At that time, the train of time was slowly passing the school gate, and Yin Ze, who was in his decades, was standing there, looking over with affectionate eyes, all of them were his own shadow.

Don't urge the time, I won't push back what should come, don't urge the time, you still have to chase after the far away.

The men outside the school stared at the crowd, as if they were in a grand and gorgeous fantasy drama.Scenes flashed by, and the protagonist of each scene was himself.The greenness of being a freshman in junior high school, the passion of grabbing food in the cafeteria in high school, the helplessness of tears streaming down your face when you graduated, and the heroicness of returning to school after many years, smoking cigarettes for the director of the moral education department to recall the past.

Looking back on his school career, Master Yin said: high school girls are still good-looking.

"Hey, you are a big man, standing here with red eyes and not moving, what do you mean?" With a riot stick pinned to his waist, Kong Wu's powerful security guard came over and looked at him with scrutiny. It's not a suspicious person, is it?"

"Oh, I'm here to deliver something to my sister. She was engaged in an event and forgot the props at home." Someone shook the package in his hand.

"Report the name of your sister's class." The security guard said.

"Class 2, Year 6, Kazuki Asamiya." The man nodded.

"Hmph, I don't know if it's true or not. After all, I don't have a student booklet." The security guard said in a low voice.

"Then what are you asking..." The man was speechless.

When the two looked at each other speechlessly, a joyful and energetic voice broke the confrontation.

"Brother Takizawa!"

The old-fashioned twisted braids were untied, youthful and fashionable air bangs were placed on the smooth forehead, and the smooth black hair was tied into a high ponytail.The dress is like a cheerleading uniform.The version of the sailor suit has been modified, the orange and white are very enthusiastic, and the traditional combination of stockings and white sail shoes will never go out of style.Today's Xiangyue sauce is much more dazzling than in the past. The girl seems to have just finished a rehearsal, with thin sweat on her face and a healthy rosy cheeks.

"Thank you for running." The girl Xiao Ban ran quickly, panting slightly.

"It's easy to do." The man took a closer look, "What are you?"

"At the opening of the Open Day, we have to perform a show. In fact, it has nothing to do with me, but one of the members can't come because she happened to be my friend, so she recommended me to come." Kazuki Asamiya said shyly, "I In the past, I only danced folk dances at events in my hometown town, but it’s the first time I put on a uniform like this and act like an idol group in front of people, doesn’t it look weird?”

"Of course not. People always have to muster up the courage to try a few times. Besides, you are not alone. You are a team. If you have any difficulties, you can work together to solve them." The man gently encouraged.

"Hey, thank you brother."

"Then you work hard, I'm leaving now." After the man handed over the package, he waved his hand, no longer thinking about it.Let the past go, and now I can no longer act recklessly like a child, I have a job waiting for me at home, the blank canvas is like a watchdog, sad and tactful.

"Come on, you're here, let's go in and have a look. The school is very lively today! There are also many parents and foreigners visiting." The girl persuaded.

"Not good." The man paused.

The girl grabbed the man and dragged him halfway through the school gate.Seeing that the two get along harmoniously, the security guard didn't ask any more questions, but just lamented the deep love between brothers and sisters.

To be honest, Master Yin himself is still somewhat interested in this.

Among the many GalGames and stories that take the campus as the stage, the school festival has always been the breaking point of a certain plot.The entangled love of three people will fight here, the clubs will be bloody with each other, and the childhood sweethearts from other schools will be cruel here... It can be said to be very intense.

The main entrance is the service desk and the inquiry office. Here you can buy commemorative school uniform shirts designed by the students themselves. All proceeds will be donated to children’s charities. Yin Ze, who has been fascinated by the legendary career of high school students in Dongying for a long time, happily bought one .

Being able to get involved and do good deeds, why not do it?

After getting it, I couldn't wait to replace it on the spot. In just a few seconds, a shining and beautiful active male student made a brilliant appearance.

It must be said that the uniform is just icing on the cake, and the uncle wears the same style, but it is just nondescript, but it reminds people of a sitcom.What really makes a man become a student without a sense of disobedience is the snow crystal clear and innocent youthful quality.

