"YoShi-P: Yes, let's talk on the phone."

After a few minutes, the other party took the initiative to call.

"Hello?" Yin Ze answered.

"Hi teacher, I'm Yoshida Tomoki, and I'm the one who communicated with you on Twitter just now." A capable voice said politely, "I'm currently working for AQUAREENIX as a game producer."

"I often see your company's advertisement when I pass by Akihabara." Yin Ze was taken aback, but he didn't expect it to be such a large-scale company.

"Haha, even though that's the case, I haven't managed a well-known game myself." Yoshida said modestly, "I officially started accepting an internal project not long ago, and there are too many things to integrate and modify. The production capacity is almost exhausted, so the assistance of the backbone of the industry is urgently needed, this time I ask the teacher to take more care."

"...you trust me so much?" Yin Ze smiled, "What if all the pictures on my feed are stolen from others?"

"Those are obviously made by one person. They are really deceitful people. They are not stupid enough to only steal the same series from the same person, right?" Yoshida also laughed.

"What if there are such stupid people? Even if it wasn't stolen, the actual level is not good?"

"It's okay. If you want to sign an agreement, everything is easy to talk about." Yoshida said calmly.

"Okay, I've read all the requirements, don't worry and leave it to me, I'll get it done for you in advance." Yin Ze didn't joke anymore.

"Then leave it to you." Yoshida said seriously.

"The next question is purely a personal curiosity. What is the name of this project?" Yin Ze asked curiously, "Of course, if it is inconvenient to disclose during the research and development stage, your internal code name will also work."

There was a pause on the phone for a few seconds.

Immediately, Mr. Yoshida said in a resolute tone that did not allow failure.

"Rebirth." "

PS: In the past few days, my throat is hoarse and dry, I have no appetite, and smoking has no taste.In addition, we have to download the plot, so the update speed may be slightly slower.

Chapter 110 Eighth

Matsuda sincerely was thinking hard, and a serious atmosphere that no strangers should enter overflowed.It is true that it is not uncommon for him to enter such a sage state in the eyes of others.

But this time there is a decisive difference.

I saw him occupying the corner sofa with excellent feng shui, with a dignified expression and deep frowning, holding the reference book and "One Lesson, One Practice" in his hand as if facing a formidable enemy.All kinds of formulas on the book are arranged and combined, English letters and numbers cooperate with each other, spelling out line after line in an unfathomable way, each symbol hides the mystery of the light of wisdom, which is obscure and difficult to understand.

Staring at these corners of the truth that are out of the secular category for a long time, he soon began to be in a trance, his vision was blurred, and there seemed to be whispers of an unspeakable great existence in his ears, leading him to the holy road to the sky.

Matsuda Makoto is accepting these extraordinary information with the cognition of an ordinary person, trying to analyze the truth and answer in vain.

He failed as a matter of course, his head was covered with sweat, and his hands holding the exercises were trembling slightly.

This question is so difficult!

But it doesn't matter, the class teacher once said that when encountering difficult test questions, don't give up, retreat tactically first, skip to the next question, wait until the little shrimps are finished, and finally save firepower to deal with those tough bones .

So he simply turned the page, and after examining it for a few seconds, he turned another page, followed by a long silence.

"That, Matsuda-san?" The childish girl beside her couldn't help but whisper.

"What's wrong?" Matsuda sincerely didn't lift his head.

"...Is there any trouble for you? I think you seem to be troubled?" the girl said.

"Don't worry, everything is under control. Although my academic ability is average, I graduated from high school seriously. At the end of the third year of high school, my ability was also in the upper middle class in my grade. It was more than enough to help me with a few math problems." Yes." Matsuda said in a reassuring and steady voice, and at the same time his expression froze again, and he turned another page involuntarily.

"Matsuda-san, it's not the end, this homework is only P13 to P16." The girl reminded.

"Oh." Matsuda was forced to turn back to the starting point, and found that there were almost no soft bones in the workbook, and it was full of hard bones. Matsuda couldn't help but fell into deep thought, repeatedly closing and removing the cover with the pen in his hand.

The Hokkaido guy has a lot of family members. As the eldest son, he has taken part of the work of taking care of his younger siblings for his parents since he was a child. He has rich experience in changing diapers, feeding and bathing, and sleeping and chatting with him, which naturally includes tutored homework.

Ah, I really miss it.

Looking back on those years when he was needed and depended on, Matsuda’s sincere cultural knowledge that was dusted by life and work was gradually recovering. A flash of light flashed through his mind like lightning. After it was about the same, he explained softly and jerky to the girl.

Mizucang Wei Lingrun's eyes flickered, surprised, "Ah, it turned out to be like this, I really figured it out!"

"It's good if I can help you." Matsuda sincerely won the first battle and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"What about this question? How to do it better?" Wei Cang watched the proof process several times in amazement, and pointed to another question with great interest.

Matsuda sincerely just took a peek in the direction he pointed, and immediately felt a terrible pressure like a landslide and tsunami. It was a cold blow from a higher dimension of wisdom, and he took a deep breath.

