oh?I finally saw it, the indispensable theme cafe in the campus festival!

Really have to taste one or two.

Yin Ze had a smile on his face. Compared with other timid students, he walked in with a very natural posture.With one hand in his pocket and water in the other, he looked around each maid slowly without lowering his eyes, with the temperament and confidence of Mr. Gao entering a casino.

"Hello, because of the large number of guests, there are no separate tables for the time being. If you want to eat, can you share a table?" A busy, authentic JK maid Xiao Pao said shyly.

"Yes." The boy was a little cold, the lemon tea was so sour.

"Thank you for your understanding, please follow me."

Yin Ze walked with the lovely maid in charge of the facade, and soon arrived at the destination.There was only one outsider in the seat.

His gray hair is slightly thinning, his fat body gradually loses sight of his neck, and his suit and thick-rimmed glasses reveal the wisdom of a scholar.

So men are still teenagers until they die, and in a maid café full of young people, this middle-aged and elderly fat man sits as firmly as Mount Tai, without any waves on his face. Maomao coffee tea, the posture of chatting with the maids is like an elegant nobleman enjoying afternoon tea in the manor.

It's really a good demeanor who is unwilling and dares to compete with the years.

"Excuse me, can I share a table with this guest?" the maid in charge of the facade asked softly.

The Mediterranean holding a strawberry-colored tea cup heard the words and turned back slowly.

The two looked straight at each other.

Yin Ze almost choked on his saliva.


Chapter 120 The Sacred Ritual

Although it is depressing and sad to be forced into a parallel world without even having time to say goodbye to relatives and friends, the man still feels that he is very lucky. At least he was born in a society ruled by law, and he has never warmed up under the overpass. No matter how poor the food is You can also see Hun Xing, and all you meet are kind and good people.

Among them, the homeroom teacher who shook the coffee table with his palm, the ruthless and iron-blooded principal, the dean with a bright forehead, and even the doctor in the card master's health room all impressed him deeply, and thanked him a lot.No matter how they behave, at least as educators, they really worry about and think about themselves. It is their encouragement and help that enables college students to squeeze into Chimen, get to know everyone in the literary world, and listen to Nobel Prize winners in their spare time. talk show.

After graduating from high school, the contact with teachers and teachers became less and less. Although Principal Koizumi thought that friendship between gentlemen is like water, he also thought about it. Now that his life is stable, he will go back sometime, treat guests to dinner, and have a good drink.

You know, how many sincere people are alienated and separated by time, best friends who skipped class together, after parting ways, changes in environment and identity will make each other more and more strange, and it will become more and more difficult to speak rashly A simple "Are you okay?"

In fact, feelings also need irrigation.

Yin Ze briefly imagined what it would be like when everyone got together and what they would talk about.Maybe the head teacher has become the grade teacher, maybe the principal who concealed body odor is married, maybe the head teacher has finally lost all his hair.People with noble sentiments like them meet at the dinner table, and they will definitely talk a lot, there will be poetry, there will be distance, there will be a passionate restart of the forty-year-old, and there will be enthusiasm for a new sunrise.

At least until this second, he believed so.

"Director, long time no see..." Yin Ze said hesitantly, "Are you okay?"

In fact, there is no need to ask such a question, just by looking at him, one can tell that he must be in a very comfortable mood.

The little old man is crossing his legs, stroking Shakespeare's works with his fingertips, and the wind blowing in from the window shakes his hair. It has reached the realm of Dacheng, which is both refined and popular.

"Okay, everything is fine." The dean replied kindly. After seeing him, he couldn't hold back his cheerful smile after seeing him. The purest fate. Come, sit down."

Yin Ze hesitated a little, but still took a stool and sat down.

"Hey, why are you wearing the clothes of the students of this school?" The dean looked at it a little, and joked, "Could it be that you still want to mix in? Meet the school girl?"

"The two of us are pretty much the same... At the director's age, don't you feel uncomfortable coming to this kind of place?" Yin Ze had sharp eyes and found the commemorative shirt under the little old man's suit jacket.

"Don't get me wrong, I just have people I know here, so I came here to see how they are doing." The dean explained without haste.

"Why are you still hiding it? It's not something to be ashamed of. What's wrong with visiting a maid cafe? Who can blame you? We are guests, not spies. We are aboveboard." Yin Ze naturally raised his phone and cut Take out the camera, "Smile, it's a rare encounter, I'll take a photo to commemorate, and send it to the principal by the way, so that he can have fun too."

"...I'm really here to support you." The dean was speechless.

"I don't believe you, I just want to open the eyes of the school leaders." After taking two photos, Yin Ze bowed his head to order, wrote what he wanted on a sticky note, greeted the maid, and handed the order go out.

Not long after, the signature classic theme omurice was served.The egg skin is bright in color, the portion is sufficient, and it is full of benefits and kindness that cannot be bought in normal restaurants.The ketchup draws a simple smiling face on the soft egg skin.

"So fast?" Yin Ze was amazed by the efficiency and hurriedly reached out to take it.

"This is mine." The dean said quietly.

"Oh, that's a student and I overstepped." Yin Ze pushed the job bowl over.