Facing the screen of his mobile phone flirtatiously, he wiped his hair back, looking handsome as if he were about to climb to the top of the lily of the valley, combed his bangs down, the gentle man in girly manga came into reality, his expression turned cold, just like him In the love drama, the sense of presence, popularity, and family background of learning and sports are all perfect for the hero, but it is the iceberg male number two who is bitterly in love with the heroine and has never been favored.

Good, very good, very beautiful.

You are already a flower planter, and today you will be a high school student in Dongying, a legendary career, and you have already won the second, so why not become a great career? !

The man smiles with satisfaction.

"It suddenly looks so young." Kazuki Asamiya said in amazement, "I won't doubt that you are really a student."

"Is it so pure, so upright?" Man, no, the boy said with a little complacency as he tossed his hair.

"Of course, over there in Shinjuku, there are always a lot of grown men with dyed hair and fancy dresses, but they don't know it, they are dressed as students in high school uniforms, standing in front of strange shops and shouting. But you are completely different from them !” Asamiya Kazuki nodded and said.

"Haha, that's natural, me and those third-rate cows in fourth-rate wholesale uniforms..." The boy laughed a few times and felt that something was wrong, so he didn't continue, just reminded him kindly, "Hey, you will see that kind of bullshit in the future." People, remember to stay away."

"Then let me show you around the school?" the girl offered.

"Okay! Then I'll trouble you!" The boy shook his voice.

Chapter 120 What a coincidence that you are here

The cold wind blowing from nowhere stirred the girl's hair.

The warm classroom filled with the sound of reading aloud on weekdays is now completely dark, the windows are sealed with tape, and the dirty curtains hang vertically like iron thorns, vaguely resembling a hanged figure.Tables and chairs that should have been neatly arranged were in a mess, with solidified blood remaining on the ground, and the blood-stained plaster head stood lifelessly on the ground, staring blankly at the door, with a female black wig on its head, In the dim light of the flashlight, it looks ridiculous and infiltrating.

The girl who got lost with her partner suppressed the fear in her heart, held a flashlight with worrying brightness, as if it could be extinguished by the wind, and staggered forward without daring to make a sound.

Carefully step over the corpse on the ground.It was a boy lying in a pool of blood. His face was facing down, and he couldn't see clearly. The broken back was pierced by the sharp chair legs. The skin exposed in the cold air was morbidly pale due to excessive blood loss.

The girl took a slow step, and immediately froze.

She found that she could not move her feet.

A force came from the ankle, and the thin fingers clamped the ankle like the sharp claws of a vulture.The girl lowered her head subconsciously, and saw a slender, turned forearm, and a pair of empty eyes dripping with blood.

Fear flooded her heart in an instant, the girl screamed uncontrollably, and almost threw the flashlight away, she desperately broke free from the bloody hand, and ran forward thumping, thumping, through the hole in the wall. Bending over and passing through, came to the next classroom.

The girl's hurried voice revealed her position, and immediately there were dense footsteps in the distance, as well as that scalp-numbing howling laughter, which carried the joy of finding the prey.

The frail girl's eyes were reddened with fright, and her speed of running for her life increased instead of decreasing, and she had passed through three classrooms in the blink of an eye.

But when she plunged into the fourth classroom, her whole body was cold, and she suddenly found that this was a dead end.

This is the end point of this floor. If you want to continue running, you have to jump out from the fifth floor, but the doors and windows have already been sealed.

A chemical laboratory, but the layout inside is extremely palpitating.There are jars full of formalin displayed in the dusty cabinets, taxidermy and strange organs float quietly, and the blackboard is not a formula containing knowledge, but a print.A witch with a slender nose and horns is cooking soup. In the pot are the remains of severed limbs, surrounded by fanatics with their hands raised high, waiting for the gods. This is a dark and bloody sacrifice.

The girl remembered the rumor.

This building was originally reserved for top students, and the equipment used is also the best, especially the practical classrooms, where all the equipment can really be used for research.It is said that a senior often applies for the right to use it outside of class, and uses it for his personal projects. He often does some familiar reaction experiments, and occasionally uses mice.The teacher didn't care at first, until one day, when he saw the senior cut off his finger and threw it into the strong acid, the senior didn't feel any pain on his face, but instead had a look of intoxication, admiring the bubbling and corrosion of his finger in the strong acid process.The teacher was horrified, and immediately went in to stop it. In the end, the whole school knew about it and was forcibly expelled.

