the final victory was achieved, it is correct to say so.

It is not difficult to hear the insinuation of the defeat of the previous field raid.Having his scars exposed in public, even Walter's old face can't bear it.

And the guards who followed were even more glaring.They have not yet recovered from the pain of losing their companions, so they are not used to hearing such ridicule.

The metal weapons exuded a cold light under the faint morning light.

The two sides were at war, as if a disagreement would break out on the city wall at any time, and no one backed down.

It was true that the raid last night was a victory, but it intensified the conflict like a fuse, bringing the situation, which was still barely sustainable, to the verge of collapse.

Originally, it was not difficult for Walter to suppress the young Olier with the prestige accumulated over the years. After all, he was still the commander-in-chief in name.

However, after experiencing the victory last night, everything changed quietly, and the stable situation declared a sudden break.

Many people think that the general is doing nothing, just adhering to the strategy of not being able to shrink back and be beaten passively, and they have some complaints in their hearts.

No one wants to be shrouded in the fear of being smashed by overwhelming stones, not to mention that the opponent's call is quite annoying.

And Olier's victory undoubtedly shone like a ray of dawn.

A group of impassioned or vacillating knights quickly fell to his side, becoming a veritable main combat faction.

And the soldiers who belonged to the humble king originally, as well as Walter's own soldiers, naturally followed him relatively firmly.According to the persistence strategy, it can be called the main conservative.

As for the composition of the remaining group of people, it is more complicated.There are calm factions who don't help on both sides and intend to wait and see what happens, and there are also entangled factions who have been favored and don't want to violate righteousness.The number of third parties is also not small.

The intricate composition created gaps in this seemingly impenetrable barrier, which continued to widen over time.

The suffocating feeling of depression lasted for a long time, and Walter's aging body seemed to collapse even more.He took a deep look at the young knight who was supported by many people, and shook his head to signal the guards not to confront each other any longer.


Bohan and the others couldn't understand why he had to back down, but they gritted their teeth and followed the order.

The atmosphere eased a little bit, and Walter cast his eyes on the horizon with a trace of fatigue, and said suddenly.

"Knight Aurier, do you think Arthur will send someone here today?"

"of course."

The young man was stunned for a moment before replying mechanically.

"So we still have to unite and fight together, don't we? After all, regardless of your purpose, isn't it all about being loyal to our respective masters and winning the final victory for them? Why do we have to fight each other like this?"

At the critical moment, Walter spoke with a cheerful face, put forward a common position and put aside personal grievances, showing his general demeanor.

If you give Olier time to think about what he said, he might really listen to it.

But at this moment, there was a rumbling sound from the end of the thinly illuminated horizon in the distance, and a large group of people suddenly appeared in the field of vision.

"Enemy attack!"

Some soldiers shouted in a long voice, and the original relaxed atmosphere in Hampshire disappeared in an instant.

"It didn't take long before I said it. It seems that yesterday's defeat didn't teach them a lesson. Anyone who has the courage to follow me!"

Olier didn't understand how the other party dared to provoke him so early in the morning, so he snorted coldly and waved his sleeves away, intending to confront him head-on.

"I have long wanted to fight Arthur, and I will definitely follow Knight Aurier!"

With the idea of ​​fishing in troubled waters, many knights also approached.

They couldn't help but feel a little bit regretful after learning about the good opportunity of losing the melee last night, and they shouldn't miss it again today.

"Wait! The opponent is coming aggressively. You really don't necessarily have to be opponents. You'd better listen to me and give in. It won't be too late until their morale drops."

Walter didn't expect that the young knight would let it go his own way, but he would actually drag a large number of people into the water.Immediately, he was burning with anxiety, and shouted loudly like a thunder.

It doesn't matter if you lose one side's troops, it won't affect the overall situation.But if the forces of many parties are damaged, and the generals die, the consequences will be quite serious.

But as if he didn't hear what he said, Olier led the army to the battlefield without hesitation, and ignored it at all.

Looking at the trace that hurried out of the city, Walter looked up at the long sky, and almost fell to the ground with unsteady steps.

0122 - The Abyss of Self-Destruction

The line of sight turned to Gao Wen, who had led the army to confront the city early in the morning, and saw a few scouts riding light cavalry quickly sending back information from the front.

"Not far away, there are traces of the enemy's brigade, including cavalry and infantry, and the general seems to be Olier. But what is different from last time is that this time the army is quite chaotic, and I am afraid that many other forces have been mixed in."

The scout didn't talk too much nonsense, he just explained the facts in a concise and general way.