"Well, well, I'd better ask a friend..." The helpless Hokkaido guy is not a face-saving person, and he intends to seek off-site assistance. First, he took out his mobile phone and took a photo of the subject, sealing the truth in it, and then send it out.

"Car mechanic: Unnamed 1.Jpg"

"The tauren chief:?"

"Tauren Chieftain: What is this?"

"Car mechanic: Please take a look at my colleague's homework."

"Tauren chieftain: math problem??"

"Car mechanic: Hmm."

"Tauren Chief: It's a piece of cake, wait a minute, I'll come out of the toilet right away, my legs are numb."

After a few minutes.

"The Tauren Chief: Untitled 2.Jpg"

"Car mechanic: Received."

As sincere as Matsuda had got the standard answer, he immediately shared the scribbled answer returned by his friend with the girl, full of confidence.

"Oh, that's it, huh? Can it be solved like this? The teacher didn't teach it?" Mizucang Wei was thoughtful.

"Maybe he used the formulas and proof methods that are beyond the outline for high school students?" Matsuda said sincerely and calmly, "but the accuracy is absolutely unquestionable."

"This is impossible, the process is very important." Mizucang Wei said with some distress, "There is no way, let's see how it is explained in the reference book."

"Ah, so this comes with an answer?" Matsuda scratched his head sincerely, "Then why do you still ask me?"

"If you can't do it a little bit, it's like an ostrich burying its head in the soil when it encounters danger, jumping over and escaping without seeing it, or even directly looking for a ready-made answer, but refusing to use its own brain. How can you make progress and breakthrough like this?" Mizukura Wei firmly said.

"...Well, it makes sense." Matsuda sincerely nodded silently.

The girl took the reference book, turned to the last few pages, and began to look for standard answers to the question numbers. After a while, she said to herself in confusion, "Huh? Why doesn't the answer match at all?" He stared innocently and inquiringly at the adult beside him.

Rarely, Matsuda sincerely felt ashamed in front of that gaze.


"Car mechanic: What are you doing! The answer is wrong!"

"The tauren chief: Ah? What? No way? Besides, how do you know you did something wrong?"

"Car mechanic: The reference book has the correct answer!"

"Tauren Chief: You have the correct answers, why are you looking for me?!"

"Car repairman: If you don't know it a little bit, just turn over the answer directly, how can you improve?"

The man who was lying on the sofa waiting for the numbness in his thighs to disappear was staring at the screen of his mobile phone, puzzled.

"Car mechanic: I have something to ask you."

"The tauren chieftain: look through the reference book."

"Car mechanic: ... not a practice question. I heard that the show I'm in is going to be a radio drama. I'm the main character, so I'm definitely going to be a regular."

"The tauren chief: Well, it's your turn to enjoy the easy life of drinking tea and chatting and getting money, which is great."

"Car mechanic: Let me be the host, and my partner is Mizukura-san, whom you have met a few times. Uh, I heard that your broadcast is very popular, and the producer praised it greatly. The number of broadcasts on Silver Spring is also high. Very high, according to your successful experience, what should I do to prepare?"

"The tauren chief: My way is too murderous. It is a fierce and domineering dragon-slaying skill. It is too much for you to use it against a pure child like Mizucang. It is unreasonable both emotionally and rationally. I suggest that you just do your own thing. Treat it as a tea party, take it easy and don’t be nervous.”

"Car mechanic: I haven't had tea parties with girls, have I?"

"The tauren chief: Don't you have a younger sister? Have you always talked to your own sister? Didn't she have a life conversation when she was upset? Just do it like that."

"Car mechanic: After she entered junior high school, she began to dislike me and kept her distance."

"The tauren chief: ...it doesn't matter, as long as the emotions are in place, there are any interesting things in work or life, as long as they don't involve privacy, they can be discussed. The spectacle of sows falling into the ditch in line is rare in ten years. But as long as the mind can extend, the cat sleeping on the fence can also have a relationship with Natsume Soseki, it all depends on your spirituality."

"Car mechanic: She was just asking me for help with classwork."

"The tauren chief: Oh, this is very good. The most taboo among partners is that they have their own ulterior motives. Although this matter is small and inconspicuous, it is better than being close and friendly. The audience also likes this kind of behind-the-scenes tidbits. You may wish to use them in the broadcast chat. Then what?"

"Car mechanic: Then you got it wrong, and she hasn't continued the discussion with me now."

"Car mechanic: What am I doing to get ready?"

"Car mechanic: Hello? The network is stuck?"

"Car mechanic: Are you there?"

"Your friend the tauren chieftain is offline."

Yin Ze covered his face and went offline in pain.

On the chat software, I can't explain clearly in a few words, so let's have time to communicate face to face later.

While you are free now, let's get the package sent by Mr. Yoshida.

The man dug out the worn and battle-tested digital tablet, plugged in the data cable, and clicked on the famous PhotoShop, which artists meet every day and is as difficult to love and hate as a bad wife.The configuration of the laptop is a bit low, and it takes a while to open the software.