The dean closed the Shakespeare reader.It seems that the cover is still in English.

The little old man straightened his clothes, pulled out a clean handkerchief from his chest like a magic trick, tied it on his chest with a sense of ritual, first sipped milk tea, and then held a knife in one hand and a fork in the other. The table manners were extremely upright, Quite the demeanor of an old British gentleman, very classy.

"You can't eat it yet~" The maid who was waiting aside with her hands folded in front of her spoke at the right time.

"Why?" The dean was puzzled.

"Because no magic has been applied~" The maid clenched her fists and waved them cutely.

The smile on the face of the skilled educator gradually disappeared, and the smile of a college student who was watching gradually widened.

"It's okay if you don't need it? From a scientific point of view, it's just a few lines, it's impossible for a miracle to happen, let alone let this omelet emit a dazzling white light." The dean coughed lightly.

"That's a mistake. The reason why omelet rice can last for a long time in maid cafes is not the taste itself, but the humanistic spirit and rich history deposited on the plate. This is a dreamy magic. It needs the joint efforts of the maid and the guests to realize it and activate its value." Yin Ze rested his hands on his chin, and said in a deep voice, "The omelet rice is still incomplete, and you can only be born if you get your sincerity. Can't the director listen? Do you hear the cry of its childish anticipation that it wants to come into this world?"

"Come on, I, Yamayanagi, are the backbone of a school. I supervise the principal, supervise the students, and take charge of enrollment and discipline. I have worked hard for 30 years. I have been full of peaches and plums in Tokyo. When I was young, I was respected for my strict and rigorous teaching style. It's the 'Evil Ghost Willow'." The dean sneered, "Although I have cultivated myself and become kind and kind, it doesn't mean that I will be flattering, let alone in this sacred classroom, I advise you to be cautious in your words and deeds!"

"The reason why the campus festival makes people feel youthful is because the students are the main body. It is all because of the trust and letting go of the teachers that every student's youth will not leave regrets and be remembered for life. In vain, the director has been a social gardener for so many years. But he is still so bureaucratic, he doesn't let go of his airs at all, and he doesn't want to mingle with the students at all. Do you know how much the students in this class have prepared for today? How much time did they spend? How long did they study in the regular Akihabara maid shop? Is it?" Yin Ze said sadly.

"Could it be that you know?" the dean was puzzled.

"I don't know!" the man said firmly.


"You don't need to know." Yin Ze said affectionately, "Just their thoughtful service, just-right smiles, and never-slack spirit can already appreciate the weight of sweat. As a teacher, as a guest, you should cooperate , to help them serve an omurice perfectly, after all, they may not be maids in the future, this may be the only chance in their life, as the so-called life hangs!"


The little old man looked up tentatively, and then saw the maid waiting for him with a sweet smile in an absolutely standard business style.The dean's face immediately turned blue and handed over, his heart was at war with heaven and man, and his forehead was covered with dense sweat.

Finally, a long sigh.

He tore off the handkerchief in front of his skirt, and lowered his head resignedly, "Since it is for the youth of the students, there is no room for shrinking."

"Okay, you are indeed a role model among teachers." Yin Ze applauded lightly.

"Then please come with me~"

The maid with the twin ponytails waited for a long time, and started bouncing slightly on the spot, and turned around in a clumsy circle. Immediately, she made a love gesture with her fair hands on her chest, and at the same time tilted her head to wink, the lovely concentration in the air Straight up.

"Let's become delicious, let's become delicious, cute, cute, Q! Hey! (<>

After the teaching director finished appreciating it, he immediately knew that he had underestimated the difficulty, and he wanted to quit.

"Director, come on." Yin Ze clenched his fists.

"Master, come on!" The maid kept her posture.

The dean was silent for a few seconds, and reluctantly raised his hands tremblingly.

"Becoming Delicious..."

"The more emotional you are, the more youthful your voice is. Think back to the time when you were in full bloom." Yin Ze enthusiastically played the role of sound supervisor and directed acting skills.

"Become delicious, let's go, don't take it, don't take it..." The dean showed no emotion, and squeezed out word by word.

"Cute, cute." The maid blinked her eyes and corrected her kindly.

"Cute, cute, pick, eh, eh..." The dean got stuck at this step.

"Come on, it will be successful soon!"

Long stillness.

The little old man gritted his teeth.


The level of understanding of human civilization is only lower than that of the owner of the life corridor. The previous generation of Tokyo Renli Envoy, the former history teacher admired by countless students, still made a distorted gesture of love on his chest, and at the same time tilted his head like a puppet. , the right eye blinked twice as if twitching, sacrificed the soul and dignity, and completed the pink sacred ceremony.

"Thank you for your cooperation!" The maid's dedication to work is far beyond the man's imagination. Even in such a scene, she still did not collapse, but the traces of holding back her laughter gradually became obvious. There were bursts of undisguised good laughter.

"Just pass it once, as expected of you." Yin Ze clasped his fists in admiration.

The dean didn't respond for a while, he just kept that weird posture for a few seconds, and then slowly returned to his position.It's just that there is more or less a little brilliance in the wise eyes.

