"The manager thinks so too." The girl whispered, "Judging from your reactions, I seem to be the unreasonable, single-minded childish brat."

"Then you don't regret it later?" the man asked.

"...It's a bit of an afterthought to say this, but I don't regret it, because if I don't reject it, Hidaka won't join in, and I have no contact with her, and I can't be friends." The girl thought for a while, and then said , "I worked so hard today to make her feel that coming here is not a waste of time."

"It's strange, you asked her out to play, why did you choose a place like the video game city?" Yin Ze was puzzled.

"This is the place I know best, and it's also the place I find most fun." Sakura Mio's eyes widened.

"What about me? I'm 'today's gift'?" Yin Ze pointed at himself.

"When you contacted me, I had already told her in advance." The girl scratched her hair annoyedly, and peeked at him furtively, as if trying to figure out the psychological state of others, "...you look a little unhappy today, Is it because I only care about Hidaka?"

"Hehe, of course not, how can I be so stingy?" the man said bluntly.

"It's really because she came out to play for the first time, so I just want to recommend to her all the things I feel happy. Today is really the most tiring day I have spent in the video game city. There are so many games. Didn't play so well." The girl hesitated, "Are you still a little angry?"

"What can I be angry about?" The man didn't understand.

"Didn't you lose to me in "The Last Fist 4"? You looked unhappy. You were easily defeated by me, but you performed surprisingly well today. Forcing the whole attention to be online, after fighting hard for so long, I finally forgot about the water.” The girl paused, and said comfortingly, “Don’t take it personally, next time I will let you win.”

"Oh, it's not necessary, I still want to win by my own ability." Yin Ze couldn't help laughing, and asked, "You are fighting alone here alone. But why do you think that Senior Sang is very happy? Have you ever thought about just Impressing yourself?"

"No, didn't you see that she was smiling happily all the time today?" Sakura Mio was determined.

"Well, from this point of view, the fact that you rejected the appointment and gained new friendship is an example of a good person being rewarded." Yin Ze put a curry chicken in his mouth, "If this is the case, why bother?"

"I just can't figure it out, and I feel that the people around me are so powerful, whether it's you, Hidaka, or Matsuda, everyone I know is moving in an orderly manner, and even moving forward at a fast speed, only I am still spinning. The results of the assessment are not bad, but every time the audition is not stable, "The Forest of Fireflies" is also a coincidence, and the supervisor favors to participate, just like "Nightmare Girl" this time, the difference is that I did not follow this Rejected the same as last time." Sakura Mio's voice was a little low, "To tell you the truth, my grades in the training institute were very good, but now I feel that the teacher's evaluation was just to comfort me, and my ability is actually not enough. It’s just that I thought I was very good, but when I first started working, I was hit hard.”

"This kind of thing will happen, how many geniuses can there be in this world?" Yin Ze sighed.

"You are." The girl looked at you with half resentment and half praise, "Everyone is praising you for being amazing."

"A lot of glory is just a straw boat borrowing an arrow, and everyone projects the honor you don't deserve on you." The man sighed, "I have encountered such a huge setback, so severe that I felt that all the previous hard work was rubbish. It’s in vain. When I went to the exhibition before, I heard you say that the reason why I gave up painting was because I realized that there are countless talented people fighting in that field, so I ran away in despair, right?”

"Hey, my original words are not so cowardly and humble!" the girl protested.

"Almost the same thing."

The man waved his hand, then his expression gradually calmed down, and he said softly.

"If the opponent is just a 'human', no matter how unwilling you are, at least you can convince yourself to fall asleep and wake up the next day to continue fighting. But what if the opponent is not even a living thing?"

Perhaps sensing the powerlessness in those words, the girl kept quiet and continued to listen.

"Since the day the camera was invented, countless people have said that tradition is dead and classics are dead, but there are still people who believe that the technology accumulated with sweat is by no means worthless, and it is honed day after day. I used to I thought so too, until I saw a demonstration video of a photo software plug-in on the Internet-it only needs to click the mouse to automatically convert photos into oil paintings. If you are interested, download it and try to play.”

The man said shaking his head.

"But it's scarier than I thought. I thought it was the same as the rigid function of 'filter'. But I never expected that after I clicked start, the computer started to calculate in an instant, and the picture in the window was deleted. Fill a piece of white, and then on this brand new paper, it methodically filters black and white, takes neutral colors, lays out major tones, and then goes to minor tones, and then focuses on picking out key shadows, and the drawing of color blocks is also provided by the plug-in Effect brushes produce textures... I watched the software generate step-by-step layers and automatically named 'draft', 'level', and 'drawing and shaping'. I watched the color palette, and watched it automatically load four or five different Style, fine brushwork, standard shape, combination of virtual and real texture, just like a machine without thought has gained life, doing the work of a painter, but its speed is thousands of times that of a human. From the very beginning, I felt It's funny, it gets incredibly heavy, and in the end it's like falling into an ice cave."

The man let out a long breath.

