After finishing off the last group of people, Arthur's soldiers tied their hands with ropes with great skill and took them as prisoners of war.At the same time, there are also soldiers cleaning the battlefield to bury the corpses, so as to prevent the plague from raging and breeding.

The sunshine in early spring is obviously not very violent, but it is gloomy and chilly when it shines on people.

Looking at the messy scene all over the mountains and plains, Luo Ye endured the discomfort and followed Lily to the center.

"Gao Wenqing, you have worked hard, and you have contributed a lot to this battle."

This battle can be called the final word, basically finalizing the victory of the Hampshire offensive.

There is no need to praise too much, Lily just nodded her head, her pretty face was calm, and she was completely used to victory.

Gao Wen cupped his hands calmly, and continued speaking.

"According to the urgent questioning just now, most of these people are the main combat faction. The only ones left in the city are the steadfast faction and the third party. The king may use a strategy of persuading surrender. Maybe Hampshire can be captured without a single soldier."

In recent years, Arthur Fang has adopted a strategy of carrots and sticks.

Hard power directly defeats the enemy, and then uses kindness and power to buy people's hearts.The effect is that one is good and one is good, and there is almost no disadvantage.

"You might as well send a few elites to put on the enemy's armor, pretend to be fleeing back and open the city gate directly."

Luo Ye waited for the opportunity to suggest from the side.

The plan he put forward was quite feasible, and it made people's eyes suddenly brighten, but it was estimated that a bloody battle would inevitably be inevitable.

Lily thought for a while and adopted a compromise strategy.

"Send people to flee back to the city to hide in the army first, and then try to persuade them to surrender. If Hampshire still resists, find an opportunity to cut the rope at night to welcome our army into the city."

She was even more considerate than others, and she could hardly find any faults.

At noon, a round of red sun was hanging in the air.

After hearing the news from several soldiers who managed to escape back, Walter almost passed out with black eyes.


Fortunately, the guard next to him quickly helped him up, with unconcealable anxiety on each face.

"The overall situation has been decided. I'm waiting at most to stop Arthur's footsteps. Not to mention defeating him, I'm afraid even defending the city will become a problem."

Walter sighed exhaustedly.

Although he expected to fail, he didn't expect it to be so thorough.

It can almost be said that the entire army was wiped out, and only a few dozen people managed to sneak back. They also described Arthur Fang as heroic like a god, which further damaged morale.

The so-called ups and downs are nothing more than that.

Only in the morning did I see Olier proudly declaring that he wanted to destroy Arthur in one fell swoop, and he declared his death in less than half a day.

Originally, the young man was given a period of time to grow up, so he might be another general, but he didn't expect that he would fall like a comet as quickly as a comet.

"General, what should we do?"

Seeing him collapsed, several attendants were even more at a loss, including other soldiers and even knights farther away, all cast their eyes on him with the last hope.

Realizing that he was carrying not only his own wealth on his shoulders, but also the lives of the people in this city, and even their respective families, Walter felt an unprecedented weight.

Chapter 0124 His name is Arthur

As a general, it seems that the scenery is boundless, and the power is in charge of life and death, but in fact, the daily pressure is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Successive defeats weighed on the aging Walter like a heavy boulder, which made the elderly man feel exhausted.

"Let's see what Arthur's plan is. No matter what, this city must be defended."

Having said these words quite complicatedly, Walter did not lose his fighting spirit because part of the main force was wiped out. He still dispatched troops to defend various areas of the city wall, intending to stabilize the morale of the army.

With the only remaining main force and the group of miscellaneous soldiers that were summoned temporarily, it should be able to last for a while, and it will not be said that there is no power to fight.

But looking at the knights with different expressions not far away, Walter couldn't be more optimistic.

This group of people themselves are nothing but fools, and they chose to take refuge only after seeing the power of the humble king.Now King Arthur has shown more powerful energy, so that they have to reconsider how to choose.

On the surface, Hampshire is still calm and calm, but under the surface of the water, which is difficult for ordinary people to see, there are undercurrents surging.

The time moved quietly towards the afternoon like this, and the huge city was shrouded in a rather strange atmosphere.

After eating a few mouthfuls of lunch in the general's tent, Walter was a little too far away, thinking about the way out in his mind.

Before he had time to clarify, someone from outside rushed in in a panic, kneeling on one knee to report the unoptimistic situation.