While loading, Life Corridor calls out the requirements in the document, and then hums and hums back to the lifetime viewing volume, with "fantasy", "semi-realistic", "fantasy" and "steam" as labels, it takes half a minute, from Memory retrieved 1824 references that met the requirements, discarded the ones that were subjectively disliked, and threw them into the new folder. Finally, the sorting and clarity were optimized, and it was very clean and comfortable to look back.

PS is opened, a blank canvas is created, and the background color is filled with an eye-protecting gray.His eyes widened, and the selected reference picture suddenly appeared in the top, bottom, left, and right sides of his field of vision.

good!I'm going to start working hard!I am very emotional about work!It can never be finished!

The phone is ringing

'The more turbulent ~ the braver~ The world changes and you want me to break through~?'

The man paused and picked up the phone.


"Brother Takizawa, I forgot something, can you help me bring it to the school?"

"Isn't it a rest today, why are you still going to school?"

"School open day." Kazuki Asamiya said embarrassedly, "If you have something to do, I'd better run back by myself."

"It's okay, I'm fine. Don't hang up the phone yet. I'll go downstairs to find the landlord. Just call and I'll ask him to get the key." The man put down his pen instantly.

"Great, thank you, Brother Takizawa!" Asamiya Kazuki said happily.

"By the way, which school is it?" the man asked.

"There is a bamboo spring in the capital."

"Oh, I passed by there when I came back from my friend's house before, okay, leave it to me." The man put on his clothes and went out, leaving only a blank canvas left alone in the room.

Chapter 110 Nine

The origin of "story" is difficult to determine, but its importance to the spiritual construction of human civilization cannot be denied.

Generations of children have been enlightened by fables and fell asleep listening to fairy tales before going to bed. The truth, goodness and beauty of the stories open up the possibility of their souls.When they get older and step into the rebellious period where they are not afraid of anything, the justice and pioneering of the story correct the track of their souls.In the critical period of chores and hair loss every day, the bizarre and beautiful fantasy of the story began to numb the pain of their souls and offset the fatigue.

On a certain day of a certain year, the Baihe production team ushered in a new baby. This person is not like Daxiong who is lucky and honest, not like a sloppy king who loves to roll in mud, not like a fat tiger with the appearance of a child king, and not like Jia's treasures surrounded by beauties , It's really mediocre.However, one afternoon, I happened to get a copy of "Story Club" which was priced at 5 yuan in a newsstand, and I was shocked to be a heavenly man, empowered with literary spirit, with mountains and rivers in my heart, and my thoughts were all about Euclid of the pyramid , Socrates who asked his apprentice to pick ears of wheat, the old man Shiquan (self-proclaimed) who diligently wrote ten thousand poems... Affected by this, Xiaowazi was able to keep writing a diary, which lasted for half a month before ending.

Later, when I happened to meet Mr. Guo’s youthful scars and pain streams, I took it for granted, and entered the Department of Martian Writing for further study. It was not until I read the real world masterpieces in Xinhua Bookstore that I realized the vastness of the world, and immediately turned around and deleted it. Non-mainstream talk about pictures with tears and red eyes.Later, by accident, I fell into the dark realm in the online world, and I got to see the words of mysterious people such as Yuye with a knife but no umbrella, Xiaoqiang, etc., and my body and mind were greatly shocked, and I continued to applaud.

So far, Master Yin has understood the mysteries of the masters from all walks of life. Now that he is working from nine to nine, what he can read while holding his mobile phone on the subway must be something that is truly gorgeous and glamorous for both refined and popular tastes.

Yes, those are...

"The Second Coming of the Dragon King of the City", "The Perspective God is in the World", "The Miraculous Doctor Across the Intensive Care Unit", "The Veterinarian Comes to the World of the Beast Mother", "The Man Behind the Female CEO", "I Saved Hundreds of People by Chopping Firewood in My Previous Life" Now all the foxes are here to repay their favor", "About my stomach pouch connected to the sewer, so I can drink Jiannanchun without worry, become the most drinking man in the department, and reach the top"...!

Alas, the thinking is rigid, always after working overtime.

Clears blood and resolves phlegm, relieves cough and moisturizes throat, relieves heart and activates lungs, refreshing text, my dawn of the world!

Master Yin also fantasized about rebirth and time travel. For this reason, he kept in mind the production methods of glass and soap, the formula of gunpowder, and replayed the classic battles of various dynasties at home and abroad.

What a pity, what a pity, now, everything is in vain.

Even the World Cup spinach didn't win.

Of course, it is also a blessing to be a campus student again, after all, the identity of a Japanese high school student is well known among the heavens and myriad worlds.But it's a pity that he went directly to the college entrance examination before he got rid of the violence, won the Olympiad, and embraced the small woods and beautiful shadows behind the playground to experience his youth.

The man carried the package and walked towards the gate of the school in the distance. Before he arrived, the sound of youthful laughter hit his face.

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