Unexpectedly, the feint shot last night really had a good effect. It successfully lured out some of the main forces stationed in Hampshire, and the number was not small.

The bright silver armor that took the lead is so eye-catching that people can judge its identity immediately.

At the same time, the various flags and even the different colors of the clothes and armor also revealed that these soldiers did not belong to the same lord.

Whether or not these exposed flaws can be reasonably grasped may become a weight in which side the war scale is tilted.

"Is Walter still standing still? You really are an old fox, and you can still sit still. In short, this time, you won't deliberately release water like last night."

Recalling the military meeting held not long ago, Gao Wen couldn't help showing a certain smile on his face.

Talking about tactics is actually not difficult, but if it can be used in the real battlefield and achieve certain results, it is not that simple.

At present, apart from Arthur's side, other forces in Britain are still too weak at the tactical level.The vast majority of generals will go blindly and recklessly when fighting, and there is no strategy at all.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the fact that most of them are knights.

After all, chivalry is all about being upright and upright, not so many tricks.

With their straightforward brain circuits and uncompromising characters, it is hard to imagine that the so-called war can still be fought like this.

"The scouts immediately went back to the main camp to report to the king, while we pretended to be invincible. The purpose is to lure the enemy into deeper! The location is the ambush site we selected earlier!"

Gao Wen thought for a while, and then issued orders swiftly and resolutely.

Under the influence of Lily's years of nurturing, he has also become flexible and changeable, no longer sticking to the mere way of chivalry.

The soldiers obeyed the order and adjusted their formation very cooperatively. The infantry withdrew first and went to the designated place to hide and ambush.The elite cavalry is responsible for breaking the rear, and always maintains a range that allows the enemy to catch up but can't touch it, so that they have the motivation to continue chasing.

Compared with the mobilization here, the army led by Olier is completely in chaos.

The soldiers and horses of each general marched at different speeds, and there was no unified order, and they even scattered in small groups.

If it is seen by future generations, it will be ridiculous, but in this era, it is a very normal phenomenon, and no one can blame it.

Originally, Olier was slightly worried about this, but after seeing Arthur's army, all the soldiers rushed forward under the chaotic orders of the knights.Even if they wanted to stop it, they couldn't stop it. Everyone wanted to win military exploits and be promoted, and their eyes were reddened by the profit.

Although the scene was huge, there were a certain number of people who died of trampling on each other.

The shortcomings of not having a reasonable army organization and reusing knights instead of generals will be thoroughly exposed in this battle.

"Retreat, retreat!"

Gao Wen deliberately sent someone to shout at the top of his voice to show his weakness, while he and the elite cavalry were in charge of luring the enemy with himself.

Although it is quite dangerous, this group of people has been on the battlefield for a long time, and their psychological quality is excellent, so they can do this kind of thing with ease.

On the other side, I didn't expect that Arthur Fang could be easily repelled like a dream.The morale of the Hampshire army has never been higher, and everyone is chasing wildly like chicken blood, ignoring or even hearing orders.

"Let's keep up too! Gao Wen probably realized that he was defeated by our army and chose to retreat. It's a very wise decision. I guess I would do the same if it were different."

Although I always feel that something is wrong, I understand that the other party thinks that he is invincible when he sees a large number of people.Olier didn't doubt him, and immediately rode his horse forward to give chase.

The situation has developed to the current situation, even if you want to dissuade it, you can't stop it.At best, he can only manage his own part of the soldiers and horses, and the soldiers belonging to other forces don't listen at all.

The chase lasted for about ten minutes. It was obvious that Arthur's army could be seen, but they were still out of reach.

The cavalry is okay, after all, there are horses on their behalf.The infantrymen were miserable, panting with exhaustion, and their legs were even trembling slightly.

Ahead is a wide avenue with not-so-high hills on both sides.The climate in southern Britain tends to be warm and humid. Most of the trees have sprouted green shoots, casting lush shadows on the road.

"Stop the enemy! Don't let them escape!"

I don't know which knight was yelling, and the soldiers swarmed up, rushing towards Gawain and the others who were gradually slowing down.

Olier, on the other hand, realized something was wrong, and tightened the reins of the horse, flashing scenes in his mind, remembering what was wrong.

It's so quiet!It's so quiet in the woods!Quietly something unusual!

The soldiers came so loudly, no matter what you say, the birds and beasts should be startled.But there was no movement at all, only the trees were swaying in the wind.

His pupils narrowed suddenly, and he hadn't had time to realize what happened.Gao Wen, who was fleeing at the forefront, suddenly stopped and shot back.Pulling out the holy sword, he beheaded the most ferocious soldiers under his horse, and Xiaolu used his strength to frighten the soldiers who were still about to chase, so that they did not dare to act rashly.