"General, soldiers began to defect out of the city one after another, some went to Arthur's side, and some fled to other places."

After the attendant finished speaking, he couldn't bear to turn his head to the side.

After learning that the powerful Olier led his troops to the expedition and ended up with almost annihilated, a storm broke out in the city.

According to the word of mouth of several soldiers who 'luckily' escaped, Arthur's invincibility is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

They described the scene at that time vividly, and those who heard it were moved.In just a few hours, the disastrous defeat was spread, so that the morale of the army was completely plunged into turmoil.

Flying separately in the face of disaster, it is obvious that no one intends to sit still.

Reminiscent of Arthur Fang's previous promise to treat the descendants well, many people moved their minds, thinking that the king who is known for his wisdom will never lie.There are also some people who fled directly back to their hometowns and did not want to stay in this place of right and wrong.Including a large number of farmers and slaves, riots also broke out after there was no army to suppress them.

The [-] army declared before the war collapsed in just a few days.

"Where did they find the energy to describe the battle situation at that time!"

He hammered the table case hard, and Walter was so angry that his hands were shaking.

He was just thinking about how to fight against Arthur, so that he missed this link, resulting in an unstoppable situation.

But it is useless to say these things so far.

Feeling powerless, Walter sat down heavily, and had no choice but to find another way to pursue the only remaining chance to turn the tables.

"You said that if you put some loyalists in the surrender, can you assassinate Arthur in one fell swoop?"

It is well known that King Arthur has been busy with his military career for ten years since he started his army, and has no time to marry a concubine, so that he has no heirs so far.

As a feudal lord, this is enough to be called fatal.

Once he dies, the forces under his banner will have no leader, and it is very likely that they will be torn apart in order to fight for power and profit. At that time, the crisis of siege will not be broken by itself.

As a last resort, as a knight, he actually didn't want to use such indecent means, but now there is no other way.

"General, you must have forgotten that Arthur has the blood of the red dragon, right? Not to mention that he is the strongest holy sword user. It is estimated that only the humble king can confront him head-on."

Although the attendant couldn't bear to break his beautiful delusion, he still told the truth.

The cruel truth made the middle-aged man look decadent.

After all, everyone is just an ordinary person, unlike Arthur who was entrusted with saving Britain from birth.

He was destined to be a king from birth, high above and out of reach.

"Wait! You immediately return to the king's city! Say it's an emergency on the front line! I'll write a letter to King Bei. I believe he will take action!"

Mentioning the name of King Bei, Walter suddenly had a flash of inspiration. He picked up a pen and paper and wrote down the current extremely tragic situation, pinning his last slim hope on the king who slammed Fang Qiu ten years ago.

If it was him, it might be irreversible.

But the middle-aged man had just finished writing the specific content on the parchment with a pen, when a loud voice came from outside the city, lingering over the city for a long time.

"My compatriots in Britain, we have no intention of harming you. If we surrender today, we will forget the mistakes we made in the past."

Signaling the attendants to send the letter to the king city as soon as possible, Walter immediately boarded the city wall again under the escort of his personal guards.

The dust outside the city was flying, and the army was lined up in a mighty manner, setting up all kinds of large weapons, as if they would launch an attack at any time if there was a disagreement.

Knowing that the other party was serious this time, Walter had no choice but to deal with it with [-] points of energy.

Everyone in Hampshire was nervous without exception, but Arthur Fang was not in a hurry to launch an offensive.They once again publicized the slogan of being lenient to those who surrendered through electronic speakers, and sent soldiers who had surrendered to describe Arthur Fang's tolerance flexibly and vividly in front of the battle.

I have to admit that this trick is quite effective.At least the people who saw the acquaintances they got along day and night were still alive and kicking, and they didn't suffer the inhumane treatment as they imagined, and the only remaining psychological defense line was declared to be collapsing.

King Arthur is so powerful that he can't resist it, and if he persists, he will die.It's better to surrender as soon as possible to keep safe, maybe you can get a chance to get ahead.

There are not a few people who hold such thoughts.

"There's no evidence for what you say! Who can guarantee that it's true? Maybe this group of people took advantage of the benefits and deliberately put on such a gesture!"

Knowing that the situation must be stabilized, Walter had no choice but to refute loudly.

Even though he knew that King Arthur was very likely to do this, he absolutely could not admit it.