But that's not the end.That senior would still sneak into the campus. One time, during a quarrel when he was caught, the senior threw acid over him and was burnt to the hospital.As time passed, many years later, the campus was classified as a new building, and it was about to be demolished and the building was blocked.

But it was during this time that incidents of missing children began to appear in the town. At the same time, a resident said that when he passed by the blocked campus at night, he saw a classroom with lights on in the building from a distance. .But when people went to check, they found that the power and water had already been cut off, and there were no footprints on the ground, only thick dust, except for the walls, which seemed to have been burned by fire, leaving a strange black mark, which looked like The crooked figure...

The sound of the saw cutting suddenly sounded.

The girl raised her head stiffly, and in the dim light, she saw a man in a white coat with his waist hooked, sawing things like a carpenter, and what was on the table was not wood, but a human body whose chest had been sliced ​​open.The man took out his heart, lungs and kidneys in an orderly manner, and neatly arranged them by his hand like making dumplings during the Chinese New Year.

The girl covered her mouth, not daring to speak out, but the man still turned his head back.Half of the face is good, and the other half is like a skeleton, the flesh has been peeled off, it is wet and sticky, and there is also fat like lotus root hanging down.On that terrifying half face, the round eyeballs cast a captivating gaze.

"Here comes another one." The doctor holding the blood-dropping chainsaw hoarsely said, "I haven't arrived yet, so drink a cup of tea and sit down for a while."

So he really poured a cup of tea, and kindly threw the fingers of the corpse on the table into it, as gracefully as adding a few cubes of sugar.

The girl couldn't bear it any longer, she hugged her head and knelt down, and at the same time blamed the friend who had strayed away from her.

The half-faced doctor didn't procrastinate, and came towards her with a knife in his hands a few seconds later.

"Don't come here—!!" the girl exclaimed.

"Hehe, it's up to you, don't worry, it won't hurt." The half-faced doctor smiled evilly, and grabbed the helpless girl with his blood-soaked hand.

At this critical moment, another person came into the hole in the wall.The guy was stunned suddenly when he saw the evil scene in front of him, but he was not afraid, and he was so righteous that he seemed to be emitting light and heat all over his body.

"Let go of that girl!" the boy shouted.

"Hey, good things come in pairs, why don't you have a cup of tea too." The half-faced doctor grinned.

"Little demon, how dare you be presumptuous." The boy sneered, and immediately made a few hand gestures like lightning, and muttered, "The mysterious light guides, regardless of distance, open my eyes, and see the truth!"

After the boy finished speaking, he raised the flashlight in his hand, pressed it suddenly, and a bright white light burst out.Imported strong light flashlight.

"Ah?! You actually have a moon cleaning tube in your hand!" The half-faced doctor seemed to have suffered a lot of damage. Me? An idiot! I'm going to tear you apart!"

"Hmph, how dare you use a trick like an axe? Lead the Sanqing at the top, respond to the soul at the bottom, and the heavens and the earth! Erbi Patriarch Sword, please move the gods and soldiers!" The boy took out another RX-0 full-armor Pegasus Gundam from behind. The toy, with a light touch, immediately lights up the LED light, accompanied by a BGM that stimulates blood.

"Ahh!" Half-faced doctor was attacked again without entity, and his blood volume has dropped by more than half, but he still insisted on clamoring and waving the saw, "It's useless, it's not enough!"

"I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, I have all the equipment, the Taoism is profound, and I still don't repent!" The boy snorted coldly, his mouth was cadenced, and he blurted out the mantra, "The sky is round and the earth is nine chapters, I write today, ten thousand ghosts treasure!"

This time, it was no longer the level of flashlights and plastic toys.

It's a transformation belt.

He flicked it chicly, and immediately put it on his waist, then put on a cool and standard pose, and inserted the transforming device.


'「CastOff! ChangeBeetle!」'


The belt made a mechanical sound.


The boy withdrew his magical powers, pinned the Gundam toy and the flashlight behind his back, and walked towards the sinful half-faced doctor in three steps at a time. It doesn't matter, the half-faced doctor fell down as if he had been hit hard the moment he touched his toes, and the thing in his hand was thrown far away, looking like he was completely defeated and wiped out.