"This plug-in is online, it is released casually, the number of clicks is rare, and there is no charge, but it is such a cheap thing that does not have a few hundred megabytes of capacity. It can allow anyone, even pets - as long as they can click the mouse, They can transform themselves into those powerful court painters and sketch masters in the Middle Ages. I faced the screen and remained silent for a long time, not daring to move, and could not sleep all night.”

"So you gave up because of this?" The girl couldn't help asking.

"...As long as you know the history of art, you know that science has a great impact on tradition. I also know that the greatest reliance of human beings is subjective things such as design ability and aesthetics. But even if you know it, you really face this slaughter. I didn’t expect it to be so bloody and cruel, and it would take 30 seconds for the mining machine to replace it with a mainstream computer, and three seconds would turn years or even ten years of hard training into a joke.” Yin Ze smiled wryly.

"Then I seem to be lucky, I stopped the loss in time." Sakura Mio muttered.

"Don't come here." Yin Ze said angrily, "You haven't encountered such a miserable thing as a seiyuu, have you?"

"Of course not. The computer synthesizes voices, automatically renders emotions, and automatically dubs. Isn't it too avant-garde and sci-fi?" Tried to catch up."

"Oh? Where does this start?" the man asked.

"Don't you think I'm very lucky after doing this job? It's because of this job that we can meet, and it's because of this job that I can make new friends." The girl raised her beautiful eyebrows .

"You can do other things, I think it should be fine." The man thought.

"No, definitely not." The girl said seriously, "At least I won't meet you."

"So sure?" the man asked.

"That's it." The girl repeated, "Of course, not only at work, but also in life, I have to become more mature and stable!"

"You really are an idiot, you want to grow up quickly." Yin Ze smiled complicatedly.

"What, this disgusting tone again, you are still teasing me!"

"No, this idiot is not that idiot. On the contrary, I have great expectations of you."

The man shook his head quickly, kept smiling, and said deeply.

"Spend every day slowly like this, and you will definitely become a very good adult in the future."

The girl looked at the two plates of curry dishes that had already been eaten, and then looked at the other party's sweaty serious expression, and said softly, "Thank you."


The city has been immersed in the thick night, and the lights of bright colors are breathing evenly, as if to eliminate the fatigue of the day.In the dark blue sky, the bright and clear moon rises and slowly rises to the mid-heaven, and the stars are twinkling quietly.

The siren came leisurely at night, the hazy night, the cool night wind, you can think about anything, you can ignore everything, the girl took a light breath, only feeling comfortable physically and mentally.

In the night, when the night is fading.

After Sakura Mio said goodbye to him, she walked to the side of the crowd.

After walking about a dozen steps, she stopped for no reason and glanced back.

There was a crowd of people, but the boy didn't leave immediately, but still stood in the place where he left, as if he wanted to watch her go away completely.Seeing her suddenly turn around, he was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and waved naturally.

The girl's heart was filled with joy that she didn't know where it came from, she also nodded, turned around again, and disappeared into the neon lightly.

From Tokyo Tower, the first view.Watch the lights imitate, the falling starlight.

Chapter 110 Seventh Brother's Younger Brother Returns

I don't know if any of you have had a similar experience.

Surf videos online on the rest day, click on relevant content after watching, and continue to click on relevant content after watching relevant content. When I come to my senses, more than half of the precious vacation has passed.After dinner and washing your feet, the Monday Nightmare is grinning and beckoning, and then you weep and regret for wasting time.

Time is not about how much you have, but how you use it.

After wasting his life and being fooled for many years, Master Yin has become rich in experience, knows how to operate, and plays with maximum efficiency, especially now that he has supernatural powers, it is even more powerful.

For example, now, single living in a small house.

The life corridor is running conscientiously, looking back at Brother Qian's wonderful life.

'Their family is the same as the emperor's, the nobles of the Eight Banners, and the Black Banner of Manchuria. '

'Is it the black flag?Where is this color?That's the yellow flag! '

'Yes, your great-grandfather still has a name, Aixinjueluo Basket!There are also eight iron hat kings in the capital, which are passed down from generation to generation, and your family belongs to them. '

'Well, one of them. '

'Eight iron hat kings, green hat kings! '

Pay-per-view on the webpage, revisiting Hong Kong martial arts classics.

"Linghu Chong, I show affection for you, and show mercy everywhere, how can you hit me so hard?" '

'No matter who you are, there is no friendship between us, only hatred. '

'Hahaha, are you doing it for revenge, or for these two women?Okay, you are so heartless, I want you to see these two women die in front of you with your own eyes! '

'You heartless people in the world, why bother to save me? '

'I just wanted to ask you, was it you who was with me that night?Tell me, you are Shishi, say it! '

'I won't tell you, I want you to remember me, I want you to regret it forever...'

The mobile phone is placed horizontally, and the provinces, Hong Kong and Macau are gambling monsters.

'Grab the landlord. '

'not called. '

'I grab it! '

'Clear card! '

'A pair of three. '

'I'm sorry. '

Under the crotch is the small indoor cycling machine that the supermarket has won with a discount, and it is being pedaled by a man.Give the muscles proper stimulation, and you can exercise and sweat freely even in the salty fish days when you don't go out, so you can keep active and enjoy a healthy life.