Different positions meant that he would not be able to recognize everything about the other party.

However, in the face of his doubts, there was only a clear and clear voice like the lake under the moon suddenly sounded.

"In the name of Arthur, I guarantee that all of this is true. If there is any violation, this king-selecting sword will be broken."

The voice is obviously not loud, but it seems to contain a wonderful magic power, which can be transmitted to everyone's ears just right.

An awe-inspiring and heroic figure like a boy suddenly appeared in the field of vision while riding a tall horse. She held a golden holy sword symbolizing royal power, pointing high to the sky, showing her sharpness.So much so that people can't help but hold their breath and focus all their attention on that side.

According to legend, he had blond hair that shone like the sun.

According to legend, he has a more melodious voice than a troubadour and emerald green eyes.

According to legend, he has a clean and tidy face, and his delicate appearance can easily fascinate women.

Its name is—


Chapter 0125 Artoria template

Seeing that King Arthur showed up in person and made a promise, and took out the rumored King's Choice Sword as a guarantee, the credibility of the previous words suddenly rose to a very high level.

Although everyone has heard about Arthur many times in the bard population, this is the first time they have witnessed the honor in reality.

That youthful heroic figure, rather than being handsome, might as well be described as beautiful, which is a bit outrageous.

They also heard a little bit about the fact that King Arthur stopped growing after pulling out the sword in the stone, and now they know that it is absolutely true.

You know, Arthur started to be active all over Britain nine years ago.But time did not leave any trace on him, as if it was frozen in the year when he pulled out the sword in the stone at the age of 15.

The pretty face made the well-informed Walter vaguely think that he had seen it in a certain document of the Roman Empire.But he couldn't figure out exactly where it was for a while, and he could only attribute it to a coincidence.

Regardless of these, Walter was about to respond to the iron words, but the heavy city gate was let down with a creaking sound.

"I have admired the king for a long time, and now welcome the king to enter!"

A loud voice came from the city wall, and there was an unconcealable excitement in his tone.

Obviously, someone completely fell for Arthur under such a situation.

Anyway, I can't resist it, and if I surrender early, I might be honored as the seat of the seat because of my great achievements.

There are not a few people who hold such thoughts.Some knights have already set their eyes on Walter, and there is a ray of eagerness hidden in the depths of their eyes.If it wasn't for the fact that he had personal guards by his side, he might have captured him long ago and offered his head as a token of surrender.

"General, let's run away! It's still too late!"

Even at this point, the personal guards still chose to follow him unswervingly, clutching the weapons in their hands and giving advice in a panic.

"Escape? Where else can I escape? Tie me up. Even if we lose, I hope King Arthur will treat you well."

Watching Arthur's army filing in below, Walter sighed as if resigned to his fate, completely decadent, his vicissitudes were no different from that of an ordinary old man.

He understood that the general situation was over, and the Hampshire defense line had already declared a collapse.I only hope that the previous letter can give some warning to His Royal Highness, this is something that he can do as a courtier.

In the end, the middle-aged man could only look up at the vast sky, lamenting the impermanence of the world.

Who would have imagined that Hampshire, which claims to have an army of [-], would collapse day and night because of the chaotic organization and the fact that it did not belong to the same jurisdiction and the knights had their own thoughts.

In the situation where the main combat faction was almost dead and some people surrendered, Lily quickly took over the city.

She has just conquered this southern fortress city, and she has a lot of things to deal with.

For example, the establishment of the army, for example, the re-issue of government orders, for example, how to treat peasant slaves.

Everything after the war was even more troublesome than the war itself.According to the normal procedure, no matter how you say it, you have to cultivate your health and rest for a month or two to stabilize the situation and people's hearts before proceeding to the next attack.

But after learning that Wangcheng is almost an empty city now, Lily naturally does not intend to give Bei Wang a chance to breathe, and intends to launch a blitzkrieg to end this chaotic world that will never be peaceful, and draw a pause as soon as possible.

For this reason, she transferred the adjutant in charge of government affairs in the rear, Agguwen, to the front line, and ordered him to handle a series of things.After resting with the soldiers, he chose to continue marching towards Camelot.

After Hampshire was captured, the cavalry galloped across the road ahead.If the horse speeds up, it will take less than a day to reach the royal city.

It's too early to be happy, though.

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