"The reinforcements have arrived! The king will personally conquer the traitors! For my king! Come with me!"

The spattered scarlet blood stained the original gorgeous armor red, giving it a strange look.Gao Wen, on the other hand, shouted forcefully as if he hadn't noticed, using his leadership to boost morale.

"Where my king's sword is pointing, I am waiting for my heart!"

Accompanied by earth-shattering slogans, Arthur's soldiers gradually emerged in the woods waving flags, and the endless stream seemed endless.

This sudden ambush startled Hampshire and the others, and the originally high momentum shrank a little in an instant.

At the forefront, a group of cavalry rushed to show reinforcements with the momentum of thunder, and there were miserable wailings from the rear.

Looking around, everyone realized that at some point in time they had become trapped in a urn, surrounded by all directions, as isolated and helpless as if they were trapped in an isolated island.

It is not difficult for anyone with a little bit of brains to guess that from the beginning to the end, they have been played and applauded, step by step towards the abyss called self-destruction.

Despair began to spread like wild weeds in my heart.

Chapter 0123 The overall situation has been decided

Shouts and wailings resounded endlessly on the hillside, and a tragic scuffle was going on.All I could see was swords, lights, swords and shadows dancing wildly. A group of people fell down, but another group rushed up quickly, and the scarlet blood gradually stained the mud floor.

The sudden ambush from the woods shook Hampshire Fang's high morale.And because of the chaotic organization of the army, the whole was messed up immediately and could not be straightened out.

No matter how commanded by Olier, the chief general, it was useless. The soldiers followed the panicked knights and rushed forward, trying to break through the encirclement and flee back to the city.

However, Arthur's army has been fighting for many years and has experienced the tempering of blood and iron. Its elite level is by no means comparable to that of ordinary troops.

Within a few seconds of the handover between the two armies, the first batch of soldiers who charged were suddenly pierced by spears, leaving a horrible hole in their chest, and blood continued to flow from their mouths.

One side is well-trained and neatly planned, and the other is untrained and disorganized.

The result is naturally obvious.The Hampshire side couldn't even organize an effective offensive, and it was difficult to shake the encirclement, let alone break through the tight encirclement.

"Drop your weapon and the one who falls to the ground will survive! If you resist, you will be regarded as a traitor!"

At the forefront, killing a little numbly like cutting melons and vegetables, Gao Wen urged the magic power in his body to shout orders, and the loud and clear voice spread rapidly on the battlefield.

If possible, he naturally hopes to reduce the loss.After all, both sides are British in the final analysis and have the same roots.

Originally, many people in Hampshire still had hope, thinking that since they could defeat Arthur's side yesterday, it would be right to kill a bloody road this time.

But the encirclement is gradually shrinking, and the suffocating offensive is so depressing that people can't breathe at all.

Watching groups of people rushing forward blindly, they lost their lives in vain and died tragically under the sharp weapons.Their inner line of defense finally announced a complete collapse, and they all lost their will to fight. They dropped their weapons and crawled on the ground with a sudden sound, no longer stubbornly resisting.


Busy with the soldiers who came to encircle and suppress, seeing that the situation was overwhelmingly unfavorable, Olier was already regretting in his heart.

He hated himself for not listening to Walter's dissuasion.

But now, what's the use of saying this?

I lost, and I still lost in a mess.

Honestly, he couldn't figure out where the problem was, and he didn't have the time to figure it out.


Sparks fly, metal clangs ping-pong-pong.

Olier, who was wearing bright silver armor, was so eye-catching in the crowd that he directly became the primary target and was followed by a large number of people.

He was covered in paint and bruises all over his body.The handsome face was no longer as calm as before, and he was driving the horses trying to lead the troops out of the encirclement.

It's just that Arthur's army didn't give this opportunity at all. A few soldiers quickly stabbed their spears to break the horse's leg.But because Olier couldn't resist the inertia, he fell hard on the mud all of a sudden, with all kinds of messes in his mind.

Before he had time to resist, he was decapitated by the soldiers swarming up, and the neck was like a fountain splashing with bright red blood.

Personal factors on the huge battlefield will be reduced to infinitesimal.Even though he came from an extraordinary background and received strict knight training, in the end he was no match for the siege of dozens of long spears.

"The traitor Olier has been executed! Those who surrender will not be blamed!"

The skillful Gao Wen observed this scene and understood that the overall situation was settled, so he spread the news one after another.

Realizing that the last pillar had collapsed, with the exception of a very few who were unyielding, most of the soldiers were captured without a fight.

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