The last free hand is in charge of logistics, fetching soda and eating junk food.

The human body is gradually being developed to the extreme.Jpg

In this way, the happiness index generated in one second can be ten times that of normal!

The only regret is that to maintain this intensity of happy behavior, you have to rest for at most an hour. Everything in the life corridor is good, and the energy consumption is too serious, so you have to hang up the phone to charge.Even his appetite is also increasing. If the supply exceeds demand, he will lose weight day by day, sweat easily, suffer from back pain, wake up frequently at night, and urinate frequently.From a male to a male who is not.

It's too scary, so he always has all kinds of food in his refrigerator.

When the time came, Yin Ze left the bicycle machine out of breath, and slumped on the sofa to enjoy the baked snacks. Except for the non-stop game of cards, the movie and cross talk were suspended.

It's another Tianhu, Shunzi plane, and Wang Zha in spring.It is impossible to charge money to buy points. Only by using the built-in computer to figure out the cards and taking other people's points by means of despicable and shameless means can one maintain a career in fighting landlords. Speaking of which, why doesn't Chinatown hold a fighting landlord competition?Tossing and turning is just mahjong, what is the future of poker?sorrow!

Twitter accounts are used daily, but recently his retweeting has been a bit sluggish, mainly due to the lack of resources. No matter how I search, or how to urge fans who follow with malicious intentions, I can only respond with tears in my eyes, "Insufficient mineral reserves ""More high-energy gas is needed".

Just bury your head in the ground when you encounter danger like an ostrich.

The man switched to the trumpet using the real name of the soul.

There are no stupid people and silly things and white and tender beautiful girls with big white legs, only a bunch of European-style realistic illustrations and graffiti with unclear intentions and incompatible in the Japanese environment. Naturally, they cannot attract attention in this anxious and busy era. Number of fans There were very few, to be honest, apart from Cang Lanying, he didn't even know if those ghost users with pure character IDs and empty avatars were alive or not.

I have also accumulated seven or eight private messages, and the hardware and file data cleanliness immediately started cleaning.

In addition to the advertisements on the platform, there is also a deja vu.

"YoShi-P: Hello Mr. 'Yin Ze', it has been a few months since the last communication. I don’t know if you are still busy. If you have time, you have the idea of ​​outsourcing, please consider my side. Sorry for the trouble. ,grateful!"

The man was a little surprised.

After such a long time after the decline, I would turn around and make an appointment again. This is quite sincere, and the information on this account is basically blank, and there are no additional works except graffiti dynamics. I am so eager, I am afraid it is not the workload of the project. The accumulated amount is as big as a mountain, and it must be exhausted by the dead line.

The man took a few mouthfuls of hawthorn slices that symbolized childhood, and his fingers moved rapidly.

"Yin Ze: Tell me in detail."

Exiting the backstage, first secretly paying attention to the tuba, and then began to answer question marks one by one to Cang Lanying's sensational remarks.As a student, the other party seemed to never be in the state of learning, and immediately began to resist.

Ding, you have a new private message.

Yo, what's the matter, you're so angry, you started to transfer private messages from the comment area to the line?

The man clicks in in a second.

But not.

"YoShi-P: Thank you for your reply! I have a lot of equipment design, character design, and monster design work here. If possible, can I ask you to design a few characters and a batch of professional suits? In terms of time, one About a month, and the salary is about 40 yen.”

"Yin Ze: Let's take a look at the requirements and reference packages first. This is my mailbox."

"YoShi-P: Alright, please pay attention to check."

The man stopped the happy hour, switched to the normal standard social animal mode, returned to the laptop, closed the movie web page, logged in to the mailbox and started downloading the file package.

The speed of the island country's internet is not bad. Anyway, after a few episodes of cross talk, he decompressed and started to check.

The document regulations are clear, the requirements are clear, and there are a considerable number of reference pictures with clear styles, which are very detailed for the contracting party.

This person is not purely business, but should be technically savvy.

Master Yin has returned with his youth as an art worker.He propped his chin, frowning and read carefully.

Since it is clearly about design rather than Lihua and Meixuan, the focus is naturally not on shaping techniques.Well, it is more realistic, with a fantasy tone, but it emphasizes reality and solidity, such as the design of fantasy elements combined with a sense of steam.

Two characters and three sets of level 50 professional equipment. Judging from the quality, the size of this project is probably not small. It should be a large-scale online game, right?

"YoShi-P: Teacher, can I do it?"

The man strokes his hair.There are people living in corridors, how can the efficiency of working today be compared to before?The 30-man-day quotation should be settled within 14 days...as long as you don't fish for it.

"Yin Ze: OK, I'll take it, I'll add a contact information later."

"YoShi-P: Thank you for your help!"

"Yin Ze: If it's convenient, please report your phone number and company name, and sign a basic resource outsourcing agreement. I believe you know this stuff, it's easy to argue, it's better to get it done in advance."

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