After the battle was over, the boy walked towards the girl who was still crouching with her head in her arms, but who had already watched the fight in a daze.

"Student, are you okay?" the boy asked gently.

"No, nothing." The girl shook her head.

"Can you move around?"

"It's okay, it's okay."

"Come on, give me your hand, and I'll take you out."

"You, wouldn't you be a 'ghost' too?" The girl was terrified.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, I am shining in the world with righteousness, how can I be that evil person?"

"Then you, who are you?"

"Call me, Red Scarf." The boy grinned.

Even in such a gloomy environment, the smile was handsome and calm that couldn't be concealed. The girl finally couldn't help it, and hugged the Unrivaled Kamen Rider who rode Gundam tightly in front of her with tears in her eyes.

While comforting her, the boy led her to turn left and right. Finally, the moment he opened a door, dawn suddenly fell, and bright sunlight poured on the girl. This horror movie finally came to an end. The tender ending song began to resound, and the female voice of Tian Lai sang slowly, and the hero and heroine lived hand in hand to the end to welcome the bright future.

The girl couldn't help turning her head and looked at the hero. He was wearing a student uniform with a belt on his face, and he had a gentle smile on his face, blending with the bright light, shining brightly, making people want to be intoxicated by his smile In the corner of the sunken mouth.

There was a tidal wave of applause from all directions, and a group of people dressed as Halloween professional candy beggers showed off and congratulated one after another.In the eyes of the girl, these people are like a group of relatives and friends who came to send flowers and shout at the wedding scene. In fact, she really saw relatives and friends.

The friend who came in with her but got lost halfway, the two reunited after the catastrophe, embraced excitedly.

"Why did you run away?" the girl said while crying.

"You use a catchphrase instead." My friend also said while crying.

Seeing this beautiful friendship, the boy nodded in relief.

"Congratulations! You are the first person to break through all the checkpoints today!" said a man with a handmade knife in his head.

"After realizing the hidden main line of the game through phone calls and newspaper news, I immediately went back to collect information again. It was really decisive!" said the person with a pig's intestines dragging on his stomach.

"Unlocked three legendary props in the first week, and finally easily defeated the doctor boss behind the scenes, which is really an eye-opener!" said the make-up master with two heads.

"You have unlocked the achievement of 'Shattering the Shadow Man'. According to regulations, you can choose one of the three secret treasures to take home. This is your reward!" the chief planner wearing glasses said enthusiastically .

"It's easy to say, easy to say." The boy shook hands with these people one by one, and also praised quite seriously, "Your haunted house is doing well! The entire floor is used, and there are unexpected events such as mysterious calls in the middle, and magazines and newspapers are also used. It is very immersive, the haunted house in Dongda is not so neat, it is quite exciting!"

"It's also supported by the school, willing to lend us this old school building, and as the producer of the game, I am very happy to meet an advanced player like you and pass the level in such a gorgeous way." The chief planner said .

"I wanted to explore again, but time is precious, and it's time for me to experience other projects." The boy said regretfully.

"Welcome anytime! Then reward you for choosing?"

"Just the one I'm wearing!"

It took a few minutes for the girl to end her chat with her friend. When she turned around to look for the male lead, she found a huge crowd and nowhere to look.


"Please have a cup of Qingcheng Peerless Snowflake Manwu, it's so delicious that it will burst into crimson red cold."

"Tai Yi, make him a cup of lemon black tea, remember to add ice."

Yin Ze walked in the troubled times with a drink in his hand.

Before Xiangyue sauce could take him to the cafeteria in the future, she was rushed away by the team. It seemed that their entire small team was still quite nervous. Therefore, they planned to continue rehearsing to maintain their state before the official performance.

Yin Ze also integrated into the group of high school students alone, walking around.The haunted house project I played before was really ingenious, interesting in conception, and exquisite in implementation. Even a person like him who has never been to a haunted house in an amusement park can't help but devote himself wholeheartedly after experiencing the unique game elements.

There are masters in the world.

Walking into the new teaching building, there are lively, lovely and energetic teenagers and girls everywhere.Especially in a certain classroom, the flow of passengers is particularly large. If you look carefully, the people who come and go are all maids wearing animal ears and long skirts.

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