"Director, the omelet rice is finished, enjoy it while it's hot." Yin Ze reminded.

As soon as he finished speaking, the man immediately felt the freezing air from Siberia. It is worth mentioning that this piercing cold did not come from the director who had just successfully persecuted him.

It's behind the defenseless and full of loopholes.

Murderous? !And so close!When exactly?Yin Ze was shocked.

The teaching director had just died for a few seconds, and immediately came back to life, but it was not revenge, but the panic of facing the disaster directly, and everything was over.

"Grandfather, what were you doing just now?" A cold voice came from behind.

Yin Ze turned his head immediately, and was forced to fall back due to the strong aura.

A maid with beautiful black hair stood there Tingting.

The dress is quite elegant, pure Victorian style, the black skirt covers the calf and almost drags the floor, like a black and cold rose standing quietly.

Her demeanor was not sweet at all, but indifferent and serious on the contrary, as if she was really the head maid in a noble mansion, who served the noble prince and treated the newcomers very strictly.

This, isn't this the study committee member who went to Xiangyuejiang's house to hold a study meeting?

The man's memory gave the identity answer in seconds.

"Grandfather, what were you doing just now?" The black maid just repeated indifferently.

"No, uh, this, I'm just helping the children with the work of the school festival." The dean stumbled to his feet, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and hurriedly packed up the books, "By the way, I suddenly remembered that the TV at home was not turned off, so if this continues , It’s time for NHK to break in and charge you, Takizawa, let’s chat next time when I have time, I’m leaving today.”

"Haven't you finished the meal you ordered? Are you trying to waste food?" the black maid said lightly.

As if pardoned by Yan Ling, the dean sat back silently, raised his knife and fork, and ate gracefully.

The black maid looked away.

"Director, I remembered that the clothes at home have not been confiscated. The weather is likely to rain heavily. Let's chat when we have time." Yin Ze covered his face, and his voice came from between his fingers, wanting to say goodbye at the speed of light.

"Xiangyue's 'brother', your meal is ready and it's being delivered." The black maid said lightly.

"Can I refund the order?" Yin Ze still covered his face and asked.

"It's in vain for you to be the bearer of humanism, and still wear this commemorative uniform. You go back on the spot. You don't know how to do what you say, and you don't want to mingle with the students at all. Do you know how many pots the chef in the home economics classroom has cooked for your meal? ?” The dean raised his head to give chase, and after feeling the girl’s gaze, he immediately lowered his head to eat again.

"I haven't seen the director for a long time. Let's sit down and wait again." Yin Ze's butt also returned to its original position.

Not long after, the second omelet was delivered.

Yin Ze raised his head and looked at the maid who delivered the food, almost choking on his saliva again.


The maid holding the plate was also stunned for a moment, and it took a few seconds for her to react. She remembered her current attire, and her cheeks suddenly became hot. She approached awkwardly, "Guest, you, your meal is here."

"...Thank you." Yin Ze remained calm despite being shocked. He took the plate and was about to walk out the door.

"Where are you going?" the dean asked.

"The feng shui here is not good, I'll squat by the door to eat." The man nodded.

"It doesn't matter, but the omurice is not finished yet." The dean said sinisterly, "Don't you want to perform that sacred ceremony? Do you want to ignore the life of others?"


Chapter 120 Two Ten Thousand Waves Game

Maid costumes come from the domestic servant costumes of European aristocrats in the 19th century. Especially when attending certain events and parties, in order to show the aristocratic spirit, the servants must wear uniforms with family logos, so that the master’s family is more brand-name. noodle.

In recent years, this costume has become well-known thanks to the popularity of Japanese game animation works. In this sense, it is more reasonable that maid costumes should not be classified as clothing, but should be classified as anime peripherals...

The study committee members wear traditional clothes, which is obviously orthodox in medieval Europe, but it is also the evil way of the theme cafe.White-collar black one-piece long dress coat with ruffled apron, the only decoration is a headscarf and a ribbon bow on the chest.The style is extremely simple and inconspicuous, with only two palms exposed.People have to feel that the nobles back then really didn't understand sentiment.

The maid standing next to her is the classic Akihabara style, the color is orange and red, with a small amount of blue and purple embellishment, the visual appeal is first raised by countless indices, the length of the skirt is shortened, and the exposed legs 60D white combed cotton stockings, round-toed leather shoes, and a pair of cat ears on the headdress. For the sake of complementing the personality and attributes, he also wears non-prescribing plain glasses, adding a large dose of natural and simple.

It's very exciting, but it's a pity that the object is an acquaintance, so it's inevitable that it's a bit weird to look at it directly...

"Then please come with me~"

Mari Haneda obviously feels the same way, so the business smile is a bit off balance.Her equipment is more complete, and there is a magic wand with angel wings, which is sliding in the air.

"Sweeter than cream, sweeter than honey, let the seeds of hope take root in the promised land! Bear light yellow fruits, scatter white wings, soar over the broken earth! Breathe~ Fox Fox~ Powerful, invincible, super delicious !Boom Boom variable (<>

Mari Haneda kept the posture of scissors hands in front of her eyes, waiting for someone to follow up.

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